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Active member
Yeah, you could transport the poppies elsewhere and make tea with the pods but not opium.
To attempt to make opium sap would have to be collected while the plant is alive, not after being harvested.
Another example of cops not having any idea WTF they are talking about.

Green Squall

Well-known member
Idiot didn't even give himself a chance. Never admit anything!!

Your all correct about opium coming from the raw latex of live plants, but I have read about people making an "opium like substance" with dried pods. Lots of boiling, mashing, extracting, etc etc. I've also read about people making a tincture this way. Obviously not true opium, but it is possible to make an illicit substance.

Still, doing something like this is not worth it and only an moron would attempt it.

Green Squall

Well-known member
I thought opium is the raw sap and the chemical extraction is morphine?

Pretty sure the raw opium is processed. This is what I remember from Martin Booth's book...

Your bring water to a certain temperature, add raw opium, stir until all the solubles are dissolved, strain, dry and you have smokable opium.

I think it said you can smoke it raw but it is more harsh and less pleasurable.
oh wow and that was a narcotic officer not some park ranger hahaha

theres a bit more to the process but yes some people smoke it 'right off the bat'


Two South Carolina men charged after forcing alligator to drink beer

Two South Carolina men charged after forcing alligator to drink beer

CNN)Two South Carolina men each face a harassment charge after pictures surfaced on social media showing them pouring beer down the throat of an alligator, authorities said.
Joseph Andrew Floyd Jr., 20, and Zachary Lloyd Brown, 21, both of Ridgeland, are accused of harassing wildlife, the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources said in a news release.
The incident took place on Wednesday in Jasper County, located in the coastal region in the southernmost part of the state.
The men admitted to investigators that they picked up the juvenile alligator after they saw it crossing a road, forced beer down its throat and watched it swim away in a nearby pond, according to the release.
Pictures posted on social media alerted officials the next day.
"We started receiving a lot of e-mails and phone calls about this. People had taken screen shots from Snapchat accounts," the agency's spokeswoman Kyndel McConchie told CNN.
In one of the six photos obtained by CNN from authorities, the alligator's neck is being squeezed and a beer can is pressed against its snout. The text on the photo says "Gator Shotgun."
Other photos show beer being dripped into its mouth while its neck is held tightly. Another picture shows smoke being blown onto the face of the gator.
Besides the state misdemeanor charge of harassing wildlife, Floyd and Brown also face a maximum fine of $300.
There is federal protection in place to ensure alligators are legally harvested for international trade. But for a case like this, no federal protection applies, the Department of Natural Resources said.
"Alligators are protected under state law and even federal law where they are still listed as threatened solely due to their similarity of appearance to other endangered crocodilians worldwide," SCDNR Alligator Program Coordinator Jay Butfiloski added.


Active member
Yeah, you could transport the poppies elsewhere and make tea with the pods but not opium.
To attempt to make opium sap would have to be collected while the plant is alive, not after being harvested.
Another example of cops not having any idea WTF they are talking about.

collecting the sap is traditionally the preferred method because it gives the most concentrated starting material but a lot is left behind in the pods. I don't know for certain but i'd bet modern drug manufacturers use whole pods to start with because there's much more volume of precursors to work with. the main chemicals in the raw pod are opium and unacetilated (spelling) morphine. but there's also a myriad of other opium derivatives in there. pod tea is the worst opiate to try to get off of, takes FOREVER compared to others because of how long the half life is and that it's such a cocktail of different opiates.


Well-known member

Green Squall

Well-known member
Only in Maine

Only in Maine

Maine Man Who Was Denied Assistance at City Office Releases About 100 Bedbugs on Counter

A Maine man who was angry he didn't qualify for assistance slammed a cup of live bedbugs Friday on the counter of a local municipal office and released around 100 of the tiny pests, the Kennebec Journal reports.

The man went to the code enforcement office earlier Friday to complain about bedbugs at his former apartment before leaving and later returning after he showed the cup of the bugs to a manager at his new apartment and was told he couldn't live there.
Bed bugs thrown on counter inside City Center in Augusta by man, the city manager says (image ctsy: City Manager William Bridgeo) pic.twitter.com/u39Ouzs1vJ
— Ted Homer WGME (@teddyhomernews) June 2, 2017
When he returned to the Augusta City Center, he was told he did not qualify for assistance.

"He whipped out a cup (full of live bedbugs) and slammed it on the counter, and bam, off they flew, maybe 100 of them," City Manager William Bridgeo told the newspaper.

Some of the bugs landed on an employee on the other side of the counter. The incident forced officials to close the city office for the rest of the day as exterminators were called in to kill the bugs.
It is not known if charges will be filed.
"They're your problem, now!" yells man as he dumps cup of bed bugs at Augusta city hall, forcing the building to shut down, employee says pic.twitter.com/PVQ9D5GGwp
— Ted Homer WGME (@teddyhomernews) June 2, 2017


Well-known member
I smell some BS with that story…bed bugs don’t fly.
"He whipped out a cup (full of live bedbugs) and slammed it on the counter, and bam, off they flew, maybe 100 of them," City Manager William Bridgeo told the newspaper.


Well-known member
Is that your pic noyd?I hear kangaroos are not to be fucked with.the claws can tear your throat open right?I'm sure a wild pig could win.or maybe not.don't know.that's why im asking


Well-known member
Is that your pic noyd?I hear kangaroos are not to be fucked with.the claws can tear your throat open right?I'm sure a wild pig could win.or maybe not.don't know.that's why im asking

a big gray male could cave your chest in with a solid kick. motherfuckers lean back, balance on their tail & "BOOM!" fuck that noise. if i was that dog i'd find something simpler to deal with. like, maybe a koala or something...:)