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two really good idea's.


bloke in oz on meth towing trailer with water tank:biggrin: lol got booked for a few things.


Local police department offering to test your meth for gluten for free

Local police department offering to test your meth for gluten for free

TECUMSEH, Okla. – A local police department is offering to test your meth for gluten.

The Tecumseh Police Department is taking advantage of America’s gluten-free fad in a very interesting way.

Monday morning, the department posted to Facebook, asking people to bring their meth to the Tecumseh Police Department to be tested for gluten.

“Public Services Announcement –
The Tecumseh Police Department is offering FREE testing for gluten laced meth. Please bring your meth to the Tecumseh Police Department for your FREE test.”

Many who saw the post found it quite humorous.

Within three hours, the post was shared more than 160 times.

Other law enforcement agencies from across the country have done similar things over the past few years.

Two years ago, the Kiowa County Sheriff’s Office took out an ad in the local news paper, inviting drug dealers to rat out their rivals.


New Brunswick RCMP to implement mandatory roadside semen samples under new marijuana

New Brunswick RCMP to implement mandatory roadside semen samples under new marijuana

New Brunswick RCMP to implement mandatory roadside semen samples under new marijuana legislation

Fredericton — In preparation for the Trudeau government’s proposed legalization of marijuana, New Brunswick’s top RCMP officer, Assistant Commissioner Larry Tremblay, confirmed this week that his force has plans to collect mandatory roadside semen samples as a method of catching impaired drivers.

“With alcohol we have the breathalyzer test, it’s accurate and reliable,” said Tremblay, “for marijuana the breathalyzer technology simply doesn’t work, so we’ve been investigating alternatives.”

One of those alternatives, semen samples, is supported by results from researchers at the University of New Brunswick. In a report of preliminary findings, Dr. Jose Canterbury wrote: “Because the body produces semen on demand, THC (the active ingredient in marijuana) measurements from on-the-spot samples of drivers’ semen are more reliable than any other method of testing.”

Addressing concerns about invasion of privacy and sexism, Tremblay affirmed, “We’re just following the science on this one, nothing political here; men commit 89 percent of impaired driving offences, and if this is the best technique with the most accurate readings, then we’re going to give it a try.”

Recognizing that this could be uncomfortable for people, Tremblay agreed that such a measure could “…ruin a first date, create painful embarrassment for someone driving with their parents, make things difficult at work for colleagues who carpool, or introduce an unexpected element to a weekend hunting trip. But to me, these all serve as potent deterrents for anyone thinking of driving while high.”

Tremblay did note that his officers were still developing plans for implementation, including a procedural handbook outlining the logistics of obtaining a roadside sample, what assistance may be provided to nervous motorists (including both generic Viagra and a government-approved pornographic pamphlet), and guidelines prohibiting the enforcement measure within 500 metres of a school or playground.

“Bottom line is,” Tremblay finished, “if we have reasonable suspicion, then we’ll be ordering a sample on the spot. Our members will be trained to assist if necessary, and are happy to do so in both official languages.”



Active member
^ there are no invasions occurring ^ keep moving on people. nothing to see here... as a law enforcement officer forcibly jacks off another man to gain samples.... forced ejaculation would be the poor guys defense on the receiving end... He Made Me do it and he was not even my type!!!