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Green Squall

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‘The Watcher’ sent another creepy letter to NJ couple, lawyer says

‘The Watcher’ sent another creepy letter to NJ couple, lawyer says


The owners of a New Jersey home have received a fourth creepy letter from a letter-writing weirdo known as “The Watcher.”

A lawyer for Derek and Maria Broaddus of Westfield told a judge in court papers the letter arrived Feb. 20.

The letter contained specific threats and was "more derogatory and sinister than any of the previous letters," lawyer Lee Levitt said in court papers filed in early March, NJ.com reported.

Westfield police declined to comment on the latest letter, citing an ongoing investigation.

Broaddus and his wife say they can’t live in their six-bedroom home because of the letters.

The first three arrived in 2014 after they bought the home for $1.3 million.

One asked the couple, who have children, if they brought him the “young blood” he requested.

They sued the prior owners of the house in June 2015, claiming that they also received a letter from "The Watcher" but never disclosed it. That family has since countersued, stating that the letter they received was not threatening and alleging that they were defamed.

Broaddus and his wife say the stalker has a "mentally disturbed fixation claim” on the home.

They are also suing Westfield because the town's planning board rejected their plan to raze the house and subdivide the land so they could build two houses.

“The Watcher” said in a letter that the house has been watched by his grandfather in the 1920s and his father in the 1960s.

“I have been put in charge of watching and waiting for its second coming,” the letter said.

^^^This last part had me laughing my ass off!!


Active member

Plan to Clean Up NYC Subways by Removing Trashcans Fails

The geniuses running New York City wanted to reduce the amount of trash in the subways, and thereby the vast number of rats feeding on it. They settled on a brilliant solution.

Where do you find trash? In a trashcan, right? So get rid of the trashcans, and you get rid of the trash.

Inexplicably, this flawless scheme failed:

Attempts by New York City to remove trash cans from subway stops in a bid to reduce trash and rats have officially failed, local Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) officials admitted Wednesday.

MTA ended the 6-year-long program after two separate audits found it only increased the amount of garbage in stations and caused more track fires.


NYC subway tracks.


waiting at bus stop mum took a shot and noticed the snake, eastern brown, lucky.


everything need be balance..

i see on that picture from noyd, grandma on balcony, shes calm..

you can say im ecologist, i hate devastate, when people waste resources, food, etc.. and send poison in air, water and ground.. its sad but this is the true..


Hawaiian Inebriatti
If a shark lands in your driveway, do not go out to see if it's OK.
That's how they get you. :D


biggest haul of ice in oz, 900 kg. new xray machines .ice hidden between timber fittings.


Man In Drunk Lives Matter Shirt Charged With Drunken Driving

Man In Drunk Lives Matter Shirt Charged With Drunken Driving


NEWVILLE, Pa. (KDKA/AP) – Police in Pennsylvania say they arrested a man wearing a Drunk Lives Matter shirt for drunken driving.

Police say 44-year-old Elwood Gutshall III’s blood-alcohol content was .217, which is about two and a half times the state’s legal limit for drivers when he was pulled over early on March 19 in Newville.

He was wearing a green St. Patrick’s Day shirt with the saying on it.

Online court records don’t list an attorney for Gutshall, who faces a preliminary hearing May 26.

He is facing a list of charges including, DUI Highest Rate, driving under DUI suspension, and traffic violations.

Nobody answered the phone at his home Wednesday.


Man accused of chasing family member with hatchet

Man accused of chasing family member with hatchet

Looks innocent to me...

An Ohio man pleaded not guilty to chasing a family member with a hatchet in Toledo Municipal Court on Friday.

Noel E. Dawson, Jr. was charged with assault and domestic violence, both first-degree misdemeanors. He was also charged with criminal damaging, a second-degree misdemeanor, as well as failure to disclose personal information, a fourth-degree misdemeanor.

Municipal Court Judge Robert Christiansen set a $50,000 bond earlier this week.

Dawson allegedly chased a family member with a hatchet, swinging it at him. He hit the man's truck instead.

A large dent was left in the vehicle's hood.

Police say Dawson refused to give officers any personal information and shouted curse words at them.



South Dakota man gets $190 fine for snake without leash

South Dakota man gets $190 fine for snake without leash

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) — A man who was fined for allowing his pet snake to slither freely in a South Dakota park said an animal control officer suggested he use a leash to restrain the reptile.

Jerry Kimball said he initially thought the recommendation was a joke because it was April Fool's Day when he was fined $190 and ticketed last week for "animals running at large," told the Argus Leader (http://argusne.ws/2oMstxK ).

"He was literally asking me to put a rope around my snake," Kimball said. "I was like, 'Dude, no.' I was dumbfounded."

Kimball was approached by the officer after a woman complained that his Fire Bee Ball Python was roaming freely at Falls Park in Sioux Falls.

Animal Control Supervisor Julie DeJong said a city ordinance requires all pets to be leashed or restrained in public. She said pet snakes can be held or kept in a container to comply.

"If it's in public and it's not on a leash, it's at large. The ordinance doesn't really distinguish between animals," she said.

DeJong added that snake lovers should be more sensitive to the aversion many people feel toward the animal. While non-venomous snakes are legal to own, not all park visitors will welcome a python in a park.

But Kimball said he considers it his mission to rid the public's fear of snakes.

"That's my purpose in life: To let people know that snakes aren't killers," he said. "What better way to give back than to help people understand these misunderstood creatures?"

Kimball said he plans to fight the ticket in court.

Bud Green

I dig dirt
Weird - Wacky - Not so Funny News...

Big deal Bruce... Now please go away and stay of out of the newspapers...

You used to be a hero to millions of Americans... not so much anymore..
This is a far cry from your great achievements 40 years ago...



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