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weeds on showtime Beware:Could be spoiler info

Sheriff Bart said:
big things at 17 lol!!!!
where the fuck are your priorities man, kid should be reading books still
growin is a hobby still

LOL your prolly right, but if I was givin the opportunities like that at 17 I cant say I would turn it down.


Active member
I liked the show at first. When we first meet Nancy, she's a newly widowed mother selling a little pot to support her kids. You can't help but root for her. Just a few episodes later, she's recruited her teenager to fill light bags? Also, she seems strangely unperturbed that her erstwhile boyfriend has been murdered. Early on, you sympathize with her--but very quickly, she becomes someone you don't care for at all.

Too bad her character turned into such an asshole...I would have kept watching had the show not devolved into something pretty bad, pretty fast.
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natural medicator
loved the lunch tray scene with shane!

i was rollin after that one.

I think the show becomes entertaining once you stop trying to think of it as a show centered around cannabis and start thinking of it as a show that sometime mentions cannabis in a not so negative way.

rudolf: no more omar?


New member
I wish Conrad was still around, yes, but I disagree that Weeds 'sux'. IMO it is hot, hot, hot!

I was a little disappointed because I thought Guillermo was pretty sexy, when Nancy dissed him . . . But the mayor is SO much hotter! I think Nancy is in love! But they will either have to get married or one of them will have to become 'in charge' We'll see! Notice they both have hot college pedigrees! What does he mean when he says he is 'the table'. Officially he only owns a few hotels and 2 zoos, surely there is a bigger story in Mexico than that (?)

Celia needs to get fired! She is doing such a bad job and now embezzling? I am surprised the guy in the back didn't just fire her on the spot. I am sure he could find someone to do a better job. And Puh-leaze! Celia doesn't know what Cocaine is???


NPK said:
I liked the show at first. When we first meet Nancy, she's a newly widowed mother selling a little pot to support her kids. You can't help but root for her. Just a few episodes later, she's recruited her teenager to fill light bags? Also, she seems strangely unperturbed that her erstwhile boyfriend has been murdered. Early on, you sympathize with her--but very quickly, she becomes someone you don't care for at all.

Too bad her character turned into such an asshole...I would have kept watching had the show not devolved into something pretty bad, pretty fast.

I think the quality of all of the characters has degraded over the seasons. For instance, I used to find Shane likeable and humorous, but now he's just some wierd kid who doesn't talk much. The character lost it's depth and charm.

I found the first season fantastic. Entertaining, different, and just a good, enjoyable, comedic story. The second season wasn't half bad either, but then it went down hill. The story gets less and less about what the show was founded on.

Nancy as a character, just doesn't make sense anymore. Her decisions and motives are rediculous and random. It almost makes here feel non human. She doesnt do what any real person would do. The plot gets less and less swallowable, and the writers seem to be going for that "lets just think up the must rediculous, over the top, non believable thing we can, and call it an episode of Weeds"

Nancy went from a naive housewife and mother who was doing what she had to do, to a huge ass with no respect for anything. I think the 'soul' of all of the characters died a year or two ago.. and the whole show has become redundant and over the top for the sake of being over the top.

Having said all of that, I do still watch Weeds out of habit, or perhaps a small hope that it will return to its former self, or maybe for the few bits in each episode that I still enjoy.

Big Bud Bear

Grow your own, and you got the best bone
Lemon said:
I think the quality of all of the characters has degraded over the seasons. For instance, I used to find Shane likeable and humorous, but now he's just some wierd kid who doesn't talk much. The character lost it's depth and charm.

I found the first season fantastic. Entertaining, different, and just a good, enjoyable, comedic story. The second season wasn't half bad either, but then it went down hill. The story gets less and less about what the show was founded on.

Nancy as a character, just doesn't make sense anymore. Her decisions and motives are rediculous and random. It almost makes here feel non human. She doesnt do what any real person would do. The plot gets less and less swallowable, and the writers seem to be going for that "lets just think up the must rediculous, over the top, non believable thing we can, and call it an episode of Weeds"

Nancy went from a naive housewife and mother who was doing what she had to do, to a huge ass with no respect for anything. I think the 'soul' of all of the characters died a year or two ago.. and the whole show has become redundant and over the top for the sake of being over the top.

Having said all of that, I do still watch Weeds out of habit, or perhaps a small hope that it will return to its former self, or maybe for the few bits in each episode that I still enjoy.


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
Can u say coluseum,and AN containers???????wtf is silas doin'?.....be back later

Cali smoke


LMAO @ Andy, "Un-Uh, not this time way outa my kink zone"

Not Francy "Did you ever?.?.?"

Andy "No No Way, my mom was not hot she had flappy arms"



New member
Okay, I am the crazy dork on the Weeds thread but I thought tonights episode was HOT! I really thought that her boyfriend was going to diss her, but in the end, he didn't!

My real question is: WTH are they doing in the preview for next episode??? Peyote??? An 'unconventional medicine'??? Please, if you have any guesses, weigh in!


what the fuck was that shit silas was growing clones in? someone please educate me...it looked like it would yield 10 grams or something :-/
I cant remember what its called.....but 'so quick' from the old OG boards had a device very similar. And it yeilded a bit more then 10 grams. lol

Its a cylindrical unit that houses a large number of plants and has a 'cool tube' with 2-3 HIDS that hang vertical inside the chamber.

The doors close on them....the pic above has it open....