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Well-known member
Daily updates available at: https://understandingwar.org


Key Takeaways
  • Russian forces continue to make steady territorial gains around Mariupol and are increasingly targeting residential areas of the city.
  • Ukrainian forces northwest of Kyiv launched several local counterattacks and inflicted heavy damage on Russian forces.
  • Ukrainian forces repelled Russian operations around Kharkiv and reported killing a regimental commander.
  • Ukrainian intelligence reports that Russia may have expended nearly its entire store of precision cruise missiles in the first twenty days of its invasion.
  • Russian forces deployed unspecified reserve elements of the 1st Guards Tank Army and Baltic Fleet Naval Infantry to northeastern Ukraine on March 17.
  • Russia may be parceling out elements of the reserve force that could conduct an amphibious operation along the Black Sea coast to support ongoing assaults on Mariupol, further reducing the likelihood of a Russian amphibious assault on Odesa.
  • Ukrainian forces shot down 10 Russian aircraft—including five jets, three helicopters, and two UAVs—on March 16, and Ukrainian forces continue to successfully contest Russian air operations.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Hahahah. Okay man. That’s why breakthroughs are super rare.

They stopped being rare since Omicron and now Stealth Omicron. When it was the original virus breakthrough infection for vaccinated people was virtually non-existent. When Delta came on the scene it happened a little more often but was still extremely rare and if you did develop a breakthrough infection after vaccination your risk of ending up in intensive care or of dying was extremely unlikely. Then when Omicron and stealth Omicron came on the seen while still infrequent the were more cases of breakthrough infections then with previous variants but you were still better off if you had been vaccinated or developed natural immunity. But go ahead, keep on laughing given enough time and opportunity it will mutate into a form that isn't protected from by vaccines or natural immunity and that will put the world back at square one. At which point the governments will be much more incentivized to actually force people to be locked down and/or vacinated with threats of incarceration for those who refuse to cooperate. Kind of like they're already doing now in China.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
He can hold his own, I'm sure

Well these people all get their info from the same source as Three berries there so by his logic that means Q is an idiot, which that is the first thing he has come close to saying that I would agree with and therefore since he listens to and believes Q who is an idiot because the Dallas idiots listen to and believe him, then that means Three Berries is finally recognizing he's an idiot too. Of course true to his idiotic nature he's not going to realize this means he should stop listening to Q.


Active member
Says the self described propagandist.

Watch the video of it. Isn't that what you posted?

Maybe you didn't feel the video footage was dramatic enough to accompany your "hypersonic missile" propaganda?

I watched that video now and sure, it looks funny with Nazis running around like chickens. The video I posted did not show impact, only flight.

I’m sure they can equip that things with other types of munitions than bunker busters, such as nuclear warheads and so on. No need to get dramatic.


...como el Son...
In the last article I link, in which an analysis is made (from the point of view of the Polisario and the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic) about the last and surprising change of pro-Moroccan position of the social-democratic part (of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party - PSOE) majority in the current coalition with socialists and communists that governs Spain, the analyst writes that one of the several reasons for this change is to avoid future military conflicts with Morocco in North African Spain. In it, the analyst believes that one of the various reasons for this turnaround is to avoid future military conflicts with Morocco in North African Spain, and cites the last military incident / "casus belli" between the two nations (2002). This was on the verge of triggering a war in the western Mediterranean. "Small" incidents of this type could trigger an escalation that could reach Algeria, Mauritania and/or France, in addition to the Saharawis:

Incidente de Parsley Island :
Conflicto armado entre España y Marruecos :

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Perejil (in Arabic , ليلى or تورا , Laila ; in Berber , Tura) is an uninhabited islet in territorial dispute between Spain and Morocco . It is located in the Strait of Gibraltar (between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean), about 250 meters from the mainland coast of Africa and about 8 kilometers northwest of the urban core of the Spanish city of Ceuta.

The Perejil Island Incident was an armed conflict between Spain and Morocco, the first free one in the 21st century by both countries, [ 1 ] developed between July 11 and 20, 2002. The casus belli was the military occupation of the island of Perejil by a prey crew of the Royal Navy of Morocco . After an exchange of declarations between the two countries, the Spanish troops finally evicted the Moroccan marines who had relieved the sailors.

The Perejil Island crisis was a bloodless armed conflict between Spain and Morocco that took place from July 11 to 20, 2002. The incident took place on the small, uninhabited island of Perejil, when a squadron of the Royal Moroccan Navy occupied it. After an exchange of declarations between the two countries, the Spanish troops finally dislodged the Moroccan infantry that had relieved their fellow Marines.
Conflictos hispano-marroquíes
Parte de las relaciones internacionales entre España y Marruecos
11-22 de julio de 2002
isla del perejil
35°54′50″N 5°25′08″O / 35,91388889 , -5,41888889
Ocupación militar de la isla por la Armada de Marruecos
victoria española
Status quo ante bellum : acuerdo para que la isleta permanezca deshabitada, sin la presencia de ninguna autoridad civil o militar y sin símbolos de soberanía
48 soldados
Pilotos de helicópteros y cazas
Marineros de la Armada
Oficiales de la Guardia Civil
12 infantes de marina
una herida menor12 prisioneros
[ editar datos en Wikidata ]
Antecedentes Editar

Isla de Perejil ( Spanish : Isla de Perejil , Arabic : تورة , Romanized : Tūra ) is a small rocky island under disputed sovereignty and about the size of 15 soccer fields, located 250 meters (270 yards) from Morocco and 8 kilometers (5.0 miles) from the Spanish city of Ceuta , which borders Morocco, and 13.5 kilometers (8.4 miles) from mainland Spain. The island itself is uninhabited, rarely visited by Moroccan shepherds and Spanish fishermen or Spanish marine biologists.

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Escalation of the diplomatic tension :

The occupation of the island of Perejil was preceded by an escalation of tension in diplomatic relations between Spain and Morocco since the accession to the throne of Mohammed VI in 2001, an unfriendly diplomatic gesture.
The reasons for the occupation of the island have not been officially communicated by the Moroccan authorities, but the gendarmes involved claimed to be part of an anti-drug operation. In spite of this, certain facts could be behind the Moroccan actions: [ 1 ]
The Moroccan claim to Spanish territories in Africa. [ 2 ]
The Spanish government's support for the census of Saharawis conducted by MINURSO and for the plan to resolve the Western Sahara dispute , which the new king thought of as "Aznar's betrayal ".
Fishing agreements and their cancellation. Morocco asked for practically the same economic retribution for fishing in its waters (90 million euros per month); but to reduce 80% of the vessels and to change the way of hiring them.
An attempt was made to resolve relations through diplomatic channels: first, Morocco sent two ministers after Aznar's statement, according to which the cancellation of the fishing agreements "would have consequences"; and also from the Spanish side, among which the visit of the then opposition leader José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero stands out.

Moroccan occupation :

Tensions increased on July 11, 2002, when Morocco occupied the island. Twelve soldiers of the Royal Moroccan Gendarmerie landed on the island, equipped with light weapons, a radio and several tents. The soldiers raised their nation's flag and set up camp. A Spanish Civil Guard patrol boat, in charge of coastguard service in Spain, approached the island from Ceuta for its routine check, when the crew saw the Moroccan flag flying. The officers disembarked to investigate the problem. When they landed on the island, they were confronted by the Moroccan soldiers, who forced them back to their boat at gunpoint after a bitter argument.

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Morocco claimed that the occupation was carried out to monitor illegal immigration and combat drug traffickers and smugglers using the island as a logistical platform. [5] [6] Following protests and calls for a return to the status quo by the Spanish government, the soldiers were withdrawn, but were removed by six Moroccan marines, who set up a fixed base on the island, which rarely met with further protests from Spain. A Moroccan patrol boat was also deployed in the area, which was seen conducting maneuvers near the Chafarinas Islands. Spain reacted by deploying a frigate, three corvettes and a submarine to Ceuta and Melilla, and three patrol boats to the vicinity of Perejil Island, stationed one mile from the island. Reinforcements will also be obtained to isolated Spanish outposts in the area. [7] [8]

The Spanish Prime Minister, Jose Maria Aznar , imposed on Morocco that Spain would not accept a policy of fait accompli . [9]

Cronology of the Moroccans island occupation :

On the morning of July 11, 2002, a group of Moroccan sailors under the command of a non-commissioned officer belonging to a patrol boat landed on the island and placed two Moroccan flags. a patrolling civil guard noticed the facts and went to investigate. After sending a zodiac to disembark and warning those found there that they should leave, the Moroccan sailors shouted to the Spanish agents: "Get out of here, this is not Spanish land". At that moment there was a brief but tense discussion that ended when the Moroccans pointed their AK-47s at the Spaniards and threatened to shoot them "by mistake". The Spanish agents, armed only with their regulation pistols, withdrew and reported the incident to their base. [ 3 ]
The reason given by the Moroccans was the participation in an anti-drug operation: the island of Perejil was used for some years as a refuge for pirates and smugglers. From Rabat (capital of Morocco) it was reported that same night that the islet would not be abandoned, as it "belongs to Morocco".
  • July 12 : The newly appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ana Palacio , confirms to the media that she has had a conversation with her Moroccan counterpart, Mohamed Benaissa , and hopes that this conversation "will contribute to finding a satisfactory solution" to the crisis.
  • July 13 : The EU speaks out for the first time in favor of Spain and presses Morocco to abandon the occupation. The Moroccan Prime Minister, Abderraman Yusufi , promises to find a "very rapid" solution to the matter.
  • July 14 : In a strong communiqué, the Danish presidency of the EU demands that Rabat "immediately withdraw its troops", while expressing "full solidarity with Spain".
  • July 15 : The crisis with Morocco is discussed in the Debate on the State of the Nation. For its part, NATO calls the occupation of Morocco a "hostile gesture" and demands the return of the status quo to Rabat.
  • July 16 : Morocco replaces the dozen marines who initially stormed the island with a detachment of Marines from the Al Hoceima base. For its part, Spain reinforces its troops in the cities of Ceuta and Melilla with units of the Civil Guard and the Navy mobilizes the frigate F-101 Alvaro de Bazan, among others, and announces the indefinite withdrawal of its ambassador in Rabat. Spain demands that the Moroccan troops withdraw from the island before 02:00 a.m. (Moroccan time) the following day.
  • July 17 : at 6:17 am (4:17 am in Morocco), two hours after the expiration of the ultimatum given by Spain to Morocco for the military to withdraw, the so-called Romeo-Sierra operation to dislodge the invaders begins, with the reconnaissance of the area by various ground and aerial means, including the Army's Coast Artillery Command's surveillance cameras of the strait. A patrol of the Spanish Marine Infantry was also present. Then, the air assault operation itself began, carried out by the Army in its entirety, with the entry into the island of an Army (ET) HU-10 helicopter, which acted as a "decoy", sending messages in which it was certain that the occupants of the island would leave it; with this action two objectives were pursued: on the one hand, to divert the Moroccan attention from the point of attack; on the other, to evaluate the Moroccan response capacity, to carry out a proportionate action against them. As no response was obtained, the members of the ET Special Operations Command assaulted the island, aboard FAMET HT-27 "Cougar" helicopters. The action ends with the recovery of the islet by the Army, and the delivery to the Civil Guard of the Moroccan troops, who were returned to Morocco through the Tarajal pass that same afternoon. One hour before the beginning of the military operation, the airports of Jerez and Melilla were closed to air traffic.
  • July 18 and 19 : Declarations follow one after the other on both sides of the Strait of Gibraltar. From Spain, Minister Palacio insists on the need to return to the status quo and accuses Morocco of acting in a "hostile manner". From the Alaouite kingdom, Benaissa says that they will not return to the islet but that Spain must leave it "immediately" and leaves the issue of Ceuta and Melilla as a pending issue between the two countries.
    July 20 : The US intensifies its mediation in the conflict and announces late Saturday afternoon an understanding, which is confirmed shortly afterwards by the governments of Spain and Morocco. The Spanish troops pick up the flag and leave the island.
  • July 21 : The Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ana Palacio, travels to Rabat to meet her Moroccan counterpart, Mohamed Benaissa, and signs the agreement. The meeting is also used to discuss other issues related to diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Operación Romeo-Sierra Editar

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On the morning of July 18, 2002, Spain launched Operation Romeo-Sierra to withdraw the Moroccan soldiers. The operation was carried out by the Spanish special forces unit Grupo de Operaciones Especiales. Four Eurocopter Cougar helicopters that had taken off from Facinas landed 28 Spanish commandos on the island. [10] [11] The entire operation was coordinated by the Spanish Navy from the amphibious ship Castilla, stationed in the Strait of Gibraltar. The Spanish Air Force deployed to provide air cover in case the Royal Moroccan Air Force F-18 and Mirage F-1 fighters attempted to intervene. [12] The Spanish patrol boats Izaro and Laya approached the Moroccan gunboat El Lahiq , anchored off the island, to prevent it from interfering with the operation. [13] The ship's 20 mm gunboat was considered a major threat by the Spanish forces. [14] The ship's crew readied their guns and used their searchlight to try to blind the Spanish pilots, but did not obstruct the landing. [15]

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Spanish forces were under orders to try to achieve their objective with zero casualties and their rules of engagement allowed them to use lethal force only if the Moroccans fired on them. [12] The Moroccan Marines present on the island offered no resistance and quickly surrendered. One of them took cover behind a rock and aimed his rifle at the Spaniards, but preferred to surrender peacefully rather than fire. [15] Within minutes, the six Moroccan soldiers were taken prisoner and the island was secured. The prisoners were transferred by helicopter to the Guardia Civil barracks in Ceuta, from where they were transported to the border with Morocco. In the course of the same day, the Spanish commandos on the island were replaced by soldiers of the Spanish Legion.

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Eviction of Perejil Island: Operation Romeo-SierraEdit

The eviction from Perejil Island was carried out through Operation Romeo-Sierra to return Perejil Island to its previous status.
The eviction constituted the first armed incident involving Spain after the return of democracy, [SUP][ 1 ][/SUP] the first time that Spanish forces entered combat after the operations in the former Yugoslavia [SUP][ 4 ][/SUP] and the first intervention since the unification of the three armies fought in the 21st century .
On July 17 , components of the Army's Special Operations Command landed on the islet and detained the Moroccan troops, handing them over to the Spanish Navy 's special operations troops .
The next day legionnaires arrived from Ceuta and prevented some Moroccans from going ashore who were trying to reach the island with at least one small private boat.
The captured Moroccan soldiers were returned across the Ceuta border and finally, a few days later, an agreement was signed between Spain and Morocco, by which it was decided to return to the previous status quo . The Spanish troops abandoned the islet, which was once again uninhabited.

Map of Ceuta, with the islet of Perejil on the left

The Spanish leaders had been considering launching a military operation after several incidents on the island of Perejil, with the occupation of the islet by Moroccan sailors who did not hesitate to expel the Spanish civil guards at gunpoint who, having become aware of the events Within a few hours, they had approached to warn the Moroccans that they should vacate the islet, [SUP][ 5 ][/SUP] the placement of two flags of that nationality, the exchange of those for marines , the intention of erecting stable structures and, the On July 16, the call of the international press to visit the islet.
Since the 11th, hours after the news of the occupation was known, elements of the GOE (Special Operations Group) III had been on alert. Even on the 14th it was ordered to prepare the assault, but the operation was canceled with all the equipment ready in the helicopters.
This military occupation by Morocco is difficult to understand, given that the strategic value of the island has already disappeared with the new military means [SUP][ 1 ][/SUP] and its economic value has always been nil. For this reason, this fact must be framed within the claim of the Spanish territories in Africa by Morocco, which together with the precedent of the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara , decided the Government of Spain to undertake a measure of limited force that would expel the army island moroccan.

Objectives of the operationEdit

Whatever the planned operation, it had to meet four objectives:
  1. Return the islet to its status prior to the arrival of the gendarmes in a firm and decisive manner.
  2. Allow freedom of maneuver for the Spanish Government.
  3. Avoid an escalation of tensions that would lead to a high-level crisis (the one that requires the use of weapons).
  4. Offer an honorable exit to the Moroccan Government.
There were three proposed alternatives:
  1. Continue diplomatic pressure.
  2. Undertake a limited military action followed by a return to the current state.
  3. Respond harshly despite reaching a medium or high grade situation.
The second was the chosen one, despite the existing controversy and that continued later.
The device was raised by members of the three armies:
  1. The Army had to take the members of Special Operations and those of the Third Army to the islet and take it without loss of life (they were forbidden to open fire if they were not directly attacked, no matter how many shots they heard).
  2. The Navy had to block all the Moroccan ships, coordinate the operation from the command ship Castilla (L-52) and participate in the capture of the islet.
  3. The Air Force would cover all the men, ships and aircraft participating in a possible Moroccan reaction.
The Spanish newspaper ABC would explain all these movements and gestures with the phrase "and all this for an island that is not even worth the fuel of the helicopters." [SUP][ 6[/SUP] ]
However, opinion among politicians, diplomats and the military was not unanimous about the desirability or success of the operation (see below).
On the night of July 16 , the then Minister Federico Trillo narrated at a press conference the following day, part of the Council of Ministers was meeting at the Palacio de la Moncloa . After exposing the situation to President Aznar, he continued explaining the minister, he went out to the balcony to reflect and when he came back he said: [SUP][ 7[/SUP] ]

Nothing else can be done. May God help them, may they be very lucky and may they come back victorious.

The operation beginsEdit

F-18s and F-1s were deployed to control the sky over Perejil

F-18 fighter-bombers and F-1 Mirages armed with air-to-air missiles were deployed to cover the airspace. Helicopters from 803 Squadron had machine guns mounted on the doors and two of them take off to cover the operation. [SUP][ 8[/SUP] ]
At 23:43 the three AS 532 Cougar helicopters take off from their base in Alicante with the members of Team 31 of the GOE III on their way to Cádiz to pick up five members of the Tercio de Armada , three members of the Special Operations Unit and two members of an ACAF (Acquisition and Control of Fire Support) team in charge of coordinating close air support and naval fire.
Shortly after 02:00 Spanish airspace is closed. Planes in flight land at airports, those on the ground are delayed, and those on approach await clearance. The fighters take off from the bases of Torrejón de Ardoz , Morón , Zaragoza and Los Llanos .
The flotilla consists of four Eurocopter Cougar helicopters that transport special operations members and three smaller UH-1Hs to cover them closely. One of them would tour the island broadcasting a message in Arabic and French for the Moroccan marines through the installed loudspeakers, while the other UH-1H gunships covered him.
From the assault ship Castilla (L-52) , which remains motionless in the strait, the operation is directed. Different Navy ships provide cover and protection. Among them, the frigate Navarra , of the Santa María class.

air assaultEdit

At 06:17 (Hours) , when the Spanish command considered that the sentinels would be asleep or tired of standing guard, the helicopters arrived at the island and the men began to disembark in the easternmost part. The descent by fast rope is ruled out, as the Cougar helicopters are not equipped for it, and the soldiers jump to the ground from the aircraft, gun down the first group of Moroccan infantrymen and reduce them without encountering resistance.
Part of the squad continues its flight to the westernmost and highest part of the islet, where the bulk of the soldiers sleep.
While one of the Cougars circled the island broadcasting its recorded message several times in both languages ​​and another covers with gunmen on board, the rest of the aircraft reach the westernmost area to leave the rest of the soldiers on the ground. Again, the machines stop to allow the jump with some safety; but the wind, of 37 knots and from the side, shakes one of the helicopters and a blade hits the ground; however, the pilot manages to right the aircraft and avoids what could have turned the operation into a disaster. However, the strong wind has its consequences: one of the assailants hits his knee when jumping, although he will continue with the operation. It is 6:20 when the commandos set foot on the islet.
The marines are detained without offering any resistance and the Spaniards descend to the lowest part in case there are still Moroccan forces not located, while the rest take care of the prisoners and the Moroccan brigade in command is interrogated. Two Heckler & Koch MP5 submachine guns and four Kalashnikov assault rifles are seized from Moroccan marines .
In less than ten minutes the position is taken and consolidated, despite the fact that the tasks to ensure that there were no more troops lasted longer.

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After islet recoveryEdit

The next morning, new helicopters arrive at the islet, carrying, among other things, a Spanish flag . A soldier climbs to the highest part of the island and drives it into the ground (the scene was photographed from Morocco by a British photographer who had been waiting for several days with his equipment of several telephoto lenses).

The Moroccan soldiers are taken to Ceuta and handed over to the Civil Guard, who followed orders to treat them as illegal immigrants. Meanwhile, the members of special operations are relieved by soldiers of the Spanish Legion . They remain in position for a few days, preventing anyone from disembarking, and build a telecommunications post with stones obtained from the enclave itself.
After reaching an agreement between the Spanish and Moroccan governments, the island is abandoned.

  • What does the name mean?
RS or its spelling in the NATO Phonetic Alphabet as Romeo-Sierra was not explained for what words it stood for. "Restore Sovereignty" has been postulated, but the Government did not clarify it. Other hypotheses indicate that they could be the initials of «Secure Response».
  • What message was one of the helicopters emitting?
The text, translations, and recording of that message were classified from the start.
  • Was a joint operation using so many troops necessary to dislodge 12 soldiers?
The Government stated that the safety of its men was paramount; In addition, the Operation was an opportunity to test coordination between the armies, but military sources maintain that so many risks and coordination efforts were unnecessary or even undesirable. [SUP][ 9[/SUP] ]
  • Why did Morocco decide to take such an action?
There are also no certainties about the reasons for launching such a risky action, which was ultimately detrimental from an international perspective. The need for the new King Mohamed VI to silence criticism about his disregard for national politics is postulated (he delayed his incorporation into government tasks to continue skiing in the Alps , for example), for which he resorted to his old nationalist demands that so many successes were in store for their predecessors. The possibility also remains that it was not the King who ordered the action, but parts of his government wishing to wear him down.

Aftermath :

Spanish Legion troops on the island remained there after the operation was repaired. The United States mediated the situation, which eventually returned to the status quo ante bellum. All Spanish troops withdrew and the island remained unoccupied but claimed by both sides. BBC News interviewed Spanish citizens in Madrid after the conflict and most people supported this incursion. Opposition politician Gaspar Llamazares , of the Izquierda Unida party (former Communist Party), said that Spain should not fall into the "trap of provocation", so as not to ruin its image in North Africa. [16]


Operation RS or Romeo Sierra represented, from its inception to its execution, a mainly symbolic act. [1] The Spanish government wanted to demonstrate its will to use all the means at its disposal, including armed force, to stop Moroccan actions in territorial matters. In addition to reaffirming its decision, it was not going to give in, as had happened in the 1960s with the enclave of Ifni and in the 1970s with the Spanish Sahara. Territorially there would be no cession or negotiation.
Minister Trillo explained the whole operation, renouncing his military acronym and using a more prosaic language starting with "at dawn and with a strong easterly wind". These words were used by different political leaders, such as Rodríguez Zapatero, who referred to the Operation as "the events that took place at dawn".
After the Operation, political support was not unanimous. The PSOE welcomed the Government's action, the IU was against it and the Basque and Catalan nationalists were indifferent to the issue.

For their part, military sources affirmed that, although the Operation showed that the three armies could work together, there was no need for it, since the members of the Special Operations group of the Tercio de la Armada were on the spot and had the means and training to dislodge the Moroccan marines, as he demonstrated days later with the boarding of the So San .
Over the years, the Moroccan monarch declared that he felt "slapped and humiliated." [SUP][ 10[/SUP] ]


After the incidents in Perejil, the Government approved a series of purchases for the Navy, such as the new MQ-8 Fire Scout remote-controlled helicopters , [SUP][ 11 ][/SUP] at that time in the development phase; however, the subsequent PSOE government canceled the operation.

International support was not unanimous:

The United States preferred to remain on the sidelines; France again sided with Morocco; on the other hand, Italy gave its full support to the Spanish government; the rest of the European Union hesitated at first, but the Danish presidency aligned itself energetically with the Spanish position and the president of the Council of Europe partially modified his discourse on the internal character of the conflict between the two nations, defending the need to return to the status quo ante.
The lack of international support, especially from the main NATO partners, formulated the theory that in case of conflict with North Africa the Spanish Armed Forces would be alone, so modernizing and re-equipping these forces was an important requirement ... .

The month after the events, the Navy announced the purchase of unmanned helicopters for its frigates. [11] Something that the ALTAMAR Plan did not contemplate because it was not considered an essential acquisition at that time. These would be accompanied by the acquisition of 6 more SH-60s.

In November of that year, the Government signed the order to build the largest ship the Spanish Navy had ever had, the Strategic Projection Ship, finally christened Juan Carlos I, which the company IZAR (today Navantia) was already developing conceptually. [12 ] The Juan Carlos I is a troop carrier, but with a flush deck equal to that of an aircraft carrier and much more displacement than necessary for the number of soldiers to be transported. In this way, the Navy obtained a second platform to operate its aircraft. Something that had had to be renounced in the drafting of the aforementioned ALTAMAR Plan in the 1990s because it was considered expendable. [13 ]
Likewise, the construction of a new F-100 frigate was ordered, with an option for a sixth one.

The Perejil Incident was not the only armed incident carried out by Spain during those years:
At the end of the 20th century, in the 1990s, the so-called halibut war took place, in which the Canadian Navy detained a Spanish fishing vessel in international waters off the coast of Newfoundland, arguing that it did not have the regulatory documentation to fish in these waters [ 14 ] , for which reason two Spanish Navy offshore patrol boats were mobilized to the North Atlantic to protect the Spanish offshore fleet. [15 ]
Previously, F-18 fighter-bombers participated in attack operations over the former Yugoslavia. [16 ]
Even​ earlier, Spanish blue helmets were in danger of being attacked in different destinations in Africa and Europe.
What makes the case of Perejil different is that on that occasion what was attacked was a territory unknown to the vast majority of Spaniards, but which brought to mind the continuous escalation of claims to Ceuta and Melilla, and the territorial acquisitions of Tarfaya, Ifni and the Spanish Sahara by Morocco.

Montuno &


Active member
That animal weapon is real and exists, apart from the meme.
It is the Spanish Legion's combat mascot.
In these videos you can see it parading in peacetime before the King and Queen of Spain, as well as in a combat mission in Afghanistan where it "neutralizes" a Taliban leader:

1)Parading in peacetime:


2) Legion's Operation "Definitive Strike" in Kandahar (Afghanistan):


The identity of this last goat is kept strictly secret, as the Taliban have put a price on its head (and the rest of its body).

That last video jn Afghan....such a clean street sweep.....my gawd man I'm impressed


Active member
This is not a Hollywood movie set. This is a picture of the lies putin told you. Real pictures of real folks. Folks like you. Real pictures of real destruction. Look away. Join putin in his death and destruction. Live your life in a Putin lie.



Active member

President of the US Senate confirms that Congress does not recognize any Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara:


Salem Muhammad.

ECS. Washington. | In a public statement, US Senate President Senator Patrick Leahy, who also serves as Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee and a Senior Senator from Vermont, affirmed the US Congress's denial. to recognize Morocco's alleged sovereignty over Western Sahara citing that the Law on State Allocations and Foreign Operations for fiscal year 2022 does not include Western Sahara with Morocco, but separately, thus renewing its call for a change in foreign policy American regarding Western Sahara . A requirement requested a week ago by other congressmen.

'' Unlike in recent years, Congress did not include Western Sahara in Morocco in the Law. That is because the Fiscal Year 2022 Law, like the United Nations, does not recognize Western Sahara as part of Morocco . Assistance for Western Sahara is included in another part of the Law , within the framework of the Partnership Initiative with the Middle East.'' Senator Leahy indicated in his note.Unlike in recent years, Congress has not included Western Sahara in the Morocco-related clause in the 2022 Finance Act signed by President Joe Biden last Tuesday, which explains Congress's explicit rejection of attempts to violating international law in Western Sahara, and further buries Trump's tweet, which was falsely elevated to formal recognition by Morocco, by which he allegedly recognized Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara.
The text of the law highlights the insistence of the United States Congress as well as the United Nations in refusing to recognize Morocco's alleged sovereignty over Western Sahara , since assistance to Western Sahara was included in another paragraph of the law, specifically in the framework of the Middle East Partnership Initiative.
The explanatory statement also orders Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to ''continue to support the political process led by the UN to achieve a just, lasting and mutually acceptable political solution (Morocco and the POLISARIO Front) in accordance with the relevant resolutions. of the UN Security Council.'' For his part, the president of the Senate, Patrick Leahy, emphasized that the political status of Western Sahara is an issue that must be resolved by the parties in conflict, not the US Congress.
The reality of Washington's support for Rabat on the issue of Western Sahara is totally different from what it seems. The position of the Senate constitutes a strong rejection of Morocco's intransigence , which is what prevents the resumption of the political process in order to reach a solution that guarantees the exercise of the inalienable right of the Saharawi people to self-determination and independence by virtue of their colonial domination by Morocco.
Members of the US Congress sent a letter to the US president last Friday expressing concern about US policy towards the Western Sahara conflict and the arms deals that the Trump administration signed with Morocco in December 2020, adding that: " We are concerned that these weapons can be used offensively against the Saharawi people or that can facilitate the illegal occupation of the territory by Morocco".
As a reminder, last year, months after Trump's infamous tweet, Congress blocked the construction of the US consulate in the occupied Saharawi city of Dakhla as well as the sale of Reaper drones . Both decisions were promised by Trump to encourage normalization between Morocco and Israel, but so far, neither has materialized despite the fact that Morocco signed the Abraham Accords in December 2020.


Trump spoke out of his ass. The administration is gone. Don’t put faith in what they presented. Remember his Palestinian/Israel peace plan was to give it all to Israel.

Three Berries

Active member
Well these people all get their info from the same source as Three berries there so by his logic that means Q is an idiot, which that is the first thing he has come close to saying that I would agree with and therefore since he listens to and believes Q who is an idiot because the Dallas idiots listen to and believe him, then that means Three Berries is finally recognizing he's an idiot too. Of course true to his idiotic nature he's not going to realize this means he should stop listening to Q.

You posted the Dallas people were Q and that was a ignorant statement. I never said Q was an idiot. Stop trying to spread your lies onto other people.

Whatever they pay you they are getting screwed.


Active member
Right. Of course, he was. What garbage source is telling you that lie?

The source is hunters laptop. Here’s a email thanking hunter for a secret meeting with Joe.

Less than eight months after Pozharskyi thanked Hunter Biden for the introduction to his dad, the then-vice president admittedly pressured Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk into getting rid of Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin by threatening to withhold a $1 billion US loan guarantee during a December 2015 trip to Kiev.

“I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,” Biden infamously bragged to the Council on Foreign Relations in 2018.

“Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.”

Shokin has said that at the time of his firing, in March 2016, he’d made “specific plans” to investigate Burisma that “included interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of the executive board, including Hunter Biden.”


Active member
The source is hunters laptop. Here’s a email thanking hunter for a secret meeting with Joe.

Less than eight months after Pozharskyi thanked Hunter Biden for the introduction to his dad, the then-vice president admittedly pressured Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk into getting rid of Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin by threatening to withhold a $1 billion US loan guarantee during a December 2015 trip to Kiev.

“I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,” Biden infamously bragged to the Council on Foreign Relations in 2018.

“Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.”

Shokin has said that at the time of his firing, in March 2016, he’d made “specific plans” to investigate Burisma that “included interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of the executive board, including Hunter Biden.”

You know the answer to your bullshit. You ignore the truth, then you ask the same lame guestion.


Active member
They stopped being rare since Omicron and now Stealth Omicron. When it was the original virus breakthrough infection for vaccinated people was virtually non-existent. When Delta came on the scene it happened a little more often but was still extremely rare and if you did develop a breakthrough infection after vaccination your risk of ending up in intensive care or of dying was extremely unlikely. Then when Omicron and stealth Omicron came on the seen while still infrequent the were more cases of breakthrough infections then with previous variants but you were still better off if you had been vaccinated or developed natural immunity. But go ahead, keep on laughing given enough time and opportunity it will mutate into a form that isn't protected from by vaccines or natural immunity and that will put the world back at square one. At which point the governments will be much more incentivized to actually force people to be locked down and/or vacinated with threats of incarceration for those who refuse to cooperate. Kind of like they're already doing now in China.

Hahahah ima keep laughing. Rare huh? Hahahah. This is data from Canada. https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/epidemiological-summary-covid-19-cases.html

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