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moose eater

Well-known member
Well thank god we have reasonable people like you that can see the light of truth and righteousness😅

I just don't have this hater-in-denial syndrome that some of you have. You rotate between calm periods of protesting genocide and doing away with the apartheid aka lets get rid of Israel

and lets not bullshit ourselves on how you mean that either
When 97% of Israel polls as supportive of the militant Zionism involved in the State's crimes, they are a nearly entirely united criminal entity bent on murdering the entirety of a people whose stuff they'e stealing, while raping and plundering.

When a state or entity is that twisted, goddamned right they should be done away with. Was I vague about that?

But I'll remember your preference for olive branches when it's invaders in YOUR home, Rob.


Well-known member
Key Historical Events

Late 1800s
- 1897: The First Zionist Congress is convened by Theodor Herzl in Basel, Switzerland, marking the formal beginning of the Zionist movement aimed at establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine. By this time Palestine has not been under Jewish control for more than 1300 years.

Early 1900s
- 1915-1916: The Hussein-McMahon Correspondence promises British support for Arab independence in exchange for an Arab revolt against the Ottoman Empire.
- 1916: The Sykes-Picot Agreement is secretly signed between Britain and France, dividing Ottoman territories in the Middle East into spheres of influence. The Ottomans have by this time ruled Palestine for 400 years.
- 1917: The Balfour Declaration is issued by Britain, expressing support for a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine.

- 1946: King David Hotel & British Embassy bombings by the Irgun.
- 1947: The United Nations proposes a partition plan to create separate Jewish and Arab states in Palestine.
- 1948: Israel declares independence on May 14. The subsequent Arab-Israeli War leads to the Nakba, where approximately 750,000 Palestinians are displaced.

- 1967: The Six-Day War results in Israel capturing the Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Golan Heights.

- 1982: Israel invades Lebanon, leading to the creation of Hezbollah as a resistance movement.
- 1987: The First Intifada begins as a Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation of Gaza and the West Bank. Hamas is founded during this period as an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza and in response to the occupation.

- 1993: The Oslo Accords are signed, establishing a framework for Palestinian self-governance in parts of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. This agreement marks mutual recognition between Israel and the PLO.
- 1995: Oslo II Accord is signed, further detailing Palestinian self-rule and dividing the West Bank into areas with varying degrees of Palestinian control.

Conflicts and Agreements

- 1948–1949: Arab-Israeli War (War of Independence/Nakba).
- 1956: Suez Crisis.
- 1967: Six-Day War.
- 1973: Yom Kippur War.
- 1982: First Lebanon War and the beginning of Hezbollah's activities.
- 1987–1993: First Intifada against Israeli occupation.
- 2000–2005: Second Intifada.
- 2006: Second Lebanon War with Hezbollah.

Notable U.S. Vetoes at the UN Security Council (from the 45 in support of Israel and 89 in total since 1945):

- 1976: Vetoed resolutions affirming Palestinian rights and calling for Israeli withdrawal from occupied territories.
- 1982: Vetoed resolutions calling for Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon and condemning Israeli actions in the region.
- 1988–1989: Vetoed resolutions condemning Israeli practices in occupied territories and urging respect for international conventions.
- 1997: Vetoed resolutions demanding Israel cease settlement construction in East Jerusalem.
- 2001–2004: Vetoed resolutions calling for cessation of violence and halting operations in Gaza.
- 2011: Vetoed resolution condemning Israeli settlements established since 1967 as illegal.
- 2017–2018: Vetoed resolutions concerning U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital and condemning Israeli violence against protestors.

U.S. and Foreign Aid

Aid to Israel
- 1948–1958: Initial economic aid from the U.S., avoiding direct military aid due to regional sensitivities.
- 1962: First U.S. military aid provided as loans.
- 1971–1973: U.S. military aid increases significantly as part of Cold War strategy.
- 1979 onwards: Aid increases further following peace treaties with Egypt; military aid becomes grants rather than loans.
- 2009–2028: U.S. commits to providing $3.8 billion annually in military aid under a memorandum of understanding.

Aid to Palestine: Via UNRWA >$7.1 billion since 1950. UNRWA current budget is $880 million with a $450 million shortfall.

Demographic Changes

Jewish and Arab Populations
- 1890: Approximately 43,000 Jews and 432,000 Muslims in Palestine.
- 1947: Jewish population rises to 630,000 with 1.18 million Arabs in Mandatory Palestine.
- 2024 (est.): In Israel, approximately 7.43 million Jews and 2.65 million Arabs out of a total population of 9.9 million. In Gaza & the West Bank, approximately 4.99 million (including ~1.965 million refugees). There are also more than 3 million Palestinians in Lebanese, Syrian and Jordanian refugee camps.
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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Did you know about terrorists storming over the imaginary line and killing innocent people in their houses while they took hostages on October 7th last year?

Apparently that was Israel too.

You had better put that in your unabridged notes there....


Well-known member
Did you know about terrorists storming over the imaginary line and killing innocent people in their houses while they took hostages on October 7th last year?

Apparently that was Israel too.

You had better put that in your unabridged notes there....
If you’re really observant you’ll also notice there’s no 2023/24 bombing of Gaza and the West Bank or 3rd Lebanon war with Hezbollah.

It’s interesting that this is literally just a timeline of events but you seem to have interpreted it as favouring one ‘side’ over another. You’re more than welcome to fact-check and amend.
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