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...como el Son...
5 Putin's connections to the far right :

25 February 2022 Adrian Juste

The growing tensions between Ukraine and Russia , as well as the clash between the European Union and NATO against the Kremlin, have led to the decision of the government led by Putin to invade the country in a large-scale lightning operation, causing dozens of deaths , people injured and hundreds of thousands displaced. For the first time in months, Europe is looking to the east with mistrust and fear while both sides try to justify their position, and as many other people struggle for an explanation of the conflict. Behind this, there is a figure, almost omnipresent.
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin needs no introduction. Member of the KGB, the espionage service of the Soviet Union (USSR),He has held political office practically since 1991. First as Chairman of the St. Petersburg Foreign Relations Committee and then as deputy mayor of the same city in 1994, he stepped into national politics in 1996 under the administration ofBoris Yeltsin. An extremely popular figure both in the country and in the world, he generates continuous controversy due to his political decisions, his maneuvers to continually perpetuate himself in power and even for alleged electoral fraud.
your party,United Russia, which holds the government of 71 of the 83 federal districts andhas more than 75% of the State Duma, covers practically all of Russian politics. Added to this is the fact that he has the support of a large part of the opposition. Experts in political science have described United Russia as a big tent or catch-all party due to its lack of ideological definition, the wide spectrum of its internal currents and its excessive use of populism. It is quite likely, in fact, that the vote for United Russia is actually a vote for Putin and his popularity as a leader, rather than for a political program or specific ideas.
By contrast, it would be difficult to label him as far right, despite the fact that he flirts with ultra-conservative, ultra-nationalist and imperialist ideas. However,the connections between Putin and the extreme right are more than obvious, as already concluded a report from the European Union . It is time to expose them.

1. United Russia and its origins

President Boris Yeltsin hands over the presidential copy of the Russian Constitution to Vladimir Putin. Author: Presidential Press and Information Office of the Kremlin of the Russian Federation, 12/13/1999. Source: Kremlin.ru ( CC-BY 2.0 )
United Russia, Putin's political party, has its roots inOur Home Russia(NDR). Founded in 1995 by Boris Yeltsin's prime minister, Viktor Chernomyrdin, it was called "the party of power" for having been formed around the new Russian economic elite that emerged as part of the new government's privatization policy. It was about maintaining a political hegemony aligned with the interests of these new economic and political elites that emerged as a result of the end of the USSR.
Boris Yeltsin is considered not only the political figure responsible for the dissolution of the USSR , but also for direct confrontation with the Soviet parliament, which refused to approve his free market-oriented reforms . Although theSocialist Party of the Soviet Union(CPSU) and sectors of the KGB tried to depose him in power, his government was based on a constant violation of the Constitution.
Supported by the George Bush administrationof the United States and by sectors of the army, came to bomb with tanks in 1993 the seat of parliament and approve a new Magna Carta that would give it broad powers. Thanks to this, he was able to create his own economic and political elite, which took its seat in the first place in the NDR. Of course,Boris Yeltsin outlawed the CPSUand he persecuted his political rivals to avoid opposition.
However, the strong economic contraction and widespread corruption, in addition to a strong erosion of his image, would make him lose popularity.until his resignation in 1999.
In the same year, Yeltsin had appointed Putin prime minister and dismissed Chernomyrdin. Together with other Russian political leaders, they created Unity . They thus sought to disassociate themselves from the NDR in an attempt to ensure the continuity of their political line in the face of the serious loss of support and thus be able to confront the moderate Homeland – All Russia (OBP) coalition that openly challenged their power.
UnitThe media apparatus and sufficient financial resources were secured to compete in the campaign in record time based on the connections and corruption established by Yeltsin. He relied primarily on the continuation of the Second Chechen War , on an exaggerated exaltation of Russian nationalism, and on adopting conservative positions. For all the rest,had no political programknown.
In the 1999 legislative elections , the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF) , the direct heir to the CPSU, won with 24.29% of the vote.Unity came in second placewith 23.32% of the votes. Nonetheless, the party eventually received support from the Motherland – All Russia and other right-wing parties. This was decisive for the victory of Vladimir Putin in the presidential elections the following year. Shortly after, in 2001,these two parties merged to create United Russia. Since then, she has been winning all the electoral appointments.
The past of United Russia is intimately linked to features that are quite characteristic of the extreme right and with a strong opposition to any minimally left-wing idea.

2. The support of far-right organizations

Demonstration of the LDPR in Pushkinskaya Square. Author: Anastasia Laukkanen, 02/04/2012. Source: Voice of America .
In Russia, far-right organizations are not lacking. However, all have supported in one way or another the successive governments of Putin.
As for political parties, there are two main ones:rodinaand theLiberal-Democratic Party of Russia.
Rodina, led by Alexey Zhuravlyov , is a party that has been in trouble for its anti-Semitism andin 2005 he signed a petition to expel the Jews from the country. His public manifestations include radical ultra-nationalism and profound anti-liberalism. However, its connections with the Russian oligarchy and its support for both Putin and other leaders have led to this party being classified as a "crutch" of his government and even as a creation of allies of Putin to stop the Communist Party .
In 2006, they enteredare part of Just Russia, social democratic party resulting from the merger of several forces, but in 2018 they refounded the party appointed Alexey Zhuravlyov new spokesman. Until then, Zhuravlyov had been a United Russia deputy and a member of Great Russia , an unregistered far-right formation.
In addition, he has been a supporter of expansionist ideas, being in favor of Russia's annexation of former Soviet countries such as Ukraine and rejecting its independence from the USSR in 1990 after the fall of the Iron Curtain. He supported the recognition of the Donetsk and Lugansk republics and urged the Russian government to annex Ukraine. "The whole of Ukraine will be ours," he declared in the State Duma. He also uploaded a video to social networks with this request.

The Liberal-Democratic Party of Russia (LDRP) is a party founded in 1989 by sections of the KGB that describes itself as liberal and reformist. However, as a result of his speeches and proposals,has been labeled by experts as a far-right Hans-Georg Betzdue to its anti-communist, imperialist, ultra-nationalist, authoritarian and populist character . Among his requests is that of refounding the Russian Empire under a unitary and centralized state, strict migratory controls, the death penalty or the prohibition of religious and ethnic minorities. Despite his harsh speech against the government,they have never ever voted against Putin.
Vladímir Vólfovich Zhirinovski , its leader, is a controversial character who has been in favor of invading and recovering Alaska or countries like Ukraine. In addition to praising German dictator Adolf Hitler, he went on to say that Russia should drop nuclear bombs on its enemies, including Ukraine. The party has a branch in Belarus that supports the government of Aleksandr Lukashenko and, in fact, its leader Oleg Gaidukevich is vice president of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly.
Zhirinovski is precisely also known for spending years defending and pressuring Putin to attack Ukraine. In an interview with Russian media in late December 2021, he advocated the use of "military force" if Ukraine does not respond to Russia's security demands.
The LDPR has five seats in the Duma and, with a more moderate discourse, has also advocated the recognition of Donbass as a way to protect the Russian citizens who live there. However, despite its more reserved stance, tanks and troops bearing the party's flag have been seen in Mariupol, Ukraine, near the Russian border.
In 2018, Zhirinovski went much further: he fantasized about launching a nuclear bomb on the official residence of then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, in Kiev, in a program on the state channel Rossiya-1. They were in favor of the annexation of Crimea in 2014, and since 1990 they have been rejecting the independence of Ukraine as a country. The party was reprimanded by the Russian government for financing paramilitary operations in Donbass.
Both groups have also supported the self-proclaimed republics of Lugansk and Donetsk in Donbass, the ethnically Russian-majority region of Ukraine that is in open conflict with kyiv over its independence. Rodina and the LDPR supported its recognition in the State Duma and have forged political and economic relations with pro-Russian groups operating there, such as the Union of Donbass Volunteers.
As for other far-right organizations, the Russian National Unity (UNR) stands out, a neo-Nazi-inspired political and paramilitary entity that stands out for its violent and explicitly racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic, Islamophobic and xenophobic public demonstrations. It has its roots in Pamyat , an ultra-orthodox Christian entity that defended (and defends) that there is a "Judeo-Masonic conspiracy" that produces the current problems in the country. The UNR's best-known motto is “ Russia for Russians ”. Both positions are very reminiscent of those repeated in other countries by organizations related to the extreme right.
The UNR has publicly supported Putin's actions . We have an example in the conflict with Ukraine, where they actively participated in the riots . They also defended Russia's role in the Chechen war. They have often been labeled " Putin's neo-Nazi aides ".
The support and permissiveness of Putin's governments to these organizations is so evident that he has even been accused of promoting them directly and indirectly for his own interests. In fact, attacks from the extreme right have grown by 320% since 2014 and violence in this sense is seven times greater than in Europe.
In addition, there are, as in other countries, other neo-fascist groups in the country whose relationship with the Putin government is somewhat ambiguous but who align themselves with many of his more conservative policies.

3. Friendships with the European extreme right

Meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin with the leader of the National Party of the French National Front Marine Le Pen. Author: The Russian Presidential Press and Information Office, 03/24/2017. Source: Kremlin.ru ( CC-BY 3.0 )
Journalists and the media have echoedstrong connections of Vladimir Putin's entourage with far-right parties in Europe, such as the Northern League of Italy, Alternative for Germany, the Liberal Party of Austria, the UKIP of the United Kingdom or the National Association of France, that is, with the extreme right more closely linked to the European parliamentary group of Identity and Democracy , more inclined to Eurasian tendencies, with greater rejection of the European Union project, and with greater rejection of the United States and NATO.
Different journalistic investigations pointed out in 2019 a meeting between the popular Russian businessman Yakunin and the leader of the Northern League, Salvini, where it was discussed that the benefits of three million euros in an important commercial transaction of the state oil company Rosneft would finance his campaign. Salvini, leader of the Northern League, threatened to take the journalists to court. As a curious note, on his Twitter account, he publicly admired Putin .
In Germany, the press reportedthat the intelligence services were investigating the Russian funding of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) and its youth organization. Former party leader Frauke Petry reportedly flew on a Russian private jet to attend the party's national convention on a flight valued at 25,000 euros. Nor is it a secret that the leader of the party's youth has traveled to Russia on numerous occasions and held meetings with public officials from his government and from United Russia.

The far-right Liberal Party of Austria (FPO), which governed with the conservative People's Party of Austria from 2017 to 2019, signed a five-year cooperation agreement with United Russia in 2016 to promote nationalism in youth. Leaders of both parties and governments have also been seen together in playful and intimate events . This relationship is known to have favored Russia diplomatically . The relationship is so obvious that it has shocked Austrian public opinion , losing more than 100,000 votes in the 2019 elections .
The harmony between the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) and the Russian government was also seen during the referendum for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union (the so-called Brexit ) held in 2016. According to The Time , the Russian government controlled social media bots that spread more than 45,000 pro-Brexit messages in just 48 hours.
In addition, Swansea University and the University of California at Berkeleyidentified up to 150,000 Russian accountspreviously dedicated to disseminating messages about the Ukraine conflict that shifted their attention to Brexit in the days leading up to the vote.Nigel Farage, the then party leader, went so far as to say that Putin was the world leader he most admired.
Of course, another of his biggest allies is Viktor Orbán and his party, Fidesz . Although the Hungarian government has condemned Russia's attack on Ukraine at the last minute and has assured that it will take in refugees and send humanitarian aid, his good relations with Putin are well known. In fact, despite having publicly defended Ukrainian sovereignty after the far-right European summit held in Madrid, she met with Putin just 48 hours later to make sure they maintained good relations .
And in 2020, he established diplomatic alliances with both Putin and Trump, and they have held several meetings over the years. These alliances were joined by Jair Bolsonaro, the ultra-conservative president of Brazil, who has also built good relations with Putin. Bolsonaro has continued to forge good relations with Hungary and Russia even in the midst of the conflict, recently scolding Brazil's vice president for condemning the attack on Ukraine.
Other leaders who have spoken kind words to Putin or supported his policies have beenSantiago Abascal, leader of the far-right partyvoxin Spain; orGert Wilders, theFreedom Partyfrom the Netherlands. As for Vox, it has been pointed out that its position is somewhat ambiguous and, in fact, it has decided not to support two proposals, one in the Parliament of Aragon and another in the Parliament of Catalonia , to condemn the war in Ukraine.
And it is that Vox is at a difficult crossroads, with allies both for and against Putin, and with elements within its own party with opposing opinions, although the reality is that the parties of the more institutional radical right at some point So far, they have generally shown some sympathy for the Russian leader.
What are these connections due to? Very probably, on the one hand, for geopolitical interests , since Russia is interested in a European Union on its side and weak; and, on the other hand, by ideological affinities .

4. Ideological affinities .

Photo of a STOP HOMOPHOBIA demonstration in Berlin. The demonstration was carried out by the group ENOUGH IS SUOUGH. Promotes a boycott of the Sochi Olympics in Russia due to anti-gay propaganda laws. Author: Adam Groffman , 08/31/2013. Source: Flickr ( CC-BY-NC-SA 2.0 )
The policies of the Putin government have earned him a reputation for promoting xenophobia, homophobia, machismo and other reactionary positions. At the time, he has leaned on growing nationalism and religious orthodoxy.
Despite the fact that in Russia a woman dies every 40 minutesas a result of gender violence, in January 2017, the Russian Duma approved an amendment that partially decriminalized domestic violence , penalizing with a fine or 15 days of administrative arrest the mistreatment that involved blood or wounds ( but not broken bones ) if these occurred only once a year . Publications related to the government hid official data and limited themselves to saying barbarities such as "the wives of angry men" had "reasons to be proud of their injuries."
As for homosexuality, it has not been outlawed as such, but a law was passed in 2013 prohibiting the dissemination of information about homosexual relationships . This includes public demonstrations . In fact, the Gay Pride parade in 2014 was harshly repressed . LGBT activists have pointed out that this sends a very homophobic message to society so that they charge with total impunity against the group. In fact, murders and hate crimes are the order of the day .
Finally, although Putin has openly spoken out against xenophobia, his support for anti-immigration and eurosceptic parties, as well as an electoral video attributed to his cabinet with a speech to this effect, has caused him to be classified as xenophobic. . However, it is true that his government, for example, is not against immigration . Instead, his strong support of the Russian Orthodox Church and his rejection of other religions is quite explicit.
Note that all this causesxenophobia and homophobia are on the rise in Russia. In 2018, 64% of people were in favor of tightening borders , 12% more than in 2017. Another survey by the Russian Center for Public Opinion Research in 2018 found that 63% of Russian citizens said that there was a conspiracy to destroy Russian spiritual values ​​through homosexual propaganda.
On the other hand, the writer and theoretician Alexander Dugin , a figure of Russian fascism , was an adviser to two important figures in Putin's political party: Gennadiy Seleznyov , president of the Duma, and Sergey Yevguénievich Naryshkin , who has assumed relevant positions such as vice-president of the Russian government or intelligence services.
Dugin, whose influence over the Russian government is in dispute, as there are those who believe that he is a relevant figure and other experts that this is not the case , is the main ideologue of Russian fascism. Promoter of modern National Bolshevism (a kind of ideological current that mixes fascist and leftist ideas) and Eurasianism, he has written more than 30 books where he exposes his ideas, including The Fourth Political Theory .
The Russian theoretician has supported all of Putin's expansionist and imperialist pretensions, including the annexation of Crimea and support for the Donbass republics in Ukraine. Despite his disagreements on economic issues, Dugin has declared his support for the Russian leader. In addition, he is an inspiration for many extreme right-wing groups around the world, not only Russians, and has exchanged ideas with the ideologue of the French Nouvelle Droite Alain de Benoist , considered the main antecedent of the "alternative right"; with former Trump adviser Steve Bannon ; and with a multitude of European far-right political parties such as the National Front (France), the National Attack Union(Bulgaria) or the Freedom Party (Austria).
It can therefore be concluded that these facts ideologically relate Putin to the extreme right, and even to their ideological networks of influence.

5. The Trump administration .

Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump meet at the G-20 Summit in Hamburg, 2017. Author: The Russian Presidential Press and Information Office. Source: Kremlin.ru , licensed under CC-BY 3.0
The relationship between the former US president and Putin alsohas been the subject of controversy. On occasions they have been shown as allies and, on others, reproaches have been launched, as a kind of ill-advised marriage.
However, the US intelligence services have claimed that the Russian government has helped Trump in the presidential elections that gave him victory in 2016 and that they also tried to do so in the 2020 re-election campaign . In the first case, the claims came as a result of the famous Democratic Party email leak and, in the second, through the analysis of Russian bots on social networks. the CIAwas discredited by Trump, who has denied the accusations, and removed the head of the agency.A former FBI director has even said that Trump could be a Russian informant .For his part, the president points to all this as a conspiracy against him.
Putin came to defend Trump when he was threatened with impeachment at the end of 2019, publicly showing his support.
It goes without saying that Donald Trump is the greatest exponent of the alt-right , a far-right current that has gained popularity in recent years and is at the seed of the new wave of parties that, like Vox or Alternative for Germany, they have broken the traditional ceiling of the extreme right and have accessed positions of power.
In short, no one denies that Vladimir Putin is one of the most interesting and important political figures of our time. His maneuvering and his management of domestic and foreign policy demonstrate his strategic ability and intelligence.But they also reveal their interests, their ideas and their connections. Likewise, a large part of the European extreme right, both the institutional and the more “anti-system”, has sided with Ukraine and strongly opposes Russia. There is, in this war, a whole clash of interests that, on the other hand, do not justify in any way the use of force.
Supported by Yeltsin and the Russian oligarchy, controlling the media and ensuring the support of almost the entire Duma, weaving his networks in the modern world to ensure his position on the global chessboard, Putin does not stop resorting to what every rightist resorts to : the use of populism and the extreme right as a tool to perpetuate oneself in power.



...como el Son...
Putin deja en evidencia a sus aliados en la extrema derecha tras usarlos para debilitar la UE
  • El húngaro Orbán, la francesa Le Pen, el italiano Salvini y la alemana Weidel, forzados a marcar distancias con Moscú, quedan ahora retratados por un largo historial de complicidad con Rusia
  • Vox combina la condena de la agresión con la denuncia del "irresponsabilidad de la UE", una ambivalencia extendida entre las fuerzas de extrema derecha europeas con las excepciones de Polonia y los bálticos
  • Exclusivo para socias y socios
Vladimir Putin y Viktor Orbán se saludan antes de una reunión en Hungría, Budapest, en 2019. Europa Press.

Ángel Munárriz
24 de febrero de 2022 21:49 h

A los líderes de la derecha europea les gusta fotografiarse juntos. Lo hicieron en Varsovia (Polonia) en diciembre del año pasado y otra vez, convocados por Vox, en enero de este año en Madrid. Es lucido, atrae a los medios, queda bien. Pero, aparte de fotos y reivindicaciones de la nación, la tradición y la herencia cristiana, ¿qué acuerdan? No mucho. Y la razón principal se llama Vladimir Putin, que divide a la extrema derecha y que ahora con su ataque contra Ucrania sitúa a buena parte de la misma en una posición incómoda. Los tratos con el presidente ruso o su entorno persiguen a la francesa Marine Le Pen, al italiano Matteo Salvini y a la alemana Alice Weidel, entre otros. Caso aparte es el húngaro Viktor Orbán, gran aliado de Putin en la UE, que este martes regateó una condena expresa al ataque hasta que, cada vez más aislado en su ambigüedad, terminó por realizarla. No es cómodo hoy ser amigo de Putin, condición que deja abierto un enorme flanco para la crítica de los adversarios. El motivo es claro: Putin ha pasado a las armas tras una prolongada ofensiva híbrida contra la UE apoyado en fuerzas de extrema derecha.

Y Vox? La ultraderecha española es de las más atlantistas del club, junto con Chega (Portugal) y un escalón por debajo de los rusófobos de Polonia y los países bálticos, enemigos a muerte del gran oso. No obstante, el partido de Santiago Abascal publicó este martes un comunicado de "condena" que disipaba parte de su fuerza en el reproche al "fracaso y la irresponsabilidad" de la Comisión Europea, una posición que refleja las dificultades de la familia política de la extrema derecha para hablar de Putin conservando una mínima unidad.

El otanismo de Vox:
En España, tan lejos de Rusia, la extrema derecha acredita una trayectoria otanista y pro-USA. Sin embargo, la misma ha sido compatible con una fascinación por el autoritarismo nacionalista de Putin, sus formas amenazantes, su desprecio por el buenismo europeo, su reivindicación de las raíces cristianas de Occidente y su defensa de la "familia tradicional". El propio Abascal reproducía, en los inicios de Vox, un mensaje de Putin contra el terrorismo

Pero ni esta afinidad ideológica ni las conexiones con Rusia de Hazte Oír, grupo de ultraderecha católica vinculado a Vox desde los orígenes del partido, alteran en lo esencial el posicionamiento otanista de Abascal y los suyos.
Esta inclinación de Vox está sellada en su origen. Vox es –en parte– una escisión del PP, partido fundado por ministros de un régimen, el franquismo, que ejerció el papel de "centinela de Occidente" durante la Guerra Fría. Además, una figura clave del despliegue fuera de España de Vox es Rafael Bardají, asesor de los ministros de Defensa del PP Eduardo Serra y Federico Trillo y exdirectivo de FAES, que ejerce como enlace del partido de Abascal con la derecha neoconservadora en Estados Unidos, como explica Steven Forti enExtrema Derecha 2.0. Qué es y cómo combatirla (Siglo XXI, 2021).

Aunque los dos sean atlantistas, no hay que confundir las posiciones de Ley y Justicia (Polonia) y Vox. Para los nacionalistas polacos en el Gobierno el rechazo a Rusia es una cuestión existencial. "En España la cuestión rusa nos queda muy lejos, pero para muchos países es crucial. Para Polonia es central en su identidad nacional", explica a infoLibre Forti, que ve inverosímil un acuerdo de polacos o bálticos con el Fidesz de Viktor Orbán, que gobierna Hungría, con La Lega de Matteo Salvini, que forma parte del Ejecutivo de Mario Draghi, o con la Agrupación Nacional de Marine Le Pen. ¿La razón? Siempre la misma: Putin.

En Polonia gobierna el partido nacionalista Ley y Justicia, integrado junto a Vox en Europa en el Grupo de Conservadores y Reformistas. Aunque esquemáticamente las visiones de Mateusz Morawiecki y Putin ofrecen coincidencias –soberanía, identidad, tradición–, lo que los separa es insalvable.

La desconfianza se extiende a Lituania, Letonia y Estonia, tres Estados miembros de la UE. Como anota Forti en su ensayo, tanto en Varsovia como en las tres capitales bálticas, Vilnius, Riga y Tallin, "ningún nacionalista puede ser rusófilo". En estos países, Estados Unidos y la OTAN son vistos como garantes de independencia frente a la amenaza rusa.

Orbán, referente de Abascal y aliado de Putin :
Para irritación de polacos y bálticos, hay múltiples antecedentes que prueban proximidad entre las extremas derechas europeas y Putin. Sobresale el caso de Orbán, referente político de Abascal. Aunque Morawiecki y el primer ministro húngaro suelen ser descritos como un frente de aliados por su ultraconservadurismo nacionalista, su deriva autoritaria y su choque con Bruselas, lo cierto es que hay serias diferencias.

Hungría mantiene con Rusia una relación de "pragmático compromiso" que en la práctica se traduce en que Putin tiene en Orbán a su principal aliado en la UE. No en vano, Orbán y Putin se reunieron en Moscú el 1 de febrero, ya en plena crisis ucraniana, exhibiendo sintonía. Orbán se presentaba en aquella visita como enviado para una "misión de paz", equidistante entre la UE y Rusia. Putin, en la misma reunión, le garantizaba el suministro de gas.

La visita de Orbán a Putin evidenciaba el escaso o nulo efecto real de la declaración firmada en la llamada "cumbre de Madrid" por el líder húngaro junto a Le Pen, Morawiecki y Abascal, que acusaba a Rusia de situar a Europa "al borde de una guerra".

Orbán encarna las posiciones más próximas a Rusia. Este mismo martes, su ministro de Exteriores, Péter Szijjártó, publicó un vídeo en el que defendía la soberanía ucraniana, pero sin condenar el ataque ruso. Una reacción muy alejada de la expresada por el líder polaco Morawiecki, que este martes declaró: "Debemos responder de inmediato a la agresión criminal de Rusia". Más tarde, Orbán sí condenó el ataque.

El "viva Putin" de Salvini:
La pista rusa no lleva sólo hasta Budapest. Matteo Salvini (La Lega) también es afín a Putin. Como recuerda Forti en su ensayo, en la galaxia derechista italiana ha sido frecuente el antiamericanismo. Ya Silvio Berlusconi mantenía una relación privilegiada con Putin. No obstante, ha sido Salvini el que ha dado el salto cualitativo.

En octubre de 2018 Salvini dijo desde la capital rusa: "En Rusia me siento como en casa, mientras que en algunos países de la Unión Europea, no". Su figura está marcada por caso Metropol, en referencia al hotel ruso en que se reunieron unos colaboradores suyos con hombres vinculados al Kremlin. Su partido, que fue puesto bajo sospecha de financiación rusa, ya había firmado antes un acuerdo de cooperación con Rusia Unida, igual que el Partido de la Libertad austriaco, otra formación ahora señalada. Salvini condenó este jueves en Twitter "cualquier agresión militar", sin citar a Rusia, aunque sí dio apoyo a una "respuesta común de los aliados".

Su cercanía a Putin le pasa factura en Italia. Hermanos de Italia, la fuerza de extrema derecha de Giorgia Meloni, le achica el espacio con unas posiciones nítidamente antirrusas. Este mismo martes Salvini era urgido a "elegir bando". Además, en su propio partido, La Lega, el ministro Giancarlo Giorgetti es considerado "el hombre de referencia de la embajada estaounidense en Roma", explica Forti. La pregunta es si Salvini está a tiempo de quitarse el estigma de hombre de Putin, del que ha llegado a dar "vivas" y del que tantas veces ha salido en defensa cuando otros reclamaban sanciones. Salvini y Putin, durante la etapa de ascenso político del primero, compartieron estrategia de desestabilización de la UE. Todo eso pesa hoy.

Dinero ruso en Francia :
Otra líder europea con motivos para estar incómoda es Marine Le Pen, presidenta de Agrupación Nacional, vinculada desde hace más de un lustro con Putin, al que también ha defendido de las iniciativas para sancionarlo. Ambos han prodigado encuentros y declaraciones cómplices. Le Pen recibió al menos 11 millones de bancos rusos para la campaña de las europeas de 2014, anota Forti. La sombra rusa también planeó sobre la campaña presidencial de 2017, cuando En Marche!, el partido de Emmanuel Macron, sufrió varios ciberataques que fueron atribuidos a grupos rusos.

Además de dificultarle la cooperación con otras fuerzas de extrema derecha, sus afinidades con Putin le complican las cosas en clave interna. Al igual que a Salvini, a Le Pen le recuerdan ahora su proximidad con el líder ruso. Además, en su propio espacio –también igual que Salvini– las figuras emergentes se muestran más próximas a Estados Unidos, como su propia sobrina, Marion Maréchal, considerada una futura líder de futuro de ese espacio político, y el candidato Éric Zemmour, a quien el sociólogo Guillermo Fernández, autor de Qué hacer con la extrema derecha en Europa. El caso del Frente Nacional, ve "nítidamente atlantista". Le Pen condenó este martes el ataque ruso "sin ambigüedad". Las elecciones son en abril.

Alemania y Austria :
Si Vox y Ley y Justicia están en el grupo de Conservadores y Reformistas, en el grupo Identidad y Democracia se reúnen a formaciones como la francesa Agrupación Nacional, La Lega, Alternativa para Alemania y el austriaco Partido de la Libertad. Todos tienen en común coqueteos o colaboraciones con la órbita de Putin. De hecho, un informe aprobado por el Parlamento europeo en enero, que denunciaba la injerencia rusa en el procés catalán y en el Brexit, alertaba también del apoyo a Rusia de las extremas derechas de Francia, Italia, Alemania, Hungría y Reino Unido.

Alternativa para Alemania mira con interés a Rusia desde su fundación en 2013. Su anterior líder, Frauke Petry, visitó Moscú en febrero de 2017 para reunirse con dirigentes cercanos a Putin. El mismo recorrido hizo la actual líder, Alice Weidel, en marzo de 2021. Antes, en diciembre de 2020, una delegación de Alternativa para Alemania se reunió en la capital rusa con el ministro de Exteriores de Putin, Serguéi Lavrov, que utilizaba a los ultras para intentar templar su relación con el Gobierno alemán. Este martes Alice Weidel decía que el "ataque ruso no puede justificarse", al mismo tiempo que pedía hacer "ofertas creíbles al socio ruso".

En cuanto a la vinculación de la extrema derecha austriaca con Rusia, se hizo evidente con el conocido como caso Ibiza, que en 2019 afloró unas grabaciones de una noche de fiesta en la isla balear en las que el que entonces era líder del partido, Heinz-Christian Strache, y otro dirigente trataban una supuesta financiación rusa a cambio de favores políticos. El caso fue decisivo en la caída de la coalición de la extrema derecha con el Partido Popular de Sebastian Kurtz.



Active member

putin sent this guy with the SS neck tats to denazify Ukraine.

Aren’t you the same character who posted about ”Ghost of Kiev”, ”Heroes of Snake Island” and claimed ”Vasily Bykov destroyed in battle”?

So, after pushing these hoaxes, you have resorted to ”Putin sent this guy with SS tats”.


...como el Son...
Así se posiciona la ultraderecha española en el conflicto entre Rusia y Ucrania :

Varias organizaciones de extrema derecha y neonazis cuentan con vínculos con grupos de ambos países, lo que les ha llevado a mantener posturas diferentes en torno a este asunto.

Manifestantes nazis en una imagen de archivo. — EUROPA PRESS

BILBAO, 24/02/2022 21:26 ACTUALIZADO: 25/02/2022 09:27


Hay para todos los gustos y con amigos muy variados. Algunos se deshacen en elogios hacia Putin y sueñan con un trasnochado imperialismo ruso; otros se derriten ante las imágenes de neonazis desfilando por las calles de Kiev. Los ultraderechistas españoles son hoy prorrusos, proucranianos o incluso las dos cosas al mismo tiempo.
Vox no se sintió jamás lejos de la Rusia de Putin, e incluso tuvo amigos en común. Una investigación publicada en 2019 por OpenDemocracy apuntaba que la junta directiva de CitizenGo, una de las pantallas de Hazte Oír –un grupo ligado hasta hace muy poco a Vox– "incluye a un socio cercano a Konstantin Malofeev, un 'oligarca ortodoxo' que ha sido objeto de sanciones por parte de EE.UU y Europa por haber supuestamente apoyado a la república secesionista pro-rusa del Este de Ucrania".

Uno de los principales socios internacionales de Abascal, el primer ministro húngaro Viktor Orbán, es considerado como uno de los políticos que apoya a Rusia. Ahí empiezan los problemas: Vox también mantiene estrechas relaciones con el primer ministro polaco, Mateus Morawiecki, archienemigo de Moscú.

El partido de extrema derecha español ha tenido que surfear esas agitadas aguas. Este jueves, obligado por las circunstancias, Vox mostró en Twitter su rechazo hacia el ataque emprendido por Rusia.

"En España la extrema derecha se mueve entre dos aguas en lo relativo a su relación con Rusia y Ucrania, dos países que tienen un papel clave en el rearme ideológico de este espacio político en buena parte del mundo", destaca el investigador Pep Antón Ginesta en uno de los apartados del exhaustivo informe De los neocón a los neonazis. La derecha radical en el Estado español, publicado por la Fundación Rosa Luxemburg y coordinado por el periodista Miquel Ramos.

En esa línea, describe que "por un lado está la familia nacional-bolchevique, encarnada en Alternativa Europea, primero, y un sector del Movimiento Social Republicano (MSR) después". Ambos grupos están ya disueltos, mientras que algunos de sus líderes "impulsan hoy el Movimiento Pueblo".

Ginesta subraya que el editor neonazi Juan Antonio Llopart, cara visible de estas tres organizaciones, "ha mantenido durante años una estrecha relación de amistad con el pensador eurasianista Aleksandr Dugin, cuyas obras Llopart ha traducido al español en varias ocasiones".

Tras el desarrollo de la llamada Cuarta Teoría Política (CTP) por parte de Dugin –convertida en una referencia para grupos ultraderechistas europeos–, "un segmento nada desdeñable del tradicionalismo español se acercó a él y, por ende, al área de influencia de Rusia. Algunos sectores muy minoritarios en Vox y su órbita flirtean con esta aproximación", señala el documento.
El investigador recogió además "los vínculos existentes entre el partido
neofascista Democracia Nacional (DN) y el Movimiento Imperial Ruso, el
primer grupo supremacista blanco en ser declarado organización terrorista
por los EEUU, a través del delegado de la organización en España,
Stanislav Sevchuk".

Ultras por Ucrania :
Por otro lado, el autor sitúa "un pequeño elenco de grupos neonazis que, a
diferencia de Dugin y sus seguidores, no se han desprendido del
racialismo de reminiscencias hitlerianas". En esa área se ubican "entornos vinculados a la afición radical del Real Madrid, los Ultras Sur y grupos aliados", así como Hogar Social Madrid (HSM).

Entre estos colectivos existen vínculos más sólidos con los batallones de voluntarios ucranianos, en parte formados por miembros de grupos de hooligans de los principales equipos de fútbol de Ucrania", relata.

En febrero de 2015, Hogar Social Madrid llevó estas diferencias a una mesa de debate que afloraba extremismo por todos sus ángulos: en aquel encuentro, describe Ginesta, participaron "miembros de la representación del partido Svoboda en España, dos militantes del Pravy Sektor y Enrique J. Refoyo, traductor de Dugin al español, en representación de las tesis eurasianistas".

"El debate se desarrolló en un ambiente claramente proucraniano, con banderas de ese país, del Batallón Azov y dibujos de niños ucranianos sobre el conflicto en el este del Estado colgados en las paredes, junto a una mesa para donar dinero a los paramilitares voluntarios", añade.



Well-known member
Aren’t you the same character who posted about ”Ghost of Kiev”, ”Heroes of Snake Island” and claimed ”Vasily Bykov destroyed in battle”?

So, after pushing these hoaxes, you have resorted to ”Putin sent this guy with SS tats”.


Not enough people getting kicked in the testicles in the story for you to believe it?



...como el Son...
Hahaha... Boogaloo Bois sounds like a gay strip club. In fact a lot of the 'alt-right' circle jerk clubs sound pretty gay when you think about it; Proud Boys, Boogaloo Bois, ok, well maybe just those two, but still lolz.

This...ejem, ejem... Didn't you know that in the USA the Montuno is called Boogaloo ?

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DRYreJMfHio .


Al Montuno montuno montuno,
al Montuno le llaman Boogaloo...
Yo me juego cien a uno,
para que lo sepas tu,
que eso a lo que llaman Boogaloo,
eso se llama Montuno


...como el Son...
Ukrainian anarchists take up arms against the Russian invasion

EL PAÍS accompanies several of these activists in the battalion to which anti-authoritarians and anti-fascists have also joined


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cqKir1Zefrc .

In the picture, Vilka and Step. On video, the anarchists who fight against the Russian invasion speak.Video: HAA / AC

Lviv (Ukraine) -16 MAR 2022 - 04:13 CET

Vilka and Step [alias of two young Ukrainian activists] receive EL PAÍS in a mechanical workshop in the province of Lviv, a Ukrainian region bordering Poland. The video report that accompanies this news shows that they have just received a shipment from three Polish colleagues. A van has just crossed the border loaded with boxes containing, above all, medicines, surgical material and bulletproof protection elements. There are also electric generators, gasoline drums, compresses... These are goods bought by anarchist groups from Poland, Germany and the Netherlands, and they are destined for the Resistance Committee, the battalion made up of anarchist, anti-authoritarian and anti-fascist militants. The Resistance Committee is part of the Territorial Defense Units, the civilian-based militia sponsored by the Ukrainian army. Most defense units are formed geographically: by towns, by neighborhoods, even by streets in the largest cities. Although most of those who form these units do not share the ideology of Vilka and Step. These believe that the self-organization and autonomy by which the militia is governed fits like a glove with their anarchist ideas. "The idea of ​​the anarchists who participate in the armed struggle is that they are not fighting for the state of Ukraine, but for the people of Ukraine," says Vilka. These believe that the self-organization and autonomy by which the militia is governed fits like a glove with their anarchist ideas. "The idea of ​​the anarchists who participate in the armed struggle is that they are not fighting for the state of Ukraine, but for the people of Ukraine," says Vilka. These believe that the self-organization and autonomy by which the militia is governed fits like a glove with their anarchist ideas. "The idea of ​​the anarchists who participate in the armed struggle is that they are not fighting for the state of Ukraine, but for the people of Ukraine," says Vilka.

Lugansk and Donetsk provinces to increase their power and influence. The Azov Battalion, formed by neo-Nazis in the form of a militia, is now a regiment integrated into the regular army that continues to use Nazi symbology. However, Vilka and Step believe that, unlike in 2014, in the war of 2022 so many diverse people have taken up arms in the territorial defense units that the influence of far-right groups has been diluted. They still exist, but their influence is less, according to Vilka. It is an idea shared by other female soldiers interviewed by EL PAÍS in previous reports.. The existence of far-right militias is used by Russia to classify all Ukrainian military units as Nazis. Step considers that Vladimir Putin makes a crooked use of anti-fascism. “They are false antifascists who imprison the true antifascists of their country. In Russia there is a fierce repression against all opposition, also against anarchists. Many of our friends are in jail and many Russians had taken refuge in Ukraine to escape the Putin regime,” says Step.

Anarchism is not new in Ukraine. Here, a century ago, Nestor Makhno's Black Army created a federation of peasant communes that spread across southeastern Ukraine, the Black Sea coast, and the Crimean peninsula. It was the largest territory “without God or master” in contemporary history. Although there is no historical continuity with the Makhnovists, the Ukrainian anarchist movements are inspired by them, as well as by the Spanish CNT and its role in the Civil War. So, Spain received thousands of volunteers who formed the International Brigades. Now the Resistance Committee has called for anarchists and anti-fascists from other countries to join their fight in Ukraine. On their Telegram channel they have a form to join their battalion on the kyiv front. “The current regime in Russia is similar to fascism and we would suffer much more under that homophobic, sexist and xenophobic regime. In addition, our national identity is also important”, proclaims Vilka to explain why the libertarian groups have decided to respond with arms to the Russian invasion.



...como el Son...

Spanish and Russian fighters play a cat and mouse game :

Eurofoghters from Albacete patrols the
the Black Sea in the face of incursions by Moscow's fighter planes.

Graf Ignatievo (Bulgaria) - 22 FEB 2022-05:40ACTUALIZADO: 22 FEB 2022 - 10:45 CET
"Alpha Scramble!". The announcement over the public address system surprises the Spanish Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, together with her Bulgarian counterpart, Stefan Yanev, on the runway at the Graf Ignatievo base, greeting the members of the Spanish detachment which, since February 15, has been guarding Bulgaria's airspace.

If it were a rehearsal, the voice would say, "Tango Scramble!" (with t for training, training). But it's real. In seven minutes (eight less than the 15 minutes they have committed to), two Spanish Air Force Eurofighter fighters are in the air to intercept the unidentified aircraft that has entered the airspace under Bulgarian responsibility.

Lt. Col. Jesús Salazar, head of the Spanish Air Force detachment, jokes talking about "Lithuania 2″, alluding to the alarm caused by the incursion of a Russian fighter when President Pedro Sánchez was visiting Spanish troops at the base in Siauliai (Lithuania) in July. "It looks like [the Russians] did it intentionally," he comments.

This is the second real alert since the Spanish military arrived in Bulgaria. The previous one occurred on February 17, just the day they received NATO certification. With the information gathered by the electronic intelligence teams, it was possible to identify which Russian aircraft it was, as it refused to do so voluntarily. The Spanish fighters are not only tasked with preventing the violation of Bulgarian airspace, but also with monitoring the area which the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has assigned to the Balkan country and which extends some 150 kilometers into the interior of the Black Sea. The irruption of unidentified aircraft without a flight plan not only threatens Bulgaria's sovereignty, but also poses a risk to the safety of commercial aviation, the lieutenant colonel emphasizes.

The Spanish Eurofighters fly under the control of the Sofia air traffic center, but the order to take off is given by NATO's Combined Air Operations Center (CAOC), based at the Torrejón de Ardoz air base (Madrid), which is responsible for the air defense of the Atlantic Alliance's southern flank.

The Spanish military suspects that Russian aircraft are flying right up to the edge of Bulgarian airspace to test its defenses. The Graf Ignatievo base (where the Spanish flag was flying at half mast on Monday because of the wreck of the Villa de Pitantxo) is more than 200 kilometers from the coast, which delays their intervention, but it is the only one with a braking cable for an emergency landing.

The presence of the Spanish fighters "is framed in the context of the tensions surrounding Ukraine", admits the Bulgarian minister. Robles stresses that "unity is the greatest strength" of the allies and that the dispatch of the Eurofighter is a "support to the diplomatic and dialogue path" that NATO and the EU are betting on "firmly and unequivocally" to solve the current crisis.

The Strella detachment (so named because that word, dart in Bulgarian, is the radio call sign of the Spanish aircraft) is made up of 130 military personnel, of which more than a hundred come from the 14th Wing, based in Los Llanos (Albacete).

Until now, Bulgaria - one of the allies with the best relations with Moscow - had not wanted to ask for the Alliance's support, but the Russian threat has made it change its mind. The Spanish military have been the first to arrive at this base (to which they had to bring everything, given its shortages), but they will not be the last. When they leave, on March 31, they will be replaced by the Dutch. Putin's ordago has had the first effect of attracting more NATO troops to its gates.


...como el Son...
EL PAÍS : “It's alpha! It's alpha! It is a real alert!”: a warning for the flight of two Russian planes forces Sánchez's press conference to be interrupted at a base in Lithuania

The Spanish President and the Lithuanian Chief Executive appeared from the Siauliai base when two Eurofighters took off to protect Baltic airspace.

A group of soldiers interrupts the press conference between Pedro Sánchez and the Lithuanian president due to the departure of two Eurofighters. On video, the moment of interruption.Video: VALDA KALNINA (EFE) / EPV


Siauliai (Lithuania) -08 JUL 2021 - 11:02 CEST

A drill was planned. So everyone, including the two presidents, the Spanish, Pedro Sánchez, and the Lithuanian, Gitanas Nauseda, began calmly thinking that it was just that. Even some military commanders believed it. But then the pilot of the Eurofighter, the elite combat aircraft of the Spanish air force, yelled at the controls: “It's alpha! It's alpha!" In military code, this implies an actual operation, while "tango" would be a maneuver or drill. “It is a real alert”, some soldiers began to clarify. The Lithuanian president seemed amused, thinking that he was a simulacrum or very used to these situations, since he lives in a country in permanent tension with Russia and Belarus, his troublesome neighbors. Sánchez had to warn him that the appearance they were starring in had to be suspended. "No, President, there is an Alfa Scramble”, the Spaniard told the Lithuanian, already in military code. In a few minutes –about 12– the hangar that this Thursday had become a setting for the appearance with flags, sound equipment, cameras, translators, journalists and soldiers in training, was emptied so that two Eurofighters shot out in search of twoRussian fighters flying over the Baltic sky without authorization and without responding to calls from NATO controllers.

IN SPANISHAircraft alert cuts short Spanish, Lithuanian leaders' press conference at Šiauliai air base
The Spanish soldiers stationed at the Lithuanian base in Siauliai, about 140, most of them from Albacete, where the central base of the Eurofighters in Spain is located, ran at full speed to get out of the way of the plane's exit. The journalists and the official delegation were a little slower. "This is a real alert, we have to go faster," insisted the military. Sánchez, who had been warned that these situations occur with some frequency and can occur at any time, seemed very calm. In fact, he was one of the last to walk away.

The incident, something more than an anecdote, was very useful, according to the Spanish president, to demonstrate the importance of a mission like this and also of the three-day trip itself to the Baltic republics, strategic allies in NATO and the EU and obsessed with the Russian threat, which is felt in this area almost daily.

Pedro Sánchez speaks with a group of journalists after the event. On video, statements by the President of Spain about what happened.The Spanish military and members of Sánchez's delegation, who travels with the head of National Security, General Miguel Ángel Ballesteros, are convinced that nothing that happened was a coincidence. The Russians measure every step. And they are constantly looking for the limits and reaction capacity of NATO and in this case of the Spanish, who are the ones in charge of this base for a few months. The Russians obviously knew about Sánchez and Nauseda's visit to the base, and they chose that moment to launch a maneuver that the military understands as a clear provocation. The mission of the Spaniards, who currently have seven Eurofighter fighters in Lithuania, is to act as "air police", go to meet the aircraft, stand on the sides and communicate with them to warn them that they cannot pass through the airspace of the three Baltic republics. “I don't know if it was a premeditated provocation, but it does highlight the importance of the Spanish mission and the need for collaboration. Today all Spaniards have seen the good work of the air forces, ”said Sánchez after the incident.

The Spanish military and members of Sánchez's delegation, who travels with the head of National Security, General Miguel Ángel Ballesteros, are convinced that nothing that happened was a coincidence. The Russians measure every step. And they are constantly looking for the limits and reaction capacity of NATO and in this case of the Spanish, who are the ones in charge of this base for a few months. The Russians obviously knew about Sánchez and Nauseda's visit to the base, and they chose that moment to launch a maneuver that the military understands as a clear provocation. The mission of the Spaniards, who currently have seven Eurofighter fighters in Lithuania, is to act as "air police", go to meet the aircraft, stand on the sides and communicate with them to warn them that they cannot pass through the airspace of the three Baltic republics. “I don't know if it was a premeditated provocation, but it does highlight the importance of the Spanish mission and the need for collaboration. Today all Spaniards have seen the good work of the air forces, ”said Sánchez after the incident.




...como el Son...
From Venezuela side:

Venezuela: "The rapprochement with the United States was not conditioned".

Delcy Rodríguez stated at the Antalya Diplomacy Forum in Turkey that Venezuela will not allow the establishment of Russian bases or any other country in its territory.

Aicha Sandoval Alaguna |

The Vice President of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez. (Arif Hüdaverdi Yaman - Anadolu Agency)


The Vice President of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, affirmed this Friday, March 11, that the recent rapprochement of her country with the United States had no conditions and that she hopes it will advance within the framework of diplomacy.

"In Venezuela we understand that the initial approaches cannot be conditioned," Rodríguez assured during a panel organized within the framework of the Antalya Diplomacy Forum, which is being held in Turkey from March 11 to 13.

When asked how she felt after Washington took the initiative for rapprochement and de facto recognition of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, after approximately four years of accusations of electoral fraud, the vice president indicated that she feels satisfied to know that he has “ Been on the right side of history."

The official recalled that, in fact, in 2020, when her country was going through "the worst circumstances", since its income fell from USD 65 billion to USD 740 million, Maduro called on the US to dialogue and diplomacy, but received no response. .

Responding to a question about the possible estrangement from Russia, one of Caracas's most important allies, over the talks with Washington, Rodríguez indicated that leaders need a lot of maturity in such a situation, instead of a childish attitude.


[FONT=GothamNarrow-Black !important][COLOR=#ffffff !important]Latin America present at the Antalya Diplomacy Forum in southern Turkey[/FONT][/COLOR]

“Our Constitution contemplates diplomacy with all the countries of the world, it was not Venezuela that withdrew from the United States, but the United States of Venezuela… Our doors are open to any country that arrives with respect and considers us its equal, as contemplated in the Charter of the United Nations, and, above all, respect the principle of self-determination of peoples”, he emphasized.

The official also referred to Colombia's negative statements about Venezuela's rapprochement with the US.

In fact, President Iván Duque again described Maduro as "a dictator" after a meeting with Joe Biden, in which it was announced that Colombia would be designated as one of his main allies outside of NATO.

“Colombia is a case that must be studied with great caution. Decades of war have caused it to be the country with the most displaced people in the world. Venezuela has received 6 million Colombians in this context. Colombia is the largest producer of coca according to the UN and Venezuela has had to confront Colombian paramilitarism, irregular groups and drug traffickers along the border”, he assured.

The vice president affirmed in turn that Venezuela has not found "an interlocutor with whom to address these issues of mutual and international interest" in Colombia. “The Duque government, which is already out, has had a position of irrationality, deep hatred and intolerance against Venezuela and its people, which has affected its own population. It is a position that is baseless,” she added.

Regarding the sanctions and the blockade implemented by Washington against her country, the official recalled that they have been described by the UN as illegitimate, that they have seriously affected ordinary citizens and that they have "small print that says they can be lifted or made more flexible if there is a 'regime change'”.

“It is the 'regime change' doctrine of the countries that do not submit, of the countries that are not aligned with a single way of thinking in the world,” she said.

Responding to a question about whether Venezuela will increase its oil supply at the request of the United States and its energy agenda or if it will remain firm with the agreements of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and OPEC+, of which it is a member, Rodríguez He said: “In 2015, (former US President) Barack Obama used oil as a geopolitical weapon. In this context, Venezuela was the forerunner of the OPEC+ agreement. Venezuela defends international agreements. In addition, it should be noted that the country's crude oil production has been affected by the coercive measures of the US, reducing it considerably, so of course we will stand firm in the agreements”.

Regarding the situation in Ukraine, the vice president pointed out that Venezuela's position has been clear from the outset and is to promote a peaceful and dialogued solution. “Venezuela showed her concern from the beginning. First, a call was made to prevent the conflict, since there was a way to do it, with diplomacy. President Maduro called for peace, negotiation and effective dialogue between the parties,” she assured.

“The crisis is not about February 24, it is about accumulated provocations. When the US invaded Iraq 10,000 km from its border, it did so because it understood that there was a threat to its security. I believe that the requests for security guarantees made by Russia were ignored and the sacrifice of the people of Ukraine and damage to other countries in the region could be avoided, ”he added.

When asked if, in the context of the escalation of the conflict, Venezuela would accept a request from Russia to establish bases in its territory, Rodríguez answered emphatically: "The Venezuelan Constitution does not allow the establishment of foreign bases in its territory."

In her final comments, the vice president pointed out that Latin America has the challenge of "understanding how great it can be united."
"We must understand that unity is the only way we have to overcome our problems, instead of giving ourselves over to other powers, which does not benefit the well-being of the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean at all," concluded the vice president.




The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
It has been known for some time that security services of the United States and it’s NATO-partners have recruited volounteers from all over Europe to join these Hollywood Nazi death squads. They have enlisted the degenerates and failures of various national movements to join the banderites in starting war with Russia.

Nazi sympathizers of course will always provide excuses and label Russia the aggressor when they in fact are not.



...como el Son...

Oil and prisoner release: is a rapprochement between Venezuela and the U.S. feasible?

Text by:
Daniella Zambrano
09/03/2022 - 22:01

Talks between Washington and Caracas in the framework of the Ukrainian war have brought the first agreements in years between the two administrations. The government of Nicolás Maduro has released prisoners considered as "political" by the United States in a context in which Venezuela could try to export oil to the North American giant again.

It is the most significant rapprochement between the United States and Venezuela in years. The release of two considered U.S. political prisoners and the willingness to resume dialogue with the Venezuelan opposition in Mexico are Nicolás Maduro's first actions after meeting with a high-level delegation sent by Washington to Caracas last weekend.

President Joe Biden publicly thanked the gesture, in which he released former CITGO executive Gustavo Adolfo Cárdenas who, along with five other executives of the PDVSA oil company's subsidiary, was arrested in 2017 and sentenced to 8 years and 10 months in prison after being charged with corruption.

Also released was Cuban-American citizen Jorge Antonio Fernández, arrested in February 2021 after being accused of terrorism, for carrying a drone in the state of Táchira. Further releases are not ruled out.

The U.S. rapprochement with the government of Nicolás Maduro, whom it does not recognize as president and has publicly branded as dictator, surprised even the Venezuelan opposition, which preferred to remain silent in the middle of the talks.

Four days after the unexpected meeting, the interim government presided by Juan Guaidó, reacted through a communiqué welcoming the releases and warning that "any lifting of sanctions must be conditioned to real progress towards the transition to democracy and freedom in Venezuela". Otherwise, the statement adds, "it would only strengthen the authoritarianism that today threatens the world".

Venezuelan oil as a solution to the energy crisis

Analysts agree that this has been a strategic move by Washington, which seeks to alleviate the impact that the United States is going through in economic and energy matters after the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

This Tuesday, the American giant banned oil and gas imports from Russia, as part of the sanctions imposed on the Kremlin for invading Ukraine and also reached historic levels in the price of fuel not seen since 2008. What many are now wondering is: Is Venezuela capable of supplying Russia with crude oil imports for the US?

Economist and oil expert José Toro Hardy is categorical in answering: "No". The destruction of the oil industry under the so-called Bolivarian revolution has led to production levels of 660,000 barrels per day on average, according to the firm Platts Analytics.

"In order to increase oil production and return to previous levels (an average of 3 million barrels per day as in 1998) it has been estimated that, between investments and expenses, it would be necessary to allocate a figure in the order of 25 billion dollars per year for the next 8 to 10 years. The Venezuelan state does not have the slightest possibility of making these investments. Venezuela is not in a position to increase its oil production in time to replace Russia".

Toro Hardy further explains that the oil that Venezuela is currently producing is fundamentally extra-heavy crude from the Orinoco Belt that cannot be commercialized in the form in which it is produced. In order to be able to market it, Venezuela imports condensates from Iran, which will naturally also rise in price. The production of medium crude from the Maracaibo Lake Basin, adds the expert, "has been basically abandoned".

When asked what those concessions could be, De Alba highlights the release of U.S. political prisoners as a priority. Also the reactivation of the dialogue in Mexico, suspended after the extradition to the U.S. of Alex Saab, pointed out as an alleged front man of Nicolás Maduro.

How is the opposition left in the midst of these negotiations?

"I think it is evident that it is weakened, especially considering that it was not even informed before that move and it caught that part of the opposition by surprise", the also Crisis Group senior advisor told France 24.

When asked what those concessions could be, De Alba highlights the release of U.S. political prisoners as a priority. Also the reactivation of the dialogue in Mexico, suspended after the extradition to the U.S. of Alex Saab, pointed out as an alleged front man of Nicolás Maduro.

How is the opposition left in the midst of these negotiations?

"I think it is evident that it is weakened, especially considering that it was not even informed before that move and it caught that part of the opposition by surprise", the also Crisis Group senior advisor told France 24.

He considers that it would also be at risk that this recognition of Juan Guaidó as president of Venezuela could disappear. "If the talks move forward, one of the concessions that Maduro could ask for and that the United States could also think about is a restart of diplomatic relations where, for example, the U.S. government could once again have some presence in Caracas. If the United States partially or minimally reestablishes diplomatic relations with Maduro, then obviously that leads to a non-recognition of the Interim Government of the opposition".

Although it is true that Maduro is today in a politically very comfortable position despite the economic crisis Venezuela is going through, the opposition persists in a situation of division and lack of clarity of strategy and the United States today has other interests as a priority.

De Alba recalls that it cannot be ignored that it has been the Venezuelan opposition itself that has asked the United States to ease sanctions as a negotiation strategy in exchange for electoral conditions for the 2024 presidential elections, so he does not consider that the U.S. has abandoned its support for the reestablishment of democracy in Venezuela.

This Tuesday, the press conference of the President of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez (parliament not recognized by the US), in which he was expected to offer details on the meeting with representatives of the White House in which he was present together with the First Lady Cilia Flores, was suspended. So far, she has not been summoned again. For the writing of this article France 24 also contacted representatives of the Venezuelan opposition, who preferred not to comment on the controversial meeting.



...como el Son...
Switchblade, the “killer” drone that the United States will send to Ukraine in its fight against the Russian invasion

Joe Biden announced an "unprecedented" plan to help the country in the face of the Russian invasion, which includes anti-aircraft and anti-armor weapons, in addition to drones
CREATED03-16-2022 | 8:33 P.M.LAST UPDATE03-16-2022 | 8:33 P.M.

The American-made Switchblade kamikaze drones will be sent by the White House to Ukraine as part of a nearly billion-dollar defense package , following pleas by Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky for NATO to send military aid to combat the war. Russian invasion of the nation, according to NBC and other US media.

The most powerful of the Switchblades, the Switchblade 600 weighs just over 20 kilos and can hover on a target for 40 minutes before launching at speeds of 115 mph, piercing armor and destroying a tank. For its part, the Switchblade 300 is lighter - around 2.5 kilos - and is intended to kill people outdoors and passengers in a vehicle. It can travel 10 kilometers, hover for 15 minutes, and dive onto a target at 100 mph.
“We stand with our allies and sovereign nations in their right to protect their homelands and their own lives when this fundamental right is threatened,” the company said in a statement on its website titled “AeroVironment stands with the people of Ukraine and the entire NATO ”.
They are single-use weapons, and essentially "robotic smart bombs," as they are called by the US services. They are equipped with cameras, guidance systems and explosives and can be programmed to automatically engage targets miles away.

They are also meant to be profitable. For example, the Switchblade 300 costs around $6,000. Thus, it results in the most significant use of the weapon in combat to date for Ukraine.

The aid package includes the purchase of 800 Stinger anti-aircraft systems, 2,000 Javelin anti-tank missiles, 1,000 light anti-armor weapons and 6,000 AT-4 anti-armor systems. In addition, one hundred unmanned tactical aerial systems, one hundred grenade launchers, 5,000 rifles, one thousand pistols, 400 machine guns and 400 shotguns will be allocated.
The money will also be able to buy more than 20 million rounds of small arms ammunition and grenade launcher and mortar rounds, 25,000 bulletproof vests and 25,000 helmets. In addition to weapons, the package includes the purchase of three patrol boats, four unmanned aerial system tracking radars or four anti-mortar radar systems, according to a White House statement.
