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Well-known member
Yes unfortunately audiohi. In capitalism failures need to be allowed to fail . It's sad ,but it allows others the opportunity to own a home. I am not the courts . We just put in a bid and clean up the property cut trees haul trash trees and debree.
I lived there last century 98 _2000+ . Tent city has exploded since. Definitely a hell hole now.What a shame. I still have a ticket from standing on the platform next to the Max


Capitalism is not perfect but it works pretty good here .


Well-known member
Ok it may not have been the equal housing act .That was lbj.But Clinton did force lenders to give mortgages to people who couldn't pay . This created the housing bubble and led to the recession

moose eater

Well-known member
Ok it may not have been the equal housing act .That was lbj.But Clinton did force lenders to give mortgages to people who couldn't pay . This created the housing bubble and led to the recession
Please show evidence of that. I was at OCCUPY in Manhattan and DC writing a bit, and we had former brokers and bankers on the side of banking reform, working in the atrium and regularly in contact with congress members. I have a pretty good grip on who did what back then.


Well-known member
The TARP began under GW, as did the housing implosions which were heavily contributed to by dishonest/illegal activities by Wall St.

While Clinton was a scumbag and helped to repeal Glas-Stegal, the wrong-doing that crippled the housing market was largely on Wall St. and their investment bankers and mortgage companies.

They were violating the regulations governing the Act you refer to and profiting from it, and were able to retain ill-gotten gains.

Check it out, if you would.

I suggest less half-truth AM partisan hate radio.
I will check this out Moose Eater.
I'm working on wrapping up the political stuff for the night and just getting to the fun marijuana stuff hahaha.
P.s I don't listen to political radio

moose eater

Well-known member
I will check this out Moose Eater.
I'm working on wrapping up the political stuff for the night and just getting to the fun marijuana stuff hahaha.
P.s I don't listen to political radio
If not political radio, where are the half-informed ideas coming from? Social network? FB?


Well-known member
Jesus peats guys.
I know lots of them there sad story is that doctors got them hooked when they were in an accident. It is bulshit. They were doing dope all along, even as children.
As I said I knew many of them personally there was no hospitalization or chronic pain.
This is a recurring theme.

moose eater

Well-known member
This is a reply to post #156909
Last one for the night.
Portland really is drug people.
They seek out an easy lifestyle and a care free drug lifestyle.
Sorry I have firsthand experience with these types. They are not victims.
Evictions and foreclosures are on the other hand tragedy 😢
There's no such post number.

Edit: No such post number in this thread.

moose eater

Well-known member
Jesus peats guys.
I know lots of them there sad story is that doctors got them hooked when they were in an accident. It is bulshit. They were doing dope all along, even as children.
As I said I knew many of them personally there was no hospitalization or chronic pain.
This is a recurring theme.
How many did you know personally whose stories you were personally familiar with?


Well-known member
Numerous, many of whom are now dead. They would cry victim, and then laugh about it and brag about being dope hustlers the next minute. They would laugh about their minions ( kids) slinging dope so they could get there cut and stay high .
Some asholes would throw there hep dope sharps in playgrounds intentionally and laugh. Others would squirt there bloody rigs out were people could get sick .
They all thought they were the coolest

moose eater

Well-known member
Numerous, many of whom are now dead. They would cry victim, and then laugh about it and brag about being dope hustlers the next minute. They would laugh about their minions ( kids) slinging dope so they could get there cut and stay high .
Some asholes would throw there hep dope sharps in playgrounds intentionally and laugh. Others would squirt there bloody rigs out were people could get sick .
They all thought they were the coolest
And all of those you personally knew were that way?


Well-known member
Yes they were singing a sad song were it would pay off and the coolest dope pimps otherwise. They weren't victims. Very few exceptions


Well-known member
It seems to me that your experiences on the streets/road very much defies or runs counter to mine.
Fair enough. I actually just had an old friend od she was found in her van .Coincidencently I just wrote about it yesterday.
Perhaps you were in a position to help victims, and were approached differently because of it.

moose eater

Well-known member
Fair enough. I actually just had an old friend od she was found in her van .Coincidencently I just wrote about it yesterday.
Perhaps you were in a position to help victims, and were approached differently because of it.
I've been both a MH clinician and a residential worker, as well as spending a LOT of time on the street and road. And a close family member ran a methadone and needle exchange program for many years.


Well-known member
I've been both a MH clinician and a residential worker, as well as spending a LOT of time on the street and road. And a close family member ran a methadone and needle exchange program for many years.
I'll just come out with it , as i like to be candid andwhere my mind on my sleeve.I never did uppers but I used to snort black out of a rig .mixed with water and cooked on a spoon.
The truth I found is that it is something you can quit. If you want to. No intervainius though.
I do not believe that most really want to quit

moose eater

Well-known member
I'll just come out with it , as i like to be candid andwhere my mind on my sleeve.I never did uppers but I used to snort black out of a rig .mixed with water and cooked on a spoon.
The truth I found is that it is something you can quit. If you want to. No intervainius though.
I do not believe that most really want to quit
Beliefs and facts are two different things, and thusly referenced differently.

Many people reach a place where what was good, no longer is.

Claiming what most do or don't want without knowing 'most' is a bit beyond scope of reason.

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