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Well-known member
Beliefs and facts are two different things, and thusly referenced differently.

Many people reach a place where what was good, no longer is.

Claiming what most do or don't want without knowing 'most' is a bit beyond scope of reason.
Ok .
I have seen alot of people who are two faced about it ,depending on who they talk to.
I ran into some one who offered me fety.
You want to get heavy.
No fucking way.
Good for you.
My point is he seemed genuine. I think he was pleased that I said no.
Mabey this fety is different. It is one hell of a drug

moose eater

Well-known member
Ok .
I have seen alot of people who are two faced about it ,depending on who they talk to.
I ran into some one who offered me fety.
You want to get heavy.
No fucking way.
Good for you.
My point is he seemed genuine. I think he was pleased that I said no.
Mabey this fety is different. It is one hell of a drug
I was skin-popping speed at 15, and mainlined uncut PCP at 16, sometimes before scuba diving.

I did 1-3 grams a day (sharing, of course, as I was generous) of uncut 92% coke for over three years straight. Maybe 4?

And I, like numerous people I knew who weren't directly in my immediate circle, stopped when it was no longer fun, when the euphoria and feel-good perspective of resolving the world's problems in rapid-fire discussions until 5 in the AM in the living room turned into paranoia and anxiety. No Betty Ford clinics required for me or those others I referenced.

It got old, and we quit in our own time frames. 2 died, and those included people who went from being decent sorts to stealing from anyone and everyone, including old friends and family.

Whether a specific food item, or a high, or a house, or whatever, people will often come to a place where what once was desirable is no longer what needs to be and is no longer desired.


Well-known member
I've never stolen from anyone. I am pretty clever about money. But you should probably consider yourself lucky that you no longer are into it


Well-known member
I had a friend. A really nice kid . He was cooking dope and he would talk to me, and then he walked over to my garbage can and started digging in it .I'm like what the fu%* man . I hide my dope in the trash.
He would pick up his girlfriend and jump up in the air so they could both go into another dimension.

moose eater

Well-known member
Man I'm honestly sorry to hear this . Many of us have lost dear and loved ones
What's to be sorry about?

The 2 folks who died are dead, they were thieves, they died by their own vices, and I don't regret any of what I engaged in back then to speak of.

I was simply wanting to redirect some of what I perceived to be undue judgement of homeless people, and those who are economically disadvantaged, as well as some political and social inaccuracies in general, etc.

But this thread has likely been taken on all the detour from its focus it needs to be. If it needed to be detoured at all.

Which Cannavore subtly pointed to a while ago.

I'm a senior citizen now, I had an incredibly adventurous life that was sometimes a gas, sometimes hardship, sometime laborious, and sometimes cushy. I've lived three lifetimes in my years, and regret very little of it. Some, but not a lot.

Try not to be quite so presumptuous in your judgments of others, especially those whose lives you've not lived.

People like the homeless you referenced, might also be caught up in the braggadocio of the moment, deflecting and covering up their reality, because that way they can pretend they're in control, when, as likely as not, they're caught in a torrent or current and feel powerless to a large degree. Try that on as a thought or perspective. Just as a hypothetical, even. Seriously.


Well-known member
Hey man I'm not able to sleep much. I have had more than a few drinks and at this point I don't think It would be prudent to continue this conversation at this moment


Well-known member












moose eater

Well-known member
Ahh, but that shifting, moveable 'red line' in the sand...

First the line turns pink, turning lighter than its original red. Then the pinkish line turns beige. And it continues changing colors until it finally blends into the sand and can no longer be seen.

Just imagine the lack of credibility and the laughable absence of integrity or seriousness the next time the US cites someone at the UN for human rights violations.



Well-known member
The Left does that?

I suggest you study a bit on who controlled what at the beginning of the housing implosion that began under GW, before Obama took over.

The FACT is that Wall Streeters and investment bankers get their cut from closing on deals that often/sometimes defy the existing laws and regulations, which is what happened in 2008.

And guess what? After the TARP bailouts, most of those brokers and related occupations weren't required to sell or forfeit those private jets, expensive sportscars, country estates, etc. that they'd purchased with the ill-gotten gains they received by closing deals that defied the law and regs, which the public covered the tabs on when they put their own businesses into heavy red ink.

Left? Pfft...
Ufff... I think it is easier to achieve communist utopia, than a chicken head "study"...
For chickenhead, Clinton is leftist, and Francesc Boix, myself and the rest of "my organizations and colleagues", from Hamas...
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Well-known member
More unrelated delusions...
Another flip-flop mouth raving like a poor crack addict...

No, you're wrong.
Neither Mao nor the CCP and its members are considered and celebrated as heroes by the State of Israel, by the international Jewish community, and by the Allied Governments in WWII (including the USA, UK, France) or the Austria liberated...; or they were summoned to testify, and a key part, in the Nuremberg Trials...
"My organizations" (as chickenhead says), and their members, yes.

Mucho, mucho "bocachancla y bocacharca" pulula por aquí...

china is owned by the banking family post world war 2.

you have been lied to

i have spent time with a man and wife, that are now long dead , that were held in bergen belsen during world war 2 , that survived on spider soup seasoned with the beeswax found in their shoes . they were russian . they could speak multiple languages and when released by the allies they said they were polish , as returning to soviet russia was considered hell .

you have no idea what you are talking about , and spoon feed yourself propaganda .

I don't know who the hell you're answering to, nor do you call him a liar: your delirious response has nothing to do with my statements, which are totally correct.

And you may have met Micki Mouse, if you want...: The people and organizations that you intend to stain with your vomit, lived together and shared with the Jews the same final destiny of the Nazi Holocaust.






Mauthausen: shared memories (the links between Jews and Spaniard Republicans):​


Conclusion (according to the chickenhead and the crack's delusions):
The State of Israel and the Jewish associations for the memory of the Soah, support, celebrate and thank the action of Hamas (for the chickenhead), or that of Mao and his PCC (for crack's delusions)...

...Don't stop hitting what you're putting into it...But if you suddenly find yourself surrounded by pink dragons with their chests tattooed with the faces of Stalin and Mao, I promise you about the hammer and sickle, they don't even belong to "my organizations", nor have I sent them... (except for the one who has the face of the Camarón de la Isla on his arm).
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Well-known member
Just what the fuck Is all this supposed to mean. You have a gift for words.
Still but hurt little bitch 😄

More unrelated delusions...

I don't know who the hell you're answering to, nor do you call him a liar: your delirious response has nothing to do with my statements, which are totally correct.

And you may have met Micki Mouse, if you want...: The people and organizations that you intend to stain with your vomit, lived together and shared with the Jews the same final destiny of the Nazi Holocaust.

View attachment 19072792



View attachment 19072795

View attachment 19072793

Mauthausen: shared memories (the links between Jews and Spaniard Republicans):​


Conclusion (according to the chickenhead and the crack's delusions):
The State of Israel and the Jewish associations for the memory of the Soah, support, celebrate and thank the action of Hamas (for the chickenhead), or that of Mao and his PCC (for crack's delusions)...

...Don't stop hitting what you're putting into it...But if you suddenly find yourself surrounded by pink dragons with their chests tattooed with the faces of Stalin and Mao, I promise you about the hammer and sickle, they don't even belong to "my organizations", nor have I sent them... (except for the one who has the face of the Camarón de la Isla on his arm).


Well-known member
...And in the next installment of this astonishing historical revelation, result of the "intellectual and investigative efforts" of two minds with the neurons of a headless chicken blinded by crack...:

"How HAMAS, Mao and the CCP infiltrated the Nazi Extermination Camps as prisoners (disguising themselves as Spanish Republicans), in order to beat Jewish teenagers who wanted to study"...

(Off-topic separate note for those who may be interested:
Curriculums to pilot Chem Trails are accepted; The company that is looking for them is called "IV Reich S.A.
More info, here):

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Well-known member
...And in the next installment of this astonishing historical revelation, the result of the "intellectual and investigative efforts" of two minds with the neurons of a headless chicken blinded by crack:
How HAMAS, Mao and the CCP infiltrated the Nazi Extermination Camps as prisoners (disguising themselves as Spanish Republicans), in order to beat Jewish teenagers who wanted to study...
So now you are say that hamas invaded the nazi camps .
You really ought to brush up on your history.
I suppose you are one of those Holocaust denier people too.
By the way what is all this chicken stuff you are carrying on about?
Is it some kind of third world voodoo crap.
You guys sacrificing chickens in what ever hole you come out of?


Well-known member
More unrelated delusions...

I don't know who the hell you're answering to, nor do you call him a liar: your delirious response has nothing to do with my statements, which are totally correct.

And you may have met Micki Mouse, if you want...: The people and organizations that you intend to stain with your vomit, lived together and shared with the Jews the same final destiny of the Nazi Holocaust.

View attachment 19072792



View attachment 19072795

View attachment 19072793

Mauthausen: shared memories (the links between Jews and Spaniard Republicans):​


Conclusion (according to the chickenhead and the crack's delusions):
The State of Israel and the Jewish associations for the memory of the Soah, support, celebrate and thank the action of Hamas (for the chickenhead), or that of Mao and his PCC (for crack's delusions)...

...Don't stop hitting what you're putting into it...But if you suddenly find yourself surrounded by pink dragons with their chests tattooed with the faces of Stalin and Mao, I promise you about the hammer and sickle, they don't even belong to "my organizations", nor have I sent them... (except for the one who has the face of the Camarón de la Isla on his arm).

talk for yourself comrade . you are a disgrace . have a good day