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...como el Son...
According to the newspaper "EL MUNDO":

The Prime Minister of Poland, Mateusz Morawiecki, has called this Tuesday from Kiev to "put an end to the tragedy" that Ukraine is experiencing. He did so upon his arrival in the capital of that country together with his counterparts from the Czech Republic, Pietr Fiala, and Slovenia, Janez Jansa. "We must stop this tragedy as soon as possible," Morawiecki said, according to the Polish news agency PAP, upon his arrival in the Ukrainian capital, where he plans to meet with the country's president, Volodymir Zelenski, and its prime minister, Denys Shmyhal. "This is why we are in Kiev," he specified.

"This war is the result of the actions of a cruel tyrant who attacks civilians, shells cities and hospitals in Ukraine," the Polish leader wrote, through his Facebook account, alluding to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Morawiecki, Fiala and Jansa left this morning by train from Poland to Ukraine, on a trip, which according to the Polish government spokesman, Piort Müller, had been previously agreed with the leaders of the European Union (EU) at the informal summit held in Versailles. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg had also been informed of the trip, as well as representatives of the U.S. government, according to the Polish government source.

Their aim is "to confirm the unequivocal support of the entire EU for Ukraine's sovereignty and independence and to present a comprehensive aid package," according to Müller.


...como el Son...

Volodimir Zelensky acknowledges that Ukraine "will not be a member of NATO"
UpdatedTuesday, 15 March 2022 - 16:45

The words of the Ukrainian president match one of Russia's demands to renounce its invasion of the country

Volodimir Zelensky says that Ukraine has to admit that it will not be able to join NATOTHE WORLD (Video) // EFE (Photo)
[FONT=PT_serif]Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky took a step back on Tuesday in his attempts to join Ukraine to NATO . The Ukrainian president has given the news in the framework of a visit to kyiv by the leaders of Poland, Slovenia and the Czech Republic. His decision is consistent with one of Russia's demands to renounce its invasion of the country, although for the time being Moscow has not made a statement. The alternative proposed by Zelensky himself is a "separate" security "guarantee" with the West .
[FONT=PT_serif]"If we cannot enter through the front door, then we have to cooperate with the organizations that we can, with those that will help us protect ourselves [...] have separate guarantees," the Ukrainian leader acknowledged, in a video statement released on Tuesday. "We have realized that Ukraine will not be a member of NATO ," he stressed. "We are reasonable people," he has maintained, in a message that materializes a turn that the Ukrainian government had undertaken last week.[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=PT_serif]He regretted that NATO, "which seems hypnotized by Russian aggression", refuses to create a no-fly zone over Ukraine.[/FONT]

[FONT=PT_serif]"We hear arguments that World War III could start if NATO closes its skies to Russian planes. That is why the humanitarian air zone over Ukraine was not created and that is why the Russians can bomb cities and kill people, blow up hospitals and schools." , said.[/FONT]
[FONT=PT_serif]This Tuesday, Ukrainians and Russians sat down again at the extended negotiating table between Belarus and Ukraine two weeks ago. On March 7, the Kremlin spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, had assured that his country would stop the invasion "immediately" if, among other demands, Kiev changed its Constitution to guarantee neutrality , thus turning Ukraine into a buffer country between the NATO members and the Russian Federation.[/FONT]
[FONT=PT_serif]A day later, in an interview for the ABC network, the Ukrainian President declared that "we are ready for any security guarantee of our country from the respective States that must guarantee it . And Russia is also among these States, as it is our neighbor". However, the Zelensky Administration has not stopped asking NATO for military support to deal with Russian attacks, which continue to target the civilian population in particular.[/FONT]

[FONT=PT_serif]On February 19, 2019, the then Ukrainian President, Petro Poroshenko , signed a reform of Art. 85 of the Ukrainian Constitution. It gave the Verkhovna Rada, the unicameral Congress, the "authority" to "determine the principles of domestic and foreign policy," including Ukraine's acquisition of full membership in the European Union and the Treaty Organization. North Atlantic." Poroshenko said his country would apply for both revenues "no later than 2023. "[/FONT]

[FONT=PT_serif]So far, the Ukrainian calls for direct NATO intervention in its territory, especially the shielding of its airspace to end the threat of Russian aviation, have fallen on deaf ears. Last weekend, during a speech at the Antalya Diplomatic Forum, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg did not close the door on Ukraine's entry into the transatlantic organization. His argument was that "it is [/FONT]Ukraine that should decide freely"[FONT=PT_serif] .


...como el Son...
Just published the last war report of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic on the war against the invasion of the regime of the Kingdom of Morocco:


Part of War No. 485. Western Sahara War.


ECS. Bir Lehlu. | Units of the Saharawi People's Liberation Army launched new attacks against the bases and ditches of the Royal Moroccan Army inside the military wall that divides Western Sahara, according to war report No. 485 issued by the Ministry of Defense.

In this context, today, Tuesday, March 15, the Saharawi units surrounded the Güerat Ould Blal area in the Mahbes sector with continued bombardments of the occupation forces stationed there.
The statement added that other detachments concentrated their artillery against the invading Moroccan forces stationed in the Farsia and Mahbes regions, specifically in the Graret Hadid and Sabjat Tanushad areas.
The same statement indicated that Moroccan troops suffered heavy losses in life and equipment along the wall of shame. Since the breakdown of the ceasefire and the beginning of the war on Friday, November 13, 2020, the SPLA has been harassing the occupation forces in these sectors and others adjacent to the Moroccan military wall.



...como el Son...
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Members and leaders of the UN peacekeeping mission in occupied Western Sahara implicated in sex scandals with Moroccan women.



Ahmed Zain. Muhammad Salem.
ECS. New York. | Alexander Ivanko, head of MINURSO (United Nations Mission for the referendum in Western Sahara) is being singled out for an alleged sex scandal in occupied El Ayoun whose extensions reach the Secretary General of the UN, Antonio Guterres, as well as his predecessor as head of the mission, Canadian Colin Stewart, and the head of the MINURSO force, Pakistani General Zia Ur Rahman. A story that contains the essential ingredients of the well-known 'Moroccan blackmail': sexual scandal, improper pregnancy, leaks, cover-up, purchase of wills and the involvement of senior officials.

Inner City Press (Matthew Lee), a veteran reporter at the United Nations headquarters in New York, has been the one who has revealed the facts after being contacted by several people to denounce the events, which they describe as ''pro-Moroccan scandal in the MINURSO''. ECS contacted the journalist but was unable to obtain any response.
Alexander Ivanko, an inveterate traveler who worked as a reporter for National Geographic , and who, thanks to this experience, held the position of Director of Public Information in Kosovo and spokesman for the Secretariat, was appointed head of MINURSO at the end of last August 2021 by the sec. General of the UN, succeeding Colin Stewart, against whom there are also accusations of a sexual scandal allegedly with the same woman with whom Ivanko has now been involved.

Inner City Press also revealed that the same UN Secretary General, António Guterres, is not committed to resolving the conflict in Western Sahara after publishing a conversation between Guterres and the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Italian Filippo Grandi, in which the UN Secretary General asks to "keep UNHCR's work in Western Sahara dormant for now"
The revelations do not end there. Matthew Lee receives new complaints on March 10 from citizens in occupied Western Sahara alleging that the Commander of the MINURSO Force, Pakistani General Zia Rahman had impregnated a local woman. It so happens that General Zia Rahman is married and to avoid greater evils, he asked his head of mission, Alexander Ivanko, to cover up the scandal by paying an amount of money to the woman in question as well as her family to protect his career and prestige. According to Inner City Press, Ivanko now plans to marry this woman and claims that he has bought a plot worth €74,000. Even "He promised to find her a position at the UN," said the organization of reporters, adding that although they have the name and details of the Moroccan woman, they will not be published for now. The UN has a body that ensures its responsibility and internal supervision called OSSI (Office of Internal Oversight Services) but it is impossible to know if these two individuals are being investigated for these cases.

Inner City Press said that after learning of the facts through whistleblowers, he addressed several questions to the UN in his daily briefings, without receiving a response from UN spokesmen. In addition to other cases of UNRWA and in Afghanistan.
Inner City Press also alleges that Antonio Guterres has forbidden him access to his press conferences due to his questions about corruption and support for Moroccan colonialism in Western Sahara, however a dozen Moroccan state media can access. ''The role of Guterres in the orchestration of colonial lies, from Western Sahara to Cameroon, and in the censorship and prohibition of the independent press by rejecting his questions, is decisive,'' the American reporter settles in his article , warning that ''there will be more'' and ''Guterres should be fired'' in a clear message that there will be more revelations such as the name of the woman involved.

Last year, another former official of the MINURSO mission in Western Sahara, Joseph Alfred Grinblat, revealed in an article written by himself ''Memoirs on the MINURSO mission'' the degree of corruption of the UN regarding the Western Sahara conflict , noting the kidnapping of members, the disappearance of papers and how the occupying power, the Kingdom of Morocco, enjoyed staggering impunity, even expelling blue helmets and administrative personnel.
The UN and its management of the issue of decolonization of Western Sahara through the MINURSO mission, which provided for a referendum signed by both parties, has been a complete nonsense, and its action after the war broke out with the subsequent regional tension has It has been described as shameful and unfortunate due to the degree of denial of reality in which it incurs. Without going any further, the report of the UN SG presented last October , although it confirmed the resumption of hostilities, did not denounce who broke the ceasefire despite detailing the movements of each party that demonstrated the Moroccan preparation and unilateral will to rape him. Last February, one of the UN Secretary General's spokesmen, Farhan Haq, went further and madesome statements contradicting Guterres by stating that there was no war in Western Sahara.The carelessness of Antonio Guterres's spokesman in contradicting the words of his representative can hardly be considered forgetfulness and largely reflects the work of the UN organization regarding Western Sahara.

The MINURSO mission in Western Sahara is involved in innumerable controversies that reach its raison d'être. It should be remembered that for the time being, with the resumption of the war in Western Sahara, its presence is purely nominal and formal, it cannot carry out any of the tasks entrusted to it, not even protect human rights that are trampled by Morocco a few meters away from its headquarters in occupied El Ayoun. Neither monitor the ceasefire, nor the violations, nor protect the Saharawis or their historical heritage, but annually it squanders millionaire funds (57 million for this year) that do not revert to any benefit for the Saharawi population, not even protect them from the unspeakable Moroccan repression.



...como el Son...
In Western Sahara Guterres' Rep Has Predatory Relation Now Mil Chief Buys Off Pregnancy

Click image for larger version  Name:	srsg_alexander_ivanko_0.png Views:	1 Size:	629.7 KB ID:	18099405

UN GATE, March 11 -- On Western Sahara, Inner City Press has repeatedly asked UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, his spokesmen and now Communications chief Melissa Fleming about sexual harassment charges against his representative Colin Stewart, which it has exclusively reported as credited here and even here.

On August 27, 2021 Guterres after massive delay gave the MINURSO post to Alexander Ivanko of the Russian Federation, who previously served as Director of Public Information for the United Nations Mission in Kosovo - where when, before Guterres ousted it, Inner City Press asked Ivanko five questions, four of which he essentially no-commented on, here.

Inner City Press has been contacted by UN whistleblowers outraged at what they say is already a pro-Morocco scandal at MINURO under - literally - Ivanko. They tell Inner City Press, none of whose questions the UN will answer even to confirm or deny, that Ivanko has struck up a predatory relationship with a Moroccan woman who was recruited into MINURSO by now-rewarded predator Colin Stewart.
Inner City Press put this question and another - about UNRWA and Afghanistan - to all UN spokespeople. Nothing.
Still with no answer, on January 25 Inner City Press added more: that the uncle married the woman and promised to work to get her a UN job, moving her into Western Sahara and thereby colonizing, the UN colonizing.

(Inner City Press has the victim's name but, as it does in the current US v. Ghislaine Maxwell case on which Guterres refuses to answer why he had a representative, Amir Dossal, on Maxwell's Terramar project board, it is not publish the name - in the case of the UN, for now).
The whistleblowers also telling recount that given his lack of commitment to decolonization, Guterres told Grandi - subject now of an Afghanistan and UNRWA scoop - to keep UNHCR's Western Sahara work "sleeping" for now.
Sleeping indeed. With the UN refusing to answer, even to confirm or deny, on March 10 this: whistleblowers in Western Sahara says that the Force Commander, General Zia Rahman, has gotten a local Moroccan woman pregnant. He is already married and therefore wants to avoid any scandal so has asked SRSG Alex Ivanko to help cover up this wrongdoing by arranging a payment to the pregnant woman and her family, and to ensure that this does not tarnish his record. Now Ivanko plans to marry the Moroccan lady that he has been having an affair with. As part of dowry arrangements he has bought a villa locally for her family worth 74,000 Euros. It is not clear if OIOS has started investigating either of these 2 cases."
No answers from the UN of Guterres and Fleming.
The UN under Guterres is less and less accountable, less and less transparent. But we will not rest - even as we publish another UN scandal, in Afghanistan. Watch this site.
Guterres has also given the Western Sahara envoy post out: "Staffan de Mistura of Italy as his Personal Envoy for Western Sahara. He succeeds Horst Köhler of Germany, who completed his assignment on 22 May 2019 and to whom the Secretary-General is grateful for his steadfast and intensive efforts which laid the foundation for a new momentum in the political process on Western Sahara." Momentum? Here's Mistura Q&A in 2017 with Inner City Press on video - will he end or benefit from Guterres' Press-ban?
And what about US Secretary Antony Blinken? He issued this: "The United States warmly welcomes the appointment of Staffan de Mistura as the new UN Personal Envoy of the Secretary General for Western Sahara. Personal Envoy de Mistura brings considerable expertise – addressing challenges in Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria – to this important position and we will actively support his efforts to promote a peaceful and prosperous future for the people of Western Sahara and the region." What about a referendum with independence as an option? What about UN censorship, on which his Department (and US Mission) have gotten a letter?

Guterres has repeatedly refused to answer, and denied Inner City Press access to the UN he lets dozens of Moroccan state media into as he and Fleming continue the ban on Inner City Press supported by a frivolous complaint filed against Inner City Press' coverage from the UN Security Council stakeout. So, after the December 2020 developments, on SoundCloud this song, here.
On December 26, 2020 amid report of abuse below, Morocco trolls comically called out not only Inner City Press, banned for questioning Guterres not only on his support for colonialism not only in Western Sahara but also Cameroon, CAR and elsewhere, but also a UN insider, "The Plant," Abdel Hamid Siyam, here.
This guy is let into every UN briefing, usually only asking about one issue, entirely silent on UN ban of Press. But the trolls don't like his questions either, though when asked what secret (or "closet") meeting it covered, they reply "We don't need to remember the facts.. Everyone knows the story."
Yeah - sounds like Melissa Fleming.
Guterres' role in orchestrating colonial lies, from Western Sahara to Cameroon, and censoring and banning independent Press and refusing its questions, is decisive. Here are just some of the Morocco state media Guterres and Melissa Fleming let in, and Steph Dujarric answers, from the UN Censorship Alliance (UNCA) --
Enhari Naoufal Moroccan News Agency (MAP) UN correspondent United Nations Secretariat Building Room S-0419 New York NY 10017 [email protected] Tel: 917-530-2673
Benyoussef Bouchra Quid.MA Tel: (212) 758-6461 Mobile: (201) 873-5656 www.quid.ma @b.bouchra2001 -- "does not exist" (also a UN staff member - incredible)
There are more, and there will be more. Guterres should be fired.




...como el Son...
US congressmen increase pressure on Biden to modify Washington's policy regarding Western Sahara.

Ahmed Zain.

ECS. Madrid. |
In his first year in the White House, this is the second letter the US president has received asking him to review foreign policy on the entrenched conflict in Western Sahara. Last year, 27 senators led by Jim Inhofe demanded the same , now, a dozen members of the US Congress headed by Sarah Jacobs, signed and sent a letter to US President Joe Biden, urging him to immediately stop arms sales to Morocco, given Rabat's lack of guarantees that US weapons would not be used against the Saharawi people and its lack of political will to conclude the decolonization process of the last African colony; the Western Sahara.

More than 10 US congressmen delivered a letter to President Biden urging him to stop the sale of US weapons to Morocco until effective controls are established to ensure that these weapons will not be used in the Saharawi territories.

As a result of this policy change, the letter adds: ''The United States is now the only country that officially recognizes Morocco's alleged claims that are inconsistent with international law and the internationally recognized right to self-determination , such as the International Court of Justice and the European Court of Justice have issued several clear rulings in favor of the Saharawi people's right to self-determination'' and adding that '' Morocco has no right to claim the territory. ''

In particular, the letter expressed the concerns of members of the US Congress about the arms deal that the Biden administration agreed to sign with Morocco in December of last year, in which the previous administration notified Congress of arms sales for value of one billion dollars to Morocco, noting that, " We are concerned that these weapons may be used offensively against the Saharawi people, or that they may otherwise facilitate the illegal occupation of the territory by Morocco ."

They also welcomed the recent appointment of Staffan De Mistura as the UN Secretary General's new Personal Envoy for Western Sahara, members of the US Congress registering with concern that Washington has not clearly engaged with the UN in supporting a peaceful solution between Morocco and the Saharawi government.

Consequently, members of the US Congress have urged the administration not to conclude any major arms deals with Morocco. Such sales would be highly inappropriate in light of the recent escalation of violence between the Moroccan army and the POLISARIO Front, as Morocco does not guarantee that such weapons will not be used against the Saharawi people. They also expressed concern about the lack of progress on a political referendum and a final peace agreement for Western Sahara, as signed voluntarily by the parties in 1991 under the auspices of the UN and the AU.

In closing, the undersigned congressmen asked to be briefed on the arms package and the administration's review of its policy toward Western Sahara and Morocco , including the short- and long-term consequences of recognition of Morocco's territorial claims on prospects for peace.

They recalled the crucial role of the United States in this protracted conflict, in the hope that this will guarantee the ability of the Saharawi people to live in freedom, dignity and peace, and allow them to exercise their inalienable right to self-determination. A copy of the letter was also sent to the Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee and another to the US Secretary of State.



...como el Son...
Spain: Congress approves urging the Government of Spain to act as the administering power of Western Sahara.

he Deputy Maria Dantas of ERC has exposed the text presented in the Congress in which the Government of Spain is urged to carry out its work as the administering power of Western Sahara in order to "end the serious violations of Human Rights".
«In the last year, Morocco has intensified all its actions to reaffirm its more than questioned sovereignty over the territory of Western Sahara. The Kingdom of Morocco has taken advantage of all its State weapons to submit the Saharawi population to its will through fear and violence. The international community remains silent, sadly, without intervening. Until when is the Spanish State going to continue avoiding its responsibility in Western Sahara? », Said the Deputy in her intervention.

Among the non-law proposals, the demand for Morocco to "comply with human rights" is also included.
In addition, the demand that the Khaya family be given the necessary medical attention and an end to house arrest and torture. Likewise, Dantas has reproduced some words of Sultana Khaya: «Sultana Khaya speaks to you from inside her family home, in which I am held for 480 days, which have been deprivation of liberty, torture, rape and oppression, among others. stuff. We have been without power for a year, we have been a year and we are on our way to the second year in which we are held, separated from the rest of the population, without any type of medical access or treatment, dealing day by day with harmful and toxic chemicals with which we were sprayed. We want to send a message as Saharawi women, tortured and raped.

The text has finally been approved in the Congress of Deputies.




...como el Son...

March 15, 2022 - Updated: 21:03

The images reveal the loss of 200 Russian and 64 Ukrainian tanks

Vehicle casualties in Moscow exceed 1,240 units and those in kyiv 334, according to photos and videos dated in the country during the invasion

Gines Soriano | Tuesday , March 15, 2022, 06:00


The photographs and videos that appear these days in different media (mainly on social networks) about the war in Ukraine show that Russia has lost more than 1,200 vehicles since the operation began on February 24. Of them, more than 200 are tanks. The forces of the invaded country, for their part, have suffered the loss of at least 64 combat tanks and another 270 vehicles, according to the evidence collected in a complete list of material losses on both sides that can be identified through images and videos.
The information, compiled by Oryxpioenkop.com , shows the specific model of each vehicle, detailing whether it has been damaged, abandoned or captured, and includes a link to an image of its condition with the corresponding date, according to those responsible, the specialist Dutch in defense information Stijn Mitzer , in collaboration with Joost Oliemans Kemal and Dan and Jakub Janovsky . In an introductory text, the authors clarify that the number of vehicles and equipment destroyed, in reality, "is significantly greater than that recorded" by them, since they only include those from which the aforementioned photographic or videographic evidence has been obtained, they say. .
At the moment, the only official source that is offering data on Russian losses in the invasion of Ukraine is the Ministry of Defense of the invaded country, too involved in the matter to intuit that its figures are inflated. In the first 12 days of the offensive alone, the Ukrainians already claimed to have caused the death of 12,000 Russian soldiers and to have put 303 of their battle tanks out of action, 1,036 armored APVs, 120 artillery systems, 56 rocket launchers, 27 anti-aircraft systems. , 48 planes, 80 helicopters, 474 vehicles, 3 boats, 60 fuel tanks and 7 unmanned aerial vehicles.
The figures recorded by Oryxpioenkop , however, do not seem very misguided, taking into account that, as they explain, they only include those teams that have been photographed, so it is concluded that the loss of material is ultimately much greater. This list included until this Monday, March 14, the loss by Russia of 204 battle tanks, fully detailed. Specifically, these are three T-64s , 114 T-72s , 63 T-80s , 16 T-90s and eight other tanks that cannot be identified. The list details the variant to which each one corresponds and whether or not it was manufactured during the Soviet era.
References to 129 combat armor are also collected, including 68 MT-LB ; 184 infantry fighting vehicles, including 65 BMP-2s and 45 BMD-2s , and 64 armored personnel carriers (35 BTR-80s , 24 BTR-Ds , and four BTR-MDMs , among others.
Half a dozen Italian Iveco LMV vehicles
In total, Russian losses add up to 1,243 vehicles, among which, curiously enough, half a dozen Italian Iveco LMV 4x4s , like those owned by the Spanish Army , and which were acquired years ago by Moscow, appear .
There is also evidence of 12 aircraft destroyed and one damaged (six Su-25 close support aircraft ), two Su-30SM multirole aircraft ), two other Su-34 attack aircraft and one An-26 transport aircraft ), 12 helicopters destroyed, one damaged and two abandoned (of the Mi-8 , Mi-24 , Mi-35 , Mi-28 and Ka-52 models ), and three drones destroyed plus another four captured.
On the part of Ukraine, the list reflects the loss of 334 vehicles, including 64 battle tanks, all of them from the Soviet era (59 T-64BVs , two T-72AVs and T-80BVs ), 46 armored combat vehicles, 40 infantry fighting vehicles and 20 armored personnel carriers.
Kiev has also lost, according to these images, nine aircraft (a MiG-29 , three Su-27 , three Su-25 , an An-26 and the only An-225 that existed, and which was the largest aircraft in the world). It has also lost two Tu-141 drones and another two Lleka-100 , as well as a Mi-24 helicopter .
At sea, Ukraine has been left without a Kivak III -class frigate and an Island -class patrol vessel .
Logging biased against invaders
It is logical to think that, since they are photographs published mostly by Ukrainians, the bulk of the images are of the losses they have caused to the Russians, and not so much their own. In this way it can be explained that four times more vehicles of the invader are shown.
On the other hand, among the Russian military casualties, whose count is not included in this list, the death of three generals so far in the campaign stands out. These are General Andrei Sukhovetsky , whose death has been recognized by Moscow, and who was deputy commander of the 41st Combined Arms Army of the Ground Forces ; General Vitaly Gerasimov , chief of staff and first deputy commander of the 41st Combined Arms Army of the Ground Forces, a discharge also recognized by the Russian Defense Ministry , and General Andrei Kolesnikov , commander of the 29th Combined Arms Army of the Eastern Military District , whose death has been confirmed by NATO officials.



...como el Son...
Tension on the border between Algeria and Morocco soars :

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By Sidi Maatala

Madrid (ESC). - According to local media reports from both countries, both Algeria and Morocco are preparing for military maneuvers. On the one hand, the Algerian People's Army is preparing to carry out large-scale military maneuvers on the western borders of the country, that is, the Algerian-Moroccan borders, and on the other hand, Morocco will carry out, together with France, military exercises.
For the portal El Español , it is a scenario that could complicate the energy crisis that Europe is experiencing with the Russian special operation in Ukraine. The rise in gas prices in a single day, from €119/MWh to €311/MWh, is just one example of the madness that has been taking place in European energy markets in recent months.

Regarding the Algerian army, the military maneuvers will be carried out in the second and third regions, and will have live ammunition. It will be attended by important land, air and sea combat units as well as from other military branches. However, the country's Supreme Security Council has not specified the date on which these maneuvers will take place.
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This information is also confirmed by the news portal that spreads in Morocco, The African Report. The Moroccan digital publishes that Morocco and Algeria are embarking on an arms race due to the increase in tensions. He warns that the continuous military exercises carried out by Algeria have made Morocco react.

The relationship between Algiers and Rabat has been deteriorating in recent months, with the closure of the gas pipeline (GME) that arrived in Spain passing through Morocco on October 31 being decisive.

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Morocco maintains tensions with all its neighbors.

Morocco has recently announced the establishment of a new military zone on its border with Algeria to monitor Algerian military maneuvers on the border. The military area encompasses the provinces of Figuig and Oujda, two border regions with Algeria.

In response to this announcement, the Algerian Army has increased its activity on the border, launching a series of military exercises in order to protect its borders and monitor the area in the face of the Israeli presence in Morocco.

This new military zone announced by Morocco triggered tensions between Rabat and Algiers. The interruption of its diplomatic relations in August 2021 was followed by a total closure of Algerian airspace for Moroccan planes, the closure of the Maghreb-Europe gas pipeline, which hit the Kingdom's energy reserves and, as a backdrop, Algiers has punished harshly to the Moroccan regime for its position with Israel and its recent threats to peace and security in North Africa.



...como el Son...

Tension rises on the border of Algeria and Morocco, the icing on the cake to worsen the energy crisis in Europe
Algeria confirms it is ready to supply more gas to Europe, but what would happen in case of conflict with its Alawite neighbor? :

8 March, 2022 03:34
by Laura Ojea.

The conflict between Morocco and Algeria is heating up. According to media reports from both neighboring countries, on the one hand, the Algerian People's Army is preparing to carry out large-scale military maneuvers on the western borders of the country, that is, the Algerian-Moroccan borders, and on the other hand, the Alawite Kingdom is reinforcing its security in the east as tensions in the Maghreb increase.

(Related news:
Teresa Ribera guarantees gas supply in Spain, with reserves for 43 days.
Algeria assures that all natural gas supply to Spain is "entirely guaranteed".
Government authorizes Rabat to use Spanish gas plants to supply itself and guarantee its energy supplies.
A scenario that could complicate the energy crisis that Europe is experiencing with the Russian invasion in Ukraine. The volatility of gas prices in a single day, from 119 euros/MWh to 311 euros/MWh, is just one example of the madness being experienced in European energy markets in recent months.)

According to the ECS news website, regarding the Algerian army, the military maneuvers will take place in the second and third regions, and will feature live ammunition. It will be attended by major ground, air and sea combat units as well as other military branches. However, the country's Supreme Security Council has not specified the date on which these maneuvers will take place.

This is also confirmed by the news portal The African Report, which publishes that Morocco and Algeria are embarking on an arms race in the face of rising tensions. It warns that although the Alawite kingdom wants to distance itself from any possible conflict, the continuous meetings between Algeria and Russia, together with the military operations carried out jointly, have caused Morocco to react.

The relationship between the two Maghreb countries has been deteriorating in recent months, with the closure of the gas pipeline to Spain via Morocco on October 31 being a determining factor.

Gas crisis in the EU:

The problem is that Europe wants to replace the natural gas that until now came from Russia, or at least reduce its dependence on Putin as much as possible. In fact, the Eurasian country is the largest exporter worldwide (260 bcm/year) and also with respect to the EU (160 bcm/year, more than a third of total European imports).

This is why Algeria and its relations with Morocco represent a real conflict for Europe's plans to expand the flow of gas from the south to the north of the continent. This is how the European Commissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson, saw it during her visit to Madrid at the end of February: The supply of natural gas to Europe is assured, especially in the case of Spain, which has an excellent network of liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals and a pipeline supply through Algeria.

The closure of the Maghreb-Europe (GME) pipeline has left Spain dependent only on a pipeline supply channel through Medgaz, the pipe that connects to the distribution network from Almeria, in addition to transport by ship. Now a possible failure in this channel or an armed conflict would have serious consequences for the Spanish and European energy system.

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A couple of weeks ago, Algeria's state-owned energy company, Sonatrach, announced that it was ready to supply more gas to Europe, and not only to pump additional gas to the EU via Medgaz, but also through the Transmed pipeline linking Algeria to Italy. However, it is impossible to pump more gas than the country produces, nor is it possible to send an amount above the capacity of the pipes.

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...como el Son...

Morocco 'Putinizes' against Spain:
Morocco has avoided condemning Putin at the UN General Assembly, a sign that Rabat is closer politically to the Russian autocracy than to the EU and Spain

Federico Echanove
15 March, 2022 02:28

"If with José María Aznar we had had a different policy towards Morocco, surely 11-M would not have happened. There are things that people can't even imagine. And when we came to power, trust in security matters between the two shores was broken. You don't know how much had to be done to recover it".


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
The American lying media has been talking about Putin doing a 'false flag' since before this started. The cia tells them what to say.


...como el Son...
Argelia y el expansionismo marroquí

Las relaciones entre Marruecos y Argelia llevan décadas siendo tensas. La reciente ruptura de relaciones entre ambos países es sólo un episodio más de este largo conflicto entre vecinos.

Un grupo de milicianos saharauis en un coche armado con artillería durante en el camino a una operación contra el muro en la parte ocupada por Marruecos en el Sáhara Occidental CARLOS GIL

Bachir Mohamed Lahsen
20 FEB 2022 06:00

En los últimos meses han aflorado de nuevo las diferencias entre Argelia y Marruecos, manifestadas en diferentes frentes, incluido el diplomático, con la declaración de Argelia, en agosto del año pasado, de la ruptura de las relaciones con Marruecos. Dicho conflicto se ha traducido en la retirada de embajadores y el impedimento, por parte de Argelia, de sobrevolar su espacio aéreo a los aviones marroquíes, ya se trate de aeronaves civiles o militares.

El 1 de noviembre de 2021, Argel detiene las exportaciones de gas natural que llegan a España a través del gasoducto que atraviesa Marruecos. En su momento, el presidente argelino, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, justificó la no renovación del acuerdo por “las prácticas agresivas de Marruecos” hacia su país.

Las medidas tomadas, así como el discurso que circula por los medios de comunicación, tanto en Argelia como en Marruecos, profundiza aún más la brecha entre las dos potencias norteafricanas. Para entender cómo hemos llegado hasta aquí merece la pena que nos detengamos las raíces, dimensiones y causas del enfrentamiento más antiguo en la región del Magreb, y que afecta de manera directa a España.

Un poco de historia :

En julio del año 1962, y tras 132 años de colonización, Argelia logra su independencia de Francia. Meses después, el 8 de octubre de 1963, Marruecos invade el sur argelino con el fin de anexionarse Bechar y Tindouf, ciudades argelinas fronterizas con Marruecos. Comienzan entonces los enfrentamientos bautizados como la Guerra de las Arenas. Las escaramuzas fronterizas duraron varios meses, hasta que la intermediación de la Liga Árabe y la Organización para la Unidad Africana consigue la firma de un acuerdo de alto el fuego, el 20 de febrero de 1964. Desde entonces, las relaciones entre ambos países han sido tensas y muy limitadas.

Doce años después de la invasión marroquí del sur de Argelia, Hasan II decide ocupar al Sáhara Occidental organizando lo que se conoce como la “Marcha Verde”, en noviembre de 1975, tras la retirada de España del territorio. Como consecuencia, estalla una guerra de guerrillas entre el ejército saharaui y fuerzas marroquíes que duró 16 años. En dichas circunstancias, Argelia apoya a los saharauis y ofrece su territorio a los civiles que huyen de los bombardeos marroquíes. Desde entonces, Argelia se convierte en el principal aliado del pueblo saharaui en su lucha para liberar su tierra.
En 1989, Argel y Rabat acuerdan la constitución de la Unión del Magreb Árabe :​

Mayo de 1988 es el mes de la vuelta de las relaciones diplomáticas entre Argelia y Marruecos, y además se produce la apertura de las fronteras tras una ruptura de 12 años. Para mostrar la importancia de las relaciones bilaterales para ambas partes, el presidente argelino, Chadli Bendjedid, nombró a uno de sus más destacados confidentes, Abdelhamid Mahri, y lo trasladó de su cargo de embajador en París a Rabat. Por otro lado, Hassan II nombró a su médico privado, Abdellatif Berbish, como su embajador en Argelia. En febrero de 1989, Argel y Rabat dan un paso más allá acordando la constitución de la Unión del Magreb Árabe en la ciudad marroquí de Marrakech, integrada por cinco países: Libia, Túnez, Argelia, Marruecos y Mauritania, mediante la firma del tratado por el que se establece la Unión del Magreb Árabe.

El entendimiento y cooperación entre los dos países alcanzó entonces sus máximos a nivel bilateral y de la región magrebí, hasta que al cabo de unos años volvería la tensión y, poco después, la ruptura. Tras el atentado terrorista contra el hotel Atlas Asni en Marrakech en 1994, en el que murieron turistas españoles, Marruecos acusó a Argelia de estar detrás del mismo. Argel vio esta acusación como un intento de etiquetar a Argelia como exportador de terrorismo y aumentar su aislamiento a nivel internacional, mientras estaba luchando contra el terrorismo en el país.

Visados y cierre de fronteras :

Marruecos impuso el visado unilateral a los argelinos que quisieran visitar el país vecino. La respuesta de Argelia fue el 24 de agosto de 1994, cerrando la frontera terrestre entre ambos países. Curiosamente, Argelia eligió la misma fecha en el año 2021 para anunciar la ruptura de relaciones diplomáticas con Marruecos, y la retirada de su embajador después de que la tensión entre ambos países se hubiera incrementado significativamente en los meses anteriores.

Argelia acusa entonces a Marruecos de “lanzar una campaña mediática despreciable contra su país”, “cooperar con organizaciones terroristas”, “espiar a ciudadanos y funcionarios argelinos con el programa israelí Pegasus” y “abandonar los compromisos sobre el Sáhara Occidental”. Y como se veía venir, el 31 de octubre de 2021, el presidente argelino anunció la no renovación del contrato de explotación del gasoducto que abastece a España de gas argelino a través de Marruecos, como un castigo a Rabat.
Las fronteras terrestres entre Marruecos y Argelia han estado cerradas durante 45 años :​

Una lectura atenta de las relaciones entre los dos países revela que, tras casi sesenta años de independencia, las fronteras terrestres entre Marruecos y Argelia han estado (y siguen estando) cerradas durante 45 años (1963-69, 1976-88 y desde 1994 hasta la actualidad), mientras la ruptura de relaciones diplomáticas duró veinte años. Las disputas fronterizas entre los dos países también provocaron una guerra directa en 1963.
El Sáhara Español, Marruecos y Argelia :

El deterioro de las relaciones argelino-marroquíes nada tiene que ver con el Sáhara Occidental. De hecho, en el año 1958, el BOE publica que el Sáhara Español se integraba como provincia en la distribución territorial de España. Según el artículo 4, “la Provincia del Sáhara gozará de los derechos de representación en Cortes y demás organismos públicos correspondientes a las provincias españolas”. El 21 de abril de 1961, el BOE publica ya la Ley 8/1961, que determina que el Sáhara Occidental es la provincia 53 de España.

A lo largo de la década de los sesenta, y mientras Argelia y Marruecos ya se habían enfrentado militarmente, la ONU aprobó diferentes resoluciones en favor de la libre determinación de los territorios colonizados. Quizá la resolución 1514 es la más destacada, puesto que reconoce el derecho de los pueblos colonizados a la independencia. Asimismo, en 1965 la ONU vuelve a aprobar la resolución 207, en la que trata específicamente la colonización del Sáhara Occidental. En dicho dictamen, solicita a España, “como Potencia administradora, que adopte inmediatamente todas las medidas necesarias para la liberación de los Territorios de Ifni y del Sáhara Español de la dominación colonial”.

A pesar de que las resoluciones de la ONU establecieron que el pueblo saharaui posee el derecho para decidir sobre su futuro, así como el deber del Estado español de organizar un referéndum, diez años más tarde, España entrega el control del territorio a Marruecos y Mauritania en los Acuerdos Tripartitos de Madrid, sin ni siquiera consultar a los saharauis.

Las fronteras “líquidas” de Marruecos :

El reino alauita es un país con fronteras “líquidas”, es decir que Rabat siempre tuvo ambiciones expansionistas hacia los países vecinos. Marruecos tardó nueve años en reconocer a Mauritania tras su independencia el 28 de noviembre del año 1960, y lo hizo solo cuando comprendió la imposibilidad de anexionarla a tu territorio.
La utopía del imperio alauita sigue muy viva en las esferas de poder en Marruecos:​

La utopía del imperio alauita sigue muy viva en las esferas de poder en Marruecos. Un imperio imaginario que incluye desde Tánger, en el norte, a través del Sáhara Occidental, hasta el desierto y las fronteras con Argelia incluyendo las ciudades de Bechar, Laghouat y Adrar, pasando por Atar en Mauritania, hasta Senegal. Dicha reclamación se incluyó en la Constitución marroquí del año 1961.

En la actualidad, Marruecos tiene conflictos fronterizos vivos o durmientes con todos sus vecinos. Por el norte, también sigue reclamando la soberanía sobre las islas Chafarinas, Ceuta y Melilla. En este contexto, los conflictos que ha sufrido y sigue sufriendo la región del Magreb tienen buena parte de su origen en las ambiciones territoriales y expansionistas de Marruecos, que afectan directamente a sus países vecinos.



...como el Son...
The Catalan independence movement continued to seek Putin's help after 1-O

Puigdemont's right-hand man traveled to Moscow three times in 2019 and 2020 to meet with senior Kremlin officials to garner support for secession.

Carles Puigdemont, former president of Catalonia, and Vladimir Putin. Russian president. /

MELCHOR SAIZ-PARDOMadridMonday, 14 March 2022, 15:04

The Catalan independence movement not only asked the Kremlin for help before the secessionist attempt that led to the referendum on October 1, 2017. Far from throwing in the towel after the referendum, separatism increased its contacts with those closest to Vladimir Putin once it verified that the autumn 2017 order to break with Spain had failed.
Those attempts by the Government of Quim Torra and the closest circle of Carles Puigdemont to involve Russia in order to achieve independence were especially intense during 2019, when the independence movement once again looked to the Kremlin in the hope that the mobilizations in Catalonia during the trial of the 'procés', and especially the protests after the Supreme Court ruling in October of that year, could give a new push to independence. The trips and contacts of Torra and Puigdemont's emissaries to Moscow continued until February 2020, when the arrival of the coronavirus pandemic made personal meetings impossible.

'The New York Times' had already revealed in its day that the Kremlin during the procés had not only dedicated itself to disinformation, to sending spies to Catalonia or promising to send alleged mercenaries. The prestigious American newspaper revealed that after 1-O a key figure had emerged in the new offensive to gain Putin's support. It was the historian Josep Lluís Alay Rodríguez, current head of the office that Puigdemont has as former president of the Generalitat and former coordinator of International Policies of the Presidency of the Government of Quim Torra. As published on Monday by 'El Confidencial' and 'El Periódico' and confirmed by various State security sources,
Alay, who was one of the three people who accompanied Puigdemont when he was arrested in Germany, was already arrested in 2020 in the framework of the Civil Guard's Operation Voloh on the alleged diversion of public funds to pro-independence platforms, including some such as Democratic Tsunami, which promoted the serious riots during the fall of 2019.
This trusted man of Puigdemont flew to Moscow in March 2019, a few days after the start of the procés trial in the Supreme Court, supposedly to participate in a cycle of conferences held at the Russian State Academic University of Humanities. However, on that first trip he managed to meet with one of the people closest to Putin, Sergei Sumin, a colonel in the Federal Protection Service (FSO) and a member of the Russian president's security team. Alay made this first trip – service and intelligence sources confirmed – with the Russian businessman Alexander Dmitrenko, then the Russian head of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce and who was denied Spanish nationality in 2018 due to a CNI report that revealed his links to the Kremlin's intelligence service.

Four days after the end of the trial in the Supreme Court, on June 16, 2019, Alay and Dmitrenko returned to Moscow accompanied by Roc Fernández i Badiella, then responsible for Digital Content of the Generalitat. According to state security sources, Alay was seen on that occasion with the famous Russian ex-spy Andrei Bezrukov, a former SVR (Foreign Intelligence Service) officer, a veteran undercover agent in the United States and whom many consider the current 'entry contact' to Russian espionage. On that same trip, Puigdemont's man managed to reach former deputy Eugeni Primakov, very close to Putin, who a year later would appoint him director of the Federal Agency for Compatriots Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation. Primakov, as requested by Alay,
In the midst of the protests after the sentence of the procés, in October 2019, Sumin and another person of absolute confidence of the Russian president, Artyom Lukoyanov, arrived in Barcelona. This character, according to 'The New York Times', is the adopted son of a senior adviser to Putin and has been "deeply involved" in "Russian efforts to support separatists in eastern Ukraine."
Alay's third trip to Moscow in February 2020, just days before the coronavirus pandemic led to international border closures. Puigdemont's collaborator met Primakov again, while the Moscow-controlled media intensified their media campaign on the alleged repression of the independentists.



ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
It is not an invasion, it is a humanitarian intervention against Nazis who have been shelling civilians in eastern Ukraine for the past eight years.



The United States, NATO and their Nazi puppet regime are the true aggressors.

Hehe, OK.

Why did they wait 8 years to start this humanitarian intervention against Nazis who bomb civilians then?
And why did they start the invasion on four fronts, if priority was to stop this bombing of civilians in eastern part of the country? Which according to a guy on odysee.com, is still going on and dozens were just killed in a cluster bombing of civilians..? And I watched that video, guy running around with a selfie stick, out of breath, showing burning cars and stuff. No blood, no bodies, no charred remains of bomb victims, no hysterical survivors searching for family members buried in the rubble of a house that came down. OH WAIT, he saw one guy who was injured. And a bus that was on fire. It was empty, but on fire. Guy was outraged on the video "civilian bus, it´s civilians!".

Well good thing it looks like it blew up empty from the inside out judging by the damage.

I mean I dono about any of this stuff.
Well, I was in the army, blowing shit up.
I live like 2 hours from the Russian border.
It´s been 80 years since they last attacked us.
6 years of war.

Other than that, no complaints.
Nice neighbours really. Not scary at all.

Oh and on reporting on location. A moron running around showing shit he is allowed to see. Kinda smells like a set up. I mean place just got bombed, dozens died. He saw one injured guy but all the bodies were taken away in record time because you dont want to milk that for PR and sympathy points all you can, who would that if it actually happened and dozens of innocent civilians were actually killed by evil Nazi puppets. The whole scene looked kinda wrong, like they just blew some old shit up and invited this moron to run around filming himself and burning shit. That´s how you report shit like this. Who cares about a camera crew when you have this dude with selfie stick so he´s in frame all the time. Gonna want to see his face, not the actual carnage. Oh and make sure you focus on nothing and have no story or narration ready. Just run around sweaty and out of breath and repeat shit like "They are bombing (pant pant) civilians", "civilians, man", "here´s a bus, it was just bombed", "I did see one injured guy", "there´s an ambulance", "there is no army here, just civilians. WHY?!"

No army eh, so who cleaned up the bombing site right after it was bombed? Firefighters and medical staff? What if there is unexploded ordnance, like there prolly would be if they used cluster bombs. Not all of them are gonna blow up, there will be a dud or two. Seems like a job for army pioneers, or a bomb squad of some description..

So yea, no army there. No bodies. No blood. NOT A FUCKING THING SAYS DOZENS JUST DIED THERE.

Well unless you count that moron running around with a smartphone thinking he Walter Cronkite.

Fucking guy has his initials as his logo, and he uses his name for his news website.
200 followers, minus the fake accounts he made to boost numbers and his mom, so about 30 followers. Mikelitoresnews.com

Oh this guy is worth linking because we all need to see what he does and films.

Well not really, I just wanted to say something nice even if it isnt true.

Because if I ever see this, I´ma beat some sense to his face.

In conclusion, 1½/5. I´m not convinced at all.

Still leagues better than any Q shit, because this guy at least has a name and a face. And he left his house, went to a foreign country.

He´s still a moron who shouldnt be there.

This Q guy is a faceless, nameless, pointless, totally idiotic bag of shit who hides on online forums and shit, asking for transparency in media, fair trials, evidence and equal judgment and treatment in the eyes of the law. And he saw that movie Sum of all fears, so he knows about nukes and shit.

And some of you dorks think it´s a good idea to follow this guy? The fuck, seriously.. The fuck? Save screenshots of his horseshit posts and vague predictions.
And some of you are grown fucking men. Retired even.

Jesus Christ, you old ass fucking guys, start working on getting smarter. Elsewise you will go to your grave and be none smarter than you were in grade school.


Lucky for you, the bar is pretty low. So there is hope. Not much, but hey, you gotta start somewhere. Baby steps, you fucking mouth breathers.

Pissing me off god damn it. People can´t even be bothered to mask this crap up, just a bit. So it´s not obvious crap to anyone with half a brain.
I miss the times before internet became popular, because dumb fucking morons had to leave their house to spread their crap around. Then you could beat em with hockey sticks.

Now you cant even shut a fucking dork up with a ban, cause these dudes know it might come. So they have 20 more account ready to go.

Oh yea the truth cant be silenced.

And neither can these bottom feeding fucktards be silenced.

Oh yea sorry to everyone I called a fucking moron and a dumbass. You know who you are, so be offended.
I can do it because I didnt call out any member by name. Just the morons posting Q-shit, dumb shit and absolute, clear as day half-assed propaganda, then saying a guy who watches CNN is misinformed and victim of propaganda and fake news. I dont watch CNN, but at least CNN has lower thirds, and a story to report, interviews, translators, people with experience, steady cams, establishing shots.. Stuff you used to see on TV, but now it´s fake news if you dont agree with em. So yea, lol at you guys watching CNN. You could be watching some rookie reporter instead, might not learn anything, might not see anything worth your time. But it´s an indie reporter guy, and his web page has the word real or truth or something like in it, followed by news. Realtruthnews.com

Guy has a twitter account, too. He cant be wrong about stuff.

Yes he can, about everything. And on top of that, he´s got a ass kicking coming his way, if I ever see him.

Not to end on a sour note.. I do realize it´s hard to see what is real with so much shit polluting the internet and people who claim to be neutral news reporters post copy/paste crap from others who get stuff wrong. But this Oh I´ma post this and share that because I believe it to be true even if I have no clue what the fuck is actually going, and I´m not gonna bother looking it up, because if someone disagrees with me. Well he is obviously wrong, and he is taking sides, and believes fake news. BUT NOT ME BECAUSE I SPEAKS THE TRUTH.

No. Look it up, get a second opinion. And if someone tells you that your posts are crap and reaching. He might not be on the other side, or a nazi sympathizer.
But then you call a guy that because its easier to do that, than it is to argue your point. Because it´s wrong, and shit.

And everybody can see thru it. But the guy posting it. So will he look it up and not look like a moron twice when he repeats the shit he just said, which was wrong. Like posting the same crap over and over again until everyone is sick and tired of pointing out the flaws. Well that means you win, you get the last word!

Yea, too bad it´s still the same dumb shit it always was.

So there, free tips and hints and pointers how not to suck all the time and be wrong about most things.

Unless you´re a Q follower. You dudes are hopeless, just give up.

Now if you´ll excuse me, it´s past me bed time and I must rest.
I could go on calling people dumb fucking morons and clueless idiots, but then I´d be repeating myself.

Too late for that, sorry about that, you silly bastards.

It´s actually planned, because most of you wont read all of this, but if you read just one part and be like "Hmm, I think this guy just called me a clueless moron who lives in his parents basement and has a wall full of printed Q posts, and screenshots backed up if you lose something.. Like that is foolish? Surely he wasn´t serious?"

I am serious, that´s dumb shit.

And dont call me Shirley.


...como el Son...
These are the luxurious yachts of Russian oligarchs held until now in Spain

In Barcelona, ​​the Balearic Islands and Melilla the boats were seized, among which is the "Valerie" and the "Lady Anastasia"

The Russian mega yacht 'Valeria', anchored in the Port of Barcelona, ​​on March 15, 2022, in Barcelona, ​​Catalonia (Spain).

CREATED03-15-2022 | 3:59 P.M.LAST UPDATE03-15-2022 | 4:13 P.M.

At least three mega-yachts owned by Russian oligarchs have been located and held in Spain following the sanctions approved by the European Union in response to the invasion of Ukraine ordered by Russian President Vladimir Putin . The yachts were seized in Barcelona, ​​the Balearic Islands and Melilla.

The General Directorate of the Merchant Marine has reported this Tuesday on the provisional retention of the luxury yacht "Valerie", docked in Barcelona. The luxury boat, flagged in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, a Caribbean country of the Lesser Antilles, north of Venezuela , and which is a member of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America, an international regional organization, founded in 2004 that puts its target in the fight against poverty and social exclusion. With 85 meters in length and built eleven years ago , she became the first to be provisionally retained in Spain since the sanctions against Russia were made official.

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The ship would belong to Sergey Viktorovich Chemezov , a former military man and former colleague of the Russian leadership in the KGB who today serves as the general director of Rostec, or State Corporation for Development Assistance, Production and Export of Advanced Technology Industrial Product.
The Maritime Captaincy of Barcelona will be in charge of guaranteeing the safety of the ship, navigation, crew and the Port of Barcelona, ​​and will finally be immobilized if it is found that it belongs to persons or entities included in the list of sanctioned by the European Council . His possible immobilization would respond to the provisions related to “restrictive measures regarding actions that undermine or threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine

In a second statement, the Merchant Navy has reported a second immobilized yacht in the Balearic Islands, in this case the 'Lady Anastasia', also flagged in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and 48 meters long and 9 meters wide . The immobilization has been carried out in Port Adriano (Calvià), according to the statement from the body dependent on the Ministry of Transport.

A few days ago, a Ukrainian sailor tried to sink this vessel, owned by Alexander Mijeev , who runs a company that makes helicopters for Russian troops. According to the suspect, the oligarch "made bombs for the Russian Army", and decided to take revenge on him, causing damage to the yacht when he saw the image of a missile hitting a block of flats in Kiev .
As in the first case, information will now be collected to confirm the real ownership of the private pleasure vessel, since they are formally linked to opaque and intermediary companies.

Police sources consulted by Europa Press assure that a third ship has been located in Melilla. These are yachts whose ownership is not linked to a natural person, which is why a procedure is now being opened to try to clarify whether, as is believed, interposed companies are camouflaging the real property, in charge of Russian oligarchs.



...como el Son...
A Ukrainian sailor sinks the yacht of a Russian tycoon in Mallorca because he "made bombs for the Russian army"

The Lady Anastasia is owned by Alexander Mijeev, who runs a company that makes helicopters for Russian troops.

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Click image for larger version  Name:	descarga (10).jpeg Views:	0 Size:	19.8 KB ID:	18099599

The Civil Guard has arrested a Ukrainian sailor in Mallorca for causing significant damage to the luxury yacht of Alexander Mijeev , a Russian tycoon who runs the company Rosoboronexport, which manufactures helicopters for the Russian Army. The Lady Anastasia was moored in Port Adriano, a marina on the Calvià coast, and has partially sunk.
Related news
The newspapers report in their digital edition that the Civil Guard arrested the sailor at noon this Saturday for the damage caused to a yacht belonging to the senior manager of a corporation that manufactures military equipment.
The detainee has stated that Mijeev is related to the manufacture of explosives and decided to take revenge on him, causing damage to the yacht when he saw the image of a missile hitting a block of flats in Kiev . "The owner of this ship is a criminal who makes a living selling weapons and now kills Ukrainians," he said, according to the UH newspaper.

The Civil Guard continues to investigate the facts, and the detainee is released with charges. The Lady Anastasia was built by Sensation Yachts in New Zealand at their Auckland shipyard. The exterior design was last renovated in 2010 and the interior was completed in 2001. The boat has a value of seven million euros.
The tension between Ukraine and Russia intensifies with the passing of days. The European Union, the United States or Canada, among other countries, have already closed the airspace to Russian planes.



Well-known member
Hehe, OK.

Why did they wait 8 years to start this humanitarian intervention against Nazis who bomb civilians then?
And why did they start the invasion on four fronts, if priority was to stop this bombing of civilians in eastern part of the country? Which according to a guy on odysee.com, is still going on and dozens were just killed in a cluster bombing of civilians..? And I watched that video, guy running around with a selfie stick, out of breath, showing burning cars and stuff. No blood, no bodies, no charred remains of bomb victims, no hysterical survivors searching for family members buried in the rubble of a house that came down. OH WAIT, he saw one guy who was injured. And a bus that was on fire. It was empty, but on fire. Guy was outraged on the video "civilian bus, it´s civilians!".

Well good thing it looks like it blew up empty from the inside out judging by the damage.

I mean I dono about any of this stuff.
Well, I was in the army, blowing shit up.
I live like 2 hours from the Russian border.
It´s been 80 years since they last attacked us.
6 years of war.

Other than that, no complaints.
Nice neighbours really. Not scary at all.

Oh and on reporting on location. A moron running around showing shit he is allowed to see. Kinda smells like a set up. I mean place just got bombed, dozens died. He saw one injured guy but all the bodies were taken away in record time because you dont want to milk that for PR and sympathy points all you can, who would that if it actually happened and dozens of innocent civilians were actually killed by evil Nazi puppets. The whole scene looked kinda wrong, like they just blew some old shit up and invited this moron to run around filming himself and burning shit. That´s how you report shit like this. Who cares about a camera crew when you have this dude with selfie stick so he´s in frame all the time. Gonna want to see his face, not the actual carnage. Oh and make sure you focus on nothing and have no story or narration ready. Just run around sweaty and out of breath and repeat shit like "They are bombing (pant pant) civilians", "civilians, man", "here´s a bus, it was just bombed", "I did see one injured guy", "there´s an ambulance", "there is no army here, just civilians. WHY?!"

No army eh, so who cleaned up the bombing site right after it was bombed? Firefighters and medical staff? What if there is unexploded ordnance, like there prolly would be if they used cluster bombs. Not all of them are gonna blow up, there will be a dud or two. Seems like a job for army pioneers, or a bomb squad of some description..

So yea, no army there. No bodies. No blood. NOT A FUCKING THING SAYS DOZENS JUST DIED THERE.

Well unless you count that moron running around with a smartphone thinking he Walter Cronkite.

Fucking guy has his initials as his logo, and he uses his name for his news website.
200 followers, minus the fake accounts he made to boost numbers and his mom, so about 30 followers. Mikelitoresnews.com

Oh this guy is worth linking because we all need to see what he does and films.

Well not really, I just wanted to say something nice even if it isnt true.

Because if I ever see this, I´ma beat some sense to his face.

In conclusion, 1½/5. I´m not convinced at all.

Still leagues better than any Q shit, because this guy at least has a name and a face. And he left his house, went to a foreign country.

He´s still a moron who shouldnt be there.

This Q guy is a faceless, nameless, pointless, totally idiotic bag of shit who hides on online forums and shit, asking for transparency in media, fair trials, evidence and equal judgment and treatment in the eyes of the law. And he saw that movie Sum of all fears, so he knows about nukes and shit.

And some of you dorks think it´s a good idea to follow this guy? The fuck, seriously.. The fuck? Save screenshots of his horseshit posts and vague predictions.
And some of you are grown fucking men. Retired even.

Jesus Christ, you old ass fucking guys, start working on getting smarter. Elsewise you will go to your grave and be none smarter than you were in grade school.


Lucky for you, the bar is pretty low. So there is hope. Not much, but hey, you gotta start somewhere. Baby steps, you fucking mouth breathers.

Pissing me off god damn it. People can´t even be bothered to mask this crap up, just a bit. So it´s not obvious crap to anyone with half a brain.
I miss the times before internet became popular, because dumb fucking morons had to leave their house to spread their crap around. Then you could beat em with hockey sticks.

Now you cant even shut a fucking dork up with a ban, cause these dudes know it might come. So they have 20 more account ready to go.

Oh yea the truth cant be silenced.

And neither can these bottom feeding fucktards be silenced.

Oh yea sorry to everyone I called a fucking moron and a dumbass. You know who you are, so be offended.
I can do it because I didnt call out any member by name. Just the morons posting Q-shit, dumb shit and absolute, clear as day half-assed propaganda, then saying a guy who watches CNN is misinformed and victim of propaganda and fake news. I dont watch CNN, but at least CNN has lower thirds, and a story to report, interviews, translators, people with experience, steady cams, establishing shots.. Stuff you used to see on TV, but now it´s fake news if you dont agree with em. So yea, lol at you guys watching CNN. You could be watching some rookie reporter instead, might not learn anything, might not see anything worth your time. But it´s an indie reporter guy, and his web page has the word real or truth or something like in it, followed by news. Realtruthnews.com

Guy has a twitter account, too. He cant be wrong about stuff.

Yes he can, about everything. And on top of that, he´s got a ass kicking coming his way, if I ever see him.

Not to end on a sour note.. I do realize it´s hard to see what is real with so much shit polluting the internet and people who claim to be neutral news reporters post copy/paste crap from others who get stuff wrong. But this Oh I´ma post this and share that because I believe it to be true even if I have no clue what the fuck is actually going, and I´m not gonna bother looking it up, because if someone disagrees with me. Well he is obviously wrong, and he is taking sides, and believes fake news. BUT NOT ME BECAUSE I SPEAKS THE TRUTH.

No. Look it up, get a second opinion. And if someone tells you that your posts are crap and reaching. He might not be on the other side, or a nazi sympathizer.
But then you call a guy that because its easier to do that, than it is to argue your point. Because it´s wrong, and shit.

And everybody can see thru it. But the guy posting it. So will he look it up and not look like a moron twice when he repeats the shit he just said, which was wrong. Like posting the same crap over and over again until everyone is sick and tired of pointing out the flaws. Well that means you win, you get the last word!

Yea, too bad it´s still the same dumb shit it always was.

So there, free tips and hints and pointers how not to suck all the time and be wrong about most things.

Unless you´re a Q follower. You dudes are hopeless, just give up.

Now if you´ll excuse me, it´s past me bed time and I must rest.
I could go on calling people dumb fucking morons and clueless idiots, but then I´d be repeating myself.

Too late for that, sorry about that, you silly bastards.

It´s actually planned, because most of you wont read all of this, but if you read just one part and be like "Hmm, I think this guy just called me a clueless moron who lives in his parents basement and has a wall full of printed Q posts, and screenshots backed up if you lose something.. Like that is foolish? Surely he wasn´t serious?"

I am serious, that´s dumb shit.

And dont call me Shirley.

That was fucking beautiful.

You're at the point I'm at when I get in a mood and I don't feel like toying around for fun. Whenever I talk to my kid about going off like this he's always quick to tell me that my attitude isn't going to change minds. I'm like listen Boy, there ain't nothing I'm ever gonna say that's gonna pull anyone back from a cult mindset. I'm just doing this for the lulz. It's just entertaining as hell. Also, I like to make sure that anyone else reading can read counterpoints to the bullshit, but mostly it's lulz.


See the world through a puff of smoke
Hehe, OK.

Why did they wait 8 years to start this humanitarian intervention against Nazis who bomb civilians then?

This was probably the trigger.Zelensky got permission from the US to go after Medvetsjoek, an oligarch and friend from Putin with a political party and 1 million followers.

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