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...como el Son...

The Prime Ministers of Poland, Slovenia and the Czech Republic travel to kyiv to see Zelensky:

Three EU heads of government travel by train to kyiv as Russian bombing intensifies

The Polish, Czech and Slovenian prime ministers are already on their way to the city, where they plan to meet with President Zelensky to convey the "unequivocal support" of the Twenty-seven. Talks between Russia and Ukraine continue on Tuesday

A Ukrainian soldier inspects the rubble of a heavily damaged apartment building in kyiv on Tuesday.FADEL SENNA (AFP)
Lviv (Ukraine -15 MAR 2022 - 11:42 CET

Russian attacks on residential areasin kyiv they have intensified this Tuesday with at least three powerful explosions and images that show the capital's firefighters in an unequal fight against huge tongues of fire caused by projectiles in two civilian neighborhoods, the country's emergency services have reported. The city is almost completely surrounded by Kremlin forces. However, this Tuesday, the Polish Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, his Deputy Prime Minister, Jarosław Gowin; the Czech Prime Minister, Petr Fiala, and his Slovenian counterpart, Janez Janša, travel to the Ukrainian capital to meet with President Volodímir Zelensky. The three heads of government are on their way to kyiv on a train that is already in Ukraine after crossing that country's border with Poland, reports the BBC, citing Michal Dworczyk, chief of staff of Morawiecki's cabinet. Russia and Ukraine plan to resume, also this day, the last round of peace negotiations that began on Monday, some contacts that have already begun, according to the information channel Nexta.

The Polish Prime Minister's cabinet had previously confirmed on its website that the three heads of government are traveling to kyiv on behalf of the European Union. The visit "has been organized after consulting the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, and the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen," says the official site. The objective of this trip, the Polish Executive specifies, is "to confirm the unequivocal support of the entire European Union for the sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, and to present a broad package of support for Ukraine and the Ukrainians".

MORE INFORMATIONFollow the last minute of the Ukraine war live

Along with the political gesture of support that this visit represents in the midst of a war that is now in its twentieth day, the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, later welcomed the "rapid adoption" of a fourth package of sanctions against Russia, which "will further cripple Putin's ability to finance this unjustified war." Von der Leyen has stressed that "the EU and its partners will maintain pressure on the Kremlin until it stops the invasion of Ukraine."

Ukraine and Russia plan to resume the round of videoconference talks temporarily suspended on Monday during this day. The chief adviser to the President of Ukraine, Oleksii Arestovich, has published a video, quoted by the Reuters agency, in which he draws a scenario for the end of hostilities "in early May", this Zelensky collaborator predicted, at the time that "Russia will run out of (human) resources to sustain the invasion." "I think that by the beginning of May at the latest, we should have a peace agreement, perhaps much sooner, we'll see, I'm talking about the latest possible dates," Arestovich said.

The adviser who is considered Zelensky's right-hand man also alluded to another scenario, in his opinion "completely crazy", which could involve Russia "sending new recruits [to Ukraine] after a month of training", he added.

The bombings in kyiv continue

In the hours before the announcement of the trip by the three European prime ministers, the fighting had intensified around kyiv, which is almost completely surrounded by Russian forces. At least four people have diedthis Tuesday in the Ukrainian capital after Russian troops attacked residential areas. The Ukrainian emergency service has indicated that a block of flats in the Podilsk district, northwest of kyiv, received heavy artillery fire this morning. “A fire started on the first five floors of the ten-storey residential building on Mostytska Street as a result of heavy artillery fire,” this service has indicated on its social networks. The flames were extinguished and one person was hospitalized. The emergency service has also reported a two-story house hit by an attack in the Osokorky district (southeast), which caused no casualties.

A woman observes this Tuesday what remains of her house practically reduced to ashes by the fire caused by a bombing in kyiv.FADEL SENNA (AFP)

Although the attacks against residential neighborhoods do not stop, the progress of the Kremlin troops continues without breaking the Ukrainian resistance . Russian forces have also carried out several limited attacks northwest of kyiv, unsuccessfully attempting to bridge the Irpin River, according to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW). The Russian military maintains control of the area to the north and northwest of that town, about 25 kilometers from kyiv. According to the Security and Defense consultant Rochan Consulting, the Russians are concentrating in that area, without launching offensive operations in the eastern area of ​​the capital, a strategy that the consultant attributes to the possibility that they lack sufficient forces to resume the offensive on that flank.
In the south of the country, the Russians resumed their offensive from Kherson towards Mijolaiv on Monday, but Ukrainian forces have held them back, according to the ISW. Russia could be organizing a "referendum" in Kherson, a city in the south of the country with some 300,000 inhabitants, to justify the proclamation of a "separatist republic", the United Kingdom Ministry of Defense has warned in its latest report. This is the same method that Moscow already used in 2014, with the annexation of the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea, and later in the Donbas region, where two "people's republics" were proclaimed, Donetsk and Luhansk. The Kremlin recognized these two separatist entities as independent states on February 21, in a decision that served as a prelude to the start of the war, three days later.

Kherson is a strategic point at the mouth of the Dnipro River in the Black Sea. Russian troops, always according to data from the British espionage report, dispersed peaceful citizen protests against the Russian occupation on Monday with shots. The civil resistance in this city has not been the only one. Demonstrations have also been reported in the Russian-occupied cities of Melitopol (south) and Berdyansk (southeast) in recent days.
Kremlin troops are also continuing their campaign to destroy military and civilian infrastructure. In the city of Dnipro, 460 kilometers south of the capital, the Russian Army bombed the airport. The takeoff runway has been destroyed and the terminal damaged, Valentin Reznichenko, governor of that Ukrainian region, reported on his Telegram channel.

A brutal ally of Putin

While Russian troops are unable to take the capital at the moment, the leader of the Chechen Republic, Razman Kadyrov, has claimed to be in Ukraine in a video posted on Telegram. The man who is considered one of the most brutal allies of Russian President Vladimir Putin claims to be in Gostomel, an airport near kyiv, which was seized by the Russians in the first days of the invasion. In the images, the Chechen president appears dressed in military uniform supervising maps and plans around a table with several soldiers. "The other day we were about 20 kilometers from you, the Nazis of kyiv, and now we are even closer," he wrote in a message on the messaging application, in which he takes up Putin's rhetoric that the Russian offensive pursues " denazify” Ukraine.

The supreme head of the Chechen Republic in turn calls on the Ukrainian forces to surrender "or they will be finished." “ We will show them that Russian practice teaches war better than foreign theory and the recommendations of military advisers,” he added.
The ominous threat from this former rebel comes as Ukraine announced again on Tuesday that it will try again to open nine humanitarian corridors to evacuate trapped civilians. One of the places where the human situation was already "apocalyptic" last week, according to the Red Cross, is the port city of Mariupol on the Sea of ​​Azov. For 11 days, 200,000 of its almost half a million inhabitants have subsisted without running water, electricity and hardly any food. On Monday, for the first time since the Russian troops began the siege of the city, a caravan of about 160 private cars managed to leave the town in the direction of Zaporizhia.
kyiv denounced that Russian troops again vetoed the passage of humanitarian aid to Mariupol on Monday. This Tuesday, Ukraine will try to get these survival supplies to the inhabitants of the city, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Irina Vereshchuk has reported. Around 150,000 people have already left through humanitarian corridors from besieged cities in Ukraine, a very small number when compared to the total of 2.9 million civilians from that country who have already fled the country.


moose eater

Well-known member
Have you noticed you keep linking to the same site? I would click it, but I'm thinking placing it in my hosts file might be wiser.

Russia is always doing false flag opps. Do you really think the Ukraine would use weapons upon themselves, while being attacked by Russia? That would be more insane than the titles of the links you are offering.

So the Ukraine was going into donbass? What do you expect.
Lets swap the names about... Basically, America have Alaska and Russia want it back. They backed a takeover of the Alaskan rebels, and moved in lots of Russians to fix the vote that Alaska wants to stay that way. America have never said Alaska can go, and have polled the people. Many of which are Russian. They have found 45% want to be American. 20% Russian. 35% couldn't give a toss. The Russian backed leadership has plans to expand, taking parts of America. Weapons are coming through. Fights breaking out. America wants to go into Alaska and reaffirm their control. Out the rebel government, and define the boarder. What is wrong with that?

Nobody wants Russia to Annex them, and that includes you. The divide between the rich and poor is huge. It's a bully club. Other bullies join, and people that want to keep their enemy happy. How do you think bellarus really feels about this. Russia just attacked them, to send up a false flag. Yet they are friends? No they are not. Ballarus is just a puppet nation, where the people probably want to break free as Ukraine did.

Hey... Leave us out of this. :)


Active member
When a word is used THAT MUCH, it kind of loses meaning.

I thought this was funny - NO LISZT FOR YOU ! ! !

Canada shuts 20 year old pianist Alexander Malofeev out of concerts.

Sounds like their loss. As for the word, it was always a form of ad hominem and a straw man against the NSDAP. And since these NATO trained Battalions of Azov, Aidar etc are Hollywood Nazi’s, I find the term fitting. Beautiful concert!


Well-known member
With ‘The Fascifist’, Patrick Lancaster and Vanessa Beeley, you’re only missing Eva Bartlett & Russell Bentley from your menagerie of useful idiots.


Well-known member
At the end of the second world war, China moved on Tibet while the West was busy with Russia. If Ukraine gets messy for the West, expect Taiwan to fall.

China has her own problems at the moment. their newest "best friend" is trying to drag them into a shadow war they want no part of against their biggest customer, and the virus variant is sweeping the country.


...como el Son...

The surprise Russian migration to the United States through Mexico and its drastic increase before the conflict with Ukraine

  • Marcos Gonzalez Diaz
  • BBC News World correspondent in Mexico
9 March 2022


After showing a lukewarm position during the first hours of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and a strong condemnation shortly after, Mexico claims to be willing to offer refuge to any person affected by the conflict who requests it. Both Ukrainians and Russians.

"We would like to shelter everyone, embrace everyone, we would like there to be no borders, we are from the party of universal brotherhood," said Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, without offering more specific details about this plan.

Until now, only a group of 28 Ukrainians - who will be provided with a humanitarian visa - landed in the country, although they were all relatives of Mexicans who lived in Ukraine and were repatriated on the same plane on March 4.

But the truth is that, months before this conflict between Russia and Ukraine began, thousands of citizens of both countries -especially Russians- had already traveled to Mexico in search of a better life.

However, his final destination was not the Aztec country but the United States.

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Using Mexico as a prelude to reaching its neighboring country to the north by land is not new: the route has been used for years by Central American, Haitian, Cuban or Venezuelan migrants, among others.

But the notable increase in the number of Russians detained in recent months on the border shared by Mexico and the US triggered the alerts of authorities from both countries, unaccustomed to this movement of migrants arriving from a country more than 10,000 km away. .



Increase in arrests at the border

Waiting to find out how the Russian invasion of Ukraine that began in late February will affect this migration trend, the number of detainees at the US southern border from this region experienced a sudden increase during the second half of 2021.

In the case of Russians, the figure almost multiplied by eight compared to the first half of the year, going from 1,092 to 8,284. The jump is even greater when compared to the same period (July-December) in 2020, when there were only 169 arrests.

The vast majority tried to enter through the border point that separates Tijuana from San Diego, in California.


In the same period, there was also a large increase in the number of Russian citizens who came to Mexico as tourists.

For them, like Ukrainians, Mexico does not require an ordinary visa but they can obtain an electronic authorization to enter the country that is easily resolved in a matter of hours.


Migratory sources from Mexico assured BBC Mundo that an effort is being made to verify at airports that Russian citizens enter the country with the real intention of doing tourism.

However, and given the difficulty that this entails, they do not rule out that in the future the entry requirements for people of that nationality to Mexico may be tightened, as was done recently with Brazilians and Venezuelans.

The latter have been required a visa since the end of January, after detecting an increase in alleged tourists who later made an "irregular transit to a third country", according to the Mexican government, thus consolidating their role as the first brake on migration. irregular that tries to reach the United States.

Denis Styazhkin, a journalist from Moscow who made this trip last November, recalls the "five or six hours" he had to wait in a migration hall when he arrived at the Mexico City airport.

"All the Russians took us there and interviewed us to find out the purpose of the visit. I said I was going to record a documentary about the last days of (Leon) Trotsky, the Russian revolutionary who lived in Mexico City," he explains. to BBC Mundo from California, where he finally managed to arrive.



Caption,Denis Styazhkin, in the foreground of this image at the Mexico City airport, recounted his trip to the US on his YouTube channel.

Plane route and hotels

But even though they also pass through Mexico, the journey to the US made by Russian migrants has little to do with that made by thousands of Central Americans.

"The Russians come to Mexico with economic resources. The Central Americans who come by road are often extorted or even kidnapped. So to avoid it, they (the Russians) travel by plane," José Moreno, director of the Coalition for the Defense of Migrants of the state of Baja California.

"They arrive as tourists. It is a more sophisticated migration, so to speak," agrees the Tijuana City Council's director of migrant services, Enrique Lucero, who explains that after entering Mexico City or Cancun by air, these migrants arrive to the northern border by taking another plane or renting a car.


Thanks to their economic capacity, the vast majority stay in hotels during their journey.

"It's a circular flow. They arrive here and try to cross, or they arrive after failing and return to their country. You don't see them like other migrants who stay in shelters for a while," adds Lucero.

" It is a more invisible migration . And even as, by their appearance, they can sometimes make you think that they are Americans, they are more difficult to identify," says José María García , director of the Movimiento Juventud 2000 migrant shelter in Tijuana.

The activist, who warns of the risk that Russian migrants end up becoming "easy prey" for criminal groups because of the money they carry on their journey, confirms that no Russian stays in his shelter, which continues to be occupied mainly by Haitians, Central Americans and Mexicans .



Caption,José María García does not have Russian citizens in the shelter for migrants in Tijuana that he directs.

Indeed, in a tour carried out in February through several centers in the north of Tijuana, BBC Mundo only located a Russian citizen in the Jesús Príncipe de Paz shelter. But in his case, he arrived more than a year ago and has no intention of crossing into the US.

"I have no idea why so many Russians are doing this illegally, because any country under an oppressive government can legally receive asylum from the US," the man told BBC Mundo after refusing to share his personal story.

Why through Mexico?

Styazhkin, the Moscow journalist, arrived in Tijuana by plane. Before, like other of his compatriots, he avoided taking a direct flight from Russia to Mexico so as not to arouse suspicion from the immigration authorities and made a previous stopover in Turkey.

He assures that the lack of freedom to exercise his journalistic profession in Russia and the arrest of some colleagues was what prompted him to leave for the United States.

The option of migrating to other countries in Europe, much closer, was also raised. And even he did not rule out the idea of ​​settling in Mexico and not using it only as a place of passage.



Caption,San Ysidro is the point most used by Russian citizens to enter the US from Mexico.

But, encouraged by the experience of other compatriots who have already made the trip, he thought that the opportunities that the United States could offer him were worth traveling there.

"The US is like a guarantee for your security. Then I learned that in no case would they deport me to Russia once I got there, so I didn't think about it anymore," he says.

According to Yekaterina Mouratova, a Miami-based immigration attorney who assists Russian-speaking asylum seekers, she saw her number of clients from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus increase in the second half of 2021.

Of these, he assures that 90% try to migrate to the US alleging " political reasons and fear of persecution in their country ."



Caption,Russian migrants stay in hotels and not in hostels during their journey.

A second reason is the closure of the US Embassy in Moscow during much of the pandemic, which made it very difficult to obtain visas legally for the Russian population.

"With the embassy closed and years of waiting in the countries where it did work, there were no other options to get to the US. That's why I traveled via Mexico, because it is the only possible route to get there," says Styazhkin.

And a third reason for this increase in Russian migration, Mouratova points out, is the belief that US President Joe Biden's immigration policies are much more open than those of his predecessor, Donald Trump.

"The people who manage to cross the border share their stories with others in their countries of origin and tell them that they were released in 24 or 48 hours. They make it look like a welcoming country ," the lawyer tells BBC Mundo.

More security at the US border.

While many Central American migrants resort to crossing rivers, jumping fences or looking for blind spots on the border to cross, authorities found that most Russians try to pass in groups aboard cars.

For this reason, the US installed additional security filters to check the metro vehicles before the migrants arrive where the agents receive them.



Caption,The US conducts additional security checks on vehicles before they arrive at the border point.

Styazhkin tells of his trip that, after arriving in Tijuana, he located another group of Russians on the internet who were going to try to cross into the US aboard a car they had bought in the city.

After meeting with them at dawn, they arrived at the border point and, when they handed over their documentation to the US agent, they informed him of their wish to request political asylum.

"At that moment, other guards started yelling at us to turn the car around and go back to Mexico. But one of the agents showed up and told us: 'Calm down, you're in a free country,'" he says .

After being interviewed, he spent two and a half days in the Otay Mesa detention center in San Diego. He was later taken to a hotel to quarantine for possible covid and was finally released.



Caption,In December, a US border agent fired on two cars with about 20 Russian immigrants on board who tried to force their way into the San Ysidro port of entry, and were detained.

Programs such as "Stay in Mexico", which forces asylum seekers to wait in Mexican territory while their cases are processed, does not affect Russians but mainly affects citizens of Spanish-speaking countries, Brazil and Haiti.

Mexico also accepts migrants from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador expressly expelled from the US under Title 42, which has denied entry for public health reasons since the start of the pandemic.

Migrants of other nationalities could be deported to their countries, but generally the US does not expel them by air when it comes to long distances or when there is a distance in diplomatic relations with their countries of origin, as is the case with Russia.

The work of the "coyotes"

As with almost all migratory movements that take hold in a given area, authorities and activists are convinced of the existence of human trafficking groups -either from Russia or in Mexico- that support Russian citizens to make their trip in exchange for money.

The BBC's Russian service found at least ten groups on Telegram and Facebook in which Russian-speakers seek and offer information on how to enter through the US-Mexico border: what documentation will they need, what kind of questions will they ask? in migration...

These groups also offer the service of the so-called "assistants", which range from help when buying a car in Tijuana to accompanying them to a specific point on the border. Their fees are discussed privately, but some users say they can range from $3,000 to $5,000.

Styazhkin assures that he did not resort to the work of any "coyote" or "pollero" and that all the necessary information for the trip he found by himself searching the Internet.



Caption,Styazhkin lives in the capital of California, home to much of the Russian diaspora in the US.

Already installed in Sacramento, the capital of California where a large Russian community lives, his hope is now to get a work permit in six months and that his asylum request be examined in court within a year.

"My plans are to live and work in the US until the regime changes in Russia. Because if I go back, they will immediately put me in jail , " the journalist concludes.


How will the Russian invasion of Ukraine affect this migration?

The current Russian invasion of Ukraine meant the cancellation of the Moscow-Cancun route of the Russian airline Aeroflot, as well as other travel options to Mexico with stopovers in the European Union after the closure of its space to Russian planes.

However, despite these obstacles, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Mexico predicts that this conflict could end up translating into "an increase in numbers" in the migration of these and other nationalities from Eastern Europe to Mexico and the United States. .USA

"We are following the situation very closely," says his deputy chief of mission, Jeremy MacGillivray , who believes misunderstanding of the recent announcement that the US will grant temporary protected status to Ukrainians could play a role.

"That grants protection against deportation only for a certain time and only to Ukrainians who are already in the country, not to new entrants. But on other occasions we have seen that an announcement of this type generates hope in people, who sometimes he takes it as an 'open door' to get to the US", he tells BBC Mundo.

If the increase in the arrival of these migrants were considerable, it does not rule out that Mexico ends up imposing a visa on them or that the US tightens its requirements when requesting asylum at its border.

"A trend seen with other populations is that as the conditions for entry into the US harden, people see with better eyes being able to settle in Mexico, which used to be a country of origin and transit of migration, but more and more it is being seen as a destination place," he highlights.



For Elisa Ortega Velázquez, a researcher at the UNAM Legal Research Institute, the closest countries in Europe will become the main destination for these migrants, who will look to Mexico and America in a second stage.

"But Mexico is never prepared to face the challenges in migratory matters that are presented to it. Instead, what we see year after year is a budget reduction policy for the Mexican Commission for Refugee Aid," questions the migration expert. and human rights.

Ortega Velázquez also criticizes the differences that the authorities make when it comes to offering asylum to people depending on their nationality, in which Russians and Ukrainians could benefit.

"Social class and race greatly influence this. At the Mexico City airport, the chances of being apprehended increase exponentially when people are lower class or non-white. And in the US, Central Americans and Mexicans don't even they are not even given the opportunity to ask for asylum," he concludes



Active member
Do you really think the Ukraine would use weapons upon themselves, while being attacked by Russia? That would be more insane than the titles of the links you are offering.

They have been shelling the civilian population in eastern Ukraine for the past eight years, it is nothing new.


Active member
I remember Patrick Lancaster from this link I posted earlier: https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2022...in-the-donbas/

Talk about a NATO clown show :gaga:

For a self-proclaimed citizen journalism outfit, an alarming number of Bellingcat’s staff and contributors come from highly suspect backgrounds, including high-level positions in military and intelligence agencies.


Try again to shoot the messenger in defence of a Nazi attack using cluster bombs against civilian targets.


Well-known member
seeing many reports of Russian citizens leaving the country hoping to escape being conscripted & trying to avoid the turmoil of a war they do not support. kind of reminds me of US kids heading to Canada etc to avoid draft during viet nam debacle. it is turning into a "brain drain" as it is the better educated/well off that see what is about to happen & try to get out from under it...if Putin stays true to his background, he will seal the countries borders trying to keep a captive population to do the dirty work. a new, improved Iron Curtain/Berlin Wall. it worked SO well last time, lol...learn from history, or doom yourself to repeat it.


Well-known member
Talk about a NATO clown show :gaga:

For a self-proclaimed citizen journalism outfit, an alarming number of Bellingcat’s staff and contributors come from highly suspect backgrounds, including high-level positions in military and intelligence agencies.


Try again to shoot the messenger in defence of a Nazi attack using cluster bombs against civilian targets.

Yeah, I guess it doesn’t matter how thoroughly debunked that Lancaster footage was. Bellingcat is OSINT, so people working with them having specialist backgrounds should not surprise you. You’re attempting what you’re accusing me of, if you hadn’t noticed your hypocrisy.

My absolute favourite part of your ‘cluster bomb’ footage is the Donetsk resident yelling to him in English on the way past, because that would make total sense. Hilarious. The whole thing is reminiscent of Tommy Wiseaus’ ‘The Room’.

Last edited:


Active member
Do you see the US government support of the stripper, and the US pravda 'news' in a new light? Xiden is fighting o cover up the dims corruption there.

Not so much in a new light as in clearer light, in that information has been confirmed and expanded upon. As for the biological weapons ”research labs”, this really was news to me especially with the coronavirus that has been in the focus. I was as surprised as anyone to see the coupmaker Victoria Nudelman admitting to this, but really see no reason for that other than to put in place the narrative and prediction of a biological weapon being deployed with blame placed on Russia.


Active member
Not so much in a new light as in clearer light, in that information has been confirmed and expanded upon. As for the biological weapons ”research labs”, this really was news to me especially with the coronavirus that has been in the focus. I was as surprised as anyone to see the coupmaker Victoria Nudelman admitting to this, but really see no reason for that other than to put in place the narrative and prediction of a biological weapon being deployed with blame placed on Russia.

I’m back to simply calling it bullshit.


...como el Son...
Russia formalizes its exit from the Council of Europe and the European Convention on Human Rights :

"It leaves the institution before it is kicked out," reports Antonio Delgado, RNE correspondent in Paris.