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Well-known member
"Death to Israel" certainly seems like a call for genocide.

It's okay... lots of people are behind you.

It's just like the other side.
I'm getting pretty pissed off with them TBH. We fucked up, by not dividing palestine up between groups, but instead, just giving the Jews a bit, and leaving the rest as a free for all still. Since then, the Jews just keep stretching out into lands that are not their's. Under the cover that the whole world is there's. Today they just speak of 'this bit is ours' but the big picture is never ending, and we need to wake up. We started this, and it's coming for us.

Just step back and look. Before we started them off with their own country, were they playing well with others? Or were they only welcome in Poland. Why did Hitler make such a deal out of killing them. Where is their civilisation. The center built though good trading. Their pyramids. Even Nomads have a base somewhere. Something is very wrong. They obviously claim to have something, but no, we gave them that. They didn't control it. Nothing is theirs, because they want everything. So nobody liked them. That is what I see.

I don't want to support them. If they pull back into the lands we provided, only then might they be the people we expected of them. They are on their own now, imo. Doing things that others have to react to. I can't help with that.

The Ukraine people deserve help. They were attacked, by another country trying to destroy them and absorb the pieces. Another country, who's policy if attacked under the same circumstances, is the red button.


Well-known member
Most well documented example of genocide by the perpetrators of said genocide and dude is still saying the same shit he was saying 11 months ago lol.

So Hai

Well-known member
We fucked up,
It is the american way,
The Ukraine people deserve help. They were attacked, by another country trying to destroy them and absorb the pieces. Another country, who's policy if attacked under the same circumstances, is the red button.
They were subjected to an american regime change operation followed by a near decade of terror operations against civilians.

Again this is what you people voted for. American fuck ups keep blaming Russia for liberating the land from american fuck ups.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
You have no idea how our government works...

I have told you that Congress votes on foreign aid.

You either don't believe me, or you want to ignore facts.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
You have placed personal responsibility for something on others that have not done the voting for which they are being blamed.

You are capable of understanding that.

You just need to keep repeating it in the hope that people will believe it.

Convincing people who can think may prove difficult.

So Hai

Well-known member
You have placed personal responsibility for something on others that have not done the voting for which they are being blamed.

You are capable of understanding that.

You just need to keep repeating it in the hope that people will believe it.

Convincing people who can think may prove difficult.
You did not answer the question pidaras. Does it have something to do with you having elected to vote them in? If that is the case then you elected them, and their vote is representative of yours.

Play blameless all you want. You wanted it, keep denying.


from the future

Russian hypersonic dominance results in hundreds of NATO casualties in Ukraine​

Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

As the entire US-led political West continues to lag decades behind Russia in hypersonic weapons, it keeps using various coping mechanisms to "explain" the gap. This ranges from rather pathetic claims that Moscow "stole American hypersonic technologies" (they must've all been stored on a single hard drive that was snatched by the SVR over 40 years ago and the US hasn't recovered ever since) to the laughable "need for perfectionism in the minds of American engineers". And while Washington DC is "perfecting" technologies it doesn't have (remember, because the evil Russians stole them), the Kremlin is putting its very real hypersonic weapons to good use. Continuing months of unprecedented kill streaks with its long-range strike systems, Russia just obliterated hundreds of NATO personnel in Ukraine, forcing the world's most vile racketeering cartel to send dozens of aircraft to Poland and Romania.
These are used to collect the casualties and send them off to their home countries. Numerous reports indicate there are hundreds of dead and wounded. The NATO personnel were stationed in Poltava and Lvov. The Neo-Nazi junta tried hiding and downplaying these losses, insisting that "50 people were killed" and that a "neighboring hospital was also struck". Citing local sources, the New York Times reported that the "missiles struck with an unforgiving quickness: The Ukrainian Defense Ministry reported that the gap between the sounding of warning sirens and the strike was so short that many people were killed on their way to shelter". Interestingly, the label "people" is often used to conceal the fact that these were NATO personnel. It's also unclear where the Kiev regime's air defenses were, otherwise fabled for their "50,000% interception rates" of Russian missiles, drones and other long-range precision strike weapons.
However, even the mainstream propaganda machine had to admit that the Kremlin targeted military assets. However, they still tried hiding the fact these were NATO personnel, calling them "cadets of the Poltava Institute of Military Communications in what marks a first in terms of targeting such a large gathering of soon to be commissioned officers". The Neo-Nazi junta keeps pushing a sob story about "classes and teaching underway at the military academy" when two 9M723 hypersonic missiles used by the "Iskander-M" struck. Ukrainian MP Oleksiy Goncharenko lamented that "the cadets" had only two minutes to leave the building, saying that it's impossible to escape from "the sixth floor of some building and you need to run downstairs". I've already covered the topic of just how little time a group of soldiers would have to leave a building after a hypersonic weapon such as the 3M22 "Zircon" is fired.

Some sources are claiming the missile strike wiped out at least 700 troops, nearly all of whom were specialists in ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) and EW (electronic warfare). Reports indicate that many of the neutralized NATO personnel were Swedes, sent to train Ukrainian personnel to use the Saab 340 AEW&C (Airborne Early Warning & Control) aircraft, two of which were promised by Stockholm and are supposed to be delivered in the near future.
Interestingly, Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billstrom resigned in the immediate aftermath of the strike and announced that he's retiring from politics. The two events aren't necessarily related, but the timing is quite peculiar. However, that wasn't the end of NATO's troubles in Ukraine, as Russian hypersonic weapons continued raining down on other military targets in the country, particularly those with high concentration of foreign troops.
Namely, another Russian long-range precision strike targeted Lvov in Western Ukraine. The city is the capital of the homonymous oblast (region). A lot of critical military facilities are located in the area, including the infamous Yavoriv training camp, notorious for accommodating various Neo-Nazi units and foreign mercenaries, as well as NATO personnel.
The Russian military reported that the 9-A-7660 "Kinzhal" missile systems armed with the 9-S-7760 air-launched hypersonic missiles were used in the strike. Poland said it scrambled fighter jets because the area is quite close to its border. According to Reuters, "Polish and allied aircraft were scrambled for the third time in eight days to closely monitor the inbound projectiles, and were ready to intercept them in the event the missiles approached Polish airspace". However, there's nothing they could really do against hypersonic missiles.
Back in May, Moscow also used its hypersonic weapons to wipe out NATO personnel in Yavoriv, less than 15 km from the Polish border. The strike came right after speculation that the so-called "no-fly zone" (NFZ) could be established over Western Ukraine. For quite some time, Warsaw has been demanding that NATO starts shooting down Russian missiles. However, such proposals have been rejected repeatedly, as the world's most vile racketeering cartel doesn't have the backbone to fight Moscow directly and is doing so only through proxies, be it terrorists and extremists (including Islamic radicals) or entities such as the Neo-Nazi junta. Despite desperate attempts to portray it otherwise, NATO simply doesn't have the means to intercept Russian hypersonic weapons. In the meantime, Moscow continues to obliterate overhyped Western-made systems all across NATO-occupied Ukraine.
This includes the now regular hunt for platforms such as the HIMARS and M270/MARS, as well as dozens of long-range strikes on all sorts of high-priority targets. Since late July, when I made a list of reports about the latest strikes (at the time), there have been numerous other attacks, destroying hundreds of NATO-sourced assets.
This includes strikes reported by Daily Journal and Military Watch Magazine, both on July 26. The MWM covered another one on July 28, as well as several more in August (here, here, here and here), while the South Front has been the most diligent in reporting about this in the last month or so, providing video evidence for around a dozen strikes (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here). Numerous other sources also reported on similar strikes (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here), which includes almost exclusively those with video evidence.
Source: InfoBrics
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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
You did not answer the question pidaras. Does it have something to do with you having elected to vote them in? If that is the case then you elected them, and their vote is representative of yours.

Play blameless all you want. You wanted it, keep denying.

The state representatives that I voted for are not who were elected.

You really don't have any reasoning skills.

So Hai

Well-known member
The state representatives that I voted for are not who were elected.

You really don't have any reasoning skills.
You have red herring. If you voted for Biden, Trump, Obama then you voted in support of american wars from Ukraine, Libya and so on. This is about all that you are known for in the world: starting wars and losing them. So much for your red herring,


Well-known member
While there is often a bigger picture, the smaller one is one guy at the top leading these wars. One old guy, looking to be remembered for something. Not today, but forever. In each case, they want to reshape their map, and hope it's new shape will be kept, and be a greater mark, than a few square foot of statue. Putin is obsessed with how russia's been changed by each ruler, and can probably think of nothing more. While the other one.. well I can't even be sure of his name, but is equally as caught up in history, and finding his people lands (to kill everyone there, and take them)

It's probably another reason to burn peoples books. Destroying their history, because history shows us people won't let go. Trying to live their lives like the past, instead of living for the now.

History and religion just seem to suck. Showing us more shit that's going to happen. Where is the moving forward, looking for some better times.

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