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moose eater

Well-known member
Heh heh... Well, until recently they did not protest the military "alliance" with Israel... Not when they helped them build and equip the Western Sahara Wall, nor when Israeli military factories settled in Morocco...

Israel highlights “deep” and growing military cooperation with Morocco​

This content was published inJune 6, 2023 - 19:55
3 minutes
Rabat, Jun 6 (EFE).- The new head of the Israeli diplomatic mission in Morocco, Ambassador Shai Cohen, said on Tuesday that there is “deep cooperation” with Morocco in the field of defense that “is growing” and that represents “another reflection of the deep relations and interests between the two countries.”
In a press conference before hosting a reception in Rabat for the 75th anniversary of the founding of the State of Israel, Cohen indicated that exchanges with Morocco “are not only important in the civil field, but also in the military and defense field.” ”.
“There is very deep defense cooperation. "I cannot reveal everything for obvious reasons, but I can tell you that very, very large transactions are being made between Israel and Morocco in very important fields of defense cooperation."
According to the ambassador, this collaboration takes place “in practically all the fields of defence that one can think of, starting with border control, including air control, air defence, all types of ballistic capabilities” and, above all, in offering Morocco “the most advanced defence technologies”.
Asked whether Israeli company NSO sold its Pegasus spyware to Morocco, Cohen declined to answer, saying the company is under investigation in Israel by the Defense Ministry.
Israel and Morocco reestablished diplomatic ties in December 2020 in a three-way deal in which former US President Donald Trump recognised Moroccan sovereignty over the territory of Western Sahara in return.
Since then, several Israeli ministers have visited the Maghreb country. This week, the Knesset (parliament) speaker Amir Ohana is expected to visit Morocco, which the ambassador described as “historic”, while announcing the possible visit of four more Israeli ministers, including the Interior Minister.
Cohen said Israel wants to sign a free trade agreement with Morocco, an issue he said was raised during a recent visit to Rabat by Israeli Economy Minister Nil Barkat.
"We believe that with a free trade agreement and with the port of Tangier, which is the largest in the region, we can reach 1 billion dollars a year in two or three years," said Cohen after indicating that Israel currently exports 40 million dollars a year to Morocco and imports 140 million from the Maghreb country.
Regarding the fact that embassies have not yet been established in both countries, but rather liaison offices, Cohen indicated that “it is on the table” and recalled that the agreement signed two and a half years ago between both countries contemplates having “full diplomatic relations.”
“We function as an embassy in every sense,” he defended, and recalled that in both countries their representatives have the rank of ambassador.
Regarding the possibility of holding a Negev Summit in Morocco, which would bring together Israeli and American foreign ministers with those of Arab countries with which Israel has reestablished diplomatic ties - Bahrain, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates or Morocco - Cohen said that "it does not depend on Israel."
As he said, it depends “on other members of the Negev Forum, especially the United States and Morocco, who are looking for ways to see when, how and where in Morocco it can be held.” EFE

Moroccan Parliament Speaker Rachid Talbi Alami with Israeli Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana

The Speaker of the Moroccan Parliament, Rachid Talbi Alami, with the Speaker of the Knesset of Israel, Amir Ohana AFP

Israel to open two weapons factories in Morocco, strengthening military cooperation​

  • Algeria anticipates a possible escalation with Morocco and moves its troops to the border

  • Morocco and Israel continue to strengthen their cooperation in the military and defence fields . Since the two countries normalised relations two years ago, the North African country has made use of advanced Israeli technology to modernise its armed forces . However, it has also benefited from other advances, such as the controversial Pegasus spy programme .

  • The military commitment is such that the Israeli company Elbit Systems will open two factories in Morocco . The news was announced by Shay Cohen himself , head of the Israeli communications office in the North African country. Cohen confirmed that the plants will produce "defense systems" , specifying that "one of the branches will open in Casablanca."

    Himars rocket launcher

    Himars rocket launcher and Barak MX anti-missile: Morocco rearms with the help of the US and Israel

    Andrea Polidura 17
    Elbit Systems is Israel's largest manufacturer of defense systems. In 2021, there was already speculation about an agreement between the Jewish state and Rabat to produce kamikaze drones on Moroccan soil, according to the Infodefensa portal . A type of weapon that has gained special relevance due to its use in the war in Ukraine , by the Ukrainian Armed Forces and which have inflicted significant damage on the second largest army in the world, that of Russia .
  • (...)

Morocco and Israel seal their military alliance in the midst of the crisis with Spain: their drones will be manufactured in Rabat​

Morocco Israel

While Spain and Israel are heading towards a complete break in relations, on the other side of the Strait, Morocco is intensifying its contacts with Jerusalem to become its new ally in the Western Mediterranean. In addition to the sale of cutting-edge military equipment to Rabat, Israel plans to turn Morocco into a major hub for its arms industry. Starting with the landing of drone companies in the country of Mohamed VI, whose announcement coincides with the diplomatic crisis opened by the Government of Pedro Sánchez .

In December 2020, Morocco officially recognized Israel and began relations with Jerusalem. A step that opened the door for Rabat to, just one year later, sign a military cooperation agreement by which Israel committed to providing state-of-the-art weapons systems to the Moroccan Armed Forces. And also access to advanced spy tools, such as Pegasus .

With the agreement closed, weapons that until then were out of reach for the regime of Mohamed VI began to arrive in Morocco. Barak MX missiles for an anti-missile shield, military spy satellites and suicide drones . Part of the 20 billion euro plan that Rabat is preparing to give its Armed Forces the definitive boost .
No, they didn't protest what was accepted as Israeli policy a year ago, but the people of Morocco and Spain are protesting that policy now, and Israel's arms shipments are no longer as accepted as they once were. Their mask is coming off. They're far from the bastion of civilized democracy they would have the rest of the world believe them to be... Israel's lies are crumbling, and many no longer wish to be near them, let alone stand with them.
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moose eater

Well-known member
Just another reminder that Webster's Dictionary definition of 'genocide' is not the definition within the Rome Statute as applied by the ICC and ICJ.

Judgement will come one way or another. Bet on it.

>>""The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) defines genocide as any act committed with the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group in whole or in part. These acts can include:
  • Killing members of the group

  • Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group

  • Deliberately inflicting conditions of life on the group that are intended to bring about its physical destruction

  • Imposing measures to prevent births within the group

  • Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group""<<<


Beuz Ya
New report from Russian MIL, alleging that the Pentagon relocated their bioweapon operation to Africa, due to Russia’s liberation of the labs in Ukraine.

Kirillov alleges that Biden-owned Metabiota, and other intermediary NGOs, are running cover for the US State Dept and DoD, posing as a humanitarian operation, to conceal their true objective of pathogen production for Big Pharma. Kirillov also points out that Biden-owned Metabiota, have been forced to stop operating in many countries in Africa, due to awareness of their nefarious biological activity and agenda. Also keep in mind, the founder of Biden-owned Metabiota is Ghislaine Maxwell and Clinton affiliate, Virologist Nathan Wolfe. Later in the briefing, Kirillov also alleges the US are planning to spread disease via migratory birds. This comes after Kirillov previously alleged that the US plan to manufacture ANOTHER pandemic for the 2024 election like they did in 2020. Bird Flu comes to mind.

Russian Defense Ministry warns US to release avian bioweapon before 2024 election and blame Putin for new pandemic

The Kremlin suggests setting up a large-scale false flag!

moose eater

Well-known member

The above articles cover a period of time of about 14 years, including the more recent allegations, and in between.

Now we have Palestinians who were held in questionable 'administrative detention' by Israel, returning with evidence of having had surgeries performed on them that may or may not have been related to wounds inflicted by IDF. Hmm.

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Well-known member
the bolscheviks murdered hundreds of millions of christians . you do not hear christians mention this everytime they have a debate and blame the opposing debaters for historic crimes their relatives commited

So Hai

Well-known member
The above articles cover a period of time of about 14 years, including the more recent allegations, and in between.

Now we have Palestinians who were held in questionable 'administrative detention' by Israel, returning with evidence of having had surgeries performed on them that may or may not have been related to wounds inflicted by IDF. Hmm.
Investigation into organ trafficking in the Ukraine,

So Hai

Well-known member
the bolscheviks murdered hundreds of millions of christians . you do not hear christians mention this everytime they have a debate and blame the opposing debaters for historic crimes their relatives commited
zionism is bolshevism: bolsheviks founded the jewish state, they migrated and brought their genocidal behaviour along with them.



Well-known member

Al-Jazeera’s exclusive footage of injured Palestinian civilian prisoners, with hands bound, forced into bombed homes and tunnels with cameras strapped to their bodies. Israel using captured Palestinians as human shields.

not sure why its not letting me link the shortcut thing


Beuz Ya
Imagine a missile massacre on a Florida beach on the Fourth of July

The scenario is not hyperbole. Imagine a sunny beach in Florida crowded with families enjoying a holiday weekend. In a split second, mayhem and murder are unleashed as crowds flee in panic from a foreign missile exploding over the beach.

There is no doubt that the United States would go to war immediately against the perpetrator. Furious condemnations would ring out for days, weeks, and months among American politicians and their media.

But what is also obvious from this hypothetical scenario is the egregious double standard and hypocrisy of American and Western responses.

Last weekend, Russia was celebrating its annual Day of Remembrance and Sorrow. The day honors the dead of the Great Patriotic War instigated by Nazi Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941. That weekend also combines Trinity Sunday, a prominent religious holiday in the Orthodox calendar.

As Russian families were enjoying the festive weekend, the Kiev regime fired five U.S.-supplied ATACMS missiles at the Crimean city of Sevastopol. It was a deliberate targeting of civilian infrastructure. Four missiles were shot down by Russian air defenses, but a fifth exploded over a nearby beach, where hundreds of people were enjoying sun-splashed sand and the gentle lapping of waves.

In the ensuing horror, four people including two children were killed. Over 150 were injured, dozens of them seriously, from the explosions caused by cluster bomblets released by the missile. Video footage clearly shows explosions and not merely ordnance shrapnel falling from the sky.

This was an act of state-sponsored terrorism against civilians. The United States and its NATO partners bear responsibility for the massacre. Only a week before the attack, U.S. President Joe Biden and other NATO leaders had signed off on supplying the Kiev regime with long-range (300 km) ATACMS weapons and a green light to use these missiles on Russian territory.

Arguably, too, the atrocity was an unpardonable act of war against Russia. As the foreign ministry in Moscow noted, the U.S.-led NATO proxy war in Ukraine has become a direct war against Russia. The situation has entered a most dangerous moment.

The Kremlin has warned that retaliation is coming. There is no question that under international law, the Russian Federation has every right to respond to murderous aggression. It only remains to be seen what the form of retaliation will be.

It is doubtful that Russia would take revenge on innocent American civilians. The Russian leadership and its people are far too moral and strategically intelligent to countenance such barbarity.

The scenario of bombing a beach in Florida is invoked to demonstrate the heinous reality of what occurred in Crimea last weekend. And it also demonstrates the rank moral bankruptcy of American and European leaders.

Only days before the missile attack on Crimea, the American Senate introduced a bill to declare Russia a “state sponsor of terrorism”. The bill was a hysterical reaction to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s state visit to North Korea and the signing of a mutual defense pact with Chairman Kim Jong Un.

The irony of the U.S. reaction in light of the subsequent attack on Crimea is not merely bitter. Washington is unhinged and depraved. A collection of psychopaths as are its minions in Brussels and other NATO capitals.

Following the massacre in Crimea, the Western media and NATO leaders tried to minimize the crime. The equivocations and evasions are damning. The White House and Pentagon said the decision on targets was the sole responsibility of the Ukrainian regime. A spokesman for the Kiev junta sought to justify the air strike by implying Russia was using “civilian occupiers” on a beach as human shields.

The mindset here is pure Nazi terrorism enabled by American and NATO politicians, their weapons and media propaganda. This is the same mindset and NATO enabling that terrorized the Donbass and other Russian populations after the CIA coup in Kiev in 2014. Russian civilians endured years of wanton shelling until Russia responded with the Special Military Operation in February 2022 to eradicate the fascist aggression.

Western sponsorship and practice of state terrorism have been going on for decades if not centuries. Sometimes overtly, sometimes covertly. Think of the countless Western genocides in Africa, the Americas, and Asia. Why the crimes are not more well known comes down to media propaganda brainwashing.

The aggression on Crimea last weekend has reached a momentous threshold. There are numerous fatal options that Russia can take without responding to precipitate a Third World War.

Russia can step up its obliteration of the odious Kiev NeoNazi regime thereby landing NATO in the worst existential political crisis in its 75 years of ignominious existence. It can close off the Black Sea by shooting down NATO surveillance aircraft and other warplanes. Russia could supply more sophisticated weapons to other nations and groups that ramp up the security costs of the United States to unbearable levels.

The bigger picture is that Russia and the rest of the world are moving legitimately in a way that is accelerating the collapse of the American empire and its vassals. The U.S. and European political economies are reeling from their own internal miserable implosion. Astronomical financial debts, obscene inequality and poverty, and bankrupt political authority are cratering the failed Western systems. What Washington and Brussels are facing is a political hellscape. All brought on by their own iniquitous rulers.

All Russia, China, Iran and other nations have to do is stay strong and get on with their autonomous building of a better, fairer, sustainable multipolar world. The Western Ponzi scheme of colonialist privilege and exploitation is primed to implode. A judicious push is all that is needed. There’s no need to use a sledgehammer especially when the calamity and chaos of the latter method only serves to let the criminals off the hook so that they can restart their nefarious imperialist schemes once again.

The failing Western powers are desperate to salvage their disastrous demise. As in previous episodes of historic failure, Western imperialists are resorting to war as the ultimate way to mitigate the inevitable collapse.

The desperation is epitomized by the terrorism inflicted on the beach in Crimea and also on the same day with the terror attacks in Russia’s Dagestan region, where supposed Islamist extremists killed over 20 people in raids on churches and synagogues. A Western media headline betrayed the malicious thinking: “Dagestan attack highlights Russia’s vulnerability at home amid Ukraine war”.

The U.S. and its NATO accomplices are steadily losing the proxy war in Ukraine against Russia. They are trying to provoke Russia with outright terrorism. Only three months ago, a terrorist attack outside Moscow killed 145 people in a raid that has the hallmarks of orchestration by Western intelligence agencies. Russian state security services predicted that more such atrocities would be attempted on Russian soil. Last weekend proved the point.

The purpose is to incite the Russian people to destabilize their leadership into making a rash response.

It is tempting to hit the Western powers in the same barbaric way that they have done to Russia. But such a response is too good for these lowlifes because it only lets them off the hook by giving them the all-out catastrophic war that they calculate will somehow secure their survival.

Revenge served coldly and calmly is the best way. The Western criminal leaders have it coming. It seems frustratingly overdue. But justice for historic crimes is already coming.