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Beuz Ya

Accused of subscribing to Putin's world view, Jeffrey Sachs is blowing up the matrix live​



Beuz Ya
Navi Pillay, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, presents the Report of the Commission of Inquiry…:

“the Israeli authorities are responsible for war crimes, including extermination, murder and use of starvation as a method of warfare. »


moose eater

Well-known member
Wasserman-Slutz is at it again, over and over... Wiling to lie for her DNC (2016 and forward), willing to lie for Israel (yesterday, today and tomorrow) ... and on and on... In short, Debbie is comfortable with lying, and especially for political posturing's sake.

Debbie Wasserman-Slutz; not someone to buy a used car from...



Beuz Ya

Washington and London are reviving Nazi ideology in Europe in order to direct it against Russia​

Presidential assistant Nikolai Patrushev expressed these ideas in an article in the Russian magazine "National defense" on the anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War against Hitler (1941-1945) in the USSR.

Activities aimed at disintegrating Russia

Under the leadership of the’ Occident, Kiev removes ties, including family ties, between Ukrainians who speak and think in Russian and Russia, sending them to massacre;

American research centers study methods of mental warfare against Russia. "Pro-Western corrupt figures" from the Baltic states, Poland and’Ukraine, where the falsification of’history has become a’-State policy, are actively participating in this campaign. A false interpretation of history is already enshrined in European legislative acts;

In order to destabilize the situation inside Russia, the West does not hesitate to finance terrorism, provoke inter-ethnic and interfaith conflicts and incite extremist activities;

The United States and Europe continue to provide Ukraine with significant military aid in the attempt to inflict a strategic defeat on and destroy Russia.

Nazism renaissance​

The role of the USSR in the liberation of the peoples from Nazism is ignored on the recommendation of Washington;

The neo-Nazi authorities of contemporary Ukraine are the most assiduous in distorting history. They call supporters of the ultra-nationalist Stepan Bandera, who collaborated with the Nazis, a "liberation movement" and liken the Soviet system to German national socialism;

Russia will continue to tighten responsibility for calls for the rehabilitation of Nazism and its heroization;

It is important to constantly raise the question of the responsibility of countries seeking to revise the results of the Second World War and to denigrate the wrestlers against the "brown plague", to justify the Nazis and their acolytes;

By accusing the USSR of "occupying" European territories, the West "forgets" that it was Russian troops who helped the civilian population, including with country kitchens and hospitals, and that it was the USSR that called for safeguarding German industry and agriculture, thus avoiding a humanitarian catastrophe.


Beuz Ya
British MP Andrew Bridgen is warning the world that NATO plans to launch a false flag attack on a European city using a nuclear "dirty bomb" and blame Russia.



Well-known member

Thank you for that, @Roms. It stirred a memory from 1976 and I was in New York City. There was a gathering of several thousand people seated on the floor of St. John the Divine. When the Great Aum began it grew in strength and power to the point where it felt as if the stones and pillars vibrated to the sound and joined in the chorus.

I can feel the vibration still.

May the false flag be false.


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