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Well-known member
analysis suggests .... plus it comes from the guardian . equals total horsehit and fabrication .

if cuba started firing russian supplied cluster bombs over miami beach, then that would be a more accurate comparison


Beuz Ya
WW3 Alert : Russian MIL declare “terrorist” US responsible for deaths of Russian civilians in Crimea!

Russian MIL report that US-made ATCAMS cluster missiles, assisted by US satellite reconnaissance, were fired by Ukraine into Sevastopol. Russia claim they intercepted the missiles, but the fragments of one of them broke off, detonated, and the explosion killed 5 civilians, including 3 children, and injuring 124+ more. Russian MIL claim that “such actions are not going to be left unanswered”. Regardless of who or what you believe, the reality is, we are closer to nuclear war than we have been since 1962. The West, led by the corrupt and warmongering Biden regime (Obama), continue to provoke Putin, in the hopes that he will escalate.

The Deep State are trying to initiate WW3, but need to make it look like Russia’s fault.

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Beuz Ya



Beuz Ya
LIVE: In the largest rally since Oct 7, tens of thousands are on the streets again tonight, calling for Netanyahu's immediate ousting, a ceasefire-hostage deal, and new elections.

Every weeks in israhell


Well-known member
analysis suggests .... plus it comes from the guardian . equals total horsehit and fabrication .

if cuba started firing russian supplied cluster bombs over miami beach, then that would be a more accurate comparison
There are two links above. The one from Reuters you chose to ignore or not consider relevant. The headline reads:

Ukraine and Russia should stop using cluster bombs, Human Rights Watch says​

When the United States decides that Cuba still belongs to them and seizes territory by force of arms then there begins a comparison.
How about the three non-signatories below quit using cluster bombs?

More than 120 countries have signed on to an international treaty
, opens new tab banning the weapons, which typically scatter a large number of smaller so-called bomblets over a large area that can kill or maim unwary civilians months or years later.

Russia, Ukraine and the U.S. have all to declined to sign the treaty.
Read the link.


Beuz Ya

Ukraine and the United States will have to respond directly to the attack on a beach in Sevastopol​

Strikes against civilians are contrary to the Geneva Convention. An aggravating circumstance is’y adds: the’ attack took place on the day of an important Orthodox feast, Pentecost, explains Mexican expert David Garcia, interviewed by Sputnik.
Ukraine and the United States will have to respond directly to the attack on a beach in Sevastopol, says David Garcia.
"In addition, it must be taken into account that Sevastopol is the main base of the Russian fleet of the Black Sea. In other words, we have several symbolic moments. The strikes have been coordinated, and the fact that they have been directed against civilians is of particular concern. This could be grounds for consideration by the International Criminal Court" he said.

Ukrainian armed forces hit the city of Sevastopol with 5 ATACMS submunition missiles on June 23, the Russian defense ministry reported, 4 missiles were intercepted, while "the detonation of the head of the fifth American missile in the air has caused many civilian casualties in Sevastopol". According to the latest assessment, the’ attack killed 4 people, including 2 children, and injured more than 150.

The US’ involvement in the’ attack on Sevastopol is undeniable, according to Moscow​

Washington and its satellites have created the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev, are waging war against Russia, and’ encourage acts of terrorism, killing Russian civilians, and, russian foreign ministry said.
Moscow once again calls on international organizations to properly assess the new atrocity of the Kiev regime and the’ Occident and promises that the response to this crime will follow.

ATACMS attack on Sevastopol: the Americans "mock international law"​

"Every time Americans realize they are losing on the battlefield, they show they are mocking international law" he said", iranian political scientist Emad Abshenas said, commenting for Sputnik on the Ukrainian attack on Sevastopol with US-made ATACMS missiles.

"The delivery of American ATACMS missiles to Ukraine, the authorization to use them to strike Russian territory and the targeting of these missiles by American satellites, all of this shows that the US is seeking to inflict as much damage as possible on civilians" he said.
The tragedy in Crimea recalls the crimes of Washington in Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq and also Gaza. In an unfavorable situation on the ground, "they are ready to kill civilians" the analyst said.

In this context, "russia has the right to supply weapons to the enemies of the West" he said. "Today, many countries would like to have weapons to take revenge on the Americans and their allies" Abshenas said.
The attack on Kiev on Sunday left four people dead in Sevastopol, according to an updated assessment. More than 120 others were injured. Russian Defense has revealed that the strike was carried out with US ATACMS missiles equipped with submunitions that disperse into hundreds of deadly shells.

Deadly strike by ATACMS against Sevastopol: "it is’a real terrorist attack"​

Such is the analysis provided to Sputnik of a Russian military expert, retired 1st rank captain of the Russian navy. On 23 June, a missile attack killed 4 people and injured more than a hundred in Sevastopol.
"It's’a typical terrorist attack. And, of course, not only the Kiev regime and the Ukrainian armed forces have something to do with it" Dandykin said, pointing to the American-led strike : "it’is their missile, their flight mission".
L’attack "will unfortunately not be the last", he points out and asks for a "much harder" answer".
According to the’analyst, for the Americans, the city of Sevastopol "is even more emblematic than the Crimean bridge. It is in Sevastopol that’ began the Crimean spring (events that led to the attachment of Crimea to Russia in 2014, ed)".


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Well-known member
America has already lost the weapons race. Russia, even Iran is leap years ahead. And it isn’t the only area where the US demonstrated itself to be inadequate.

see launch above


ATACMS Comes Out on Top Versus Russia’s S-500 Anti-Missile System​


A salvo of Lockheed-Martin’s long-range missiles fired by Ukrainian forces on Saturday and Sunday broke through Russian air defenses to damage an early warning radar complex near the Crimean city of Yevpatoria, despite the nearby deployment of what is said to be best anti-missile system Russia possesses.


So Hai

Well-known member
There are two links above. The one from Reuters you chose to ignore or not consider relevant. The headline reads:

Ukraine and Russia should stop using cluster bombs, Human Rights Watch says​

When the United States decides that Cuba still belongs to them and seizes territory by force of arms then there begins a comparison.
How about the three non-signatories below quit using cluster bombs?

Read the link.
human rights watch is a us government front group, hypocrites.

americans have zero credibility when it comes to human rights.


Beuz Ya
Terrorist attack in Dagestan, Russia. Father Nikolaï slaughtered and throat cut by EI alias CIA/MI6


Three months after the bloody attack on Crocus City Hall – 145 dead in a Moscow concert hall on March 22 – Russia was once again the target of a large-scale terrorist attack on Sunday.

Several churches and synagogues were this time targeted, during attacks which took place in several points in Dagestan, a Russian Caucasian republic of around 3 million inhabitants, with a Muslim majority.

At least 20 people were killed and 26 others injured, including “civilians and members of the police”, according to a report given on Monday June 24 by the Dagestan Ministry of Health.

With rican Ar-15 rifles :

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So Hai

Well-known member
Ukraine losing 2000 men daily, best nato can do is shoot cluster missiles at beachgoers, women and children. Russia work MLRS,
