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Deleted member 539861

the funny part is that he no doubt found that weird ass no one has ever heard of site because an algorithm owned by a jewish guy led him down that rabbit hole...

and the geek shall inherit the earth....i believe paraphrased from another nice jewish boy who had a bad time with some italians:D
You know, there is a huge difference between not necessarily believing the official version and believing or making up nutcrack conspiracy theories?

Like for example I don't believe that we are alone in this universe, but does it follow from that I have to make up a planet called Bubugaga where wobbly three headed pink elephants live and then be all over youtube with it?


Well-known member
Israel violates Camp David Accord by seizing control of the Egyptian border with Gaza... Or, another case of "Hey!! That's not yours. Put it back!!" And they've now killed 2 Egyptian soldiers in the process.

Can someone please put Bibi, Mossad, and the IDF out of the rest of the world's misery?? I'll send my cash contribution to help make it real.

your tax dollar pays for the security of israel and the genocide of palistine semites

you support israel in one way or the other by your actions , words and dollars

moose eater

Well-known member
your tax dollar pays for the security of israel and the genocide of palistine semites

you support israel in one way or the other by your actions , words and dollars
I'm aware that my tax dollars supported things I find reprehensible, and which not enough Americans understand enough about, beyond official rhetoric, which often involves opportunism and spin that takes advantage of purposefully cultivated nationalism, sold and mislabelled as (false) patriotism.

I haven't worked an above-board taxed job since 1998, when I was informally but effectively blacklisted.
I spent decades growing and earning untaxed money.

My wife has worked a taxed job during that time, but as a director has underpaid herself for a variety of reasons.

When we had 3 children at home, with deductions for dependents and my income not on paper, we paid little in taxes.

We pay a bit more now, but -little- in contrast to those earning 'good money.'

Yes, every taxpayer in the US contributes to the war machine.

Once upon a time, years ago, a person could request not to have their personal taxes used for war/weapons (I think there was a religious caveat, though). I'm not sure that such a conscientious objector's status even exists anymore for such restrictions to be placed on personal taxes, nor do I think it ever really mattered. Anymore than taking $20 out of my left pocket and placing it in my right pocket, while taking a different $20 out of my right pocket and putting it in my left pocket. It all gets lost in the mix, when such large sums of money are involved.

My words and thoughts in no way support what is going on in Gaza right now.

Deleted member 539861

your tax dollar pays for the security of israel and the genocide of palistine semites

you support israel in one way or the other by your actions , words and dollars
It's not a genocide. I am not saying this to relativate the IME obvious war crimes that Israel is committing in Gaza but genocide is about the worst accusation that you can make in context like this and the problem is that if you overuse a term like this, it will wear off. Just like Antisemitism. You won't have any headroom anymore and nobody is going to listen to you anymore come the time that there is really a genocide goint on.

There is no doubt that some people in this right wing extremist government have wet dreams about extincting the population of Gaza and they have been making this explicit plenty of times, it could turn into a genocide, but they are not doing it right now. Gaza is 360 km² small and densely populated and Israel has one of the most modern and most well equipped armies in the world, if they wanted to genocide right now then Palestine would be no more, and I do not think that anybody would intervene. Not the Arabic countries, they don't give a shit about the Palestinians, not the US or anybody else.

Take starvation as an example. It is a war crime. Actually they have been starving the population for years, not just since October 7th. But they do it in terms of "not enough to live but too much to die". They seemingly arbitrarily decide on a day by day basis how many trucks with food etc they will let pass, actually there is a scheme behind it. It is a collective punishment, is is to weaken and demoralize the people of Gaza and it is outrageously sadistic but it is not genocide.

That might sound cynical too you, like splitting hairs or some academic debate over people suffering and dying, but it is important to be precise and not come up with false accusations that water down terms like this.

moose eater

Well-known member
It's not a genocide. I am not saying this to relativate the IME obvious war crimes that Israel is committing in Gaza but genocide is about the worst accusation that you can make in context like this and the problem is that if you overuse a term like this, it will wear off. Just like Antisemitism. You won't have any headroom anymore and nobody is going to listen to you anymore come the time that there is really a genocide goint on.

There is no doubt that some people in this right wing extremist government have wet dreams about extincting the population of Gaza and they have been making this explicit plenty of times, it could turn into a genocide, but they are not doing it right now. Gaza is 360 km² small and densely populated and Israel has one of the most modern and most well equipped armies in the world, if they wanted to genocide right now then Palestine would be no more, and I do not think that anybody would intervene. Not the Arabic countries, they don't give a shit about the Palestinians, not the US or anybody else.

Take starvation as an example. It is a war crime. Actually they have been starving the population for years, not just since October 7th. But they do it in terms of "not enough to live but too much to die". They seemingly arbitrarily decide on a day by day basis how many trucks with food etc they will let pass, actually there is a scheme behind it. It is a collective punishment, is is to weaken and demoralize the people of Gaza and it is outrageously sadistic but it is not genocide.

That might sound cynical too you, like splitting hairs or some academic debate over people suffering and dying, but it is important to be precise and not come up with false accusations that water down terms like this.
The definition of the term 'genocide' is not what you apparently think it is.

The UN General Assembly, the ICC and the ICJ have all elaborated on the inclusive criteria that constitute the technical definition of 'genocide' and it is broader than you're assuming.

These presentations and testimonies are recorded on video if you want to find them and confirm for yourself.

And what is occurring in Gaza, by definition, is definitely genocide.

So Hai

Well-known member
From todays crumbling empire,




Well-known member

The American aircraft carrier is ravaged by flames ! The Houthis attack aircraft carrier Dwight Eisenhower in the Red Sea​

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Well-known member

The American aircraft carrier is ravaged by flames ! The Houthis attack aircraft carrier Dwight Eisenhower in the Red Sea​




that picture looks awfully similar to the USS Bonhomme Richard in 2020

what happened? no pictures of the strike or the aftermath?


Five days after it caught fire, US Navy warship is still burning at a San Diego base


Check this, though



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Deleted member 539861

Learn THE TRUTH in less than four minutes, about the Jewish wirld conspiracy

You are spreading pseudohistoric nutcase conspiracy theories.

Enjoy your echo chamber

moose eater

Well-known member
Learn THE TRUTH in less than four minutes, about the Jewish wirld conspiracy

You are spreading pseudohistoric nutcase conspiracy theories.

Enjoy your echo chamber
You seem a bit touchy.

Here, this is one entry, and defines the criteria for meeting the definition of 'genocide' at the ICC. There are more, if anyone is interested.

And Democracy Now has a fairly stellar reputation. As do Norm Finkelstein and Avi Shlaim.


How the Court works

The crimes​

The Court's founding treaty, called the Rome Statute, grants the ICC jurisdiction over four main crimes.
First, the crime of genocide is characterised by the specific intent to destroy in whole or in part a national, ethnic, racial or religious group by killing its members or by other means: causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; or forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.""<<<

Israel's talking heads have openly advocated for seizing all of Gaza, and they have systematically cut off any exit routes. What might that mean for those trapped there?

moose eater

Well-known member
No one asked but it is my personal opinion that neither Norm Finkelstein nor Avi Shlaim have stellar reputations.
Well, they're certainly not popular among the Zionists and those who wish to minimize the crimes of the successive Israeli apartheid regimes.

Can you present some grounded critiquing of their statements re. the topics at hand?