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Well-known member
pretty sure finkelstein writes books against 'wokeism', he's probably not even someone i agree with politically much outside of this issue lol.

moose eater

Well-known member
And... his conduct as memorialized by his filing makes me doubt that his claim of anti-racism is sincere. I doubt that he is in fact acting out of solidarity, but rather something else. This is my opinion.
"""In re. to the pertinent contents and his allegations, historical or current, involving Israel's crimes, where have his claims been disproven?

And for those new to the game, NF is Jewish, and born to holocaust-surviving parents."""


Well-known member
this all in all has weakened israel and the us, which in my view was already in decline. with the muslim population increasing far more than jewish, the next 100 years will be interesting, and dangerous (for israel). china seems to side with palestine in saying they have the right to resist occupation.

unless we're about to head into some word changing situation aka ww3, i think israel fucked up and overplayed its hand and is bringing the us and any reputation we've had as the benign world's policeman to be thrown out the window.


Well-known member

yeah dude its easy to do horseshoe shit like this but we all know the reason why the left opposes israel and why nazis do lol and it's not because we agree with each other. nazis will latch on to whatever lol. they're rightly called out... leftists make posts to specifically not repost people like jackson hinkle, and you were right, on jake shields. i posted him when i did not know who he was besides some MMA dork.

moose eater

Well-known member
this all in all has weakened israel and the us, which in my view was already in decline. with the muslim population increasing far more than jewish, the next 100 years will be interesting, and dangerous (for israel). china seems to side with palestine in saying they have the right to resist occupation.

unless we're about to head into some word changing situation aka ww3, i think israel fucked up and overplayed its hand and is bringing the us and any reputation we've had as the benign world's policeman to be thrown out the window.
The reputation is already gone, as of several months ago. The lights are on and the cockroaches are visible.


Well-known member
this british dude interviews a bunch of israeli/jewish academics who call it genocide as well. i can't listen too much of this brit tho, he sounds like hes on speed or something in some of these lol.



Well-known member
Well, he's regarded as an expert, specifically in this field, he's Israeli, AND he teaches the subject.
I don't trust him (RS) for secret reasons.
I think ZF isn't a historian; historians (since, like, Heroditus, I think Thucydides) are supposed to be neutral and he isn't. I agree this is ultimately a bullshit argument, but whatever. My opinion.

edit: I meant to type Thucydides but even so, it is a bs argument
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moose eater

Well-known member
Zachary Foster, Princeton historian of Palestine who is also either jewish and/or israeli as well.
I think some have been so indoctrinated by the pervasive misrepresentations throughout their schooling and culturally that they simply can't fathom the harsh reality of Israel's ethnocentric war crimes history, let alone what's driving their sociopathic group-think today.

As I've said before I have ZERO tolerance for bullies, and even less for religious fanatics suffering from delusions while committing serial mass murder.

And my solutions aren't a secret; if someone's raping your wife and daughter and has torched your home, shoot the motherfucker and piss on their lifeless eyeballs for good measure.


Well-known member
I don't trust him (RS) for secret reasons.
I think ZF isn't a historian; historians (since, like, Heroditus, I think) are supposed to be neutral and he isn't. I agree this is ultimately a bullshit argument, but whatever. My opinion.
i think it's mainly to highlight there are israeli voices, specifically well qualified voices, who agree with the claims levied against israel. having jewish people stand against the genocide is a very crucial part in showing that the people protesting aren't strictly antisemites. i'm sure there are plenty among the crowds lol, as you've posted there are some weird sects of islam who love hitler. i don't think anyone denies stuff like that.


Well-known member
i didn't go to college lol

this not qualify as a historian?


moose eater

Well-known member
i didn't go to college lol

this not qualify as a historian?

View attachment 19011383
A secret; everyone has a value system, and most of them have an opinion on everything from sliced loaves or whole loaves, on down to live bait versus scented lures, but especially when the subject matter involves OUTRAGEOUS misrepresentations and criminal actions that leave tens of thousands dead in the here and now, not even counting the generations of their historical victims.


Well-known member
this british dude interviews a bunch of israeli/jewish academics who call it genocide as well. i can't listen too much of this brit tho, he sounds like hes on speed or something in some of these lol.

sorry he's irish. i know they hate being called british so ill correct it hahahah

moose eater

Well-known member
sorry he's irish. i know they hate being called british so ill correct it hahahah
Yeah, the old school Brits tended to be hung up on doilies with their tea, making sure the pinky was extended when drinking tea promptly at 3, and taking over others land or domains. Sort of similar to Israel.

Maybe such dichotomies or disparities in civility versus barbarism are an empire thing, or an apartheid thing.


Well-known member
i think it's mainly to highlight there are israeli voices, specifically well qualified voices, who agree with the claims levied against israel. having jewish people stand against the genocide is a very crucial part in showing that the people protesting aren't strictly antisemites.
I know it is hard keeping track of who said and did what way back when, but I was affirming "antizionsim is not antisemitism" every chance I got, maybe until December. I know antizionsim is not antisemitism because I'm a third-generation antizionist Jew. However, I came to see that some antizionism is antisemitism. Whatshisname MMA dork comes to mind.
Consider the gap in time between me first bitching about @CensoredMen and you realizing, "Oh, shit!"
It was months, I'll bet.
During that time, Jews were freaking the fuck out, because no one was listening what were then valid concerns.
It's OK, btw. The only way this gets better if individuals choose to change after having realized, "That's fucked up."
as you've posted there are some weird sects of islam who love hitler. i don't think anyone denies stuff like that.
I've got to dig up the reference, but if memory serves, I believe it is like a core part of BDS that somehow solidarity means allies mustn't offer any critique of the oppressed in their act of freeing themselves from oppression. And that's why it's like pulling teeth getting interlocutors to agree to talk about references to the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion in the Hamas charter, etc.