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moose eater

Well-known member
so do you think it is too late for the ballot, and that it is time for the bullet? or just sit and watch it collapse ?:unsure:
We get ballots that most of the time contain only those names the Oligarchy and national party orgs are willing to let us vote on. Little more and little less.

It takes money and acceptance among the golden circle to have a spot on those pieces of paper.


Well-known member
It takes money and acceptance among the golden circle to have a spot on those pieces of paper.
no argument from me! that's been true since long before you or i were born...:( even if they are two heads of the same beast as some believe,,,,,is it not important to vote for the one NOT telling you that he thinks the laws don't apply to him, he was sent by God, and he wants the throne, and FUCK elections, too... myself, i'm going to vote for the other guy in that situation every time.


Well-known member
no argument from me! that's been true since long before you or i were born...:( even if they are two heads of the same beast as some believe,,,,,is it not important to vote for the one NOT telling you that he thinks the laws don't apply to him, he was sent by God, and he wants the throne, and FUCK elections, too... myself, i'm going to vote for the other guy in that situation every time.
The other guy thinks the same thing. It's a referendum on decorum.

moose eater

Well-known member
The other guy thinks the same thing. It's a referendum on decorum.
A point of consideration re. actions or words implying that laws don't apply to the would-be Prez might also include, as an example, Joe Biden currently supporting and advocating for Israel not having to conform to our standards/laws where providing weapons to countries, etc., who are ass-deep in human rights violations and dump trucks full of war crimes.

The "I'm special" (often illicit) exceptionalism is relatively prolific in our government, including from those many regard as 'the good guys'.


Well-known member

hey bud. yeah, I seen that about a week ago; it was one posted by that laughably obviously white nationalist twitter account you've been reposting here recently. you know, the one that published not a single kind word for Palestinian people before oct 7, 2023.

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Well-known member
hey bud. yeah, I seen that about a week ago; it was one posted by that laughably obviously white nationalist twitter account you've been reposting here recently.

so because the account that posted it is "white nationalist" to you, that means what? that the video evidence of them spitting on/near people didn't happen? or you just gonna ignore it cause it comes from "white nationalists?" you're more or less engaging in ad hominem.

"An account called @CensoredMen, for example, on Tuesday posted about an Israeli airstrike on the Jabalia refugee camp in north Gaza, in the clinical tone you might expect from a newswire service. But the post appeared to inflate the number of casualties: “Hundreds of civilians have been killed and hundreds more have been injured,” read the tweet, whereas the initial death toll reported by Palestinian medics was 50."
white nationalism is when you inflate casualty death lol. i've lost count of the amount of lies israel has told. there is no comparison nor does it change anything.

"the account, launched in December 2022, was originally used largely to protest the innocence of misogynist manosphere figure Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan, who were detained in Romania that month and later charged with rape and human trafficking. Many early posts sought to discredit the Tates’ alleged victims, while others condemned the “LGBTQ agenda,” demonizing drag performers and transgender people."
i thought they were white nationalist? tate is a muslim. muslims overlap right wingers with lgbtq stuff. i don't agree with it whatsoever but it's not white nationalist lol nor does it make what they post incorrect about Palestine.

An analysis published recently by the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public found @CensoredMen has become one of seven accounts wielding “disproportionate power and influence” over Israel-Hamas news on X.
in other words Israel is losing the PR battle and they're crying to their shills in american media & institutions.


Well-known member

elon's dicksuckers doing holocaust revisionism

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