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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Why was there peace prior to 1948? Muslim (Arabs) - Jews (Hebrew/Israeli) and Christians

YearJews (core population)Total Population


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I think the question is how far back we go in time to right wrongs? What's the statute of limitations on genocide or attempted genocide?

The situation with First Nations in Canada versus the US of A is one contrast.

As I've written before, my Irish ancestors were horribly victimized by both the Crown, as well as by their bought-and-paid-for Irish 'kings', but I accept it's unreasonable to expect the royals to gift me 40 acres, a mule, and regular compensation as a result.. Though I did look into the offering of dual Irish citizenry and passprt, only to discover my ancestors came to North America too long ago.

But I think that many of us can agree there's less indecision in assessing what is fair and just in the here and now.
However it is ongoing in North America. That makes you and I moral criminals.

moose eater

Well-known member
However it is ongoing in North America. That makes you and I moral criminals.
Yep, there's economic and literal victims in every predatory system.

I did my time of social activism in a Country that practices self-serving situational definitions of right and wrong.

I became quite bitter at organizational and ego-based games as the last flickering of the idealism of my youth burned out after the DNC fucked Bernie, and the NYPD goons crushed the truth-tellers of OCCUPY, serving their Wall St. masters..

Now my spine is collapsing, with words in the latest MRI scan describing my vertebrae as 'buckling' and my nerves in my already-amended spine as 'folded back on themselves'. And I contend with hovering cancer.

For a good while, each day I obsessed on my 'exit plan' to leave as much of my life insurance with my wife as possible, though now we're inheriting another $5,000 in med bills after the insurance pays their pittance...

There was a fair bit of self-pity and apathy when I ceased full-tilt boogie activism, but at that time my statement to those who ignored the cesspool for years and/or played partisan or ego games was "This is the bed you've made and accepted; sleep in it, motherfucker."

We buy almost nothing at Walmart and minimize purchases from the big box stores that put Ma and Pa America out of business.

The Country has been in decline for over 30 years, and one can track the decline on international quality of life indexes, to include age of mortality, infant mortality, mean income versus cost of living, indebtedness and more.

But none of that holds a candle to the wholesale slaughter occurring in Gaza right now. Not at Pine Ridge or the Mexican border. Or even the continuing bankruptcies due to medical bills that continue to mount for so many people in this Nation..

'Our' collective karma is apt to be MASSIVE.
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moose eater

Well-known member
Anybody with a plan as to how to stop this Country from continuing to send more munitions and money to the cut-throat killers and criminals represented by Netanyahu.. speak up. Or to cause Netanyahu and his ilk to develop a sense of humanity and conscience, likewise, speak up.

It's an election year and Slo' Joe is hell-bent on another trophy for his mantle.



mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
The situation is very clear at this point, as is the history that brought it about. To attempt moral equivalence is disgusting. When should the Israeli government stop the slaughter of civilians? When should we, the US, stop sending bombs, guns and money to Israel? Palestinians should, what, meekly march back into their 75 year old prison yard? Even that is not an option anymore.

I was referring to immoral equivalency.

It's pretty clear that I don't think slaughtering civilians is ever a good thing... and as such neither side looks great to me.

moose eater

Well-known member
I agree with what he said.

I noticed that he didn't try to justify Hamas' murder of innocents either.
Assessing a likely outcome from 75 years of violations is a statement of probable expressions, versus, Yeah, it's a good thing.

"For every action there is an equal or greater reaction."

If the what-about-isms of incredibly poor equivalency were a bit more concealed that might've been obvious.

But I'm sure we'll witness your degree of heart-felt pacifism the next time such crimes are committed against you at your home.

moose eater

Well-known member
What I know is that there's things some say, and there's some that actually do. Therein lies the difference between feel-good pontifications and reality.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
What I know is that there's things some say, and there's some that actually do. Therein lies the difference between feel-good pontifications and reality.

And you probably think that you know what anyone would do... but then that's likely based on your deeds being generated from your personal beliefs.

I'm pointing out that like begets like.

It seems to be a point lacking from those who are focused on revenge.

moose eater

Well-known member
And you probably think that you know what anyone would do... but then that's likely based on your deeds being generated from your personal beliefs.

I'm pointing out that like begets like.

It seems to be a point lacking from those who are focused on revenge.
Again, looking forward to your lack of aggression when your family is evicted or killed.

And I know enough to identify those who spout pontifications but fail to apply the energy to follow through on lofty statements. That much I know and can attest to,.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
If I was injured by the killing of my family then how is killing anyone going to do anything but make the situation worse for others?

By assuming that the others I injured by killing someone are in less need of consideration, love, and respect than me or mine?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Making it worse doesn't make it better.

That's my point.

Your's seems to be that you think I am just saying something that I don't believe.

I assure you that I don't think killing people is a good way to foment peace in an increasingly murderous world.

moose eater

Well-known member
settlers aren't civilians
A reading of castle doctrine in many places indicates that if an intruder is armed and engages in a home invasion, it's best if they said goodbye to their family that morning.

This is essentially what the 'settlers' engage in every day in Gaza.

Commit heinous actions, don't cry for mommy when karma bites hard.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
If you kill enough then the killing will stop.

That's true.

Perhaps the hydrogen bombs and mutual assured destruction are the answer after all.

Or maybe we could take this opportunity to get our heads out of our ass as a species.


Well-known member
So no human is undeserving of murder?
the moment these people left their countries (80% of israeli jews are european by the way) with the expressed financially incentivized permission from the israeli government to go there and occupy someone else's land, in many instances while being armed & organized and protected by the state, they are no longer civilians.

You can't directly participate in ethnic cleansing and then throw your hands up as if you're innocent. I'm not saying they deserve death lol. Just that they are not innocent.