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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Both sides are still disregarding love and peace.

Violence begets like.

I'm not condoning any of it.

That old scroll with "eye for an eye" needs burned before everyone is blind.

The fervor for the death of anyone will not yield favorable results.


Well-known member
Both sides are still disregarding love and peace.

Violence begets like.

I'm not condoning any of it.

That old scroll with "eye for an eye" needs burned before everyone is blind.

The fervor for the death of anyone will not yield favorable results.
The situation is very clear at this point, as is the history that brought it about. To attempt moral equivalence is disgusting. When should the Israeli government stop the slaughter of civilians? When should we, the US, stop sending bombs, guns and money to Israel? Palestinians should, what, meekly march back into their 75 year old prison yard? Even that is not an option anymore.


Well-known member
The situation is very clear at this point, as is the history that brought it about. To attempt moral equivalence is disgusting. When should the Israeli government stop the slaughter of civilians? When should we, the US, stop sending bombs, guns and money to Israel? Palestinians should, what, meekly march back into their 75 year old prison yard? Even that is not an option anymore.

moose eater

Well-known member
One of the books I kept after grad school, from a course titled, 'Social Context of Social Work', contained a poem written by a revolutionary and writer from Guatemala. The book is about 6 feet from me at the moment.

Maybe I'll post the poem later.

In the poem the author loathes the academics who drink coffee or tea while discussing lofty ideals and philosophies while his people were maimed, tortured and killed.

It again reminded me of Gandhi's quote re. preferring violence to cowardice in the guise of (fake) pacifism.

In our relatively cushy world it might be easier to discuss the concept of turning the other cheek.

Our families haven't been imprisoned wholesale or murdered and tortured in the here and now.

Our children haven't been bombed while sleeping, or shot in the back while running away from horrors few here have experienced.

Our families haven't been forcibly separated by an invader's arbitrary line and sectors by virtue of being issued different colored IDs.

We haven't typically watched as invaders defined euphemistically as 'settlers' as though it's the wild west, evict our grandparents from the homes they built and lived in for going on 100 years (or more) in some cases, by the invaders claiming Divine Superiority per their particular book of religious fables or parables that otherwise has little or no standing in legal or contractual cases in the courts.

And again, I wholeheartedly doubt that those preaching passive response would sit still if these atrocities were perpetrated upon them and/or theirs.


Hitler demanded the Jews be subjected to loss of homes and property. The Zionists demand the same of Palestinians.

Hitler separated families by the hundreds of thousands; Palestinians now endure separation from even immediate family by virtue of different colored IDs for different locations.

Hitler killed Jews without consequence or due process. The Zionists' armed forces, Mossad and 'settlers' now do the same to Palestinians.

Hitler demanded Jews mark themselves with the Star of David patch and restricted their movement. The Zionists now demand restricted movement for Palestinians and mandate they carry color-coded IDs.

Hitler claimed Germany and conquered territories were reserved for the Aryan race, and that God was on their side. The Zionists claim the same over lands that were not granted to them, and which constitute a clear violation, repeatedly, of international law.

Hitler's Nazi Germany and the Israeli Zionist hard right both practice indeterminate imprisonment for their victims of all ages; no charges or proof required.

I could easily continue to lay out the parallels

Personally I would have a great deal of difficulty 'turning the other cheek' in these circumstances, and likely not even be able to find any desire to do so.

Parity in violence and violations perpetrated by Palestinians and the Israeli hard right? Not even fucking close.
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moose eater

Well-known member
The poem referenced earlier is titled, 'Apolitical Intellectuals'.

The author is Otto Rene Castillo. Dated March 19, 1967.

The text book in which I have it located is, 'Oppression and Social Intervention', by Ira Goldenberg.

It's a good book, and one of the few I'm glad I kept after that period of 'academic incubation' that allowed me a place with limited expectations in which to survive another series of life's tidal waves.


One day
the apolitical intellectuals
of our land
will be interrogated
by the poorest of people.
They will be asked what they did
while their community
was extinguished,
like a sweet fire, small and alone.

No one will ask them about their fashion sense,
or their long lunches at the faculty club.
No one will want to know about their absurd
attempts to discover "the meaning of it all."
No one will care about or even understand
their economic outlook for
"the current recession."
They will not be questioned on
Greek mythology,
nor their new age remedy for
feelings of alienation.

They'll be asked nothing about their
post-modernist justifications for apathy, concocted as self-serving lies.

On that day the simple folk will come.
Those who had no place in the
papers, books and poems of
the apolitical intellectuals,
but who produced their
food and clothes, built
their homes and cars,
who cleaned their
offices, raised their children, and cooked
their meals,
and they'll ask:

"What did you do when the poor

suffered, when tenderness and

life burned out in them?"

Apolitical intellectuals,

you will not be able answer.

A vulture of silence

will eat at your guts. Your own misery

will pick at your soul.

And you will be mute

in your shame.


Well-known member



moose eater

Well-known member
A former Canadian friend who also left home at a young age, hitting the road as a pre-adolescent hell-bent on adventure, had an older quote or saying that he'd rattle off on occasion, that went something like this,

"Fuck, fight, hold the light, or carry off the dead; everybody's got a job to do."


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
One of the books I kept after grad school, from a course titled, 'Social Context of Social Work', contained a poem written by a revolutionary and writer from Guatemala. The book is about 6 feet from me at the moment.

Maybe I'll post the poem later.

In the poem the author loathes the academics who drink coffee or tea while discussing lofty ideals and philosophies while his people were maimed, tortured and killed.

It again reminded me of Gandhi's quote re. preferring violence to cowardice in the guise of (fake) pacifism.

In our relatively cushy world it might be easier to discuss the concept of turning the other cheek.

Our families haven't been imprisoned wholesale or murdered and tortured in the here and now.

Our children haven't been bombed while sleeping, or shot in the back while running away from horrors few here have experienced.

Our families haven't been forcibly separated by an invader's arbitrary line and sectors by virtue of being issued different colored IDs.

We haven't typically watched as invaders defined euphemistically as 'settlers' as though it's the wild west, evict our grandparents from the homes they built and lived in for going on 100 years (or more) in some cases, by the invaders claiming Divine Superiority per their particular book of religious fables or parables that otherwise has little or no standing in legal or contractual cases in the courts.

And again, I wholeheartedly doubt that those preaching passive response would sit still if these atrocities were perpetrated upon them and/or theirs.


Hitler demanded the Jews be subjected to loss of homes and property. The Zionists demand the same of Palestinians.

Hitler separated families by the hundreds of thousands; Palestinians now endure separation from even immediate family by virtue of different colored IDs for different locations.

Hitler killed Jews without consequence or due process. The Zionists' armed forces, Mossad and 'settlers' now do the same to Palestinians.

Hitler demanded Jews mark themselves with the Star of David patch and restricted their movement. The Zionists now demand restricted movement for Palestinians and mandate they carry color-coded IDs.

Hitler claimed Germany and conquered territories were reserved for the Aryan race, and that God was on their side. The Zionists claim the same over lands that were not granted to them, and which constitute a clear violation, repeatedly, of international law.

Hitler's Nazi Germany and the Israeli Zionist hard right both practice indeterminate imprisonment for their victims of all ages; no charges or proof required.

I could easily continue to lay out the parallels

Personally I would have a great deal of difficulty 'turning the other cheek' in these circumstances, and likely not even be able to find any desire to do so.

Parity in violence and violations perpetrated by Palestinians and the Israeli hard right? Not even fucking close.
It is exactly the same as the 'settlers' who removed occupants from their homes so that you and I can live our cushy existence. Pete will say that is too far in the past to compare. What do we deserve?

moose eater

Well-known member
It is exactly the same as the 'settlers' who removed occupants from their homes so that you and I can live our cushy existence. Pete will say that is too far in the past to compare. What do we deserve?
I think the question is how far back we go in time to right wrongs? What's the statute of limitations on genocide or attempted genocide?

The situation with First Nations in Canada versus the US of A is one contrast.

As I've written before, my Irish ancestors were horribly victimized by both the Crown, as well as by their bought-and-paid-for Irish 'kings', but I accept it's unreasonable to expect the royals to gift me 40 acres, a mule, and regular compensation as a result.. Though I did look into the offering of dual Irish citizenship and passport, only to discover my ancestors came to North America too long ago.

But I think that many of us can agree there's less indecision in assessing what is fair and just in the here and now.
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