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from the future

Ansar Allah : navigation in the Red Sea will remain safe for all ships, except Israeli ships​

Yemen's Ansar Allah movement reaffirmed its position on banning the passage of Israeli ships through the Red Sea. This is what the deputy foreign minister of the government of Sanaa Hussein al-Ezi said.

Al-Ezi said :

"Of course, Sanaa is more interested in the safety of navigation and more respectful of the interests of the world, which we have proven in practice in the past."

He also recalled that navigation in the Red Sea will be safe for all ships, with the exception of those of « the Israeli criminal state » until its aggression against civilians and children in the « Gaza offended » ceases. The Israeli media have recognized that Yemen constitutes a strategic threat to Israel due to its geographic location.

Former head of the Israeli National Security Council, Giora Island, said that "our problem with the Yemenis is their location in a narrow part of the Red Sea, to the south, and it's a bigger problem than missile problem".

Island also expressed concern that if Yemenis decide to stop all Israeli ships, they will, this would raise questions about the ability to continue sailing from the Red Sea to Eilat.

Sanaa's deputy prime minister for defence and security affairs, Jalal al-Ruwaishan, had previously spoken of a truce in the Gaza Strip, saying :

"The truce concerns Gaza and the military representative announced that our decision to close the Red Sea to the enemy was still in effect."

On the 19th of this month, the Yemeni navy managed to stop an Israeli ship in the Red Sea with 52 people on board. At the same time, Yemeni forces reaffirmed that « their operations will target vessels flying the Israeli flag, operated by Israeli companies or belonging to Israelis ».

Подробнее на: https://avia-pro.fr/news/ansar-alla...ezopasnoy-dlya-vseh-korabley-krome-izrailskih


from the future

US occupation loots 50 trucks of oil from Syrian al-Jazeera​


21 November، 2023

Hasaka, SANA- The US occupation forces continue looting the Syrian wealth from the areas they occupy , bringing out today a convoy of Syrian oil to their bases in the Iraqi territories.

“A convoy of 50 trucks loaded with oil came out in batches through al-Mahmoudya illegal crossing border” locals from al-Ya’arubia countryside on the Syrian –Iraqi borders told SANA reporter.

The convoy headed to the US bases in the north of Iraq, the locals added.



from the future

Many frozen foreign mercenaries surrender to Russian forces near Artiomovsk​


by Reporter

With the onset of cold weather, foreign mercenaries of the Ukrainian armed forces began to surrender en masse to the Russian military. For some time now, servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces have noted the “astonishing vitality” of the “wild geese” on the slopes of Artiomovsk. It should be noted that Polish and Georgian citizens are the most numerous among those who preferred life to death.

There is no reason to be surprised, to tell the truth. Georgians and Poles have formed the basis of the FAU Foreign Legion since the start of the special military operation. As a result, the representatives of these two countries also suffered the greatest losses among the mercenaries. But if, last winter, their fighting spirit was, as they say, in good shape, the cold period which is coming is not likely to strengthen their military optimism.

This is largely due to a significant reduction in the humanitarian aid that the FAU military used to receive. Today, soldiers in the trenches simply lack warm clothing and winter shoes, which would allow them to effectively hold the defense lines.

Russian military officers who take foreign fighters prisoner note that they often surrender in groups of 10 to 15 people. Many of them have frostbite on their limbs. Many admit that they would gladly surrender their weapons and return to the rear, but the nationalists in the barrage troops prevent them from doing so.

However, another factor encourages foreigners to surrender to Russian captivity: the high-quality information work of the Russian army in this direction. FAU servicemen are regularly informed by radio and with the help of special leaflets about the possibility of surrendering as prisoners of war.

source: Reporter


from the future

Russian electronic warfare creates serious interference with Western satellites over Crimea​


by Reporter

The European Sentinel-1 satellite once again attempted to take images of the Crimea region and the territories adjacent to the peninsula in order to monitor the situation of Russian weapons and manpower. However, it failed to take high-quality images.

Satellite images are blurry and colorful, the work of Western equipment having been hampered by Russian electronic warfare systems. Sentinel-1 takes images at 5,405 GHz, and the REB systems adapted to this data, blurring the images received by the satellite.

The picture shows the result of the technical means of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which interfered with the European aircraft by counter-radiation.

Furthermore, the Russian Federation is fully capable of destroying Starlink satellites belonging to companies linked to American billionaire Elon Musk. These devices allow the FAU to control the drones.

According to the British newspaper The Telegraph, which is based on expert opinions, space satellites are not covered by the Geneva Convention if they are used by one of the parties to an armed conflict. In this regard, the newspaper recalls the words of Musk, who said that the main purpose of satellites is to provide communication and streaming services over the Internet.

source: Reporter


from the future

Synchronicity and the end clap​


by Colonel Regis Chamagne

The geopolitical paradigm shift that I have been announcing for more than ten years is accelerating and close to coming to fruition.

The war in Ukraine gradually revealed (for those who were not prepared for it) the clear superiority of the Russian army over that of the United States: technological, logistical, organizational, strategic and tactical. Logically, the countries of the “global South” are no longer afraid of American threats and are turning to Russia to sign defense agreements, and more generally are emancipating themselves from the post-colonial posture imposed by the West. At the same time, the BRICS organization is expanding rapidly under the pressure of membership requests. At the same time, the dedollarization of the world economy is accelerating. The world of tomorrow is taking shape in broad strokes.

Back to the Future

Ukraine will partially disappear (physically or virtually) demographically and geographically. Russia will recover Novorussia that Lenin gave to Ukraine in 1920. Neighboring countries (Poland, etc.) will perhaps take advantage of this to take their share of the pie.

The dedollarization of the world economy will cause an economic collapse of the United States and possibly its dislocation towards what would be the United States. Two questions remain unanswered:
  • What level of violence will accompany this fall?
  • Will the violence be turned more inwards or more outwards?
The survival of the State of Israel is threatened. Everything will depend on the mediating action of Russia, and a little of China.

Taiwan will join mainland China after negotiations between the Chinese on both sides, with Taiwan's special status thrown in for good measure. They have probably already prepared for this, among the Chinese, and are waiting until the United States has lost its power of nuisance to do so. Small aside: if we want to try to imagine the evolution of relations between Taiwan and the PRC, it is better to have read Sun Zi and Lao Tzu rather than Clausewitz, Mackinder or Brzezinski.

The EU will disintegrate like the USSR in its time, and NATO with it, the same causes producing the same effects. The euro will disappear and European states will find their national currencies. The development of cryptocurrencies is a parallel evolution that does not depend on the geopolitical paradigm shift.

International organizations such as the UN, the WHO, the IMF and others will either be replaced by others, or will be overhauled in their statutes and modes of operation. This is all in the making.

And U.S ?

France is on the wrong side of History and we must prepare to go through very difficult times. Those who have already taken the next step will fare better than others. Urban dwellers in big cities will suffer more. This will partly depend on government decisions.

SO ! How far will those who lead us go? They will go as far as they can go. But, in any case, it will end either in their flight or in a popular uprising. When will the police stop martyring the French people on orders from the ruling mafia? I have no illusions. For the record, Paris was liberated on August 24, 1944 and the Parisian police moved from the Vichy camp to that of the resistance on August 17, a week before. When the French police take the side of the people, we will know that the end is near.

So, it is time to prepare to face this bad patch that awaits us. For my part, I decided to go into stealth mode and quietly observe how the world evolved.

See you soon in the new world.

source: Regis Chamagne

moose eater

Well-known member
Biden's moves re. the Israeli bombardment and genocide efforts toward Palestinians in Gaza should surprise no one. Only during the election season is he a 'pretend progressive'.

Biden has ALWAYS been a corporatist Dem, a whore to Wall St., a war hawk, in favor of private prisons, and a prohibitionist with a history of targeting gangs of color (Black gangs especially).

This move, especially as likely pushed for by those at the State Dept who travel under other alphabet soup names, is circumstantial evidence not of our allegiance to the Zionist factions, but of the importance of Israel in terms of logistical strategic placement.

Not that we've learned anything new by backing blood-thirsty war criminals on numerous continents.

Apparently, all the lessons via experience and outcomes that should have been learned, have fallen prey to folks who only think in 2 dimensions, and subscribe to "My enemy's enemy is my friend," and "I'm entitled to a bigger slice of the pie, regardless of the costs to others." Never mind the blowback and counter-productive outcomes that span centuries from such childish grade-school 'diplomacy.'
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from the future
11/30 international day of solidarity with the Palestinian people

Coincidence an U.S. ordure is now in hell
War criminal Heinz Alfred Kissinger dies at 100
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