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moose eater

Well-known member
some genius failed to notice that none of these vehicles is damaged!

View attachment 18918901
My surrogate brother could show pics of his 1st APC in Vietnam, 'Snoopy', that hit a serious mine in the later 1960s, and to look at the outside of it, the thing looked untouched, but for a broken track. When a person viewed the pics of that same APC on the inside, the gauges and controls were all at angles.

You're talking about heavy, fortified steel. It doesn't wear mascara.

Edit: after that mishap that saw no loss of life, he was awarded 'Snoopy II'. If anyone on these boards knows JoJo, aka Mike, I'd love to connect with him. Haven't heard from him in nearly 30 years, and I probably owe him an apology or 2.
Last edited:


from the future
notice that none of these vehicles is damaged!



from the future

Russian troops are actively advancing towards Donetsk​


The situation is worsening on the Donetsk front. Russian troops have stepped up offensive operations across the contact line. According to the latest information, the initiative would be in the hands of Russian troops.

Particularly intense fighting took place near Novomikhailovka, Marinka, near Pervomaisky, Severny (a locality west of Avdeevka), the southern and northern outskirts of Avdeevka, as well as near Stepnoy. It is specified that in the last two areas mentioned, there is an advance of Russian troops. In the first case, it is the area of the Yasinovatskaya fork and the Avdeevsky coke plant. In the second - the area located directly near the village of Stepnoye.

At the same time, Ukrainian forces are under fire from several localities, including Antonovka, Pobeda, Georgievka, the city of Krasnogorovka, Lastoshkino, Novokalinovo and Arkhangelskoye.

Подробнее на: https://avia-pro.fr/news/rossiyskie-voyska-aktivno-nastupayut-na-doneckom-napravlenii


from the future

Turkey has filed a complaint against Netanyahu before the International Criminal Court for “Genocide” in Gaza​


It is still disconcerting to see a regional power like Turkey unable to react against the massacre of Gazans and settle for a ridiculous complaint to the ICC ! They are all castrated and terrorized by these Zionists we wonder why !


from the future

US increases arms deliveries to Israel – Israeli-controlled Al-Shifa hospital transformed into 'detention and torture' center​


by The Cradle

Washington is quietly increasing its military aid to Israel, Bloomberg reported on November 15, citing a US Defense Department document.

A document entitled “Israel Senior Leader requests", dating from the end of October, lists the weapons that Israel has requested for the war it is currently waging against the Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip.

The list includes “more laser-guided missiles for its Apache gun fleet, as well as 155mm shells, night vision devices, bunker-busting munitions and new military vehicles (…) going beyond the well-known supply Iron Dome interceptors and smart bombs from the Boeing Company».

according to Bloomberg, the available U.S. arsenal is already being shipped, while the Department of Defense is working to make more available from stockpiles in the United States and Europe.

At the end of October, 36 000 mm cannon rounds, 30 M1800 munitions for destroying bunkers and a minimum of 141 night weapons devices were delivered to Israel, according to the document cited by Bloomberg.

The Department of Defense "uses multiple means – from internal stockpiles to US industry channels – to ensure Israel has the means to defend itself", the Pentagon said in a statement.

«This security assistance continues to arrive almost dailyHe adds.

Israeli media reported last week that Tel Aviv received a cargo ship carrying around 2500 tons of military equipment, and that more than 120 planes and several ships delivered more than 7000 tons of weapons to Israel.

The United States has deployed nearly a dozen warships and hundreds of troops to West Asia to support Israel's war efforts.

The increase in military aid comes as Washington continues to come under fire for its complicity in Israeli war crimes in Gaza.

On November 13, a New York-based rights group, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), filed a lawsuit against US President Joe Biden and two members of his cabinet for “helped and encouraged» the ongoing genocide in Gaza.

Since October 7, Israeli airstrikes have killed more than 11 people, more than half of them women and children.

Biden administration officials reiterate their “warns Israel against civilian casualties in Gaza Strip», Written Bloomberg.

«The White House is increasingly angered by Israel's unfolding war against Hamas, as civilian casualties mount and the administration's appeals go unheeded, driving a wedge between the close allies», indicates another report from Bloomberg dated November 15.

«Administration officials are having what they describe as increasingly difficult exchanges with their Israeli counterparts, as the United States attempts to shape the conflict – and Israel ignores them».

Despite this, the United States continues to provide unconditional political and military support to Israel.

On November 14, the White House officially supported Israel's unfounded claims that Hamas runs a command center under Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital. Israel besieged the facility while continuing to bomb its surroundings.

On Wednesday morning, Israeli troops launched a violent assault on Al-Shifa, storming the facility. Hamas accused the United States of "greenlighting" the Israeli attack on the hospital.

source: The Cradle via globalization


from the future

“Israel”, the last Western colony in “panic” mode​

by Daniel Vanhove

On September 12.09.2019, XNUMX, I wrote a post with the title: “Any temptation to war could be Israel's last».

Of course, the “Al-Aqsa Hurricane” operation is not over, far from it. But its development leaves room for doubt as to the future of the Zionist entity: the odious Israeli apartheid regime will not be able to survive in the form we know it. Despite the criminal support of European governments aligned with the power of Washington in distress – incapable of leading two hot fronts simultaneously: Ukraine & Israel – and despite the procrastination of certain Arab governments still not daring to free themselves from it. Not to mention the vociferations of Israeli terrorist leaders assuring in panicked speeches that the current war will end in victory; that the “animals” of Hamas will be crushed; and that “Israel” will emerge stronger and greater than ever. If this were really the case, it is difficult to see how the most powerful army in the region, supported by the United States and the countries of the EU, is after a month of massive bombings to be evoked by the voice of the one of his ministers, the possible use of nuclear weapons to raze Gaza.

Also, even if the Palestinian resistance operation is far from over, the situation of this colony of racist supremacists has never been so shaken. To the point that Western-Israeli propaganda is beating the drums in all directions. Like old scarecrows, the useful idiots of this abject apartheid regime – singers, comedians, pseudo-philosophers, columnists, journalists, political mummies, etc. – have been taken out of the closets and are invading the sets, one after the other. to replay for us the film from 07.10 which in reality surprised them, shocked them, humiliated them. Thus revealing to the whole world and even to the highest officials of the Israeli general staff, that they were only “loud mouths” much less invincible than what they loudly assert in their incessant threats. Their power ultimately emanates only from their certainty of possessing the force and devastating technology, in the face of what they consider to be populations of incapable people, subject to an Islam anchored to the body and the soul of which in reality, they know or understand nothing, too convinced that they have the truth on all subjects, always and everywhere.

The affront was all the greater. And it still doesn't cross the minds of these psychopaths whose "most moral" army, defeated by the determined resistance of the Palestinian factions, attacks... hospitals, schools and defenseless civilian infrastructures. More than 75 hospitals, clinics and health centers were damaged and had to close due to lack of electricity. More than 195 healthcare workers were murdered. More than 100 people working in UN structures of UNRWA were killed. 50 journalists were liquidated. 250 schools were bombed. Dozens of mosques and churches have been destroyed, knowing that these places sheltered families who thought they would be safe there, and whose thousands of bodies have not yet been able to be removed. 250 housing units were destroyed, which will take years to rebuild. One bakery after another was hit to deprive people of bread and starve them. The few homes equipped with solar panels were targeted to deprive residents of electricity. The only seawater desalination plant was taken out of service. To date, 000 children have been declared orphans. Since then, the enraged colonial army has manu militari invaded the largest complex in the Gaza Strip, the Al-Shifa hospital. Major hospital center where in addition to the wounded and sick, families have taken refuge in the corridors and esplanades which separate the buildings, making this place a place where around 18 people are crowded. In recent hours, the hospital director declared that several essential services, cardiology, surgery, nephrology, intensive care and even emergency rooms were destroyed. And we learn that at the same time the al-Quds hospital had to close. Here is revealed to the world, the courage of this colonial regime: to massacre helpless civilians massed in hospitals failing to defeat the armed resistance... under the pretext that Hamas is hiding underground. However, after having searched the hospital from top to bottom, at the end of the day the Zionist military authorities had to declare that they had found nothing! Neither weapons, nor Hamas “terrorists”, nor prisoners… Nobody gives credit to the poor staging of a few bags of ammunition and Kalashnikovs suddenly found pell-mell behind a broken door… a bit like the list and the so-called names found in a cellar and which were just a calendar with the days of the week. When the stupidity is at this level, we can really start talking about incompetence!

Faced with so many horrors, some braggarts in the West, overwhelmed by the turn of events, are still talking a month later about the correct terminology to use regarding the courageous and incredible Hamas operation on October 7. : terrorism or resistance? To this end, I am happy to send them back to meditate on these words of Régis Debray if they still have a few neurons left to understand: “(…) There are so many blinkered words, convenient and lazy foils which, posing as diagnoses, dispense with any search for cause and antidote. (…) Failing this, reporting will do as little service to the explanation of extreme acts as “crazy” has done to the progress of psychiatry, or “hot” to those of thermodynamics.» - «Blinding Lights» – 2006 – Ed. Gallimard. Antonio Gutterez, Secretary General of the United Nations is right to say that “it is no longer a humanitarian crisis, but a crisis of humanity».

«If you're not careful, the media will make you hate people who are oppressed and love people who oppress."- Malcolm

The multiplication of settlements has never stopped like the metastases of a cancer transforming the West Bank into an archipelago of islets cut off from each other and preventing, despite official declarations, any establishment of a Palestinian state worthy of the name, living alongside an Israeli state. This tired refrain of “two States living side by side in peace and security» is over! And those who persist in repeating this deception – even within certain pro-Palestinian militant associations – have neither understood the soporific that it represented, nor the paradigm shift that we are witnessing. And have perhaps not yet resolved their problem of guilt (well maintained, it must be admitted) vis-à-vis Israel from which they are desperately trying to provide an honorable way out. 30 years after the Oslo Accords, they still do not understand that any return to past solutions is over, consummate. And they have even more difficulty imagining the imminent end of this colonial regime in the form we know.

In the terrible sequences that we see night and day in alternative media coming from this confined space that is the Gaza extermination camp, populations are trapped on all sides. For form's sake - and what remains of their poor international image - the Zionist authorities drop leaflets urging families to migrate to the South for their safety. In the same spirit that American planes dropped “humanitarian packages” in Iraq under the eye of propaganda cameras while devastating the country. But once on the roads and upon their arrival, these civilian populations are bombarded. In reality, from now on, the goal is clear: seize the long-awaited opportunity to seize the entire Gaza Strip, in order to annex it to what remains of the West Bank already torn apart by the endless voracity of the settlements. of colonies. The argument put forward to eradicate Hamas is only a pretext. The goal is to empty the Gaza Strip of its entire population. This is called ethnic cleansing, coupled in this case with proven genocide.

Not content with perpetrating its crimes, this murderous regime increases internet shutdowns, closes press agencies, assassinates witness journalists who continue to broadcast information different from their false propaganda which, in reality, turns into a nightmare for all those who participate in it. and trumpet us at wave lengths that it is imperative to defend “our democratic values”1. In fact, these murderous operations on destitute, hungry civilian populations, and depriving them of any infrastructure, even health, produces only one result: they add shame to the infamy of this cowardly regime and its supporters who, at the moment come, will no longer have anywhere to be safe...

Furthermore, the global West, bogged down via NATO in its war against Russia – another objective of certain white-collar criminals since the fall of the USSR – is using this bloody episode to divert the attention of the majority towards this new tragedy. Hoping this time to win here against bloodless populations what they clearly lost there against Russian power. So much so that a quantity of weapons and ammunition intended for Ukraine are now diverted to the Zionist regime whose stocks are running out to continue its razing of the Gaza Strip against the fierce resistance it encounters there. This, to the great dismay of the clown Zelensky, let go by NATO, since it no longer needs him. And who, unless he is liquidated like others before him, will have plenty of time to meditate on this sentence from H. Kissinger: “Being America's enemy can be dangerous, but being its friend is fatal».

In the minds of Zionist strategists supported by those of the United States, once the fate of Gaza has been resolved, that of the West Bank should follow. We learned via the Russian secret services that Washington would have invited Prime Minister B. Netanyahu to “don't delay cleaning». White House advisers believed that it was necessary to put an end to it and accelerate the transfer of Gazans to Egypt, because it risked harming the campaign of J. Biden, who plans to run for the 2024 presidential elections2. In their worst-case scenario, the main pockets of resistance that are more than active, such as in the cities of Jenin, Naplus, Hebron, Tulkarem, Qalqiliya and others, will be shelled and bombarded like what we see in Gaza. That would then be the end of Palestine, whose inhabitants will be “invited” to move to neighboring Jordan, already populated mainly by Palestinians who were pushed there at the time of the “Nakba” (“Catastrophe”). Those who would remain are dispersing a little further across the world, whose heads of state have already been warned that they must prepare to welcome them.

In any case, just like Algeria after more than 130 years of colonization, historic Palestine will find its original borders. In which all citizens will be able to live who accept the laws of a democratically elected government, with respect for everyone, as should be the case in any state of rights that claims to have them. As for all those who participated directly or indirectly in the attempt to purge the Palestinians, they must be judged and condemned severely.

It took time and incalculable sacrifices by Palestinians before we arrived at what we see taking shape before our eyes: the slow collapse of the terrorist colony called "Israel", thus bringing appeasement to a region devastated by the Zionist presence at its heart. And with it, the unjust unipolar world order dictated by the West and the advent of a multipolar world. Finally !

The blood of all these children that we see crushed under the bombings is the incredible sacrifice of the Palestinians for the emergence of a more just world, from which all peoples, often indifferent to what is at stake on this miserable scrap of land, will benefit. earth. Let's take the full measure of it and as a sign of respect and infinite recognition, let's finally act in the right direction of history!

«To remain neutral in the face of injustice is to choose the side of the oppressor» – Desmond Tutu.
  1. https://english.almayadeen.net/israeli-cabinet-approves-regulations-to-close-foreign-broadc
  2. https://english.almayadeen.net/russian-intel-reveals-us-urging-israel-to-expedite-genocid


from the future

Dr. Janathan Hamisi: Africa is winning against Western exploitation​

Neocolonialism is alive and active – it attacks the weakest subjects in the international value chain. Africa is still exploited by Western countries, but several countries are regaining control of their natural resources. In this talk, Dr. Jonathan Hamisi explains why and how Europe and America have continually been able to extract far more from Africa than they have invested in it. The continent is not underdeveloped, but very largely overexploited.

Dr Jonathan Hamisi completed his PhD in economic geology and geochemistry earlier this year at Monash University in Australia. He currently lives in Sweden, but was born and raised in the Democratic Republic of Congo, studied in Lubumbashi and worked in the mining industry for 7 years before returning to university.

As we all know, much of the last 600 years of international relations has been marked by European colonial exploitation of other regions. The African continent was attacked and plundered in a particularly flagrant way, first for its human resources in the slave trade, then for its mineral wealth, either directly through the colonial apparatus or, after the 1960s, through neocolonial practices that enabled the continued theft of African wealth.


from the future

An extract from the Discourse on Colonialism​


by Aimé Césaire

We should first study how colonization works to decivilize the colonizer, to stupefy him in the literal sense of the word, to degrade him, to awaken him to buried instincts, to lust, to violence, to racial hatred, to moral relativism, and show that, every time in Vietnam there is a severed head and a gouged out eye and that in France we accept, a raped little girl and that in France we accept, a tortured Malagasy and that in France we accept, there is an achievement of civilization which weighs with its dead weight, a universal regression which takes place, a gangrene which sets in, a source of infection which spreads and that at the end of all these violated treaties, all these lies propagated, all these punitive expeditions tolerated, all these prisoners tied up and "interrogated", all these tortured patriots, at the end of this encouraged racial pride, of this displayed boasting, there is the poison instilled in the veins of Europe, and the slow but sure progress of the savagery of the continent.

And then, one fine day, the bourgeoisie is awakened by a tremendous shock in return: the gestapo are busy, the prisons are filling, the torturers are inventing, refining, discussing around the easels.

We are surprised and indignant. One says : "how curious! But well, it’s Nazism and it will pass!» And we wait and we hope; and we keep silent about the truth, that it is a barbarity, but the supreme barbarity, the one which crowns, the one which sums up the daily life of barbarities; that it is Nazism, yes, but that before being its victim, we were its accomplices; and that this Nazism, we put up with it before submitting to it, we absolved it, we turned a blind eye to it, we legitimized it, because, until then, it had not been was applied only to non-European peoples; that this Nazism, we have cultivated it, we are responsible for it, and that it emerges, that it pierces, that it drips before engulfing it in its red waters, from all the cracks of Western civilization and Christian.

Aimé Césaire, Speech on colonialism, 1950.

source: The big night


from the future

An expert explains why Israeli losses are on the rise.​


The al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas' armed arm, announced Tuesday, November 14, 2023 have eliminated 9 Israeli soldiers at zero distance.

7 Of them were slaughtered this afternoon on the’axe north of the city of Gaza, where a tank and a transport vehicle were targeted in the same location by means of’obus al-Yassin 105.

The other two soldiers were killed in clashes with force israeli undercover in Beit Hanoun northeast of Gaza Strip. 3 soldiers they were also injured.

In successive press releases published on their Telegram site, the Qassam have reported other operations’ carried out this Tuesday, most on the axes of the city of Gaza. Of which :

  • ’obus al-Yassin 105 fire against 3 vehicles west of Gaza.
  • Shooting of’obus tandem and al-Yassin 105 on a tank and a bulldozer israeli north-west of Gaza City
  • The firing of’ an al-Yassin 105 shell on a vehicle to the west of the city of Gaza
  • An attack on an Israeli tank using’an al-Yassin 105 shell and d’a trapped craft northwest of Gaza.
  • A TBG shell attack on an Israeli force entrenched in a building north of Gaza City.
  • An attack on a troop of soldiers on the’axe south of the city of Gaza with the 114 mm Rajoum rocket system.
  • The firing of’ an al-Yassin 105 shell against an Israeli tank southwest of the gaza City
  • Shooting of’obus al-Yassin 105 sir two Israeli tanks on the’axe western part of Gaza City.
At the beginning of the evening, the Qassams reported on’an attack on a troop of soldiers in Beit Hanoun, using calibre mortar’obus heavy.

For their part, the Al-Quds Brigades of Islamic Jihad reported raging fighting in the outskirts of al-Chifa hospital, in the neighborhood Nasr, and the western and southern axes of the city of Gaza. In the afternoon, they have revealed that their fighters are fighting in the area al-Salatine, west of Beit Lahia northeast of the Gza band.

In the afternoon of this Tuesday, the al-Qassam Brigades reported shooting rocket bursts on the Israeli city Tel Aviv « in response to Zionist massacres against civilians ». Israeli media reported that 3 Israelis were injured.

An increase in Israeli losses

According to the military’expert retired general Mahmoud Irdissat, the losses of the Israeli’army have become more significant these last days, in equipment and soldiers. Especially since the latter infiltrators in Gaza.

Asked by the Qatari al-Jazeera channel, he assured that the Israelis they do not show the actual figures of their losses.

He explained that the Israeli forces had made their incursion into the gaza Strip from three axes : the’northwest axis of ATatra and Beit Lahia, from the’axe northeast to Beit Hanoun, and finally from the’axe of the’est to l’west cutting rural areas of the northern half of Wadi Gaza and more precisely in the region Juhr al-Dik in the direction of the’ Salaheddine highway then up’ to the al-Rachid coastal motorway.

According to him, Israeli forces are besieging the city of Gaza and trying to enter it from both al-Chifa and Indonesian hospitals and to both regions al-Karama and al-Rimal.

« C’is from there that the losses of the Israeli’arm have increased and that’elle faces a harder resistance. The more it enters the area residential with a high population density, there is a greater chance of get out of the tunnels to’use the terrain, hide, and chase the vehicles and tanks and soldiers. That's why we saw these last days an increase in losses in terms of vehicles, equipment and » soldiers, he continued.

« I believe the penetration of Israeli forces into the areas residential is consistent with the plan that the resistance has prepared for power use tunnels and terrain to combat’occupation », he said emphasized.

The retired general believes that’Israel hides the figures real of his losses. According to him, the number 45 was before the war, a figure important from an Israeli point of view, but given the losses caused by from the’Flood of’al-Aqsa, it is certainly less.

« But I believe that’after the war, we will see that the losses are much more important than it is in terms of equipment, vehicles and » soldiers, he insisted.

According to al-Qassam Brigades, some 200 Israeli vehicles have been partially or entirely destroyed since the beginning of the Israeli’offensive terrestrial.


from the future

Ukraine: prisoner reveals where mercenaries hide to avoid Russian strikes​

Fearing Russian missile strikes, foreign mercenaries in Ukraine prefer to live in rented accommodation so as not to be concentrated in one place, a captured Georgian mercenary told Sputnik.
Gueorgui Choubetidze, a’ sniper of Georgian origin who is part of the Ukrainian "second international legion", was captured with a teammate in a forest not far from the city of Kremennaia, a hundred kilometers northwest of Lugansk.
The two mercenaries who left on a mission were mistaken and found themselves in the positions of’a Russian group.
This returnee who had had problems with the law in his country of’, as well as’in Turkey and Ukraine where he enlisted in the "international legion" to avoid a prison sentence.

He told Sputnik that mercenaries deployed in the town of Slavyansk (region of Donetsk) were housed in rented apartments, because fearing Russian strikes.

According to him, the legion has two companies, Alpha and Charlie. The first brings together nationals of former Soviet Republics. The second is composed of foreigners needing interpreters, especially French, American, British and Brazilian. They all have combat experience in the Middle East and Central Asia.
According to him, renting apartments may be linked to the fear of command to concentrate the troops in one place so as not to expose them to a Russian strike.
"The commander is apparently afraid of bombing. If necessary, the meeting place is always different."

Senior Ukrainian officers killed by Russian strike

Early november, one ukrainian military group gathered for the presentation of decorations was targeted by an Iskander-M missile.
According to the Washington Post, about twenty people, including high-ranking officers, were killed in the attack. The newspaper claims that’a hundred soldiers took part in the ceremony.


from the future

The Cursed Destiny of the United States​


Walt Whitman and the cursed destiny of the USA in 1870​

« The snake of the magician of the fable has eaten all the other snakes ; and win from the’argent is the snake of our magician, remaining today SOLE master of the field. »

By Nicolas Bonnal

The plutocratic satanism of the USA has seized’Europe and threatens all life on earth. China after the Russian Federation…

In rereading Christopher Lasch (specialist of this fundamental era: the sixties) I come across a quote from the prestigious poet Walt Whitman, which I had until then only’ an academic approach so null. It turns out that’ after the Civil War, Whitman realizes like Melville that his country has gone mad and dangerous. It also feels that’il is already an empire — almost in the sense of the KKK.

This quote is taken from’a brief, strange and rebellious essay : Democratic vistas (bravo for this tribute to the Hispanic past of this country stolen from everyone). I think to translate it and preface it: it will make a good pendant to my Dostoevsky translated into Romanian.

We begin :

« I say we'd better look our times and our lands in the face, like a doctor diagnosing a deep illness. There has never been, perhaps, more emptiness in the heart than’ now, and here in the United States. Authentic belief seems to have left us. »
C’ is the quote from Lasch. The suite :

« The underlying principles of states are not honestly believed (despite all this hectic glow and melodramatic cries), nor the’humanity itself. Which penetrating eye does not see everywhere through the mask ? The show is terrible. »
War of the sexes and the end of religion :

« We live in an atmosphere of’hypocrisy everywhere. Men don't believe in women, women don't believe men. A contemptuous height reigns in literature. The goal of all writers is to find something to make fun of. Many’churches, sects, etc., the most dismal fantasies I know, usurp the name of religion. Conversation is a mass of badinage. »
On this decline of conversation Drumont wrote the same thing at the’ epoch.

Corruption and depravity cover the country (c’is the beginning of the Gilded Age from which Davos via his billionaires wants to take us out) :

« Deception in the’ spirit, the mother of all false actions, offspring is already incalculable. An insightful and outspoken person, from the revenue department of Washington, who is led by the course of his job to regularly visit the cities of the north, south and west’, and, to investigate the frauds, M’ spoke a lot about his discoveries. The depravity of the patronal classes of our country is not less than’on does not assume it, but infinitely greater. »
Mysteries of the west’... Whitman denounces the general corruption in the land of the’extermination of the Indians (formerly respected by a genius like Fenimore Cooper) :

« The official services of’America, national, state and municipal, in all their branches and departments, with the exception of JUSTICE, are saturated with corruption, bribes, lies, and, maladministration; and the judicial system is tainted. The big cities stink of respectable theft and scoundrel as much as they are disrespectable. In fashionable life, casualness, lukewarm loves, weak’infidelity, small goals, or no’s at all, only to kill time. »
Reign of the’argent-king (here the great Walt approaches Maurice Joly and the Protocols) :

« The snake of the magician of the fable has eaten all the other snakes ; and win from the’argent is the snake of our magician, remaining today SOLE master of the field. »
Reign of the’argent-king which announces ours, reign devoid of social justice of course (our social condition is improved only during the’urss existence ; before and after it’URS was a monstrosity) :

« The best class we show is just a crowd of fashionable dressed speculators and vulgar people. It is true, in fact, behind this fantastic farce, played on the visible scene of society, solid things and prodigious work must be discovered, roughly existing and taking place in the background, to move forward and say over time. Yet the truths are no less terrible. I say that our New World democracy, whatever its success in the exit of the masses from their bourbers, in materialist development, products, and in a certain highly deceptive superficial popular intellectuality, has so far been an almost complete failure in its social development. »
Finally, the great poet senses the imperial destiny of this great rich and insane power that will precipitate the world into hell :

« In vain let's march from’an unprecedented step towards such a colossal empire, surpassing the’antique, beyond’Alexandre, beyond Rome's proudest grip. In vain have we annexed Texas, California,’Alaska, and reached the north for Canada and the south for Cuba. It’is as if we were in one way or another’ endowed with’a vast body and more and more well equipped, and that we then end up with little or no’. »
Nineteenth century ? Not only do we not discover anything since this time of the geniuses, but we let run. And it's getting late all of a sudden: the result is a total nuclear war to satisfy Davos and his billionaires.

Sources :​



