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Well-known member
have you ever considered the possibility that maybe you don't know what you're talking about?
You might be laughing and insulting me ,but I said that Einstein said contradictory things about god and then I put up bullet proof evidence that you refuse to even look at or consider.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I don't know...

You never know who is simply lurking and it's quite possible that they are thinking...

Lots of people who like to engage me usually disappear without a response just to pop up and act like it never happened.

I have found that folks get uncomfortable when they have no time to research something or ponder a while and are battered by constant responses.

Sometimes I have to write a long winded response and then have to edit down to a more digestible size and scope.

I reflect on this to keep perspective and remind myself that I don't know what anyone else is thinking.

It's really difficult when you are pretty sure that you do.


Well-known member
You might be laughing and insulting me ,but I said that Einstein said contradictory things about god and then I put up bullet proof evidence that you refuse to even look at or consider.
I'm not laughing at you. I'm not insulting you. I'm telling you, in no uncertain terms, that you're mistaken. And I'm inviting you to engage in skepticism, introspection, self-examination. This is a very Spinozian message I'm sharing with you.


Well-known member
I'm not laughing at you. I'm not insulting you. I'm telling you, in no uncertain terms, that you're mistaken. And I'm inviting you to engage in skepticism, introspection, self-examination. This is a very Spinozian message I'm sharing with you.
Ok then I don't understand the laughing emoji. What you don't understand is that I'm not googling a response. This is a subject that I am familiar with and as a matter of fact, I am quite fond of. Einstein did say contradictory things about a God of some kind existing or not existing. I have put up examples . Please just enter them into Google search.Also Thomas Aquinas mentioned science by name I mentioned it.
This is a subject that I have resurched. You may disagree but, look over my comments and see that am not just googling


Well-known member

And I'm inviting you to engage in skepticism, introspection, self-examination. This is a very Spinozian message I'm sharing with you.

I would like to engage in a friendly discussion but I'm afraid that I am a little buzzed for a constructive discussion at this time.
Later would be better like tomorrow.


from the future
They want to send 2 million Palestinians to the Sinai desert in Egypt so they can shave off all of Gaza ! We cannot be silent ! The government can try to intimidate us with its prohibitions, but we cannot let the Palestinian people be massacred and deported.
The ethnic cleansing with small fire is transformed into genocide assumed.



On the 10th day of the bombing of Gaza, there were 2765 Palestinians murdered, including 795 children, 643 women, 11 journalists, and more than forty’ among medical personnel, Ziad Medoukh wrote on Monday.

And the numbers are increasing every minute. And there were already, on Monday, 11,600 wounded, including 5,750 children and 1,264 women, by more than 7,200 raids in ten days.


Monday at 17:6,000 houses were destroyed, 40 kindergartens, 150 schools, 55 clinics, 100 wells of’eau..


There are more than 750,000 displaced, but the 22 hospitals in the northern Gaza Strip cannot evacuate their sick and wounded !

Israel has given the’ Order to evacuate south to more than one million’ inhabitants of the northern Gaza Strip, but bombards them even when they are fleeing, and bomb the south as well as the north.

The images are unbearable, and soon we will no longer’en no’aurons, because in addition to’electricity, and drinking water, Israel announced the removal of’internet.

We make a solemn appeal to you, to gather together massively all​

Place de la Republique this Thursday, October 19 at 18 am​

in order to’ demand the’ stop the massacres, and prevent the deportation of Palestinians from Gaza.​

Article in PDF


from the future




One million people on the streets of Karachi on Monday​


TV Monde and the support of peoples in Africa :​

It should also be noted that thousands of Malaysian supporters have sung slogans for Palestine during a football match against’inde.

And that Colombia has just’ expel from the country the’ambassador of’Israel.



from the future

Hamas attack survivor says Israeli army 'without doubt' killed its own civilians​

by The Cradle

The survivor of the initial Gaza resistance attack also claims that Palestinian fighters treated their captives “humanely” before the army arrived.

A survivor of the Palestinian resistance offensive against Israeli settlements on October 7 claims that the Israeli army is “without a doubt» responsible for the deaths of numerous civilians.

«They eliminated everyone, including the hostages, because there was very, very heavy crossfire.“, said Yasmin Porat, 44, mother of three, on the program “Haboker Hazeh» from Israeli radio Kan last week.

When asked by the interviewer whether Israeli troops were responsible for the deaths of civilians, Yasmin Porat replied: “Without a doubt". His interview has been removed from the online version of “Haboker Hazeh» and the website of Kan ; however, Electronic Intifada obtained a copy and translated it from Hebrew.

«There are five or six hostages lying on the ground outside. Like sheep to the slaughterhouse, between the shots of our commandos and those of the terrorists», describes Porat.

Many Israeli civilians in Kibbutz Be'eri were killed by Israeli forces, survivor Yasmin Porat told Israeli state radio in a now censored interview. Here it is with translation.

READ MORE: https://t.co/oxZv85pil2 pic.twitter.com/PWJgmO8NjF
— Electronic Intifada (@intifada) October 16, 2023
Many Israeli civilians from Kibbutz Be'eri were killed by Israeli forces, Yasmin Porat, a survivor, told Israeli public radio in a now-censored interview. Here is the translation.

Yasmin Porat claims that before Israeli troops arrived, she and other civilians had been held by Palestinians "for several hours» and treated «humanly».

«They did not mistreat us. They treated us very humanely", Porat said, adding: "They give us something to drink here and there. When they see that we are nervous, they calm us down. It was very scary, but no one treated us violently».

She remembers a Palestinian fighter who spoke Hebrew who told her: “Look at me carefully, we are not terrorists": "Look at me carefully, we're not going to kill you. We want to take you to Gaza. We're not going to kill you. So stay calm, you're not going to die».

«I was calm because I knew nothing would happen to meShe added.

Furthermore, during a long interview given to the Israeli channel Channel 12, Porat speaks of intense shooting after the arrival of Israeli forces and clarifies that although the resistance fighters were heavily armed, she never saw them shoot the captives or threaten them with their rifles.

She also points out that the Israeli army announced its arrival in the settlement “with a hail of gunfire», taking the resistance fighters and their captives by surprise.

His account echoes that of another Israeli settler who spoke to Channel 12 last week about his experience as a Hamas prisoner of war.

"Don't worry, I'm a Muslim, we won't hurt you."

Hebrew Channel 12: Israeli settler shares his experience with Hamas fighter after the resistance infiltrated the settlements. pic.twitter.com/dWv9MP9iYF
— The Cradle (@TheCradleMedia) October 10, 2023
“Don’t worry, I’m a Muslim, we won’t hurt you.”
Hebrew Channel 12: An Israeli settlement recounts its experience with a Hamas fighter after the resistance infiltrated the settlements.

The survivors' accounts stand in stark contrast to widespread claims in Western media that Hamas forces did everything fromdecapitation of babies» torture and rape of settlers.

It was claimed that Israeli soldier Shani Louk was raped and killed by Palestinian fighters.

It turns out she is alive and in hospital in Gaza. pic.twitter.com/9jkVG5t3Oq
- MintPress News (@MintPressNews) October 11, 2023
It was claimed that Israeli soldier Shani Louk was raped and killed by Palestinian fighters.
It turns out she is alive and hospitalized in Gaza.

Salah al-Aruri, deputy head of Hamas' political bureau, responded last week to allegations that resistance fighters had been ordered to deliberately kill as many Israeli settlers as possible. He told the television channel Al Jazeera that the fighters of the Qassam brigades – the military wing of Hamas – were “subject to strict protocol so as not to harm civilians».

He also said that after the Israeli division of Gaza disintegrated in the face of Gaza factions, others rushed to the border, “causing chaos". Additionally, he notes that some Israeli settler deaths resulted from the "Hannibal Directive", a protocol that allows Israeli soldiers to use overwhelming force to kill one of their own captured soldiers rather than letting him become a prisoner. .

«We are certain that the young men [fighters] were bombed along with the prisoners who were with them“, Aruri said last week.

According to the Israeli army, at least 199 settlers were taken prisoner of war by the Palestinian resistance. The Israeli death toll from Operation Al-Aqsa Flood stands at more than 1300 dead.

source: The Cradle


Active member
Ok, have your little tantrum.

You still have not addressed this. - - - We have never seen Israel go unprovoked trying to eradicate a people for the hell of it.

Hamas only goal in life is to kill jews. You sound like you are trying to come up with so many reasons to hate.

All I can do is tell you Brother you have to wait.

Who really has the hate issue? I mean you and Mustard support chemical attacks, you have a very one sided view of the situation too. It's like Israel's actions don't have consequences.

or we could ask what had the people at the al-Aqsa mosque done exactly on the 5th oct? did they provoke?

How about the 248 Palestinians killed by the IDF this year before this war? do they not count?

Did the Palestinians colonize Israel?

Do the Palestinians in the West bank get a vote?

Who the frig describes people as animals? oh that's right Israel's defence minister

Why do you ignore the plight of Palestinians yet harbour for the Ukraine to be free? oppression is just that regardless of where in the world it occurs. Are you a complete hypocrite or just an uncaring individual?

No comment from you when pointed out the killing of Shireen Abu Akleh was there?

So it seems not only do the policy makers of the West have double standards but you yourself do.

I wonder why? and ask again who really has the hate?
Last edited:


Well-known member
@shiva82 , I had not heard the word "zionazi" before this morning. It took me a while to catch up on this thread and then a little longer to read about zionazis. I'm posting the link below in the hope that you would read it. Substitute any pejorative term besides zionazi...
In today's hyper-connected world, the power of language is more evident than ever. Terms can transcend borders, influence opinions, and even spark global controversies. One such term, "ZioNazi," stands as a testament to the profound impact words can have. By dissecting the history, implications, and reactions to this controversial neologism, we can glean insights into the larger landscape of modern discourse. This exploration serves as both a cautionary tale and a guide, underscoring the responsibilities and opportunities inherent in global communication. Keywords: Language, global communication, controversy, ZioNazi, discourse, neologism, historical context, media literacy, polarization, unity, constructive dialogue, empathy, responsibility.

A two state solution, establish defined borders, recognize the sovereignty and the rights of Palestine and its citizens, recognize the sovereignty and the rights of Israel and its citizens have been proposed for years and years and it ends up with bombs and bullets.

I wonder why? and ask again who really has the hate?

Excellent questions.


from the future


Seymour Hersh reveals Israel's diabolical plan to eradicate Hamas, raze Gaza and cleanse its population​

A week has passed since Hamas's horrific attacks on Israel, and the Israeli armed forces have given a clear and uncompromising picture of what awaits them.

Over the past week, Israeli jets have bombed non-military targets in Gaza City around the clock. Apartment buildings, hospitals and mosques were destroyed, without prior warning or efforts to minimize civilian casualties.

At the end of the week, Israeli planes also dropped leaflets telling residents of Gaza City and surrounding areas to the north that those who wished to survive had better start heading south – walking if necessary – a distance of 25 miles or more, to the Rafah border crossing leading into Egypt. As I write these lines, it is not certain that Egypt, in the grip of financial difficulties, will allow the passage of a million immigrants, many of whom are committed to the cause of Hamas. In the short term, an Israeli insider told me that Israel is trying to convince Qatar, which at the instigation of Benjamin Netanyahu has been a longtime financial backer of Hamas, to partner with Egypt to finance a tent city for the million or more refugees waiting to cross the border. “It's not a done deal,” the Israeli insider told me. Israeli officials have warned Egypt and Qatar that without a landing site, refugees will have to “return to Gaza».

One of the possible sites, according to the insider, is a long-abandoned patch of land in the northern part of the Sinai Peninsula, near the Gaza border crossing, which was the site of an Israeli settlement known as of Yamit when the peninsula was seized by Israel following its victory in the 1967 Six-Day War. The settlement was evacuated and razed by Israel before Sinai was returned to Egypt in 1982. Israel hopes that the Qatar and Egypt will take care of the refugee crisis.

Israel's blatant disregard for the well-being of Gaza residents, amid the forced migration of more than a million starving humans, has attracted worldwide attention and led to growing international condemnation, including much of it targets Benjamin Netanyahu.

The next step must therefore take place quickly. Here's what I've been told in conversations I've had in recent days with officials in Israel and elsewhere, including officials I've dealt with in Europe and the Middle East. Orient since the Vietnam War, regarding the Israeli plan to eliminate Hamas.

The main problem for Israeli war planners is the reluctance, despite mobilizing more than 360 reservists, to engage in a door-to-door street battle with Hamas in Gaza City. An IDF veteran, who served in a high position, told me that half of the Israeli army has been engaged for more than a decade in protecting the growing number of small settlements scattered across the West Bank, where they are bitterly resented. by the Palestinian population. “Israeli planners don't trust their infantrysaid the insider, not to their willingness to go to war, but to what could be a disastrous lack of combat experience.

With the starving civilian population forced to leave, the Israeli operational plan calls for the air force to destroy remaining structures in Gaza City and elsewhere in the north. Gaza City will no longer exist. Israel will then begin dropping American-made 5000-pound bombs, called "bunker busters" or JDAMs, in razed areas where Hamas fighters are known to live and manufacture their missiles and other weapons underground. An upgraded version of the weapon, known as the GBU-43/B, described by media as “the mother of all bombs,” was dropped by the United States on a suspected ISIS command center in Afghanistan in April 2017. An early version of the weapon was sold to Israel in 2005, allegedly for use against Iran's suspected nuclear facilities, and the upgraded, laser-guided version was cleared for sale to Israel by the Obama administration ten years ago. Even then, the Israeli insider told me, Netanyahu and his advisers understood that Hamas was dangerous, as "a tiger in a cage". "He will eat you in a minute».

Current Israeli war planners are confident, the insider told me, that the upgraded version of the JDAMs with larger warheads would penetrate deep enough underground before exploding – thirty to fifty meters – with the blast and resulting sound wavekilling everyone in a half mile radius».

Israel's new forced exit plan means "that at least people wouldn't all be killed". The concept, he adds, dates back to the early years of America's Vietnam War, when the John F. Kennedy administration authorized the Hamlet Strategic Plan, which called for the forced resettlement of Vietnamese civilians in areas disputed to hastily constructed housing in areas supposedly controlled by the South Vietnamese. Their deserted lands were then declared free-fire zones, where any who remained could be targeted by American troops.

The systematic destruction of remaining buildings in Gaza City will begin in the coming days, the Israeli insider said. The JDAMs, which destroy bunkers, could come next. Then, according to the planners' scenario, Israeli infantry will be assigned to mop-up operations: searching for and killing Hamas fighters and workers who managed to survive the JDAM attacks.

Asked why Israeli planners thought the Egyptian government would agree, even under pressure from the Biden administration, to take in more than a million refugees from Gaza, the insider responded: “We have Egypt by the nose: We have Egypt by the balls". He was referring to the recent indictments of Robert Menendez, of New Jersey, and his wife on federal corruption charges related to his business dealings with high-ranking Egyptian officials and the alleged passing of information about people working at the embassy. from the United States to Cairo. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is a retired general who headed Egypt's military intelligence from 2010 to 2012.

Not everyone shares the idea that everything will be fine after the JDAM attacks, if they take place. A former European intelligence official who served for years in the Middle East told me: “The Egyptians don't want Hamas to enter Egypt, and they will do the minimum».

When informed of the Israeli plan to use JDAMS, he stated that “a ruined city is as dangerous as at any time". Talking about JDAMS is talking about people who don't know what to do.

Hamas says:Let's go ! They are just waiting for this". The use of JDAMS «is the result of a management that has been destabilized. This was a carefully planned operation and Hamas knew exactly what the Israeli reaction would be. Urban warfare is terrible».

The official predicted that Israeli cluster bombs would not penetrate deep enough: Hamas, he said, was operating in tunnels built 60 meters underground that would be able to withstand JDAM attacks.

The Israeli insider acknowledged that underground rocks and boulders would limit the rockets' ability to penetrate deep, but Gaza City's underground surface is sandy and would offer little resistance, especially if the JDAMs were launched from the most high possible.

The insider also said that current planning calls for the JDAMs' attack, if authorized, to take place as early as Sunday or Monday, depending on the effectiveness of the forced expulsion from Gaza City and the south, and that a land invasion will immediately follow.

source: Seymour Hersh

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Regardless of religion, if someone attacked innocent people and received violence against innocent people, then why are so many people picking sides?

I think Hamas and Israel are to blame personally.

If anyone can fault one side over the other then they probably have their head in the sand or up their ass.

I'd rather see a mosque destroyed than a music festival in terms of societal purpose.

It doesn't mean that I favor Israel.

Both sides are ridiculous.

There's bound to be plenty of escalation from this.


ICMag Donor
Total cowards attacking innocents who could not defend themselves. I hope they are all killed.


Well-known member
If an occupying force in your own country came and bulldozed your entire street and kicked you from your home and land, erased entire native bloodlines from existence, and left you to rot in an open air prison with no standing army or elections while your oppressor's limit your ability of free movement and association and controlling all of your resources, murdering peaceful protesters, press, children, doctors, schools....

Would you not become a T word too? If they haven't already killed you that is.