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Brother Nature

Well-known member
If it came down to NATO or Russia I would choose the side with the most people of like mind.

If you have nations upon nations against you and your allies are slim to none, you should consider that there could be a reason.

At some point the bully should take heed of the playground full of people against their will.

I don't think that the US is innocent.

I do think that Russia has less to prove here than the US typically attempts.

Perhaps the best way to look at your example of world police would be to ask if the prospect of Russia winning their war is easily disregarded... and whether or not they should become the world police.

Do you want the next millennia to abide by the motto "if you want some land just take it by violent force"?
Man, this is the motto that every empire was built upon. The USA systematically destroyed an entire indigenous race, to steal their land, then stole and enslaved other 'lesser' races to build their empire upon that land. And that's not even an American thing, it's how nearly every 'advanced' society in the history of existence has thrived and expanded. It's a part of human nature.

I also live in a part of the world that doesn't have a lot of American influence, we get our information with a less yankee bend. The prevailing wind of the global south isn't blowing in favor of the US. Most of Europe is reliant on the American economy, of course they want to keep the coffers filled, but the rest of the progressive world is looking elsewhere, to less troublesome partnerships. I don't believe Russia is that either, but they've positioned themselves as a gateway to that future power structure.

To address your first point, that reason you speak of, it's different depending on your point of view and it's hard to prove a point of view right as there are so many variables involved with that. If Russia truly believed that the Maiden 'Revolution' was a coup and installed a government that was sympathetic to their enemy, then their invasion is justified in the minds of people who have that point of view. Just as those who have the point of view that the invasion was unjustified, so NATO and the US should help their resistance. Both points of view are valid, but no one in this thread really knows what transpired or why it did. All we can do is discuss our viewpoints and hopefully understand each other better, that's what will improve the world, not calling someone with a differing opinion a Nazi or a conspiracy theorist and disregarding anything they bring up. It's why I discuss these things with you in particular, I can appreciate and understand where you are coming from and it doesn't ever feel dismissive or condescending, which is a lot better than a lot of the discussions in these types of threads, something I'm guilty of at times myself.

This bong of Gelato is for all those who have lost their lives in the last 575 days..


Brother Nature

Well-known member
Actually, neither Iraq or Afghanistan were invaded for the purpose of annexing them. i did not agree with the invasion of Iraq because i felt that the claim of "weapons of mass destruction" was not supported by any real evidence.

i did agree with the invasion of Afghanistan because the Taliban knowingly allowed terrorist organizations to use the country as a training base and a launching pad for attacking the US.

but we should not have stayed 20 years. we should have left after initially defeating the Taliban and warned them not to let their soil be used by terrorist operations again or we would come back.

notice that now the Taliban is actively fighting Al Queda and Isis and countering Irans influence in the area.
Off topic, but the US has been in Afghanistan for a lot longer than 20 years, closer to 60 and it was all started with the 'fight against communism'.

And while I could never support the Taliban, they have managed to reduce Heroin production in Afghanistan by 99% since the US left. Kind makes you wonder what the fuck we were actually doing there.


Well-known member
Off topic, but the US has been in Afghanistan for a lot longer than 20 years, closer to 60 and it was all started with the 'fight against communism'.

And while I could never support the Taliban, they have managed to reduce Heroin production in Afghanistan by 99% since the US left. Kind makes you wonder what the fuck we were actually doing there.

they just make methamphetamine now

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Man, this is the motto that every empire was built upon. The USA systematically destroyed an entire indigenous race, to steal their land, then stole and enslaved other 'lesser' races to build their empire upon that land. And that's not even an American thing, it's how nearly every 'advanced' society in the history of existence has thrived and expanded. It's a part of human nature.

I also live in a part of the world that doesn't have a lot of American influence, we get our information with a less yankee bend. The prevailing wind of the global south isn't blowing in favor of the US. Most of Europe is reliant on the American economy, of course they want to keep the coffers filled, but the rest of the progressive world is looking elsewhere, to less troublesome partnerships. I don't believe Russia is that either, but they've positioned themselves as a gateway to that future power structure.

To address your first point, that reason you speak of, it's different depending on your point of view and it's hard to prove a point of view right as there are so many variables involved with that. If Russia truly believed that the Maiden 'Revolution' was a coup and installed a government that was sympathetic to their enemy, then their invasion is justified in the minds of people who have that point of view. Just as those who have the point of view that the invasion was unjustified, so NATO and the US should help their resistance. Both points of view are valid, but no one in this thread really knows what transpired or why it did. All we can do is discuss our viewpoints and hopefully understand each other better, that's what will improve the world, not calling someone with a differing opinion a Nazi or a conspiracy theorist and disregarding anything they bring up. It's why I discuss these things with you in particular, I can appreciate and understand where you are coming from and it doesn't ever feel dismissive or condescending, which is a lot better than a lot of the discussions in these types of threads, something I'm guilty of at times myself.

This bong of Gelato is for all those who have lost their lives in the last 575 days..


I'm thinking that Putin has invaded Ukraine in the hope of "annexing" the country.

In the last interview with Putin that I saw he was going on about the difference between Russian and Ukrainian soldiers...

In earlier interviews he was speaking about both countries being the same people with the same values and goals.

He's dropped the facade now and probably has even forgotten about his Nazi scheme.


Well-known member
Lol they only mediated a ceasefire and spared a bunch of people dying. Them vegan sausages have turned you into a tyrant Audi :confused:


Armenia Decries Azerbaijan 'Ethnic Cleansing' In Nagorno-Karabakh​


Armenia warned the United Nations Thursday that Azerbaijan was carrying out "ethnic cleansing" and committing a "crime against humanity" as it regained control of the breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh region.


Well-known member
If Russia truly believed that the Maiden 'Revolution' was a coup and installed a government that was sympathetic to their enemy, then their invasion is justified in the minds of people who have that point of view. Just as those who have the point of view that the invasion was unjustified, so NATO and the US should help their resistance. Both points of view are valid, but no one in this thread really knows what transpired or why it did. All we can do is discuss our viewpoints and hopefully understand each other better, that's what will improve the world, not calling someone with a differing opinion a Nazi or a conspiracy theorist and disregarding anything they bring up. It's why I discuss these things with you in particular, I can appreciate and understand where you are coming from and it doesn't ever feel dismissive or condescending, which is a lot better than a lot of the discussions in these types of threads, something I'm guilty of at times myself.

The Ukrainian point-of-view is merely that Ukraine exists and ought to continue to exist; the Russian point of view is, no it doesn't.

There's no room for middle ground when one antagonist has the objective of eliminating the other.

Conspiracy theories and Nazism aren't "differing opinions" because they promote (often explicitly) eliminationist messages.

Brother I like to think we both agree as matter of principle that a person, a people, has a right to exist and that messages that suggest otherwise, because they violate that principle, ought to be rejected.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Do you want the next millennia to abide by the motto "if you want some land just take it by violent force"?
"See those rocks sticking up there?
Been standing there for 600 million years,
still be there when you and I are gone.

So arguing over who owns them..
Is more like two fleas arguing over who owns the dog they live on."

- Crocodile Dundee, 1986


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Man, this is the motto that every empire was built upon. The USA systematically destroyed an entire indigenous race, to steal their land, then stole and enslaved other 'lesser' races to build their empire upon that land. And that's not even an American thing, it's how nearly every 'advanced' society in the history of existence has thrived and expanded. It's a part of human nature.

I also live in a part of the world that doesn't have a lot of American influence, we get our information with a less yankee bend. The prevailing wind of the global south isn't blowing in favor of the US. Most of Europe is reliant on the American economy, of course they want to keep the coffers filled, but the rest of the progressive world is looking elsewhere, to less troublesome partnerships. I don't believe Russia is that either, but they've positioned themselves as a gateway to that future power structure.

To address your first point, that reason you speak of, it's different depending on your point of view and it's hard to prove a point of view right as there are so many variables involved with that. If Russia truly believed that the Maiden 'Revolution' was a coup and installed a government that was sympathetic to their enemy, then their invasion is justified in the minds of people who have that point of view. Just as those who have the point of view that the invasion was unjustified, so NATO and the US should help their resistance. Both points of view are valid, but no one in this thread really knows what transpired or why it did. All we can do is discuss our viewpoints and hopefully understand each other better, that's what will improve the world, not calling someone with a differing opinion a Nazi or a conspiracy theorist and disregarding anything they bring up. It's why I discuss these things with you in particular, I can appreciate and understand where you are coming from and it doesn't ever feel dismissive or condescending, which is a lot better than a lot of the discussions in these types of threads, something I'm guilty of at times myself.

This bong of Gelato is for all those who have lost their lives in the last 575 days..

I have agreement with you brother. My sympathy with Ukaraines lies with my sister from there, whose house was destroyed with her neighbors' by Russian rockets. Maybe when the Russians are so imposed, my sympathies, will lie with them. This is one reason I called for the storming of Moscow by all of Europe on day one... just as the Indigenous people should have done to those preproposed Americans.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I can appreciate and respect that Microbeman, the personal aspect gives it a very different perspective for you. I hope your sister is ok and can return home at some point in the near future.
She made it all the way to friends in Denmark, through many dangers with a van full of her dogs. Miracles eh? The global communication has its plus side,