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View attachment 18854775

The 2024 Olympics in Russia: A challenge for the IOC and panic in the West​

source: Avia.pro
Floating a Brics balloon?


Active member
basically, it means you are full of shit!
and just like that, russian media is trustworthy lol. Speaking of russian media here is an interesting piece. Remember when the cocaine clown of Kiev called for a pre-emptive nuclear strike on Russia? Well go figure the very thing is now being voiced on RT.

The credibility of nuclear deterrence must be restored by lowering the unacceptably high threshold for the use of atomic weapons and by moving cautiously but quickly up the ladder of deterrence-escalation. The first steps have already been taken through statements to this effect by the president and other leaders, by beginning to deploy nuclear weapons and their delivery vehicles in Belarus, and by increasing the combat effectiveness of the strategic deterrent forces. There are quite a few steps on this ladder. I count about two dozen. It could even go as far as warning our compatriots and all people of good will about the need to leave their homes near the objects of possible nuclear strikes in countries directly supporting the Kiev regime. The enemy must know that we are ready to launch a preemptive retaliatory strike in response to its current and past aggression in order to prevent a slide into a global thermonuclear war.



Well-known member
and just like that, russian media is trustworthy lol. Speaking of russian media here is an interesting piece. Remember when the cocaine clown of Kiev called for a pre-emptive nuclear strike on Russia? Well go figure the very thing is now being voiced on RT.

The credibility of nuclear deterrence must be restored by lowering the unacceptably high threshold for the use of atomic weapons and by moving cautiously but quickly up the ladder of deterrence-escalation. The first steps have already been taken through statements to this effect by the president and other leaders, by beginning to deploy nuclear weapons and their delivery vehicles in Belarus, and by increasing the combat effectiveness of the strategic deterrent forces. There are quite a few steps on this ladder. I count about two dozen. It could even go as far as warning our compatriots and all people of good will about the need to leave their homes near the objects of possible nuclear strikes in countries directly supporting the Kiev regime. The enemy must know that we are ready to launch a preemptive retaliatory strike in response to its current and past aggression in order to prevent a slide into a global thermonuclear war.

so are you saying that neither the Western nor Russian media is accurate or telling the truth?

are we supposed to believe that only what you say is the truth?

and, I just read this article you have posted. it took less than 2 minutes. i guess it's supposed to be some kind of great treatise on nuclear power and deterrence. whole books have been written on this subject by real thinkers on both sides and they came to quite different conclusions. the main conclusion is that no one wins a nuclear conflict, regardless of who strikes first. do you really believe that if Russia launched a nuclear attack on the West that the West would stupidly wait until the missiles hit and did their damage to react?

this is the author's first break with logical reality. the counterstrike would occur while the missiles were in transit.

the second glaring break with logic is that the West can be intimidated by verbal threats or posturing.

i can assure you that's not going to happen.

if Russia launches a nuclear strike they will be instantly, utterly, and completely destroyed, while the West will be partially destroyed initially but will also die, along with the rest of the planet, in the nuclear winter to follow.

this is simply because of the geographical distribution of potential targets.

most of the important Russian targets are concentrated in a rather small geographic area despite the huge size of the land area.

Putler's only play with nuclear weapons is to destroy the entire world. which accomplishes absolutely nothing for Russia.

i find this entire article to be delusional. his assessments of China are particularly wrong. China is really Russia's greatest enemy in the long term. the peoples of eastern Russia have much more in common with the Chinese than they do with white Russian elites in the west of Russia. the Chinese also want to see a reduced Russia both militarily and economically because it would make Russia more dependent on China and therefore give the Chinese more power on the world stage.

Russia will be just a gas station for the Chinese empire.


Well-known member
And niggers, the south has lotsa niggers. There, fixed it for you.
your ignorance is so incredibly massive! i am from the Deep South. my father was born in Mississippi and my mother was born in Alabama.

i had never lived in either state until 1963 because my father was a career naval officer and we lived in almost every state with a navy base when i was a child. i went to at least 9 different elementary schools during this period. some of these schools were on navy bases where children from all over the world were attending school temporarily while their parents were in training with the US military. Black kids from Africa. Latin kids from South America, Filipino kids. Japanese kids. Samoans, Middle Eastern, and Jewish. i found that when you put a bunch of innocent kids together that their natural instincts were to play peacefully.

a child has to be taught to hate by his or her parents and extended family. parents who are too ignorant to understand that they are crippling their own children by preloading them with prejudice. crippling their own childrens chances of success and living a happy, well-balanced life.

instead, they turn them into ignorant, mean little haters like you. people who hate are psychological cripples leading miserable lives and want everyone else to be miserable too.

i am almost 73 years old. in my lifetime i have witnessed the horrors of old-fashioned Jim Crow racism in the Deep South and was a freshman in high school in Mississippi in 1964 when the Civil Rights Act was passed. i fist-fought the children of the KKK leaders in the hallways of the high school protecting the 12 brilliant, handpicked, black children that participated in the very first school integration effort in Mississippi. i wasn't alone. about 15 white students formed organized groups that would accompany the black kids from class to class.

the children of the KKK parents were throwing punches at them, tripping them. slamming them with elbows, and yelling racial slurs at the black kids. throwing objects at them.

i vividly remember a small framed 14-year-old black girl in tears and shaking with fear during her time at this school. but she bravely stayed and stood up against the physical violence and oppressive, dehumanizing slurs like the one you just posted.

i am reporting your post!
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Active member
so are you saying that neither the Western nor Russian media is accurate or telling the truth?

are we supposed to believe that only what you say is the truth?
I don’t care what you believe. This here is from todays news.

ST. PETERSBURG, June 16. /TASS/. Russia always responds militarily to Ukrainian strikes, but it seldom presents its retaliation as breaking news, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) on Friday.

He also spoke on the topic of nuclear weapons and, quite literally, told nato countries to go fuck themselves.
whole books have been written on this subject by real thinkers on both sides and they came to quite different conclusions. the main conclusion is that no one wins a nuclear conflict, regardless of who strikes first.
So you are saying openly that you are at war with Russia. I doubt the United States would risk nuclear annihilation for the sake of its proxy Ukraine, and it is obvious that your bluff is being called out.

i find this entire article to be delusional.
Of course you do.


Well-known member
"quite literally, told nato countries to go fuck themselves."

no, he didn't!

he, quite literally, said no such thing in the entire four-hour speech. entropical spin again!

i can understand your desperation as you watch the Russian dream of a new empire go down in flames!

He could be doing a lot more damage there if he really wanted to. Lets be real

Its a pity you hippies put down the hacky sack and picked up call of duty. Michael Lang is spinning in his grave


Well-known member


by Patrick Raymond

The word is German, and means fire drum or barrage.

The generally heavy artillery barrage, which fires continuously.

Used by the Germans in 1916, then later by the Americans, sitting on the superiority (defunct today) of their industry.

The Ukrainian offensive, for now, is a bitter failure. Some say it has not started and will take place around Energodar.

Simple oblivion of reality. Whoever wins is the one who hits the hardest, like the Americans during the Battle of Normandy in 1944.

The signs of Ukrainian victories are to match. As early as 1915 there was talk of evacuation of the front line in the event of an attack, to avoid unnecessary losses. The bulk of the troops are already in the rear, and the cover troops, reduced, evacuate for the most part (except the punished and the disciplinary).

«But the usual tactic, a great predator of enemies, ends up working: the first lines are ceded while the second, reinforced and protected by an artillery barrage, hold and prepare the counter-offensive».

Regrouping troops and armor is complicated without air control, and it's the Russians who have it. Isolated armor can ambush, but no more. A mass, it is quickly spotted and destroyed, without doubt these are the cemeteries of elephants noticed.

There is nothing revolutionary, moreover to repair the armored vehicles, all the camps do it. To say that the oxidized are going to repair the tanks, that is done in all the wars, the panzerdivisions were for the majority of the soldiers of these, a trade of mechanic, in charge of the repairs. When it was bigger repairs, we sent them back to factories in the back.

The hardware of the oxidentals is useless, obsolete and obsolete. Unable to fight without an aviation totally in control of the sky, on which they have staked everything, to avoid losses, they find themselves in an impossible situation, and the journalists repeat, day after day, the trick of "miracle weapons". And the shot of “the death of the tsarina”.

The Ukrainian gains are far below the worst offensives of 1915. A few hundred meters, the pencil line.

The various materials given, they pile up the problems. Too different, often too American, made for heavy maintenance and optimal conditions that are far from being met.

CNN as Le Figaro et to Reuters, timidly admit the failure of the counter-offensive, even if we must remain cautious. In my opinion, the maximum that the Ukrainians can do is to reach a point where they would create a battle of Prokhorovka. But that, in my opinion, remains unrealistic.

Th. Meyssan, speaks, more realistically, of “the collapse of kyiv". In fact, Ukraine is an empty shell and behind what remains of its armies in the field, there is nothing left.

source: The fall


Well-known member

When more is not better - you can't polish a turd​

by Larry johnson

According to popular wisdom, the aphorism "You can't polish a turd" comes from sailors who were given the impossible task of trying to make something dull and slippery shine. Someone has to tell General Milley this truth. Milley, along with Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, engaged in world-class turd polishing on Thursday as he briefed reporters on the results of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group in Brussels.

The problem with NATO's plan for Ukraine's faltering offensive is summed up in the following quote (it starts at 8:51 in the video below):

«More than six thousand Ukrainians are being trained right now in 40 different places of training in 65 courses in 33 countries on three continents. It's all happening right now».

Let me give you some facts. If you enlist in the US Army and want to learn how to drive an M1 Abram tank, you will need to undergo training for at least six months. And it's just about learning how to drive the tank and fire shells. But this is only the beginning. Soldiers do not get their own tank to roam around the base. Once a soldier and his team have learned to start, lead, fire and stop, the team must then learn to operate in a coordinated manner with a company (150 soldiers), a battalion (800 to 1000 soldiers), a brigade (5000 soldiers) and a division (10 to 000 soldiers).

The instruction starts with the simple to go to the complex. Effectively operating a tank within a division is the most complicated task and mission. Guess what ? Learning to do this requires at least two years of training. There is no shortcut. I was chatting with a young army captain the other day who remarked to me how difficult it was to train American troops to perform tank maneuvers at the brigade level, even after two years of training.

In this context, do you now understand the stupidity of Milley's comment? Ukrainians are not taken to one place in one country and they are not asked to master two or three courses of instruction. No. They are in 40 different places, in 33 different countries, and 6000 Ukrainian soldiers are watered from 65 courses. Do the math. That's about 93 soldiers per course. And since the instructors probably don't speak Ukrainian, the soldiers receive lessons translated into English, French, German, Polish and Italian. It is a real tower of Babel.

So let's say these 6000 souls learn really fast and complete the training like magic. How do you integrate 6000 soldiers who have lived in 33 countries and been trained to different standards? Basically, you can't. It's impossible.

But then consider this. In a single week of combat against Russian forces, the Ukrainians lost 7500 men (killed and wounded). All of these trained soldiers disappeared in the flash of an artillery shell, mortar or hover bomb. Again, do the math. If Ukraine is losing 6000 men a week, the training sector has an interest in ensuring that at least 80 Ukrainians take part in these courses. Otherwise, NATO training will not be able to keep pace with Ukrainian casualties.

What we are witnessing is military malpractice on a colossal scale. I find it hard to believe that Milley, Austin and their NATO compatriots are really so stupid in touting this training regimen as something responsible and wise. This is madness. The cynical part of my mind thinks that Ukraine is simply being used as a pretext to juice up Western defense industries. After years of neglect and outsourcing, the United States and its NATO partners discovered that they no longer had the factories and materials needed to wage war on an industrial scale.

The hard truth is this: Ukraine does not have the necessary manpower and NATO does not have the luxury of the time required to ensure that Ukrainian soldiers have a minimum level of competence. in the military arts that they are trying to learn in a real crash course. Keep that in mind when Russia grinds the Ukrainian army to dust. All this money to train men whose life expectancy is counted in weeks, even days. Who will be held responsible?

I would like to end on an optimistic note. The following should make you smile:

source: A Son of the New American Revolution


Well-known member
He could be doing a lot more damage there if he really wanted to. Lets be real

Its a pity you hippies put down the hacky sack and picked up call of duty. Michael Lang is spinning in his grave
the only thing he can do is start the cascading exchange of nuclear strikes that will destroy the world. that's it, there is no in-between. he just installed nuclear weapons in Belarus so we should give Ukraine a few just to maintain deterrence.

think about why a country that says they are winning on the ground mentions nuclear weapons. if they were truly winning they would not even mention it.

what putler actually said pertaining to nuclear weapons in the speech was “use of nuclear weapons is certainly theoretically possible. For Russia, this is possible if a threat is created to our territorial integrity, independence, and sovereignty, the existence of the Russian state.”

theoretically possible. and so far no one since the beginning of the cold war has threatened Russia's
"territorial integrity, independence and sovereignty, the existence of the Russian state.”

since 1994. no part of Russian territory, under the international law that Russia agreed to and signed, has been threatened. no one has ever threatened to invade Russia since Hitler.

it's always Russia threatening everyone else and the Western world has had enough of it.

if you don't think this is true please show me otherwise. Show me one instance of a country threatening to invade Russia.

nobody wants Russia. it's a 2nd class country in every regard. they are no longer a world superpower since the breakup of the USSR. but they still pretend to be one.

who you calling a hippie, mofo? i was there, in san francisco, from late 1965 to 1970, as one of the runaways on Haight Street. but i was there for sex, drugs, and rock and roll. and i never begged for "spare change" on the street. that's because i made my living as a broker between the people who had stuff and the people who came looking for stuff.

i was a regular on the street. i would sit in the Drogstore Cafe on the corner of Haight and Masonic watching for fresh faces and new arrivals because they were always looking for something.

the trolley stop there was usually the first place new folks touched the ground when they came to the Haight Ashbury district.



Well-known member

When more is not better - you can't polish a turd​

by Larry johnson

According to popular wisdom, the aphorism "You can't polish a turd" comes from sailors who were given the impossible task of trying to make something dull and slippery shine. Someone has to tell General Milley this truth. Milley, along with Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, engaged in world-class turd polishing on Thursday as he briefed reporters on the results of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group in Brussels.

The problem with NATO's plan for Ukraine's faltering offensive is summed up in the following quote (it starts at 8:51 in the video below):

«More than six thousand Ukrainians are being trained right now in 40 different places of training in 65 courses in 33 countries on three continents. It's all happening right now».

Let me give you some facts. If you enlist in the US Army and want to learn how to drive an M1 Abram tank, you will need to undergo training for at least six months. And it's just about learning how to drive the tank and fire shells. But this is only the beginning. Soldiers do not get their own tank to roam around the base. Once a soldier and his team have learned to start, lead, fire and stop, the team must then learn to operate in a coordinated manner with a company (150 soldiers), a battalion (800 to 1000 soldiers), a brigade (5000 soldiers) and a division (10 to 000 soldiers).

The instruction starts with the simple to go to the complex. Effectively operating a tank within a division is the most complicated task and mission. Guess what ? Learning to do this requires at least two years of training. There is no shortcut. I was chatting with a young army captain the other day who remarked to me how difficult it was to train American troops to perform tank maneuvers at the brigade level, even after two years of training.

In this context, do you now understand the stupidity of Milley's comment? Ukrainians are not taken to one place in one country and they are not asked to master two or three courses of instruction. No. They are in 40 different places, in 33 different countries, and 6000 Ukrainian soldiers are watered from 65 courses. Do the math. That's about 93 soldiers per course. And since the instructors probably don't speak Ukrainian, the soldiers receive lessons translated into English, French, German, Polish and Italian. It is a real tower of Babel.

So let's say these 6000 souls learn really fast and complete the training like magic. How do you integrate 6000 soldiers who have lived in 33 countries and been trained to different standards? Basically, you can't. It's impossible.

But then consider this. In a single week of combat against Russian forces, the Ukrainians lost 7500 men (killed and wounded). All of these trained soldiers disappeared in the flash of an artillery shell, mortar or hover bomb. Again, do the math. If Ukraine is losing 6000 men a week, the training sector has an interest in ensuring that at least 80 Ukrainians take part in these courses. Otherwise, NATO training will not be able to keep pace with Ukrainian casualties.

What we are witnessing is military malpractice on a colossal scale. I find it hard to believe that Milley, Austin and their NATO compatriots are really so stupid in touting this training regimen as something responsible and wise. This is madness. The cynical part of my mind thinks that Ukraine is simply being used as a pretext to juice up Western defense industries. After years of neglect and outsourcing, the United States and its NATO partners discovered that they no longer had the factories and materials needed to wage war on an industrial scale.

The hard truth is this: Ukraine does not have the necessary manpower and NATO does not have the luxury of the time required to ensure that Ukrainian soldiers have a minimum level of competence. in the military arts that they are trying to learn in a real crash course. Keep that in mind when Russia grinds the Ukrainian army to dust. All this money to train men whose life expectancy is counted in weeks, even days. Who will be held responsible?

I would like to end on an optimistic note. The following should make you smile:

source: A Son of the New American Revolution

you miss the point that those 6000 are technical specialists who will then go back home and train countless others. also, romsy, that 6000 is constantly changing, as some go home others come in. Think about the mathematical compounding next time you do the math.

you can't count to 21 even with your pants off! but, bless your heart! you just keep trying!


Active member
"quite literally, told nato countries to go fuck themselves."

no, he didn't!

he, quite literally, said no such thing in the entire four-hour speech. entropical spin again!

i can understand your desperation as you watch the Russian dream of a new empire go down in flames!
My desperation lol, stop projecting your issues on me dude.

”The use of nuclear weapons is certainly theoretically possible. For Russia, this is possible when a threat is created to our territorial integrity, independence and sovereignty of the Russian state. Nuclear weapons are created to ensure our security in the broadest sense of the word and the existence of the Russian state. But we, firstly, do not need to use it. Secondly, the very fact of reasoning on this topic already reduces the possibility of lowering the threshold for the use of these weapons. We have more such weapons than nato countries. They know about it and all the time they are trying to persuade us to start talks on reductions.
Fuck them, you know, as our people say.”

While YOUR dream is to see Russia ”go down in flames”, it clearly would not end well for you to continue down that path.
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Active member

Reminder again that the United States started the war by installing a Nazi regime in Ukraine 2014. The denials and russian blaming of sympathizing russophobes do not change the fact.