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Well-known member
The thing about an F-16 that is freshly gifted to the stripper, is it looks like a NATO F-16. The Germans left the swasticas on the tanks they gave the ukes, and the F-16s may also be mis-marked.

S-400 systems and SU-27s will take them out.

The foolish euros are going to follow xiden right into nuclear war and winter.
if there is a nuclear war it will be because Putler launched first. just like we have a war in Ukraine because Putler invaded a sovereign country. nobody is afraid of Russia anymore! Russia is a paper tiger!

when targeting a nuclear first strike, the Russians would have to hit a huge number of targets spread over the entire globe while the nato forces would only have to hit Moscow and St Petersburg to cut the head off the Russian snake. the Russians are far more vulnerable than the West because 80% of their population is concentrated in the western 1/5 of the country. those two major population centers have 20 million people or 1/7th of the entire population.

the Germans left the German army markings on the tanks because they wanted the Russians to see them and know where they were coming from. At the time the tanks were transferred they asked the Ukrainians to please leave the original markings on.

nato doesn't give a fuck about the markings on the f-16s. everyone already knows where they are coming from so what difference does it make? as far as i'm concerned they should write "fuck Putler, sincerely, NATO" in big red letters on every one of them.

don't you find that being a trump supporter is getting more and more difficult in view of his obvious dementia?


peri alypias
For the complete musical there are english subtitles to find, but I dont know just for the song? Before the end you can see the little actors in the audience.


Well-known member
"Yesterday, during a three-hour question and answer session with war correspondents, Mr. Putin detailed the results: the ratio between the Ukrainian and Russian losses is 10:1; the mortality rate is 10 to 15% on the Russian side and 50% on the Ukrainian side."

D. Orlov

The Ukrainian counter-offensive continues...​

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the large-scale offensive long awaited by Ukraine began on the morning of June 4, when simultaneously, in 5 sectors of the southern Donetsk front, the 23rd and 31st mechanized brigades of the strategic reserves of the Ukrainian armed forces, with the support of other military units and sub-units, valiantly rushed and were severely mutilated before reaching the Russian lines, then retreated in disorder. A total of 6 mechanized battalions and 2 enemy tank battalions were involved, according to the ministry's report.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu later said that on June 5, the Kiev regime attempted an offensive in seven directions, with the forces of five brigades. "It was stopped and suffered even greater losses: more than 1,600 soldiers, 28 tanks, including 8 Leopards and 3 AMX-10 wheeled tanks, 136 units of other military equipment, including 79 foreigners", said the minister. If you don't believe his numbers, he has photos and videos to prove them...

At this point, Ukrainian sources have been silent on the issue of their long-promised "counter-offensive" - the great offensive to "liberate" the historically Russian lands of Novorossiya and Crimea - and have since continued to hide their losses while proclaiming victory in the "liberation" of several small destroyed villages, lost somewhere in the gray area between the Russian and Ukrainian front lines. We shouldn't expect anything else from them: they win, slowly but surely, so give them more weapons and money.

But the same day, the New York Times reported that Kiev had started its counter-offensive, according to American officials, based on information from American military satellites, who showed a certain movement of Ukrainian troops.

It should be noted that some of the most advanced western equipment has been destroyed; in particular, the American infantry fighting vehicles Bradley were of the M2A2 ODS-SA version of 2003, and Leopard 2 tanks were of version 2A6, the second most recent. According to the Western Analytical Project ORYX, only the 47th Brigade of the Ukrainian army lost seven Leopard 2 tanks and 17 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, in just five days. This represents about half of the "Leopard 2" "2A6" modifications and about 15% of the Bradley infantry fighting vehicles that Ukraine had received.

It should also be noted that most of the Ukrainian victims were among the most motivated, armed and trained troops according to NATO standards. And the losses on the front line represent only a fraction of the total, the rest being caused by the Russian rocket attacks on the back of Ukraine, which represents more than 5,000 victims since the beginning of June. Yesterday, during a three-hour question and answer session with war correspondents, Mr. Putin detailed the results: the ratio between the Ukrainian and Russian losses is 10:1; the mortality rate is 10 to 15% on the Russian side and 50% on the Ukrainian side.

Much of what remains of the Ukrainian army comes from the former Soviet military heritage, but without sufficient artillery and armor and without the Soviet supply lines. If the shock troops trained by NATO cannot reach the Russian lines, what about these unfortunate people who take advantage of every opportunity to stretch a white cloth and surrender, and who, when responsible for burying landmines, leave notes on them for Russian sappers who must then dig them up : "Brothers, we are the same as you, let's not fight !" Of course, some landmines are decorated with swastikas, hence the "denazification" in progress !

So what was the purpose of all this unnecessary carnage ? According to American officials, the main objective of the Ukrainian armed forces is to cut the "land bridge" connecting Russia to its forces in Crimea, leaving only the Kerch Strait Bridge and the ferry service to the mainland. Everything revolves around Crimea: the United States would like to set up a NATO naval base there and if every Ukrainian has to die for it to be possible, so be it.

But American officials don't want to say it openly. "The success of the counter-offensive will have two consequences: it will strengthen the position of the'Ukraine at any negotiating table and it will bring Russia closer to finally focus on negotiations to end the conflict", said US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on June 12. Blinken did not indicate what results would have "the failure of the counter-offensive", probably because there will be no results worthy of mention.

In addition, Russia has already focused on negotiations, since before the start of its special military operation. Its requirements were formulated in November 2021: NATO troops must withdraw to their 1997 positions, Eastern Europe remaining militarily neutral, in accordance with an earlier agreement. There is no need to discuss anything else, because what good is it to conclude new agreements if the West does not respect those it has already concluded ?

With regard to Ukraine, requests for demilitarization and complete denazification are still valid. In addition to the five formerly Ukrainian regions which are already ( again ) part of Russia, the current idea is that Ukraine must cede three other Russian provinces: Kharkov, Nikolaev and Odessa. Oh, and she must be ready to hold referendums on independence from the Kiev regime and on membership of the Russian Federation in other provinces. We can see where this is leading us: the seat of government for the Kiev regime will be moved from Kiev to Lvov, then Lvov will be able to return to Poland, after which the former Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, this impious chimera created by Lenin and Stalin, will be completely deforestized.

Coming back to the American dream of a NATO naval base in Sevastopol, Crimea, from where it would control the whole Black Sea and cut Russia's access to the Mediterranean... the idea that Russia would cede Crimea if Ukraine managed to cut the "land bridge" is fanciful : Crimea spent eight years in the Russian Federation without this land bridge and four years without the Kerch Bridge, supplying the Crimean Peninsula with ferries. Deprive Crimea of Dnieper Water, as the Kiev regime recently did ( once again ), by blowing up the Kakhovskaya Dam, is also not likely to do the trick: Crimea lasted eight years without this water. But apparently it's too much'story to remember for American officials, who find it difficult to remember last weekend.

Let us return briefly to the fact that the sacrifice by Ukraine of its best elements did not even allow it to reach the first line of Russian defense. According to Russian military doctrine, the objective of the first line of defense is not to arrest the attacking troops, but to weaken them, slow them down and exhaust them, then, depending on the situation, participate in flank attacks or retreat. The tiered defense is designed to resist an enemy force penetrating up to 35 km, then cut its supplies, surround and destroy it. From this point of view, the "counterattack" has so far been totally ineffective: they have come out, they have burned and bled, then they have run home.

Finally, what about NATO standards, its weapons and its training ? The armor burns really well and some Leopards burned before firing a single salvo. The training led the Ukrainians to attack on a minefield, following in single file a Leopard, equipped with a system supposed to sweep all the mines in its passage. The Russians only had to wait until the whole very expensive armored train reached the middle of the field, then to eliminate the Leopard of head equipped with a plow. The only option then available to the entire armored column was to bypass the plow and try your luck while driving in the minefield. Luckily, another tank explodes almost immediately, then a third...

Some crews took shelter between the exploded tanks to avoid being hit, but it was not long. Some crews abandon their tanks with the engines running and try to retreat on foot. Many Bradleys disgorge their troops, then retreat, leaving the troops blocked. The only Bradley who took the trouble to stop to pick up troops found himself so crowded that a soldier was simply thrown outside, before the eyes of the Russians, who filmed the event slowly shaking their heads, amazed. Finally, some of the troops who managed to reach their own lines on foot were mowed by "friendly shots" from their own camp. Faced with all this, the Russian reaction could only be : "Even more weapons and NATO training for Ukrainians, please !".

What about the "counterattack" ? Events like this will continue to happen, with variations, because it is necessary: if the Ukrainians do not at least pretend to counterattack, the United States/NATO will not continue to arm them. But they will stop arming them anyway, because all weapons are now out of stock everywhere. The autumn rains will eventually settle and the NATO armored vehicles, if they survive until then, having been designed for sunnier climates, will get bogged down in deep, dense mud, black and extraordinarily fertile, which makes the region famous.

Meanwhile, the Kiev regime will continue its terrorism, which the Western media will carefully avoid talking about. There are still many Russian schools, maternity hospitals, shopping centers, clinics and apartment buildings within the reach of Ukrainian artillery and, unlike Russian military targets, none of them responds. In addition, the West continues to provide Ukrainians with weapons that are entering Russian territory more and more. Terrorism may be safer than "counterattack", but terrorists will die too. At present, the Russians are full of cold and calculating fury, they compile files and open criminal proceedings against the terrorists, and their revenge will certainly be served, Russian-style,frozen !
Dmitry Orlov
Source: https://boosty.to/cluborlov/posts/d4e9047c-92d9-4d64-9fec-6906c771d29e?from=email&from_type=new_post


Well-known member
"Yesterday, during a three-hour question and answer session with war correspondents, Mr. Putin detailed the results: the ratio between the Ukrainian and Russian losses is 10:1; the mortality rate is 10 to 15% on the Russian side and 50% on the Ukrainian side."

D. Orlov
Do you want to see a dozen drone videos showing the Russians running like track stars? they ran in Kharkiv, they ran in Kherson, and they are running in Zaporizhia right now. the average Russian soldier doesn't want to fight and is being forced into combat at gunpoint.

the Russians have built huge 3 layer defense lines but don't have enough personnel or equipment to defend them adequately.

They have 200k men to defend a 600-mile line. to defend one layer they would have 333.33 men per mile. divide that further into 3 layers and you get 111.11 men per mile. or .02 men per ft or one man every 50 ft.

isn't math fun!

western intelligence analysts think that Putler is getting rosy, glowing reports of success from his generals because they are afraid to admit failure. he is an isolated bunker queen!

more good news is that the Ukrainians have blown up a railway bridge on the only rail line linking Kherson and Zaporizhia with Crimea. the Russian army relies on railroads to do the heavy transport of weapons and equipment. if you blow up just a section of rails it can be repaired in a day or so. but when you hit a bridge it takes months.

another Russian general and two colonels were killed in a strike on their command center.

the Russians thought the Ukrainians would start their counter-offensive with a huge single blow but instead, we are seeing small, precise tactical operations on Russian positions taking them one by one.

like pacman, chomp, chomp, chomp! here is a little map scenario for you. melitopol sits at the top of a large body of water which is a great natural obstacle. it is the shortest distance to cut the Russian lines in two. 47.85 miles. not a great distance at all.

as i said, the railway supplying the Russians has been cut. they will now have to rely on trucks.


the anti-putler Russians attacking the Belgorod region are still there today. more than 2 weeks after entering Russian space.

have you noticed the timing of their attack on the region was 7-10 days before the Ukrainians started their counter-offensive? very well timed as it required the Russians to move troops and vehicles like tanks and APCs from the northern section of the front to the Belgorod area just before the Ukrainian counter-offensive.

the Russians are losing this war. piece by piece. chomp, chomp, chomp!


Well-known member
@greyfader Considering your intellectual level which must be comparable to those of your military leaders Russia has really nothing to worry about. I even think that they won't even have to take out all their secret weapons. You really are too con to win a war in fact, the Russian general staff must be really having fun and good laugh in front of your baby malformed gestures. The only danger who worries Russian staff is NATO's terrorism operations, that's why denazyfication won't stop in West border of Ukraine, the BRICS will clean all the planet and it will start with Poland and Finland before Reichtag and the City.


Well-known member
@greyfader Considering your intellectual level which must be comparable to those of your military leaders Russia has really nothing to worry about. I even think that they won't even have to take out all their secret weapons. You really are too con to win a war in fact, the Russian general staff must be really having fun and good laugh in front of your baby malformed gestures. The only danger who worries Russian staff is NATO's terrorism operations, that's why denazyfication won't stop in West border of Ukraine, the BRICS will clean all the planet and it will start with Poland and Finland before Reichtag and the City.
Russia doesn't have any "secret weapons" because we have people on the inside telling us everything. Russia is so corrupt and broke the people there have to be corrupt just to survive

we pay people all over the world to keep us informed.

you did see my post above about putler taxing the oligarchs to raise money for a war that doesn't exist?

it's in the Russian press today also.

where are all the "invincible" kinzhal hypersonic missiles lately? we have heard no reports of them being used since May. At 10 million dollars per copy, they are an expensive mistake and very embarrassing for Putler.

i've got to get my beauty rest now but you can be sure i'll be back to tear you a new one tomorrow.

btw, how's your love life going? are you having a menage a trois with both hands? are they jealous of one another?


Well-known member
@greyfader Considering your intellectual level which must be comparable to those of your military leaders Russia has really nothing to worry about. I even think that they won't even have to take out all their secret weapons. You really are too con to win a war in fact, the Russian general staff must be really having fun and good laugh in front of your baby malformed gestures. The only danger who worries Russian staff is NATO's terrorism operations, that's why denazyfication won't stop in West border of Ukraine, the BRICS will clean all the planet and it will start with Poland and Finland before Reichtag and the City.

Corpselover Fat

Active member
This is from a wsj interview with the dude who surrended to a drone a while back near Bakhmut.

"All this time, the Ukrainians piloting the drones were watching everything the terrified Russians were doing. Anitin moved to another position. Ivanov pulled the pin from a hand grenade and detonated it next to his head. The third man in their group was seriously wounded. He later shot himself with his own rifle, the Ukrainians said.

Anitin was on his own. Drone and mortar attacks continued all afternoon. By around 5 p.m., he had no energy left. “I thought I would end up staying in that trench forever,” he said.

Then he got an idea: Surrender to the drone."