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Well-known member
Lukashenka & nukes is straight from KGB playbook, in case of ex-soviet states try to get independent or there is grass roots opposition, color revolutions etc., Putler can order troops to take over because "nuke safety"..

We used to fight against communism, fascism and nazism, today it is islamism and russism.

Three Berries

Active member
I "forgot" quotation marks. It's macgregor's words and it's Russia who is constantly threatening with nuclear strikes.
And NATO provide depleted uranium ammo. The war is going so great Ukraine is down 14 mill citizens or so due to migration and casualties. Now the US based investment firms who also provided the munitions manufacturing to blow everything up, they will make their money rebuilding Ukraine and it will be forever in monetary debt to the likes of BlackRock.


ICMag Donor
It looks like the Ukrainians are kicking Rooskie ass these days.

Rooskies are doing the ol' "run away, run away". Their missiles and drones are like target practice for the Ukrainians now.


Active member
Exciting stuff. Russian teens with no combat experience forced into a giant wood chipper by an egomaniac

Lindsey Graham would love this thread
They have been living inverted reality for a good while now, with Russia running out of missiles around March last year and now ukranian air defense knocking out 100 percent of russian missiles.

Nudelman formally announced that the US is planner for the AFU, possibly the clearest admission so far that they are directly involved in a war against Russia and the russian people.

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peri alypias
Ukraine has to start the offensive, before they are out, or just have less anti air defense weapons. If Russia has got the sky about Ukr under control its finito with the offensive. I think thats the real military reason for all the air attacks the last time. The west can't deliver more aa weapons.


Active member
Ukraine has to start the offensive, before they are out, or just have less anti air defense weapons. If Russia has got the sky about Ukr under control its finito with the offensive. I think thats the real military reason for all the air attacks the last time. The west can't deliver more aa weapons.
Right, they have no choice other than to do the bidding of their american masters. Lindsey Graham looking like a kid in a candy store announcing the ukranian offensive is already ”afoot”.


Well-known member
Right, they have no choice other than to do the bidding of their american masters. Lindsey Graham looking like a kid in a candy store announcing the ukranian offensive is already ”afoot”.

The fascist death merchants behind this have no loyalty to any nation.
They own the media and politicians. They are pleased to feed their dogs of war with anyone's children.


Well-known member

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Right, they have no choice other than to do the bidding of their american masters. Lindsey Graham looking like a kid in a candy store announcing the ukranian offensive is already ”afoot”.

Got it.

The agreement must include surrender of Crimea and Ukraine.

Gee thanks.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
And NATO provide depleted uranium ammo. The war is going so great Ukraine is down 14 mill citizens or so due to migration and casualties. Now the US based investment firms who also provided the munitions manufacturing to blow everything up, they will make their money rebuilding Ukraine and it will be forever in monetary debt to the likes of BlackRock.

You think that depleted uranium rounds are nukes? Or are you just rambling?

You act as if the US told Russia what to do.

Other people can still think clearly.

You don't make any sense.


Well-known member
And NATO provide depleted uranium ammo. The war is going so great Ukraine is down 14 mill citizens or so due to migration and casualties. Now the US based investment firms who also provided the munitions manufacturing to blow everything up, they will make their money rebuilding Ukraine and it will be forever in monetary debt to the likes of BlackRock.

everyone uses depleted uranium rounds. there's a reason they are called "depleted."


Well-known member
and @Three Berries https://www.worldometers.info/world...ion of Ukraine,the latest United Nations data.

these are the people still in Ukraine as of may 29, 2023

BlackRock is so evil they manage the retirement funds of about 1/3 of the school teachers in the US.

why are you surprised that investment companies fund things?

would you rather Ukraine surrender to Russia and become a vassal state dependent on Russia for everything?

like Belarus? Belarus has to lick Putler's scrotum to get anything from them.


Well-known member
Ukraine has to start the offensive, before they are out, or just have less anti air defense weapons. If Russia has got the sky about Ukr under control its finito with the offensive. I think thats the real military reason for all the air attacks the last time. The west can't deliver more aa weapons.
i think they are hoping to have some F-16s overhead before they try anything serious. i imagine it is comforting to see a friendly going over... they'd like A-10s i bet. Russian tank crews would hate 'em, lol!
ps-the "spring offensive" might not happen until July like that...don't know how much training they want the Ukrainian pilots to have before they turn them loose...


Well-known member
also, in the meantime, they have effectively put the Russians into a defensive mode just by threatening with the offensive.

a couple of weeks ago four Russian aircraft were shot down on the same day at about the same time.

there was a su-34, a su35, and two mi-8 choppers.

they were shot down on the Russian side of the border just as they were about to enter Ukrainian airspace.

the Ukrainians had set up a trap by creating some type of high-value target opportunity and the Russians sent this group of aircraft to take it out.

the Ukrainians had set up multiple German-made tank-mounted AA missile launchers along the corridor they thought the Russians were going to use.

the Russians can't control the airspace anymore, they could have, earlier in the war, but it's too late now.

the US still has 275 A-10 warthogs that they are about to decommission. they might as well give them to ukraine.

30 mm depleted uranium rounds at a cyclic rate of 6000 rds per minute plus anti-armor rockets.

a 5-second burst puts 300 rds on target.

in almost every video i've seen lately of ukrainian assault troops they are are carrying asst shoulder-fired missiles

there will be a couple of javelins, some stinger 7's, and some type of anti-personnel rockets.

they are all well-equipped with modern protective gear like vests and helmets.

They look big, bad, and pissed off. grimly determined to drive russia out of their country.

and every time they capture a Russian, he is woefully under-equipped wearing mismatched, ill-fitting uniforms, usually starving and low on ammo. pathetic looking and wanting to be somewhere else really badly.


Well-known member
speaking of the F-16s we mentioned earlier...has anyone else seen the few reports mentioning the testing they are doing with F-16s being remotely piloted like the drones now in use? how long before AI is put in the seat in case the control signal is jammed ? program it to go and perform a task given radar/GPS and intelligence inputs in real time - identifying AA, ground to air radar sweeps, etc. how long before they are used as a RC kamikaze that can defend itself and maneuver on the way to high value targets ? hmmm...


Well-known member
who has the greatest data set/potential quantum computing to program the AI pilot with, it's like the sum of NATO countries' fighter jet experience vs Russia and maybe China but I don't think China would hand over that kind of data to Russia

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