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Active member
It goes back a lot farther than that....

Crimea happens to have a checkered past that you can learn about.

This is likely not news to you either.
Hey this dude is trying to find Ukraine on an old map, he is having a hard time finding by the looks of it maybe you can help him out?

Corpselover Fat

Active member
Russia is in the right and you are in the wrong as usual.

FSB agent Girkin was sent to Ukraine and he started the DPR militia. He made sure protests in eastern ukraine don't "fizzle out". He headed the first attacks and started the war. He himself said so. He did it to restore czarist Russian borders, he says. He was the "defense minister" of DPR until his men shot down mh17 apparently mistaking it for Ukrainian transport aircraft. Girkin boasted about it, but deleted posts after it became clear they shot down a civillian aircraft. After that he was removed from being "defense minister" obviously by Kremlin's orders.


Active member
Speaking of Crimea, did Podolyaks vision come true yet? Oh no right lol, it didn’t. Instead of the place being cleansed of russians, they have translators who translate everything this guy says.


Corpselover Fat

Active member
Hey this dude is trying to find Ukraine on an old map, he is having a hard time finding by the looks of it maybe you can help him out?



Active member
FSB agent Girkin was sent to Ukraine and he started the DPR militia. He made sure protests in eastern ukraine don't "fizzle out". He headed the first attacks and started the war. He himself said so. He did it to restore czarist Russian borders, he says. He was the "defense minister" of DPR until his men shot down mh17 apparently mistaking it for Ukrainian transport aircraft. Girkin boasted about it, but deleted posts after it became clear they shot down a civillian aircraft. After that he was removed from being "defense minister" obviously by Kremlin's orders.
Sure he did lol. Good that they started the militias to defend themselves against the US installed fascist regime in Kiev.

Kiev 20 February 2014.


Sevastopol 23 February 2014.

”iT wAs GüRkiN, hE sTarTeD iT!”


Active member

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
It's strange that learning appears to be difficult for some who take propaganda at face value.

If Russia could leave Ukraine alone things would be much better.

Crimea was granted to Ukraine by, and subsequently, invaded and stolen by Russia.

I can't think of any country that considers Crimea Russian territory except for Russia.

Russia is pulling the same trick with the rest of Ukraine... but this time with more propaganda... NAZIS!!!

It's obvious that he's not denazifying.

He's nazifying.


Active member
Do you know who founded Kievan Rus? I guess Sweden, Norway and Finns can decide russia is not a real state then.
I know what is Kievan Rus, and that Rus is also foundational for Russia. Ukraine is still an american puppet state, and it is the americans who are responsible for what has been caused.


Active member
It's strange that learning appears to be difficult for some who take propaganda at face value.

If Russia could leave Ukraine alone things would be much better.

Crimea was granted to Ukraine by, and subsequently, invaded and stolen by Russia.

I can't think of any country that considers Crimea Russian territory except for Russia.

Russia is pulling the same trick with the rest of Ukraine... but this time with more propaganda... NAZIS!!!

It's obvious that he's not denazifying.

He's nazifying.
What a load of crap lol. First of all, that is a bad word which is why I use the ”N-word” instead. Try it! Second. Russia did not invade Ukraine, that is fascist N-word propaganda. Third, 97 percent of the people in Crimea voted to join the Russian Federation. But you are not for democracy but for all the world to abide by US dictates or else Libya, Iraq.


Well-known member
What a load of crap lol. First of all, that is a bad word which is why I use the ”N-word” instead. Try it! Second. Russia did not invade Ukraine, that is fascist N-word propaganda. Third, 97 percent of the people in Crimea voted to join the Russian Federation. But you are not for democracy but for all the world to abide by US dictates or else Libya, Iraq.
you mean the ones that were escorted to the polls at gunpoint?

just like the fake referendum vote in kherson?

no, democracy is when people go to the polls voluntarily and are allowed to vote as they please.


Active member
I can guess where you want to see the invasion continue....
Do you think what I want have any bearing on the course of action that Russia take in conflict? You sit there and applaud weapons given to Washingtons puppet in Kiev, you delight to see russians die and care fuck all about ukranians being plowed into the ground x10 in the process. Same type of loving care as for iraqi people.


Russia has set a goal to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine, and that’s what they will do. They tried to force a negotiated settlement, but ukranians killed their own negotiator and chose war so there.


Active member
you mean the ones that were escorted to the polls at gunpoint?

just like the fake referendum vote in kherson?

no, democracy is when people go to the polls voluntarily and are allowed to vote as they please.
Who are you to talk about fake referendums lol, Kherson vote held higher standard than your US presidential election. As for your ”escorted to the polls at gun point” it is more N-word propaganda.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Do you think what I want have any bearing on the course of action that Russia take in conflict? You sit there and applaud weapons given to Washingtons puppet in Kiev, you delight to see russians die and care fuck all about ukranians being plowed into the ground x10 in the process. Same type of loving care as for iraqi people.

View attachment 18847436

Russia has set a goal to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine, and that’s what they will do. They tried to force a negotiated settlement, but ukranians killed their own negotiator and chose war so there.

Not only do you believe a line of bullshit, you are creating one as well.

I don't think war is an answer to peace, but it's certainly an answer to war.

If a country invaded with deadly force and is met with the same, I don't think that either side is better off...

I can see why Russia would like to demilitarize Ukraine... the entire world can see now.

As for Nazis... Russia seems to be the closest to the definition.


Active member

Time to stop talking about this in terms of a proxy war, it is a war of the United States and its EU vassals against the russian people.



How many shells do the US produce per month? 14.000

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