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Well-known member
Prigozin says the nazi composer KIA'ed 10 000 prisoners and 10 000 of their own forces in Bakhmut. Girkin points out the nazi composer recruited 50 000 prisoners of which 10 000 kia according to prigo and 26 000 got pardons. What happened to 14 000 of them? Probably KIA too... So 24 000 prisoners KIA in Bakhmut?
MIA and/or wounded, those are part of the typical stats for casualties

Corpselover Fat

Active member
MIA and/or wounded, those are part of the typical stats for casualties

MIA certainly (dead), and some of them severely wounded so they haven't gotten their pardons yet? Many of 26 000 pardoned are probably wounded too. Absolutely crazy numbers in any case. The regular Russian forces suffered a lot of casualties in Bakhmut too...


Active member
thank you! i've been preoccupied with growing weed lately. i will look forward to your reply with keen interest!
I am in favour of something more along the lines of the old athenian democracy, a meritocracy where far from any idiot could hold office and vote in elections. The foundation would be on the nation state, making it compatible with the emerging multipolar world order but not your rules based order. There would be a socialist government focused on protecting the national interests against american parasitism and cultural influence, essentially. So a complete detachment from the democracy of today, where stupid is considered smart and so on is the type of governmet I am for.
the US should actually give the Ukrainians a few nuclear warheads as we are the ones who talked them into giving theirs up to Russia when the USSR broke up.

it was all part of a nuclear warhead reduction treaty.
They never had any launch codes buddy, but it is a common talkingpoint among ukranian propagandists. I think you will be pleased to hear there are rumors the US already sent a tactical nuke to Ukraine, and that Russian forces seized it in Gostomel.

Don’t you ever stop to think about the consequences that could come from playing such games with an opponent who will dominate in any escalation that you can come up with?


Well-known member
MIA certainly (dead), and some of them severely wounded so they haven't gotten their pardons yet? Many of 26 000 pardoned are probably wounded too. Absolutely crazy numbers in any case. The regular Russian forces suffered a lot of casualties in Bakhmut too...
as has been done many times in other wars, creative accounting is a 'secret' weapon


Active member

They say he is a vegetable, and not only that but also his position was given away by the drug addict of Kiev who apparently have become paranoid from wearing the same shirt all day, every day.


Active member

A summary of the statement regarding operation Bakhmut meat grinder and its goal, not to take the city but to make it into the graveyard of the AFU.


Well-known member
LOL at @ "they never had any launch codes"

Not because I think it's wrong, it may be true, who am I to say?

But because it's dumb. There is no question that Ukraine had nuclear material, even if it was only as components to weapons controlled by "launch codes." With just a scrap of ingenuity and the plutonium, any modern industrialized country could put an implosion non-thermonuclear weapon together, one that would certainly produce kilotons of TNT equivalent. By US foreign policy way of thinking, that was too much to risk.

Since then, Ukraine has proven itself to be very capable, and I think the US effort to promote disarmament agreements were a good idea and I'm glad the agreements exist, even if this Russian government abrogates their part of the treaty.


Well-known member
I am in favour of something more along the lines of the old athenian democracy, a meritocracy where far from any idiot could hold office and vote in elections. The foundation would be on the nation state, making it compatible with the emerging multipolar world order but not your rules based order. There would be a socialist government focused on protecting the national interests against american parasitism and cultural influence, essentially. So a complete detachment from the democracy of today, where stupid is considered smart and so on is the type of governmet I am for.

They never had any launch codes buddy, but it is a common talkingpoint among ukranian propagandists. I think you will be pleased to hear there are rumors the US already sent a tactical nuke to Ukraine, and that Russian forces seized it in Gostomel.

Don’t you ever stop to think about the consequences that could come from playing such games with an opponent who will dominate in any escalation that you can come up with?
thank you for answering! it's funny that you speak of the athenian city state as i was reading up on that last week. 6th century bc.

"Don’t you ever stop to think about the consequences that could come from playing such games with an opponent who will dominate in any escalation that you can come up with?"

by this, you must mean the US!


Active member
LOL at @ "they never had any launch codes"

Not because I think it's wrong, it may be true, who am I to say?

But because it's dumb. There is no question that Ukraine had nuclear material, even if it was only as components to weapons controlled by "launch codes." With just a scrap of ingenuity and the plutonium, any modern industrialized country could put an implosion non-thermonuclear weapon together, one that would certainly produce kilotons of TNT equivalent. By US foreign policy way of thinking, that was too much to risk.

Since then, Ukraine has proven itself to be very capable, and I think the US effort to promote disarmament agreements were a good idea and I'm glad the agreements exist, even if this Russian government abrogates their part of the treaty.
Point is they ”owned those nukes” as much as Italy owns american nukes on US military bases in Italy. And yes Ukraine had nuclear material, about 240 billion USD worth in Zaporozhye that is now in russian hands along with sensitive US Westinghouse technology.

Had not only material and technology but declared intent to use it.


Well-known member
They never had any launch codes buddy, but it is a common talkingpoint among ukranian propagandists. I think you will be pleased to hear there are rumors the US already sent a tactical nuke to Ukraine, and that Russian forces seized it in Gostomel.

Don’t you ever stop to think about the consequences that could come from playing such games with an opponent who will dominate in any escalation that you can come up with?




mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
It is already over dude, the russian armed forces are conducting sweeps to scoop up any remaining terrorists that may be hiding.

Well that's the end of this thread.

Congratulations commies! I hope you enslave the people who were calling their fellow Americans Communists the past few years reminding them that this is what they wanted and that they are now Communists as well.... they're sure to get a kick out of it.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
View attachment 18846206
A summary of the statement regarding operation Bakhmut meat grinder and its goal, not to take the city but to make it into the graveyard of the AFU.

So you support the butcher over the defender?

Destroying people isn't the actual goal of war....

Soldiers aren't taught that... but officers know.

Let's pretend you can grow up, or at least pretend that you can imagine rising above your current rank.


Active member
So you support the butcher over the defender?

Destroying people isn't the actual goal of war....

Soldiers aren't taught that... but officers know.

Let's pretend you can grow up, or at least pretend that you can imagine rising above your current rank.
Demilitarization and denazification are the stated objectives of the special military operation, what the did you think it meant? That they would roll in like Victoria Nudelman and hand out cookies to fascists who spent the last 8 years shelling civilians in Donbass?
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