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Ghoulish american ”we came, we saw, he died”-woman declares true reason behind russian SMO (spoiler: it’s because Trump is a looser)


Active member
Lying to start wars is just as bad as starting wars.
Nothing but an american projection, lying to start wars is just what americans do: Iraq, Vietnam, Ukraine is only a few examples.

Edit: this is your ally lol.


Active member
Russia is becoming inconsequential. Army depleted and humiliated. Central Asian countries move away from Russia and China humiliates Russia. Economy destroyed. Skilled workers move abroad. On path to become a North Korea and China's resource.
Also if we take the inane idea at face value... The plan is to murder as many ukrainians as possible with no regard to how many of their own die while doing so... Like, uh, wow what a great plan and such good people.
More bullshit.


Active member
German economy is flushed down the toilet, world is undergoing de-dollarization and Russia has the lowest inflation in Europe. Oh, and they turned Bakhmut into a meat grind graveyard of the AFU.

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Well-known member
Russia is becoming inconsequential. Army depleted and humiliated. Central Asian countries move away from Russia and China humiliates Russia. Economy destroyed. Skilled workers move abroad. On path to become a North Korea and China's resource.
in addition. the Finns are reporting more Russians crossing into Finland now than when the USSR broke up.

The G7, which used to be the G8 before Russia was expelled for invading Crimea, has created an "international fighter jet coalition" to supply f-16's to Ukraine.

there are over 3000 of them in various militaries around the world.

they began building them in 1972 and they are still being produced today.

parts and service personnel to maintain them are everywhere.

although non-stealth, it still is one of the best general-purpose combat aircraft in the world.

it has been continuously upgraded with engines and weapon systems.

it is capable of Mach 1.8, which is as fast as any Russian fighter except the su-57, which has a top speed of Mach 2.25. the f-22 Raptor is the fastest jet fighter in the world at Mach 2.5.

Russia cannot seem to get a missile or drone through Kyiv's defense network anymore. the last 3-4 nights in a row there have been 20-30 per night and all but 2 during this period were shot down. so, it appears that they are going after more secondary targets in less defended areas.

wagners are leaving bakhmut after their 10-month struggle to take 16 sq miles of territory. enormous losses of men and equipment for a small, non-strategic piece of dirt.

the Russian army will not be able to keep it as the Ukrainians are encircling the entire area around Bakhmut right now.

Corpselover Fat

Active member
China speeds up building a gas pipeline to Turkmenistan and they've put the Siberia 2 pipeline on hold. I have no doubt they'll build the Siberia 2, but they will delay it to get the gas on even lower price. China is showing Russia who exactly needs whom.


Active member
The G7, which used to be the G8 before Russia was expelled for invading Crimea, has created an "international fighter jet coalition" to supply f-16's to Ukraine.

there are over 3000 of them in various militaries around the world.

they began building them in 1972 and they are still being produced today.

parts and service personnel to maintain them are everywhere.

although non-stealth, it still is one of the best general-purpose combat aircraft in the world.

it has been continuously upgraded with engines and weapon systems.

it is capable of Mach 1.8, which is as fast as any Russian fighter except the su-57, which has a top speed of Mach 2.25. the f-22 Raptor is the fastest jet fighter in the world at Mach 2.5.
F-16 is good for bombing afghanis and so on. Against Russia those wunderwaffles will end up the same way as all the previous crap sent to Ukraine, as russian scrap metal. It is funny that you make a point of F-16 being capable of Mach 1.8 considering they will face russian air defence capability of Mach 5.5 so yeah, they’re fucked.

Nato can escalate but Russia will dominate any escalation.


Active member
Total bullshit.
Germany is wealthy and the people live a very high standard.
Russia is a dump. Russian people live like crap.



And last but not least Germany is officially in recession (and it isn’t even a recession as that implies a way for them to recover which there isn’t).


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