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Three Berries

Active member
Does Israel not have enough weapons to defend themselves?

I didn't realize that since we already supply them with so much.

You do realize that, right?

saving Israel for last. lol

There is part of Israel that needs to be destroyed. it gets religious though. Not the people or the state. But the Satan worshiping. Ever wonder why the gentinal mutilation of males is so prevalent?

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
These evil Zionist are trying to get back at Putin for the destruction of their Zombie ISIS army in Syria.... Putin has the light on his side


...como el Son...
Are you really trying to say Putin and Russia are pro communist?

If in Capital or in The Communist Manifesto it is very clear that every Marxist must have in the basements of their mansions dance floors with acrobatic bar (both for Cuban strippers and for Kamchatka dancing bears)...then yes.


Active member
Just to remind you as a small nuance that the government of an exotic EU country in which socialists and communists co-govern, including the historical and belligerent as few, Communist Party of Spain, is sending aid to Ukraine.

And they are in Spanish; but you can consult on the net the videos calling to Putin things like "czarist criminal" in the Congress of Deputies, from figures like the General Secretary of the Communist Party, the leader of Izquierda Unida, or the communist ministers in the government.

I only support the OG russians who walk around in funny commie hats, not spanish commies 4 NATO and Euromaidan criminals.


...como el Son...
it's real simple. bringing up american imperialism as a justification for russian imperialism is a whataboutism. a point made by hacks. all forms of imperialism are bad. america is the leading sponsor of global terrorism and the greatest threat to world "peace" as we know it.

Add to that the governments/policies of China, Russia, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iran, North Korea, Pakistan....


Well-known member
Delivery is cancelled :D

Were they too busy picking up their delivery of a fully loaded TOS-1 thermobaric weapon?

rry5hgmcwsk81.jpg - Click image for larger version  Name:	rry5hgmcwsk81.jpg Views:	2 Size:	126.2 KB ID:	18086789


Active member
Of course it does, why wouldn't it? Why would what the US has done mean that we shouldn't help another country not be invaded by an autocratic warmonger?

Because what’s happening is the reaction of what the US has already done. Thanks for the help. Lol.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
It has everything to do with it. Biolabs, Humana trafficking, drugs, energy payoffs. The Dems really raped the country. NATO is a globalist lapdog and is obsolete for it's original purpose.


"Those labs were installed by the Trump administration according to what many are saying and tweets gone viral. It has been uncovered that these were initiated as part of a joint venture between Trump and Putin in an effort to undermine China. Putin is trying to erase all evidence in fear of reprisals from Xi."


...como el Son...

EU MiG-29 for Ukraine: available is not the same as effective :.

The European Union is taking atypical measures, such as supporting very strongly a non-NATO country, Ukraine, in its fight against Russia's invasion. To this end, it even seeks to arm it with fighter planes. But which ones and from where?
In principle, the planes will have to be models with which Ukrainian pilots and technicians are familiar and have combat experience, which leaves out all fighters of Western origin.
Many Eastern European countries are currently NATO members and still have fighters inherited from the Soviet era, when they belonged to "the other side". These aircraft are in the process of being replaced by modern Western models, but some examples that could serve the Ukrainians are still in active service.
Given the current circumstances and the need for these systems to be operated by Ukrainian personnel, there would be only one valid option for an aircraft that could go out to contest the air superiority that Russia currently enjoys, the MiG-29 Fulcrum...

Westernized" MiG-29 Fulcrum:
Bulgaria, Poland and Slovakia have this Russian fighter model in active service and could be integrated by the Ukrainian Air Force with minimal effort.
Within these three options, it is possibly the Bulgarian 10 or 11 Fulcrum that are the least recommended, as there are rumors that their operational status is not the best.
Poland has about twenty operational MiG-29s, of which 13 single-seat MiG-29As and 3 two-seat MiG-29UBs received life extension work and were modernized with assistance from the Israeli company IAI, mainly to bring their communications suite up to NATO standards.
The modernization included new INS/GPS navigation equipment, a 5×4-inch color multifunction display, new HUD, new mission computer, new UHF/VHF Rockwell Collins RT-8200 radios (including Have Quick I/II encoding modes and UHF Anti-Jam Radio) and a NATO-compliant friendly-enemy identification system, all integrated by a MIL-STD-1553B digital data bus.
Slovakia has about ten MiG-29SDs, more modern than the Polish Fulcrum, which also received an upgrade to standardize them to NATO norms, but not as thoroughly as the latter. These aircraft are on the way to be replaced by new Lockheed Martin F-16Vs, so it is unclear what the actual operational status of the fleet is.
Ukrainian pilots and ground crews would have little trouble quickly integrating some of these Fulcrums into their Air Force. If they know how to fly one model, they can fly the other. But being effective in combat is more than just flying.
Perhaps the Polish MiG-29s, more thoroughly modernized than the Slovak or Bulgarian options, would be the best option in the medium term, to allow pilots to familiarize themselves with the new equipment they carry, and thereby acquire a new air operations doctrine, different from the one they learned during their training.
But if there is one thing Ukraine does not have, it is time; that has to be earned on the battlefield. Therefore, the option for the MiG-29s from Slovakia could be the most convenient in the first instance. Aircraft that can be employed almost immediately and that can communicate and coordinate with NATO assets.
Of course, there is also the possibility of hiring pilots from the home country of the selected MiG-29s as mercenaries, who could go into action immediately.
Whatever the choice, what is clear is that the aircraft to be incorporated must have NATO-standard communication and IFF equipment, which would allow the Ukrainian Fulcrum to be directed into combat by AWACS aircraft, which permanently monitor the airspace over Ukraine from Poland or Romania.
A Ukrainian MiG-29, integrated into the NATO air defense structure, would have a much better chance of causing damage than operating outside it.
Operating from where?
Ukrainian air bases were among the first targets attacked by Russian forces, and many of them are still damaged. It is therefore necessary to ask, from where would these hypothetical donated Fulcrum operate?
There is no air base within the territory of Ukraine that could not be attacked again by a barrage of cruise missiles, ballistic missiles or by Russian aviation, destroying runways, hangars and/or fuel and ammunition depots on them. The "new" MiG-29s would have an extremely short operational life.
But there are two options that could offer a solution to this dilemma:
On the one hand, there is the option of deploying the MiG-29s from semi-prepared and improvised runways, such as stretches of road, in the west of the country. The obvious and known lack of infrastructure and the exercise of dispersing the operation so that never all aircraft and support trucks are in the same place at the same time could extend the life of the Ukrainian fighters.

On the other hand, it could also be that aircraft operate from locations that Russian fighters and missiles cannot follow them to, such as airfields in NATO member countries. This would provide security for Ukrainian Fulcrum and Ukrainian personnel, operating as an Air Force in exile, but would greatly increase tensions between Russia and NATO, potentially reaching an irreversible breaking point, the consequences of which are incalculable.

Each option has its risks, which are difficult to weigh. But to see new MiG-29s fighting over Ukraine, Kiev needs to buy itself more time, fighting for every extra minute of life as an independent state.



...como el Son...

Which fighter aircraft can the European Union deliver to Ukraine?.

While Russian President Vladimir Putin put his strategic deterrence forces on alert, the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, announced yesterday, February 27, new sanctions against Russia and Belarus, implicated in the Russian offensive against Ukraine.

The Russian media Russia Today and Sputnik will be banned in the European Union [EU]. They "will no longer be able to spread their lies to justify Putin's war and sow division in our Union." Therefore, we are developing tools to ban their toxic and harmful disinformation in Europe," von der Leyen said.

In addition, the former German defense minister also proposed that the 27 member states close their airspace to "Russian-owned, Russian-registered or Russian-controlled aircraft." Later, in an interview with Euronews, Von der Leyen said she wanted Ukraine to join the EU. "They are one of us," he said.

As a reminder, the decision by the Ukrainian government, then in power in 2013, not to sign an association agreement with the EU in favor of a rapprochement with Russia was the starting point of a protest movement that brought down President Viktor Yanukovych. A month after his ouster, Russia annexed Crimea....

But the most important announcement Von der Leyen made was that the EU would buy and deliver arms and other military equipment to Ukraine. "This is the first time in its history that the EU is taking such an initiative for a country under attack," he said.

The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, explained that the EU will propose to its member states to use an emergency funding line of 450 million euros to "provide Ukrainian forces with lethal weapons, as well as fuel, protective equipment and medical supplies." This will put an end to the "EU taboo of not supplying weapons to belligerents," he said.

Better still, Borrell also explained that Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba had said he "needed planes that Ukrainians could fly." He added: "Some member states have such aircraft and we will provide them with other weaponry needed for a war."

The choice of suitable fighter aircraft is limited to one or two types. No EU member state has a Su-27 Flanker in service in its air forces, leaving only the MiG-29 Fulcrum, which is in service in Poland, Bulgaria and Slovakia. These three countries have initiated processes to replace them with F-35A and F-16V. It remains to be seen whether Germany has kept some of them [some were given to the Polish air force], but restoring them to flying status would take time.

If these three countries agree to give up their MiG-29s, NATO will certainly have to make up the shortfall in their capabilities....

Another type of fighter could be of interest to Ukraine: the Su-25 "Frogfoot", whose mission is ground attack. Within the European Union, only Bulgaria has one. And even then, in limited quantities, with only 8 aircraft available out of about 20 that were still in service in the early 2010s.

A last hypothesis would be for Croatia and Romania to hand over their MiG-21s to Ukraine. But this seems unlikely: the Ukrainian air forces have not flown them for a long time... and these aircraft are too old to be effective against Russian fighters.