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Vulgar Display of Power - This Love (Cali-OxBlueberry)


In Vino Veritas

Anyone enjoy a little Pantera?

I'm currently running 27 Cali-OxBB (from seed, possibly feminised due to stress I induced mid-late flower to all my mothers) in 1gal poly bags, filled with peat/perlite/vermiculate/lime, started them from seed. They're sitting under a 1K MH right now, I'll flower under 2K of HPS.

Shultz Plus (liquid concentrate) 10-10-10
Floralicious Bloom 1-1-1
Cutting Edge T-Harz
Cutting Edge Pirate

FloraNova Bloom 4-8-7
Floralicious Bloom 1-1-1
Molasses ?-?-?
...i'll probably add a thing or two to boost in mid-late flower...

1 or so wks ago (under flouros):

3 days ago:

Want to thank GDAWG for helping me iron out my power, and 20kw Dreams for schooling me in the art of feeding my plants.. Or rather "pimping my bitches right".

I've got experience with GH Lucas in rockwool slabs, and in peat/perlite.. First time not using Micro/Bloom, first time using any additives, first time with verm and lime in my mix, first time at this spot. Love me or Hate me, but don't Ignore me.
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Lost In The Forest
ICMag Donor
Hey, that sounds like a real nice cross.
I've grown cali-o and blueberry and they are most excellent strains.


whats up folks. keep an eye on IVV hes gonna fatten some girls up right in front of ya'll. 9 days to flip right!!

In Vino Veritas

what's poppin' hansel? glad you could make it! I've been with these genetics for 4 years now. I don't even remember how I got them but they were clones, I used to have quite a selection of nice shit and this was the all around highest producer of quality. The only downside is they eat like fat girls at a birthday party and they reeeek..

g! Happy you're here bro! Power was off for 24 hrs (1pm-1pm), damn transformer for the block blew (I think I said that? I'm toasted.). So tomorrow they start 18/6 (wanted to offset them with 24hrs of straight light), I'm still shooting for the 31st of Nov to be the last day of 18/6. But I need these to fill out the whole space (7x4), and a lot of em still aren't showing sex (18/6 should change that). I'm almost positive their all female, but I'm no breeder and I think I may have just pulled magic from my arse.. We'll see. Worst case I'll kill the dudes, spread the bitches, tie em sideways and crank the 2ks. Should just make the lower part of them much fatter - sort of a ghetto cross between LST and SCROG. I'll make quota, or die trying. =D

Still can't upload, garbage!





Hey, DOWN is play'n in my home town day after Thanksgiving! See 'ya in the pit!!!...........RD
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In Vino Veritas

gdawg's time machine!

gdawg's time machine!

heh, man that brings back memories. I used to use that for my 150W cabinet back in the days. Instead of a fan, I just fed the 6" exhaust into it and it took care of it for a little while - the heat from the exhaust would dry up the soil-moist I used. I think in my attic I would have the same problem, even this time of year it's 105F up in there. I have a few of those TimeMist devices, you can program them to spray from 3-60 minutes. I just need some Ozium. Then I can just mount up there, every 4 weeks swap the batteries and maybe put in a new can..

The problem with the smell was the lack of power, if my fan isn't running everything is pretty much just getting fed back into the ac, out of the cracks in the door and attic.

How did you seal your door with the black plastic? It looks like you used the kind you get at painter shops.. I have a 10x50' roll of it, but no zippers. I was thinking of framing some of it, cutting a slit in it, then hanging another piece of plastic like a curtain in front of it. Make sense? I took care of the attic with some duct tape!

How do you feel about ballasts in the attic? Right now one is fine in the room, but I think two would make it hotter.. Even though this is the coolest grow room I've ever had, I work in 90F no problem.. Kinda cool to be in 75F it's almost surreal..
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In Vino Veritas

Alright I uploaded pictures I took an hour or two ago.. They don't show, and the error has changed a few times...I think someone (ICMAG) is ****ing with it, they'll get it fixed - eventually. :p I'll edit this post and add the images in the morning..

So 48hrs ago, before the power went I foliar fed them HEAVY..I'm into simple details, makes it easier to understand - so I'll be as specific as possible..

1qt of tap water I left out for 12hrs.
3ml of Floralicious Bloom (double the recommended dose)
2ml of CE Pirate
I sprayed the tops and undersides. They aren't that big, and they aren't that old. It took me about 1.5hrs to get the full qt of spray on them, had to wait about 20-30mins between sprays so they would dry up. Last one was right when the lights went - lucky timing..

Today I fed them, since they were dry as a bone and hadn't had nutes in about 2-3 weeks (first post picture).

4gal of Filtered and Ozonated Spring Water (t-harz demands no chlorine)
20ml of Shultz 10-10-10
20ml of Floralicious 1-1-1
5ml of T-Harz
pH of solution was 6.89, run off was 6.49 .. lime in the mix should keep me steady.
ppm was 580, I think it was off.. Not sure of maybe the Shultz is weak or the electrode is old.

580 ain't much...I'll see how they do, gauge em in consideration of the foliar feed.. Hot foliar will show nute burn fast, and could make it harder to tell if I'm feeding too hot at the roots. I would like to bump up the 10-10-10 to 50% stronger. My goal is to load em up with as much N as possible before we go into flower in a week or two. I feed veg nutes up until 10-14 days AFTER 12/12 started. I'd also like to foliar daily for the remainder of veg until 10-14 days AFTER 12/12. We got plans man!

Sucks I can't show you guys, they looks awesome compared to those last shots. A little light at the tops but the 1K is burning 2' above em.

edit!! gdawg, I put em to turn off now at midnight. heh.. I'm an impatient SOB.

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bro you got a perfect setup to put the ballasts in the attic if you wanted. i don't know of any negatives but i know those attics get freakin hot anyway. maybe throw a cheap fan blowin on it when power on. if possible at my next shot i will mount the ballasts outside the room, but the sub and timer in the room and easily accesible. i got to tear the whole board apart for the move anyway so i got a while to think it through. plus i have'nt seen the new space i have to work with yet. my ol man gave me that roll of plastic, it really wasn,t thta thick and works fine. there is a door on the other side that i leave halfway open. the intake for lights comes in at the top and my room air comes in at the bottom, i kinda got it rigged to where the plastic flows open when the scrubber comes on, and closes pretty much when it goes off. it works decent but not ideal. i see what you mean about the heat would dry out the crystals. i've never tried the time mist. but i've used the lil glade time mists from walmart. need to get some refills they help but still.... have a good and safe t-day IVV and friends!

In Vino Veritas

Alright, we're going to change some shit up here a bit.. I got a buddy on here (he knows whom he is) and he is going through some shit. I want to send a shout out to him and his. They need good vibes, lots of love, and plenty of support.. So keep Bonnie & Clyde in your thoughts, she needs it folks.. The people around us (yea the ones that piss you off, make you laugh, or get you a cold one) are the reason life is grand. So give some ****in' thanks for the reason your life is what it is...good or bad, beauty is all around.

I got you man.

In Vino Veritas

Wooo ****in' whoooo!

Wooo ****in' whoooo!

Alright, uploads are working again.. Lets get this show going.. I edited my post from the 21st with the picture for that day..

Since then I've transplanted them to 2gal bags, it was supposed to be 3gal but the dude at the shop must have been high.. grrr.. I think I'll be alright. My goal is to fill the entire width of the room, 7'. The depth is 6.5 but I'll be using 4-5' and won't worry much about it. So about 12-14 under each lamp.

Currently they sit happy a foot under the 1000MH on 18/6, temps stay at about 72-74 with lights on, they drop into the 60's at night.

Here they are in their new homes, not as organized but whatever..

They just got fed. I made 10 gallons of solution, 20ML of 10-10-10 Shultz, 10ML of 1-1-1 Floralicious Bloom, and about 3oz of Cutting Edge T-Harz, they only used about 8gallons.. I'm also spraying them down with a mix of Cutting Edge Pirate and Floralicious Bloom nightly before the light cuts.

I promised G I'd flip em on the 31st... But they seem a little stressed its been about a week and they got a new light, new soil, and about 800PPM of nutes, coming off of pretty much no nutes, 1gal bags and sitting under fluorescent tubes. I hope they start to blow up soon but if not I may have to let them veg out an extra week..

In Vino Veritas



I'm tired of the mess (dirt sucks, no offense, and no it's not my first time), straight up boring. I covered the floor in 4mil plastic, then put a 10ml silver tarp over that. This way I don't have to move em much to water and I can always grab the tarp and dust it off outside.

The room is 7x6.5 but I'm using 7x5 for the plants..

Does anyone know a place that sells 6'x4' flood tables? I find 3x3, 2x4, 4x8 but not 6x4. I don't want three 2x4 tables, and I don't really want to build anything -though it seems like i'll have to. We're going coco-slabs next! I want to try Pure Blend, so I'll use my buddy '20kw Dreams' regiment..

Blah..They look alright, I expect em to finish getting unstressed in the next 24hrs.. They should also pick up in color. I moved the light away some so they stretch a little and I get some of the intense lumens off of em. We're still on for the 31st.

/post whore over n out!

20kw dreams

Here I am:woohoo:

Sorry it took me so long. I just finished catching up in my chemistry...just in time to study for a minute before the test:D

Dude, tables are a bitch. What are your measurements EXACTLY? You are probably better off gong with the do-it-yourself tables bro, seeing as you got a wierd space and you are trying to really maximize it. Tbales are 3x6 or 4x8, not 3.46x7.83:D

What about making 2 rows on each side? Can you draw us a map? with dimensions and everything.

Cause I'm thinking it's going to be a PITA to get to the back of a 5' table. But, if you got 7' across, could you get more square footage of plant space if you run a 18" aisle maybe on 1 side? So your grow is off to the side, and against the back wall when you walk in...you see what I'm saying?

Here, I drew a pic...if it'll upload

And it did! and so did those other 3 bud pics!

In Vino Veritas



85" wide (from back left corner to right, ignore reflector boxes).
75" deep (from door to rear wall)
36" door, so 24" of wall on each side of the door. Door opens out from the right.
8' from floor to roof

You've ever been told you're a good listener?

Using your picture as a map.. (i was thinking a layout like this but when I wanted to swap out and grab 600's)

The 24" wall on the left of the door (bottom left), is where the load center is mounted. On the bottom right in your pic, but at the roof comes the intake -a 3' duct hanging into the room (force hot air up). On the top right at the roof is the exhaust. Pictures are around..

I decided building the table/s is better this morning, cheaper, discreet. So whatever design pans out is fine.

Go ahead with your madness, im all ears & teeth.


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first off, thanks for the good vibes for my girl IVV. keep em comin she needs em. you and 20 are my boys, but if 20 don't get a new ****in camera.... oh and nice graphics :laughing: IVV 4 more nights till 12/12??? they look good bro. so ya gonna build tables, gonna be plumbed for drainage? might as well if ya goin coco next time. bout to post some pics i took last week over in 20's thread, i didn't wanna bust the nug cherry in your thread bro, check em out and thanks again :joint: bro

20kw dreams

SUp GDawg:wave: How are things. Don't be a stranger bro, I know your busy and all, but just to let you know we're still here whenever you got time.

What was I not listening about? Fock, I didn't mean to make you cry:biglaugh:

So, you need a veg chamber? Hows about just building a short flouro cabinet under your tables? That's kind of what I meant to do, but I didn't really plan it out good enough, and I can't get my lights up high enough, so be careful with that one.

Oh, and looky here, my pics just went through on another page...You brought your good luck over here G!:woohoo:


IVV whats up brother? had to check in on ya. thanks for the good vibes. so hows the show? can we get a lil update or what? ain't tomorrow like uhhh, somethin? you know... so whats up with the tables? i hope to see some scrog action, them seed plants get crazy. but you already know that. well, 20 still aint got a ****in camera and its pissin me slap the f off. you too? its really bringin icmag down and he don't tighten up i may pm dutchgrown. later bro


IVV whats up man check out the pick. remember the "shaker" this mornin? knocked my 400 off its hook in the middle. luckily it happened an hour or so after off time and i noticed it before coming back on. it comes on an hour after the 600S. i'll let em slide on the lawsuit since no damage :laughing: guess i need to tighten up on my install too, probably wouldn't pass 20s standards. what the hell, its a ghost town in the coco forum, only one ever over there now is that bonecarver cat, and he got a wireless laptop setup in his show, wearin a beerhelmet. what up bc? :laughing: 20 don't ever ****in post, and i don't really like bein associated in this forum, like i'm pushin dirt, half the folks over here pm'n stitch cuz they got defs' and shit. :bashhead: i'm just high bro and lovin the coco. holla at me