Check out this Japanese video on Prop 19
So Felony manufacture/sale will not change under prop 19 and is 17K arrests, and like Dagnabit said the pigs can just use selective enforcement to target who ever they want.
But the chart also states that these 17K arrests are down from 18 years prior (mmj 1996 between the two data points).
The 61K arrests for minor possession have already been reduced to infractions so these arrests won't happen in 2011 irrespective of prop 19.
Like I said VERY WEAK first step.
No, it will change the moment Prop 19 passes. This is because upwards of over 90% of all busts are done state level and not federal. Also, almost all of the federal cases started at the state level and was given to the feds to pursue.
Prop 19 prevents local/state officers from working with the feds. This is a major blow.
If this is true it is a major blow.
Police forces with integrity already refuse to work with the FEDS to harass state law abiding citizens.
Unethical police forces in CA and other states routinely work with the DEA and others. Nothing I read in prop 19 would stop a local sheriff from teaming up with the DEA and handing the prosecution over to the feds.
Nothing I read in prop 19 would stop a local sheriff from teaming up with the DEA and handing the prosecution over to the feds.
Baca said Friday local law enforcement agencies should abide by federal drug laws prohibiting marijuana even if the state measure passes.
You would be able to carry up to 1 oz in public legally. At home you may store any cannabis grown from your 5 x 5 regardless of WHEN it was harvested. No limit has been specified and is sure to be tested in court if/when 19 passes.
It isn't legal for prop 215 patients to sell to normal citizens now is it? Under 19, unless your slinging on the street corner, how are they going to prove you didn't grow it or it wasn't gifted?Also citizens protected under 19 are only allowed to buy/possess bud from authorized places...What about transactions between prop 215 patients and normal citizens?
The taxes and permits are to ensure that only the big can play and the little guy gets the pointy end of the pigs guns.