very wise words.
unfortuately govt is an evil that that we have to deal with.
so citizens of any state getting into the med/recreation biz needs to have a strong buyer beware mentality
the devils in the details
and if it isn't then... you'll just have to pass the bill to see whats in it
bit of fact,
it's not common knowledge many know of except the native americans
and they remember very well what happened when the pilgrims landed in north america.
one of the settlers is an ancestor of our great politician and president Barrack "Barry" Obama,
his pilgrim ancestor who went by the name of Paton Obozo
was by chance on the 1st boat to land at plymouth rock.
well when the pilgrims settled in and finally had a sit down for a heart to heart chat at the 1st thanksgiving with the indians,
Obozo giving one of his many speeches said to the indians
we come in peace
we are here to help in any way we can....
on and on and on went the speech touting goodwill.
in conclusion,
Obozo ended with a solemn promise
with a straight face he told the indians to tell all the indians of america who had lived on their land for many moons
if you like your country
you can keep your county
But we are more evolved now...right