I've decided I'm just going to run with the 2 NL and 1 gg#4. If the other 2 survive I will donate them on to someone local who will take cuts from them. I've topped one of the NLs and bent the other over. Not sure about topping the plant I bent over yet,I think I will just keep tying her over as she grows. I respect people's opinions, but I don't agree about the mg soil being the problem. I'm not being a dick,if I put the 3 cuts from the same plant into the same soil it would effect all 3 the same wouldn't it? Tell me if I'm wrong and I will accept it. These clones were kept in a small takeaway tub for about 8 hrs in a hot car and I think it didn't do them much good. They all looked wrecked at 1st. Only 1 has bounced back and looks,is growing normal now. On the 2 bad cuts the leaves just look a little more yellow every day and even drier. I honestly have no faith in them making it. I will post some more pictures tomorrow