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Vintage Colombian


Interesting event: Back in 07 I worked very briefly for a Colombian call center. While there I met a few pretty cool young Colombians and I stayed in touch with them over the years. Well one guy named Jeff, he and I smoked together several times and in 2010 I visited him and he had scored some land race buds from a cousin of his that grows in the Santa Marta. It was really nice, not compressed or bricked like the regs or even most Corinto. Not gold in color, just kind of a dark brown and lightly seeded. Has the smell and taste I remember from the 70s, although not nearly as potent. A very nice effect none the less and the best non crippy I have seen since 2011. So I saw Jeff for a coffee last week first time I saw him since 2010. Anyway he still had some of the SM Colombian and wanted me to have the seeds because he knows I grow. Believe it or not this 6 year old bud still has a kick, in fact it seems no different than it did 6 years ago.

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red rider

This is a clip from a 1975 episode of Saturday Night Live where Chevy Chase is describing "KILLER DOPE" The description in the clip at 13 seconds in describes the dope as " brown in color not particularly seedy and contains mostly cannabis buds" This description from New York City in 1975 is EXACTLY what red rider has shown above as authentic Colombian.
Below is the youtube link to the clip.


red rider

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ICMag Donor
Colombia 2017

Colombia 2017

I'd like to thank everyone for being patient with my absence. Still here in beautiful Bogota working with the legal cannabis. Updates coming but we need a little break.



Always striving to improve excellence

red rider


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red rider

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ICMag Donor
Funny story, last year I had a couple young Colombian guys (growers) stop by the house for a visit. Both of them spoke English well and as soon as they sat down the new guy (I already knew the other guy) starts taking a few oil rigs out of his backpack along with a bunch of different rosin and BHO he had. He looked at me and said he was going to get me higher than I’ve ever been (I love when young folks say that to me). So I sat down with them and hit a nice dab of really tasty rosin and start coughing. Nice buzz comes over me as I offer them some coffee. The day before I had whipped up a batch of canna milk made with just leaves and shake I had laying around. I asked if they wanted a taste, the dude I already knew said no because he was driving but the new guy said hell yeah and I poured him just a half a coffee cup. I drank a whole cup myself and we talked for a bit while hitting a few dabs. About 20 minutes later I go to the bathroom and when I returned to the living room, the young guy was stretched out on the couch white as a ghost. He was greening out big time and I was just starting to feel lifted. So I gave him some lime with water and told him it was just weed and he would come down soon. After another half hour he packed up all his pipes and headed out the door saying he’d never had weed affect him like that. Anyway now when visitors come and I offer some “milk” I never get any takers.

red rider


Well-known member
I have a buddy doing some Mangobiche and IIRC a MangobicheXPuntoRojo outside in Texas. I doubt they will finish but I am intrigued and excited.

Green Squall

Well-known member
Hey red rider

Check out Mark Emerys Instagram account markscottemery

He's been touring Fincas in Colombia this past week. Lots of cool pics and info. I instantly thought of this thread when I saw them.



Well-known member
Hi Red Rider, nice thread! Its a pity some of the earlier pics are not showing. Thanks for the info though. Its nice to see whats happening in other places of the southern hemisphere!


Mango Biche - Indiginous

Mango Biche - Indiginous

These threads got me inspired to go thru some old Img data disks and share a Mango Biche strain gotten while down there in 2005.

Where? @ a semi-open-air roadside pool hall in Rioacha -La Guajira; Colombia's infamous norther desert tip, historically used as springboard North by smugglers, where surely kilo-tons passed thru!

I call it "Mango Biche", 'cause of its tell-tale sour green/ Unripe mago smell, which has little with the Ripe mango fruity/floral or artificial flavors/scents; yet, they still put out traditional sweaty musky scent that carries Far - seems like oils react with air & change/intensify!
Here's a SoCal Grown sample:
Almost 6 feet, Very leafy & fluffy!
[IIRC it was a seedling started indoors]
Can't say much after this pic since it wasn't my yard & bud worms started to ravage it- so it got cut too early.
Got jarred up & smoked up, & as usual I got liittle feedback.



Another one grown outside, under my care, near Disneyland-latitude, stayed out Long- till past New Years!
It looked Fine, turned Maroon colored from cold; while its Fluffy-bud & genetics = no problem with mold.
[manual worm pluckin was essential]


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Well how was the high from this Mangobiche? I have some CBG Mangobiche seeds along with Punto Rojo.


Active member
I have lived in Colombia before and have been married to a Bogota a for 26 years. I want to buy a home with some land outside Bogota and grow on my property but I'm realizing that in my region the average temp is about 58 and overcast a lot.
Do I need a greenhouse to be successful? Will the high UV and equatorial sun overcome the cool temps? Or should I look for a little lower altitude for a high 60s low 70s average temp.


Well-known member
I have lived in Colombia before and have been married to a Bogota a for 26 years. I want to buy a home with some land outside Bogota and grow on my property but I'm realizing that in my region the average temp is about 58 and overcast a lot.
Do I need a greenhouse to be successful? Will the high UV and equatorial sun overcome the cool temps? Or should I look for a little lower altitude for a high 60s low 70s average temp.

I'd say you can do without since landraces evolced without a greenhouse.


I have lived in Colombia before and have been married to a Bogota a for 26 years. I want to buy a home with some land outside Bogota and grow on my property but I'm realizing that in my region the average temp is about 58 and overcast a lot.
Do I need a greenhouse to be successful? Will the high UV and equatorial sun overcome the cool temps? Or should I look for a little lower altitude for a high 60s low 70s average temp.

lower altitude, that extra warmth helps alot.
and a green house almost always helps


Active member
Thanks that was what is was thinking, I don't think landrace were growing at over 8,000 feet. I may have to drop 2,000 for more clement weather. Pisses the woman off because my weed holds sway over my location.


Active member
Amazing thread. I need to go to Colombia asap.

Reading through (parts of) it, I started wondering why Colombian Gold was chosen back in the day to be mother of Skunk#1. Were other Colombian landraces also crossed with indicas to make other hybrids that didn't make the cut? And how are the Colombian Golds different from the Mexican Golds ? Was it the high? The taste? the flowering time? What traits made it so attractive for breeding?

Just wondering...