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:::::::USA Set to Reschedule Cannabis::::::: HHS Releases Recommendation Documents:::::::


ICMag Donor
Yeah republicans and democrats run by the same people. I am more libertarian than anything.

Calling for an amendment to the constitution that a citizen can refuse any medical treatment (remember CoViD-19?) and a citizen has the right to use any medical treatment even in alternative medicine like cannabis, psychedelics, an stem cells.

Abortion is a special issue because its the conception of a new human being.


Well-known member
Calling for an amendment to the constitution that a citizen can refuse any medical treatment
you can refuse any treatment now. that does not mean there will not be any repercussions however. like loss of income/job, severe illness or death, or social shunning by those that do not want whatever disease you might be harboring, etc. "to every action, there WILL be a reaction" those are frequently unpleasant. you seem to want the right to do anything you want without blowback of any type. never going to happen, sorry...:shucks:


ICMag Donor
I see what you are saying, covid was a unique one with powerful health department based mandates. People and businesses should be able to choose, and if there are consequences thats part of the cost of freedom. We'll have to learn.

Candidate for governor in Indiana claims he will take his cues from law enforcement to determine what to support for adult-use and medical cannabis reform.

Old Piney

Well-known member
Promoting "lawlessness" when a particular law itself is wrong is a good thing.

It's good that Governors of some States ignore the Feds. Ergo, it's good that freedom loving cannabis enthusiasts ignore prohibitionist Governors, etc.
Laws which violate individual rights should be ignored, ridiculed and massively disobeyed. The only good law is one which protects individual's freedom of choice.

The only legislation which makes sense to me, is the one where ALL the various government iterations, be they FEDS, STATE, or local, butt the fuck out of cannabis, entirely.

No half ass "freedom", of a plant or two in your backyard, or other nanny state restrictions. Fuck all that. It springs from the idea that individuals are subjects, serfs, slaves and must obey laws which denigrate or water down individual rights. The problem isn't "getting the law right', it's that there even are laws regarding cannabis.

It used to be "Pot is bad". now it's "pot is bad, unless you give the government money" then it's okay. No thanks.
I'm a big proponent of state and local government rights , IMO it's best if the feds stay out of pretty much everything.That also means that if the people of a local government don't want pot legal so be it, the decision is the people's. The feds chose not to enforce their laws then they should just get rid of them as they should never have been enacted in the first place

Genghis Kush.

Active member
I'm a big proponent of state and local government rights , IMO it's best if the feds stay out of pretty much everything.That also means that if the people of a local government don't want pot legal so be it, the decision is the people's. The feds chose not to enforce their laws then they should just get rid of them as they should never have been enacted in the first place
small town local politics can be super corrupt, more so than the state or fed.
marijuana is legal in my State but they allowed towns to opt out. And for me that means a small town board of 7 people deciding the freedom of 50,000. The politicians are entrenched and not going anywhere anytime soon. So if I want to visit a dispensary, the nearest one is 1 1/2 hour drive each way.
its only the peoples choice when they get a direct vote on the issue
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Captain Red Eye

Active member
I'm a big proponent of state and local government rights , IMO it's best if the feds stay out of pretty much everything.That also means that if the people of a local government don't want pot legal so be it, the decision is the people's. The feds chose not to enforce their laws then they should just get rid of them as they should never have been enacted in the first place

I think you're headed in the right direction Piney, just need to go a bit further in your logic.
I'm a big proponent of individual rights.

If you are on your own property and want to grow cactus, turnips or cannabis. it's none of my business, your neighbors business or a local governments business. It's your choice.

The important thing is "are you taking away the right of another person or not" ? If you're not taking away another person rights, local government intervening, is just as bad as Feds intervening.

A local government is made up of individuals, none of them as an individual has any right to tell you what you can or cannot grow on your own property.

Therefore, a bunch of those individuals, none of whom have ANY right to intervene in your peaceful gardening enjoyment, can pool their collective "non right" and come up with a collective right to fuck with you. It's impossible to aggregate a collection of zero right to do something from a bunch of people and somehow create something from nothing.

Also, nice job on your outdoor this year!!


ICMag Donor
I agree its could be beneficial to have local and state jurisdictions determine cannabis reform specifics, but really, I think its the duty of the federal government to preserve the freedom of the people to make their own choice.

When alcohol prohibition was repealed, it was repealed federally and then the states and localites could make their own laws to supplement the loosened federal regulations.

Wouldn't think that allowing local and state govenments to prohibit a federally allowed substance would uphold the idea of liberty. Regardless of the uniqueness of each state and locality, its a natural right to be able to use cannabis since its a medicine and its use can't harm other people.


ICMag Donor
However during a transition period out of prohibition, i could see how allowing some local jurisdictions to place new restrictions help ease any perceived negative consequences of the transition period in that area or to those people.

Alcohol prohibition was lifted and some states had additional limits placed on alcohol.

Genghis Kush.

Active member
However during a transition period out of prohibition, i could see how allowing some local jurisdictions to place new restrictions help ease any perceived negative consequences of the transition period in that area or to those people.

Alcohol prohibition was lifted and some states had additional limits placed on alcohol.
alcohol has real dangers associated with it. while cannabis danger is in peoples minds, its not real.
I see it as a Human rights issue . small town ignorance shouldn't be accommodated

Genghis Kush.

Active member
All government is inherently corrupt the .local mayor and counsel members answer to to local voters in that they can vote them out, power back to the people .I m not against a ballot vote. Just believe local folks have the right to govern themselves
Its not that simple. most dont use marijuana so the are not going to vote someone out over an issue that does not effect them.

without a direct vote , people lose their freedoms

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