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:::::::USA Set to Reschedule Cannabis::::::: HHS Releases Recommendation Documents:::::::


ICMag Donor
Whats going to happen is we are choosing to go with the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotics Treaty with only allows for medical cannabis.

Congress doesn't want to violate the Treaty by allowing adult-use legalized caannabis. They could though and likely be fine with the treaty because there are a number of nations that have legalized adult-use cannabis years ago such as Canada!

By allowing the Justice Department DEA to rule on the issue, they will likely stick to whats allowed in the treaty, and Congress will not have to look bad on the issue, I guess. What else is happening here?

Lets analyze these blood-sucking ticks of politics. :smoke:


Well-known member
Congress needs to hold the hearings on the issue
those chickenshits don't want to touch that tarbaby. if they vote to legalize, the far-right religious wingnuts will hang them in effigy for years saying shit like "so and so wants your kids to die of an overdose, and is leading them into lives of depravity & addiction!" while the left will (rightfully) villify them for imprisoning them and seriously damaging their chances of succeeding in life RE jobs/schooling/voting etc. anyone out there have any serious doubts now about why LEO disproportionally stops/frisks/arrests Black people? one felony, "NO VOTING for you..." until we elect pols that are not afraid to let folks live their life the way they want instead of how others demand they do, nothing will change. too many politicians only care about getting re-elected. gotta keep your snout in the public trough, you know... :mad:

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