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:::::::USA Set to Reschedule Cannabis::::::: HHS Releases Recommendation Documents:::::::


ICMag Donor
You know cannabis users are banned from owning guns federally.

Thats their golden goose of a power grab, guys.


ICMag Donor
This is also a form of punishment or states who are wanting to act according to law. They want a lawless society, where prescident has been set to bend or break laws if they want. Law and order is exchanged for a society based on "Rulemaking" or 'Executive Orders' of a federal agency administration (DEA), Governor, President.

States should have the ability to make their own laws on issues the federal government holds no authority according to us constitution.
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ICMag Donor
By the way, not really disappointed by the news of the delay in DEA hearing until Dec 2.

At this point, its par for the course, its going to be prolonged as long as possible until the people stand up in my opinion.

Thats what this is, its the government controlling the initiation of the battle for freedom. They are just using the cannabis movement to dilute and derail the liberty movement, by offering a distraction to take up time and resources for more important issues.

That way we can't win, and they keep the power, and gain new ones as they go. Cannabis reform is also being controlled by a world treaty. The 1961 treaty on narcotics. Although the UN has recently said drug reform is needed, the treaty still stands, even though it was signed by a criminal, Nixon, and was signed without enough information. Cannabis hasn't been studied yet remember.

This is where we are, and the world body has decided that medical cannabis is ok but adult use cannbis doesn't fit into the confines of the 1961 Single Convention On Narcotics treaty, so there. They just decided it for us all, the unelected world body.

You see how this goes now? Rinse and repeat, our rights go down the drain and government gets more power and gives some to unelected officials, referring to a world body for guidance.
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Captain Red Eye

Active member
This is also a form of punishment or states who are wanting to act according to law. They want a lawless society, where prescident has been set to bend or break laws if they want. Law and order is exchanged for a society based on "Rulemaking" or 'Executive Orders' of a federal agency administration (DEA), Governor, President.

States should have the ability to make their own laws on issues the federal government holds no authority according to us constitution.

Yes indeed, the Feds want it murky so if somebody pisses them off or the boys are just looking to fuck with someone they can accost them.

I'll go even further, no States or the Feds should ever be able to make laws which don't protect individual rights. Any and all legislation which prevents free people from growing, ingesting etc. a plant are victimless crime laws and rather than protect, they attack individual rights.

People that attack individual rights hold zero authority in my book. Criminals using legal maneuvers are still criminals. No victim, no crime!


ICMag Donor
Another article outlining the failure of Government to help the everyday working class people. They want to see cannabis businesses get robbed because of stockpiles of cash, or have to go bankrupt and close as a business.



ICMag Donor
What I think, next year in 2025, April 20 will be the kickoff of this thing, people will start to get upset at the government. The ball will get rolling for authorities to start targeting people. There may be false flag attacks by people pretending to be freedom lovers who commit crimes to have our movement blamed. Then they can clamp down with more actions.

This can accelerate quickly and thats what they want. They want to bring on the fight so they can gain additional authorites under at "time of emergency".

They want to keep the movements for personal liberty and soverign nation states down.


ICMag Donor
'Declaration of Independence'

"..........We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness........"



Active member
Look at these gutless lawmakers. They tweet but seldom take any real action. Blumenauer has been a great advocate for cannabis reform.

Earl, went into congress a social justice / civil rights lawyer, and emerged as a multimillionare. Earl hasn't done shit but empty platitudes. I can tell you some real shit about the scene....Paul and his wife were real advocates! Until his wife also consulted for LaMota. Holy Phuck......


ICMag Donor

The proposed rule is the result of a review of U.S. cannabis policy that was ordered by President Joseph Biden in October 2022. At the same time, the president pardoned thousands of individuals with federal convictions for simple cannabis possession, a move that was expanded a year later to include thousands more Americans with convictions under federal drug laws.

Closeup of election vote button with text that says Marijuana

The DEA has scheduled a hearing to consider a Biden administration proposal to ease federal ... [+]

In January 2024, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) determined after a review of available evidence that marijuana was eligible for a less strict classification under federal drug laws. In the review, researchers with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) determined that credible evidence shows that marijuana has legitimate medical uses and fits the criteria for rescheduling under the CSA. In April 2024, the DEA indicated it would approve the effort to reschedule marijuana, later issuing a proposed rule to facilitate the change under federal law.

“This is a positive step forward for federal cannabis policy, however it is a rather modest step given the strong support among American voters for comprehensive cannabis reform,” Matthew Schweich, executive director of the cannabis policy reform group Marijuana Policy Project, said in a statement after the DEA’s decision to reschedule cannabis. “It is important to acknowledge that this rescheduling would not affect the criminalization of medical cannabis patients and cannabis consumers under state laws – so we must continue the work of enacting sensible and fair cannabis legalization and medical cannabis laws through state legislatures and ballot initiatives.”


Well-known member

The proposed rule is the result of a review of U.S. cannabis policy that was ordered by President Joseph Biden in October 2022. At the same time, the president pardoned thousands of individuals with federal convictions for simple cannabis possession, a move that was expanded a year later to include thousands more Americans with convictions under federal drug laws.

Closeup of election vote button with text that says Marijuana

The DEA has scheduled a hearing to consider a Biden administration proposal to ease federal ... [+]

In January 2024, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) determined after a review of available evidence that marijuana was eligible for a less strict classification under federal drug laws. In the review, researchers with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) determined that credible evidence shows that marijuana has legitimate medical uses and fits the criteria for rescheduling under the CSA. In April 2024, the DEA indicated it would approve the effort to reschedule marijuana, later issuing a proposed rule to facilitate the change under federal law.

“This is a positive step forward for federal cannabis policy, however it is a rather modest step given the strong support among American voters for comprehensive cannabis reform,” Matthew Schweich, executive director of the cannabis policy reform group Marijuana Policy Project, said in a statement after the DEA’s decision to reschedule cannabis. “It is important to acknowledge that this rescheduling would not affect the criminalization of medical cannabis patients and cannabis consumers under state laws – so we must continue the work of enacting sensible and fair cannabis legalization and medical cannabis laws through state legislatures and ballot initiatives.”
"Every interested person (defined in 21 CFR 1300.01(b) as “any person adversely
affected or aggrieved by any rule or proposed rule issuable” under 21 U.S.C. 811), who
wishes to participate in the hearing shall file a written notice of intention to participate for
review by the Agency."

we have 30 days to send in a notice if you want to be heard...yeah im not going, but you could if you wanted to.


ICMag Donor
This story highlights the need for the elected legislative body to make laws instead of putting all the burdon on a federal agency.

Without proper banking reform, banks will continue to avoid providing services for medical cannabis. There has to be something done on their part with banking reform, so why not hold hearings and decide on cannabis reform in general so they do the whole package in a way that helps and represents the public.



Active member

A message from the founder…​


My name is Jeff Staker I have served 11 years in the Marines as a Scout Sniper/DI, approximately 4 years as a Basic and Advance NCO Instructor at the Indiana Military Academy and finishing out my military career as an Air/Crash/Fire/Rescue with the Indiana Air National Guard, Ft. Wayne.

For the past 22 plus years I have worked at the Grissom ARB, as both a DoD Security Police and currently as a DoD Civilian Firefighter and am looking forward to retiring within the next year.
As a longtime member of the VFW, American Legion and DAV I have been involved with many issues that affect our Veterans’ health, rights and privileges and this endeavor is by far going to be the most controversial and beneficial as I and hopefully “we” attempt to change our States’ Laws as it pertains to the medical use of cannabis and at the same time inform and educating our citizens of the misconception cannabis (or marijuana) has had on our society for the past 75 years.
As most of us military men and women are familiar with the five paragraph order (or SMEAC), I am formulating the bylaws of this non for profit organization Hoosier Veterans for Medical Cannabis, Inc.(HVMC) in the same fashion.
The Situation is: Within the US one person every 20 minutes dies of either an accidental and or intentional overdose to prescription pain medication. Doing the math that’s 3 every hour, 72 a day and so forth. It has been report that our Veterans are overdosing at twice the rate of civilians….in other words 2 of the 3 causalities within the above hour time frame are Veterans. This shouldn’t be, nor does it have too, especially within our great State of Indiana.
The Mission of HVMC is: To inform, educate, lobby, support and maintain legislation for the “legal” Medical use of Cannabis within the State of Indiana. In addition, when we have fought and won for the legalization of Medical Cannabis, HVMC will work with our legislators to continuously review, revise and update legislation as may be necessary from time to time. i.e. recognizing residents from out of State that are Medical Cannabis patients …and so forth.
On a national level HVMC will fight to petition our Federal Government to reduce Cannabis from a Schedule I (fraudulently noted) to a Schedule II rating under the Substance Control Act of 1970 and to petition the Veterans Affairs in making policies to more freely prescribe and recommend Cannabis to our Veterans in lieu of the fatal prescription practices we have been so accustomed too.
Execution: As of 25 July 2016 The Office of the Secretary of State of Indiana did certify that Hoosier Veterans for Medical Cannabis, Inc. as a Domestic Nonprofit Corporation. HVMC did receive a Federal EIN through the Internal Revenue Service and has applied for a 501 tax-exempt status.
Administration and Logistics: Hoosier Veterans for Medical Cannabis is self-funded through the contribution received through its’ web site, donors and or received via mail that is publicly posted.
Command and Signals: Though I am placing myself on the skyline (which is a no no for any infantryman but a necessity for this campaign) I have not placed myself as a President or CEO, but my status, as when I applied for the above corporation is only as an “Organizer.” I can only picture myself as one of a hundred thousand fellow Veterans that believe that it is time for our State to legalize the medical use of cannabis. HVMC thus plans to network through our States’ military organizations such as the VFW, American Legion, DAV, AMVETS and their Auxiliaries etc..(and for the benefit of the general public as necessary) in the desire to recruit at least one HVMC volunteer/supporter from every post throughout the State in petitioning their Indiana State Representative and Senator to enact State Laws in support of Medical Cannabis.
The volunteers/supporters should identify him/herself to the HVMC and their affiliation. Identify both elected State official from their area and the approximate number of other patrons that would support forthcoming laws in favor of Medical Cannabis.
Volunteers/supporters should think of (but not limited to) the following:
  • Talk to local Media/Newspaper publications about HVMC.
  • Get a consensus from their State Representative/Senator as to their support and or opposition to State Medical Cannabis Laws.
  • Develop hand written petitions and signatures of patrons that support HVMC.
  • Emphasize support of any means to the HVMC movement (and from the general public).
  • Contact your local medical community or doctor for a written opinion of Medical Cannabis.
In closing may I say that, the cost of the freedom we share is buried under the battle grounds We and our fellow Veterans fought upon, paid with our blood and of all who deserved to bare the torch on our States’ Flag for this campaign can be none other than you the Hoosier Veteran.
Thank You for Your Support/Semper Fi.
-Jeffery P. Staker
Lemme get some of that Item9


ICMag Donor
Just seeing how this is developing since April 2024, we had a public comment period mid summer, then this winter is the first hearing... See how slow this is, how it lacks representation.

This stinks like a fish, and our representatives do nothing because of supposed gridlock in congress. They can't seem to agree so we get nothing done they say.

The federal legislators refuse to do their duty to serve the people who elected them and address the issue of cannabis reform. Legislators won't hold hearings

The proposed rule is the result of a review of U.S. cannabis policy that was ordered by President Joseph Biden in October 2022. At the same time, the president pardoned thousands of individuals with federal convictions for simple cannabis possession, a move that was expanded a year later to include thousands more Americans with convictions under federal drug laws.

Closeup of election vote button with text that says Marijuana

The DEA has scheduled a hearing to consider a Biden administration proposal to ease federal ... [+]

In January 2024, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) determined after a review of available evidence that marijuana was eligible for a less strict classification under federal drug laws. In the review, researchers with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) determined that credible evidence shows that marijuana has legitimate medical uses and fits the criteria for rescheduling under the CSA. In April 2024, the DEA indicated it would approve the effort to reschedule marijuana, later issuing a proposed rule to facilitate the change under federal law.

“This is a positive step forward for federal cannabis policy, however it is a rather modest step given the strong support among American voters for comprehensive cannabis reform,” Matthew Schweich, executive director of the cannabis policy reform group Marijuana Policy Project, said in a statement after the DEA’s decision to reschedule cannabis. “It is important to acknowledge that this rescheduling would not affect the criminalization of medical cannabis patients and cannabis consumers under state laws – so we must continue the work of enacting sensible and fair cannabis legalization and medical cannabis laws through state legislatures and ballot initiatives.”
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ICMag Donor
When though? They're going to pull out their biased studies, you know how these prohibitionists roll.
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