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Ulkokasvatus 2011


Well-known member
Flmao @ BT.

Yeh, those lill fuckers are hard to kill I know. Lucky I got rather long fingernails so I usually manage to split them in half with it.
During one trip I will get at least between 50 to 70 attacks these days, It's almost become an "apocalyptic" experience already.

Only thing that helps a bit is my ski mask. Looks a bit funny tho and I hope noone will see me with it in the forest.

Ah well, If shit hits the fan I probably will just ask for directions to the nearest bank. :D


I often compare outdoor growing to just "goin fishing".

Beautifull scenery combined with a lill thrill , maybe an occasional fuck up but then some most rewarding produce after a dreadfull amount of beeing patient.

It all seems to make up for the blood, sweat and tears that often went into it.

Thanks for showing off where this is all about BT.


Ostin noin 15 euroa maksavan hirvikärpäskarkote pikku suihkepullon eikä se auta yhtään mitään :D Mut tulipahan kokeiltua että älkää tuhlatko rahojanne...


Well-known member
Thanks for posting your link Jeex and I suppose that for plenty of outdoor enthusiasts this would be a great remedy, but I'm affraid that for the type of densly grown birch shrubbery where I will have to move trough for miles on end, the netting on top would not last verry long.

I'm not to worried to meet anyone there tho, and if I am in an area where might be berry pickers around, well, then I will just put on the hood of my "huppari" and look the other way.

If I realy would get an unexpected human encounter I would just pull it off and explain it's against hirvie karpanens.
Worst thing that could happen is they'll think they met Undercover-Jezus in the forest :D, but I got a friendly face with a broad smile, and usually ppl are not to terrified of me, No worries mate ;) but I understand what you mean.


New member

Hiukan jo hometta oli ilmestynyt... + tuore paska pökäle väännetty yhen puskan juureen. Enpä ole kakkamaestro mut koiran shaibaan kallistun. :chin: motuskuu ...


Well-known member
I never saw this deep purple colour in weed before.
Unbelieveble to see that all this beauty has been geneticly hidden in our beloved plant untill now.

Would you happen to have more info on this plant M3C4 ?


I stumbled upon a dude wearing a ski mask last thursday when I was checking out my last growsite. He was picking mushrooms and was within 50meters of my spot. I heard them drive up, park slamming doors and talking.Freaked me out so I took off and went 500meters the other way and then came back on the road. He was wearing a goofy mask and had a bucket with a liquor bottle in it. I said terve and kept on jogging past like nothing. Never saw the other person. Went back saturday and my site looked fine.


Danish Passion






...here's more some purple buds for you offthehook :wave:

Upeita kasveja kaikilla :yes:


Nohuhuhuh miten siistis värit M3C4:n Thyphooneissa!:good: Kuinkas nopeasti nuo thypoonit vaihtaanee väriään tuommoseks purppuraiseksi vai muuttuuku se väri silleen koko kukinnan ajan? Vai onko se feno kohtasta? Kaikki aakoot tuli kaadettua muutama päivä sitten kauheiden homeiden takia. Hyvin suuri osa homeen taki meni pilalle. Aakoot tältä kesältä vähän kusi muutenki kun tyhmänä istutettiin kaikki samaan penkkiin, stydit typpilannat, joten kukinnan alkaminen hidastu ja vähän budia ja paljon hometta. Noo ens kesään viisaampana. Earlyt liki kaikki viellä pihalla ja joistain löytyny jo hometta...:(


Active member
kalastaja: on olemassa Purple Typhoon. Kaveri kasvatti viime vuonna ja se on siisti.


Well-known member
@Merrywanna, Honest to god, it was n't me. :D

@BG, can't get enough of it. Thanks mate. Now I only would like to see a conclusive smoke report still on this notorious Danish strain. Preferebly in english or otherwise in such clear finnish that my google translater doesn't make a mess outa it.

Espesially posts from Suomi-Prkl seem to be somewhat hard to digest for this gizmo ;) :D

@Piel, that's already something TY, but now I can only hope that M3C4 is willing to confirm this too or otherwise proove different.

@Suomi-Prkl, that's no critic, that's just humor. Love your style mate.

@Kalastaja, http://www.webtranslation.paralink.com/finnish/translation/

Nohuhuhuh how to trim colors M3C4's Thyphooneissa! What about those thypoonit quickly switching to the color purple or tuommoseks muuttuuku color stuff it full of flowering time? Or is it a phenotypic kohtasta? All aakoot was felled a few days ago because of the terrible mold. A very large part of the mold taki was spoiled. Aakoot this summer when the little bastard muutenki stupid planted all at the same bench, stydit typpilannat, so the onset of flowering, slow and a bit budia and a lot of mold. Noo ens summer wiser. Earlyt Viella nearly all the yard and found some of the mold already ...:(
Only my Dieselryders and auto Double Funs that had been sown on the sixth of may have remained fully clear of mold at official harvest day and were also the biggest of them all ( but I did not harvest untill they all had mold in order to select for the better ones)

All other plants that went out on different dates at weekly intervalls this year ran into premature mold trouble.

@M3C4 down below, Thank you.


Active member
Tänään Nepali kaatuu, trichit ovat vielä maitomaisia mutta planttu itse on kertonut olevansa valmis. Typhoonit ovat loistavan kokoisia enkä ole löytänyt hometta mutta kai siinä on jotain kun kaadetaan -ensi viikolla mahdollisesti.

Vituttaa hiukan tänään mutta miksi? Onks tää syysmasennus jo alkanut.


Well-known member
Oliko paljon fenotyyppivaihteluja Nepaleissa, montako narttua kasvatit? Sanoit jossain vaiheessa et oli hermiksiä, miten kävi lopulta?

Meillä on 4 Nepal narttua joista yksi on selvästi yli muiden, keskikokoinen, hieman lehtinen mutta budia joka puolella ja valmis 1-2 viikon päästä. Vieressä hieman hitaampi jättiläinen josta tulee mahtava sato jos vaan kausi riittää, tartteis vielä 2-4 viikkoo.


Well-known member
Tässä nopein ja parhaan näköinen Nepal

Siemennettiin siis yks alaoksa vuoden parhaalla Pehkuruder urkilla, tuntui onnistuneen toivotaan että home ei iske juuri siihen oksaan!

Tänä vuonna ollut vähän homeongelmia kaikkein nälkäisimmissä kasveissa. Kasvit kasvoivat ajoittain yllättävän isoiksi ja ravinteiden tarve on ollut sen mukaista, fosforin puute on aiheuttanut mm lehtien kuolemista jotka sitten homehtuessaan kiinni kasviin ovat homehduttaneet toppeja aika ikävästi.

Pehkuruder x Thyphoon on edelleen ollut kesän menestyjä ja ei ole oikein muut risteytykset yltäneet samalle tasolle, kuvia tulossa jossain välissä! ;)


Well-known member
I am wondering something... The best thriving annual/perrenial plant resembling canna under semi-arctic conditions is the "horsma" wich happen to be purple too.

Is this now complete coincidence or could there be a logical explanation for it?

I can completely imagine that the colour is related to the type of environment in wich they seem to thrive best.

I know for a fact that besides of the genetical thingy, the colour purple is normally related to a difficulty in taking up phosporous due to cold circumstances.

SP , M3C4, BG, Piel? are you still following me? cuzz I feel I'm up to something but just cannot seem to place it in the right perspective.

I can imagine that our plants have found a way to survive better under cold conditions by evolving a geneticly coded colour that suits them best.

There is no point thus far, just pondering out loud. And yes I know there are plenty of breeders in in, as well as outdoors at lower lattitudes who take pleasure in maintaining this peticular colour for their own private reasons, but I think it is not just that. There has to be more to it imho.

Anyone else who could point me in the right direction of how to correctly interpretate this peticular fenomenon ?


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Ovelaa Ratsastajaa Dieselillä maustettuna, pikkasen raakaa mutta onpahan vastaavasti homeetonta. En jaksanut jättää enää ulos kun muita projekteja pukkaa päälle. :wave:

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