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UK Outdoor Growing 2010




I hope i have another plot like this one :plant grow: a very good crop & a joy around xmas :)

all on nettle nutes :jump:

I'm just wondering how many of us are going for outdoor germing this year, or putting them out at a very early stage.

I have had very little luck trying to germ outdoor , only tried it once & it was`nt a success . Others have tried it & i don`t think they done very well either . Seedlings always do better with some bottom heat , mj after all is classed as a tender annual . Read any garden book & it will tell you that T A seeds need to be germed with some heat either bottom heat from a propogator or Green House heat .
I had a problem last year with some of my autos being very small almost like those mini phenos & was given some very good advice to germ them stright into a 10L pot once soaked & split . I will try that using bottles over them & see how i get on .
How big do you class as early stage ? I usually wait until at least 10-12ins & lose very few .

Stay safe all . BGB


I'm just wondering how many of us are going for outdoor germing this year, or putting them out at a very early stage

im gonna give it a go this year -i have thousands of seed from diffrent grows and years---i threw a load of seeds in the ground-in garden coverd with a little compost no soaking just straight in ground out of 50 about 26 have cum up and growing-that was 3 week ago-----they had auto on the pack but my labeling is shit--hope they are otherwise they gonna get the chop-but if it workt in garden no reason they shouldent do the same out side---not sure what method im gonna use probable soak them the night befor-ill let u know how it gos or doesent---if i do 200 in each plot and only 20 or so make it kill the males i might have some plants not prepairing anything apart from lossening soil and throw them in --ill wait for the warmer weather first---i have not grown in these places befor so just an experimenting---u need a lot of seed though as ill probably loose 75% that dont make it for what ever reason---put all the hard work in to my main plots and see what mother nature can do --stay safe all


thats a shame, but whatever doesnt germ is getting a pretty akxww clone in its place :)

whos work is the sage x lr and the haze x lr? is it zeds?

cheers H


10 rox none germed---10 sage rd--10 haze rd---8 germed a couple of good looking plants the rest seem mutant--bad germ rate on those-----xfiles 100%--deep chunlk-am are 100%----erdpert 100%---afgani--100%---just seems like the rox and sage and haze---but still happy---zeds lol


Good morning people.. :)

Mini, Harold.. The Sage/LR aren't mine.. But AKLR/OHaze are. There's likely to be some mutants in those, depending on what generation is how it appears to be. F1 and F2 seem not to have had problems so far but the proof's in the growing.



high zed--im growing just the aklr-o(haze autos at moment---got about 80 at the moment--a lot of my seed are not germing ---some plants i got seed from are fine some phenos are bad germ rate ---lost about 30--the birds are eating the perlite and killing them--found them this morrning---dam---i knew the sage was not yours just lol--for lol sake----i got some bags of seed i think there aklr-ohaze they are germing 100% if they are i should have a 100 or so more----if there not auto then they will go to gorrilla sites if thats the case and there not auto then i have no idea what they are----i found 20 sensi star seeds from 3 year back a little seed run i done as well as ak47-ww---ak47-ww*ww--ak47+sensi star---20 sensi star 20 germed same as the ak47-ww --ww---i kept them in fridge and forgot about them untill i realized last week ---some are 4 year old and realy good germ rate so far-----i allso got nebular----super silver haze---white widow---and some crosses----got the sensi star in pots allready there just breakeing surice 3 days-----so looking good on the nw front


Harold, I'm planning to, I'd like to get the breeding back on track for that hybrid. I haven't been out to check potential grow sites yet but intend to try some outdoors and in this year. I have missed growing this strain, it definately holds much potential! :)


Hey guys, loving the thread so far, Just wondering what can i be doing at the moment to prepare for this years season? what are you guys getting up to?!


Mini, I always enjoy the humour in your posts mate! :D ..Btw, I've sent you an email.
I wish I'd been able to keep all my seed in good storage conditions over last few years. Moved about too much and at times they've got a bit warmer than is good them them. Recon I'll get poor germ rates from most of them now.
The SSH and LovePotion you might have used were crossed with MasterLow so any further inbreeding or crossing to other auto genetics will produce some auto phenos.
You should be able to tell which plants are AKLR/OHaze (Forces of Nature) beans once they start growing. There's a grower on here that has used my FON as the auto for his autoHaze hybrids projects. On his thread I could tell straight away which plant pics were my stock, they're very distinguishable..! I have stressed to him that those seeds (he obtained from another grower) are very likely to have genetic/virus issues as he has received them from someone I sent FON f3 or f4 beans. Would be a shame if that is the case because he has produced some awesome auto hybrids with my stock.


when is the best time to put the auto ak-haze in the ground---soil is prepaired---got netting around the plot--there in 1 liter pots at moment 2 to 5 plants a pot----dont want the slugs to kill them off ---there only 2 to 3 inchs at moment but dont want them to get root bound as the bigger the pot the better autos like it---zoid3---dig holes asp add fish bone and blood meal chicken manure pellets--and what other emendments u are planeing on ---the sooner the better---thats your garden plot i take it--if gorrilla as soon as ---stay safe




as u can see there still small--im gonna let them breed ill kill the smaller males and get more seed---i dont mind seeded bud---but i would like to make as many seed as i can--share the lfon


Mini, I think you should definately seperate them asap. Ideally, give them a 1 litre pot each and harden them off before leaving them out over night (unless you've done that already). The weather is generally warm enough now for them and bright enough so as not to go all lanky and fall over. They should be ok in the ground. Yeh, protection from slugs and other damage is essential.. These going guerilla ?


Ah sweet. I should've refreshed the page before posting that.

Yeh get them in the ground if you can't repot them.. Is bit more chance of losing some when in the ground as you cant take them out of danger but plenty of biodegradable slug pellets should help.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
good luck to all those growing outdoors this year. im giving it a miss as i have enough going on inside. if the weather stays like this it should be a good season ;)



zed they wear put in paper towels popt put straight outside they have been out side the hole time---the first bit of light they seen is the sun--they are all going in to the ground----no artificial light what so ever---all my plants from seed have been grown outside---all seem to be doing fine so far just a little worred about the cold cuming back at night they are coverd by plastic cover ill put them in ground end of week--cheers


spent a good few hours out today, got an achey back... bloody fork broke, so ive been swinging the grub axe all day lol

This is the auto plot, needs lime and other goodies, will add chicken pellets and kelp meal.
The soil is better naturally on this plot, more to the loam side :)

It still needs a 6ft extension, it will be 25ft long & 4ft wide, 1 plant per 1x1ft = 100 auto's (auto mtf & auto warp)

Im only going to do 100 this year, i know i said more but if i get 50 females and half an 0z each... thats still 25 oz, which is fine by me :p

(pics = plot taken facing west and then east)