I hope i have another plot like this one a very good crop & a joy around xmas
all on nettle nutes
I have had very little luck trying to germ outdoor , only tried it once & it was`nt a success . Others have tried it & i don`t think they done very well either . Seedlings always do better with some bottom heat , mj after all is classed as a tender annual . Read any garden book & it will tell you that T A seeds need to be germed with some heat either bottom heat from a propogator or Green House heat .
I had a problem last year with some of my autos being very small almost like those mini phenos & was given some very good advice to germ them stright into a 10L pot once soaked & split . I will try that using bottles over them & see how i get on .
How big do you class as early stage ? I usually wait until at least 10-12ins & lose very few .
Stay safe all . BGB
I hope i have another plot like this one a very good crop & a joy around xmas
all on nettle nutes
I'm just wondering how many of us are going for outdoor germing this year, or putting them out at a very early stage.
I have had very little luck trying to germ outdoor , only tried it once & it was`nt a success . Others have tried it & i don`t think they done very well either . Seedlings always do better with some bottom heat , mj after all is classed as a tender annual . Read any garden book & it will tell you that T A seeds need to be germed with some heat either bottom heat from a propogator or Green House heat .
I had a problem last year with some of my autos being very small almost like those mini phenos & was given some very good advice to germ them stright into a 10L pot once soaked & split . I will try that using bottles over them & see how i get on .
How big do you class as early stage ? I usually wait until at least 10-12ins & lose very few .
Stay safe all . BGB