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UK Outdoor Growing 2010


Don`t you all get too carried away , forecast tonight (sat) is a widespread groundfrost & drops in temps for several nights yet . Aldi have a 6 x4ft greenhouse for £30 on Sunday & i have used one of them for 3yrs & the plastic is just beginning to wear thin on the roof so reckon i have had good wear out of it .
Been busy today with a couple of bins of nettles & they will be ready mid may , compost is here so now i can sort a few beans . When i have decided what to grow this year i`ll be busy . Definately AK/LR Ohaze as they are bomb proof , AKWW + some AK x`s . Biddy`s Sister , , Indica/Mlow auto , some danish bred strains & poss Royal Dane (Slyzack) Biddy early . Reckon i`ll have enough with these , my only bugbear is i can`t sex plants under lights so waste a lot of compost/pots every year just so i can destroy any males . Name of the game i suppose !!
I never worry too much as to when i get plants out but generally aim to 3rd or 4th week may . It makes no odds if it`s even later coz they still finish (hopefully) & smaller plants are`nt so easily seen . If the forecast of a B B Q summer is correct then it may be a good grow , fingers x`d sept/oct stays dry .

Stay safe all . BGB

cheers WAM .


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Good greenhouse

Good greenhouse

I'll be getting 1 of them aldi greenhouses tomorrow..thanks for the info

Hi there azad!
Dont know about Aldi(maybe are the same ones) but Wilkinsons has very good value4money greenhouses.They have 3sizes ranging from 30squid to 60squid.Bought mine last week:jump:
Quite sturdy, spacious and very easy to assembly:dance013:
Not saying that Aldi´s arent good just giving you another option in case the ones from Aldi are sold out or you dont like them:)
All the best for your grow:ying:


Active member
anyone got any auto afghani, leb crosses or indica that will start flower in july and be done in september? i want to make a lebXsuperskunk, but im struggling with leb27 seeds not starting or random deaths of the seedling. hopefully the one that looks like it might survive is a boy, so i can have some nice seeds for outdoor.
when is everyone else planting? if i get female lebs, they are going out as soon as they look strong enough, probs in about 2-3weeks as i want monster bushes this year :D


WAM, ah no worries man. Congrat's on the new one..! :)

Mini, they done alright then, being out the whole time. The autos I been growing indoors were almost left for dead as seeds as none had popped after a week in wet tissue. So, I put all 12 seeds the same tiny pot of soil, not expecting any to grow. Ended up with 5 seedlings in the same pot. Wasn't really quick of the mark getting them repotted, I left them there for about 3 weeks, totally root- bound. Now at a week from harvest they're only about 5 inch tall, lol. The others I grew (some time ago) from the same batch were about 2ft tall at harvest.
I think the FON should be quite hardy with the cold but while seedlings that plastic covering is a idea.

Harold, useful info mate. Good to have a rule of thumb to work with.. I've no idea what temps we been getting lately at night. Easy enough to check the weather forecast though. :D

BGB, I've never tried it but I've read that a single branch or cutting can be sexed by giving it 12hr light schedule, even if it has no roots. Just keep it in a jar water and under 12/12, by keeping it in darkness for 12hrs a day. I should think it would also work if you were to use rooting hormone and root it as a cutting while waiting for it to show gender (if you didnt want to waste a cutting but reveg instead) but this wasn't mentioned and might slow down the appearance of preflowers.
Can also stimulate flowering by giving an individual branch 12hr darkness without cutting it from the plant but I've found this an awkward task to do.

Peace :ying:
:plant grow:


New member
Hello Uk'ers, an old OG member here finally found you all again, don't suppose anyone will remember me as i wasn't much of a contributer.

still got 150+ LR seeds i bought from JDoctor a few years back, will see if they have any life left in them.

my small claim to fame was some advice to guerilla growers which earned me much karma, if you are diving through hedgerows into a quiet growing spot, it's worth having a bog roll in your hand when you re-emerge, to satisfy the curiosity of anyone that spots you wondering what you've been up to.


haveing the same problems zed---got 15 in one pot gave up on them it was 2 or 3 weeks later they came up---im sure i read some wear that autos are hard to crack or need a little longer---will be putting them in ground end of week----got about 100 up and running and 50 more waiting to break surface--there going in a 20ft by 2ft flower bed---should have aenough seed from that to keep me going---ZED should i keep some of the f3s back for next years breeding with the f4s im growing now--or just keep going as in f5s f6s f7s--or should i back cross them with the f3s---aching from last nights digging---115 holes dug water crystals in all holes run out of fbb and c manure--3 kg of crystals hope it gos allright-----hi reubud welcome back---stay safe all


A few pics taken today....

Two of the best biddy sis/leb x cheese clones.
They've being LST, so i can get some nice clones off the lower branches... had a slight mite problem, first time ive had mites, they slowed my babies down a bit but a few sprays of organic bug killer? fried those little fukers good and they havent been back since. I find the bug killer is too hot fresh out the bottle so i dilute it 1-4 parts water, it still burnt the tips slightly at this dilution, anybody else found that?..

Will take some clones this week, using a diy willow water, saliva (the enzymes found naturally in human spit are supposed to be an excellent rooting agent) and a touch of maxicrop seaweed extract.


akxww, has a few nice long stems, perfect for cloning.... the growth hormones in maxicrop seaweed help elongate the stems.

i trim unwanted nodes off the plant when the desired clone tip is still on the plant, and let the plant heal its wounds for a couple of days, this allows the plant to recover better and root quicker.... a hacked to death clone is trying to heal itself while trying to produce roots at the same time.........

It might even be an idea to do the scarify technique as above?... scar, let to heal slightly, maybe even rub some rooting hormone into the fresh scar... then cut the tip off the plant. Kinda like a premature air layering


wam---is that what it is--my disilexia sometimes gets the better off-me or my memoiry---is shot lol---my labeling skills are none existent---aint got it together since i started---thats why im only growing 2 types---that was untill esben popt up and i found my old seed batch--im allready lost--what ever it is its good---i got 50 clones of her so far and 24 today--she realy does grow fast---leaves the akww behind a mile in growth----any idea how big she gets---might keep the mum in garden---i know its got cheese in it though so memoirys not so bad---stay safe


Harold, good info on cloning tech. Trimming back the unwanted nodes (& allowing to heal) a few days before cutting from the mum also helps prevent infection when the cutting goes into a humid propagator. :)

Mini, if you want to inbreed further to stabilise certain traits then crossing back to an earlier generation is good for this and helps to keep some vigour. When using a back cross technique, the earlier the generation used the more tendancy to cause variety in the offspring. So a bX to f3 will tend to give more variety than a bX to f4 or f5 but this also depends on what phenos are selected, how closely the parent traits match etc. It can be a case of trial and error and luck to get things how you want, depeding what you're aiming for. It's always good to keep your options open when breeding, leaving room to go back and repeat a cross from previous generations or select different lines.
To keep inbreeding for many generations without backcrossing will lose the vigour and the later generations will tend to be puny and prone disease, so I've read. Unless thousands of plants are allowed to inbreed openly in a field for generation after generation, as with landrace strains.



Active member
great synopsis zed :yes:

i've got a locked stash of the lebanese cheese f2's that are for a bX at some stage... there has been talk of some f3's being planned this season so it's on!

i would encourage everyone to have go at a little pollination this season. it's one of the most rewarding things i've done :yes: ...and there are some AMAZING genetics floating around :D

sorry about shouting earlier, but i'm a stickler for correct info. it was all in good humour though so :yes:...

gotta get some sleep!!



Active member
minime - jeepers! that many already!!! wow!

it was the smallest plant i grew, but i don't think it's an indication of yield as it was slipped into a pot that already had a bigger plant in it (the tar pheno) for 2 weeks! awesome looking plant, fulla crystal, great buzz, but not the greatest flavour... get's you ON though... buzzy chatty uplifting. one of my faves...

be well






Hi reubud .

if you are diving through hedgerows into a quiet growing spot, it's worth having a bog roll in your hand when you re-emerge, to satisfy the curiosity of anyone that spots you wondering what you've been up to.

A dog eared copy of Playboy will also do the job :laughing:

Mini , i know what you mean about digging bloody holes .
Picked up the last 3 tubs of Water Crystals from Aldi today reduced to £2.99 :)
and i yoused to be dislekatic but i is all betterer now .
laugh , the missus mum is starting to suffer from Alziemers & she told us by phone she`s attending an Alziemers class for a couple of hours every week with around 20 others , when we asked her what they talk about she replied . How do i fuc**** know , i can`t remember :jump::jump:

What`s the smell like on the Cheese ? coz i thought Cheese was a bit strong .

seeds not starting or random deaths of the seedling
smokeymacpot , sounds like your seedlings are damping off . This rots the base of the stem at compost level . If this is the problem go to any garden centre at get some Damping Off solution , it has Copper Sulphate (i think) which will cure the problem . Best one i have found is Cheshunts compound , blue powder . Make some in a 4pt poly bottle & follow directions but more importantly ensure you water the compost with it before you place seed/seedling in pot .

This little darling eats any of my plants this year & it`s venison chops for dinner .

Stay safe all . BGB


alright guys-
i feel terribly guilty when i see how far on Minime is already. Got to get it together.
Best one i have found is Cheshunts compound
have you ever used it on cuttings, RR? I got some last year mixed it up following instructions then measured the ph-it was something like 14. Basically i chickened out and didn't use it. I got it to remedy some problems with cuts in r/w.

my friend has been taking me to check out some of his A1-definatly cool super-duper grow sites that he has found while walking the dog. The first one was on a city golf course-he stopped while we were walking along a blatently well used footpath-and said 'this is it-nobody ever comes here'. I said whats that at your feet? We looked down and there was a circle of stones with burnt wood in the centre and loads of empty bottles of cider-and cans right next to his feet. 'No no' he insisted no-one ever comes here.
the next one was a massive patch of brambles....overlooked by an office block. The office workers actually watched with amusement as we tried to fight our way in, and then out. They'll never see us he said.
otherwise i'd like to complain about the night time temps-still bloody freezing-well almost 2or 3c and they've predicted cold nights for the rest of the week
oh dear


Active member
i found random seedling in the tub i used for the auto seed grow last year... it germed outdoor about 2 weeks ago, an has been repotted and is living outdoors for it's whole life... looking good so far!



what can i expect from the biddys sis x lebcheese :D clone?...
i would love to hear everything about her or as much as possible. Smells, taste, strong odor? finishing time, etc..........

cheers harry

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