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UK Outdoor Growing 2010


Active member
Hi reubud .

smokeymacpot , sounds like your seedlings are damping off . This rots the base of the stem at compost level . If this is the problem go to any garden centre at get some Damping Off solution , it has Copper Sulphate (i think) which will cure the problem . Best one i have found is Cheshunts compound , blue powder . Make some in a 4pt poly bottle & follow directions but more importantly ensure you water the compost with it before you place seed/seedling in pot .

Stay safe all . BGB

i couldnt see rot, i'll try to explain better.. the seeds that do grow and break the surface seem to have one of the seedleafs dry out and when the dryness reaches the stem it wilts and the whole top dies, the stem and root is still full of water and crunchy etc. i have also seen damage further down the stem like its been scraped, and i was thinking maybe perlite scratched it as it grew past it. but i think that is not related to the seedleaf problem.
its only leb27 that has this problem, they are very hard to start :/


someone said when the night time temps are in the 2 digit range (10 degrees +), time to plant :)

hope that helps.

Well said Harold, uk growers beware, frosts forecast. We are in the grip of cold northerlies. Tis said that they last for 6 weeks, two more to go. Winter is still hanging on by a thread. All the best nutes/soils in the world wont make things grow untill we get warm nights. The weather still thinks its March. Dafs are 3 weeks late, blackthorn not yet in flower, & the mad march hares have only just started to er go mad. Warm overnight rains is what we all need to bring those soils temps up. Things will explode if we get that.
Good luck all, but patience will reward.
PS most plants cant utilise ferts especially Nitrogen untill soil temps rise to 6-10 degrees. This is only happening for about 3 hours a day. Cold Feet Cannabis Stands Still.
Smokey sorry to hear about germ rates, have you tried putting them in airing cupboard? Leb 27 seems to like being germed in just sandy soil.


have you ever used it on cuttings, RR? I got some last year mixed it up following instructions then measured the ph-it was something like 14. Basically i chickened out and didn't use it. I got it to remedy some problems with cuts in r/w.

Hi Eddie , i only ever use Willow Water on any cutting i do , but that dose`nt include MJ as i have no lights for cloning etc . I do hell of a lot of cuttings from my garden plants & Bonsai & have hell of a lot of success using Willow Water , i posted an earlier link to it .

Smokey , it sounds like you have a dodgy pack of seed , i have never known this problem to occur with a top dressing of anything . I have used sharp sand b4 for my MJ seeds as the mice don`t like digging in it too much , slugs don`t like x ing it & that`s as sharp as Perlite if not worse & it`s done no damage to seedlings .

Zed , great to see you & share a cuppa & a chat .

Stay safe all . BGB


looseing a lot of seedlings to mice or birds or both---there in pots outside every morrning theres like little holes dug in my pots and the tops and bottems have been eaten i raised them of the floor last night and they still got done---and the plants that arnt eaten are broken----dam---seeds started in january indoors are little monsters when they go out in may---give u 10 to 12ft plants if u water threm if not they get 4 to 5 ft little monsters--but a lot harder trasporting them out to there grow----had a lot of trouble last year moveing 30 4 foot plants not again---i like them a foot or two for transporting--easyer to hide and carry---i think its the sexing u benafit from --from starting them early----every time i put unsexed plants out i allways miss a male or 2 and end up with seeded bud----so starting early benafits me that way unless u have feminized seed---i will try some cs on a few outdoor plants and see if i can produce a load of fem seed for next year---stay safe all


mice can be little fuckers, can the mice still get to the raised plants?..... check the bottoms of the pots for slugs or snails, sometimes they hide underneath during the heat of the day and come out at night and do alot of damage. i would spray a very diluted amount of bug spray (like maybe a tablespoon of bug spray to one litre of water) so the plants taste like chemical crap.... be careful though, dont burn the young ones.

ive seen magpies peck at the perlite, maybe they think its bits of bread, they can crush, break, eat plants... hide perlite with a layer of compost.

hope this helps, H.


Hey all :)

Reubud, hello mate.. Trying to think back to the old OG threads. You got the same username? Good to have you with us anyhow! :)

WAM, how does Biddy'sSister do outdoors (original Magus, not the Leb/Cheese hybrid)..?
I have some from those that Doc sent, as well as some BiddyEarly originals. I think I remember someone saying the Early does better than the Sister.

Eddie, I find that a few good waterings using H2O2 (hydogen peroixde) solution, diluted to about two or three times the strength used for hydro crops works wonders for most plants that are suffering overwatering symptoms, pathegens like stem-rot and root damaged seedlings or difficult to root cuttings etc. I've rescued many sickly plants with H2O2. I've recently had a tomato seedling fully recover from wilt after treating with this method for a few days (of course plants can be too far gone to be saved). Very useful chem to have about. Solution strength can be increased to use as a powerful sterilising agent, leaves no smell or residue as it breaks down into just water and oxygen. :) ..One draw back is you will probably need to order it from a hydro shop and pay twice as much on postage as the item costs. Small bottle costs about £3.50 and lasts for ages.

Smokey, sounds bit like some seedlings I had. Does it look like there is no grow tip between the first seedling leaves? I've had ones like that, they just stop growning and die. I tend to find these sickly seedlings in seeds that are a few years old and not been kept in best storage conditions.

Mini, that's not good (seedlings being eaten)..! Netting will stop birds but mice might be bit more difficult. Might be worth trying one of those sonic deterents that BGB mentioned yesterday.

BGB, Mini.. Was really good to have you fellas here for cuppa and catch up on things.. I think we could chat about growing all day long and still think of more things afterwards! lol. :D

Peace :ying:


ive heard very good reports from all peeps that tried the biddy early, not a bad comment.

magus should have kept that one going, haven't heard many reports on the sister to compare though.

might be worth making some biddy early seeds? :)


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Uk growing!

Uk growing!

Got 3 Biddy´s Sister from Magus on the go. They all germed in 24hrs:jump:
In what way is Biddy Early related?If in any...:dance013:
Thx for any info:ying:


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Early Skunk f2 x Sensi Star...just found some info!
And yes they share the same father. BE´s mother is a Warlock
Thx anyway!


And yes they share the same father. BE´s mother is a Warlock

The Warlock was acually introduced to make the Biddy`s Sister , i can`t remember the guys name from Magus but we were in contact when i was growing the Biddy Early outdoor uk & he was already thinking on an earlier flowering plant & introduced the Warlock to shorten the flowering time .
He sponsored our late great friend Guerrilla Grower with the MMJ Today site (now sadly gone) & sent some of the first seeds of the Sister for some of us to try .
You will see some on this thread coz there going into soak end of the week !!!

Stay safe all . BGB


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Many thanks Rezinbel!
I will be checking for those next week ;)
All the best!


Active member
ive heard very good reports from all peeps that tried the biddy early, not a bad comment.

magus should have kept that one going, haven't heard many reports on the sister to compare though.

might be worth making some biddy early seeds? :)

Feel free to make your own but please respect my intellectual property. (i.e. don't use the name/trademark Biddy Early® or Biddy's Sister® if you plan on selling them)

There is no need for it though since I've never stopped making these, they are still available in regular as well as female version, just not at SB at the moment.

Also, to correct some misinformation in this thread.

Biddy Early = Early Skunk mother, Warlock father.

Biddy's Sister = Early Skunk mother, Sensi Star father.

I have no plans to discontinue the Biddy Early, but the sale of the Biddy's Sister will end this year and can take a while to return, if it returns at all.

The Biddy Early regular is the quickest, the female version and the Biddy's Sister (which is only available as regular) can take a bit longer.

:wave: @ BGB



Hi there,i will be trying out biddy early,and sister this year,i have sexed the biddys sister and the early are female beans....rez when did yours finish,and whats the smoke like?

still holding back putting plants out yet,still to cold at night,will wait till may...

good luck to all......peace


Active member
Hi Yossman,

Approx half October, maybe a bit earlier depending on the conditions like if they are in pots or not.
But if you've started them already they will become very big, I hope you realise that.



Hi Gerrit , my apologies for not mentioning your name earlier but i remembered it about 1/2hr ago & here you are . My mistake on the warlock , been a long time since we spoke & i will always remember your kindness to my old friend Guerrilla Grower , my old handle was Big Green Budder , stay safe & green .

Stay safe all . BGB