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UK Outdoor Growing 2010


hi zed---i used autos mainly ---i did do a cross i had a love potion male autoed and crossed that with the fon aswell---but mainly fon--i got about 50 or so popt--doing another 100 or so now---germ rate is not to bad---there going in garden--gonna leave the best males and make more seed---ill do a later run--germ them end of aprill and keep them seedless---waiting to see if the indica masterlow---i got from bgb--waiting to see if they germ---i have some sage ryders and stuff going as well---might cross them with the fon as well---but ill keep the fon going as original fon---seprate breeding places----i love the taste of the indica masterlow better than the fon---so we will see---u said there may be a prob with the love potion but we will see- hope not but i had no problems last year--stay safe all


be good to pay you a visit mate, has been a few years. That was when we drove upto Doc's in Norfolk. Good memories of that day...

Hi Zed , will ring you in a few days . Did you get my e-mail ? got an addy from minis lady .
Trying to sort out some particular seeds but coz i can`t pm yet minis on the case .
I really miss talking to the Doc , one really nice guy & the best grow room i have ever seen !
Moving stuff around in the G H to make a bit of room in all my propogators & will be popping a few beans this week , & fingers x`d a few more turn up .

Stay safe all . BGB


when germing seeds--i know you get a higher female ratio in high n--high temps and humidity---how long must this be kept up right up to when they show sex--or is it only in the early stages-----pm sent bgb---got a 100% germ rate on the x files--and dc-ah-a---nothing showing on the rox yet 0--out of 10 day 8---most of my beans show in 3 to 6 days its hot in there---stay safe all---


I thought is was the opposite mini ie; high temp more male , anyone clarify this ? I know that any temp flucuation will produce more males .
You only need to use propogater temps to germ the seed until the seedling is established , usually 2 sets of leaf . Cheers on the pm mini .
Anyone doing cuttings/clones needs a hormone rooting compound which contains IBA[acid] . 1 of the best rooting hormoneS i have ever found is WILLOW WATER . Totally organic & the strike rate using this is above any manufactured powder , & guess what ? full of IBA .
Real easy to make http://www.ehow.co.uk/how_172766_make-rooting-tonic.html

you can also use this W Water diluted to water the cuttings too . just add a glug to the water can . When watering cuttings always use tap water that has stood 24hrs to get rid of any Clorine/Floride gas . Never use rain water as it may contain contaminants , once rooted rain water is fine .

Another good plant feed is Manure tea , a small bucket of rotted Horse Manure in a sack (i wrap it in a piece of scaffold net) tie a length of cord/rope to it & place in plastic bin of water & give it a good shake daily for 2wk . Dilute 10/1 .

If you got White fly/Aphid/Red spider/Sciarid fly (fungus gnat) /Thrips check out
www.defenders.co.uk i posted this previopusly but this is just in case anyone missed it .

Stay safe all . BGB

ps 0`C in Eire tonight & the weather forecast says this week is going to get colder with frosts particuarly towards the end of the week .


lacto bacillus prep is supposed to be good at killing knats... as its an agressive bacteria (friendly) that kills the knats, how im not sure... but from there name they obviously have a relationship to fungus.


your rite--got 2 right though getting better---low temps high humidity high N---more females ---iv put a load of seedlings outside in little green house i made--so lower temps should do the trick---needed to get them in the wind strenghen there stems---beans are sorted for ya--ill get them for ya to---soul harold plenty more now if needed---have not seen any pests since i used the pravarda ultimate bug killer--seem to work a treat---realy itching o put some plants out---stay safe all


The akxww big betty clone is 1 week old now and is taking off, leaving the others well behind, shes showing pure veg growth now... :p

(i accidently topped the plant, she bumped her head on the way out for the picture, probably a good thing ? i prefer lst though) :ying:


minime- I was wondering if you could direct me to any pictures of a mature akww plant. I am sure you posted some up before, I am just having trouble finding them.
Pictures of buds will be greatly appreciated. :)

Also could I ask of you the yields you have previously achieved from the akww?
If its no trouble could you also state the parameters in which the plants were grown and the height they reached please.

Excuse me for the request of a thorough report, its just that I may solely use the akww as my main strain this year and would like to gather as much information as possible before committing to a single strain.

Thank you



shes as hardy as they cum----in 2007 they grew 10foot---she can produce 500gram per plant if waterd and pamperd---gprrilla plants seem to reach about 4 to 5foot--not sure on yeild maybe 4 to 5 once per plant but these wear not waterd planted a left---watering helps a lot---not much smell unless touched---she stinks when dryed though--open a bag and u know---potent as f---very good cash crop---cureing her realy does bring the best out in her--does not need much nutes---very little mould in fact i have not lost an akww to mould or bud rot when all my other strains have sufferd--in certain plots--allround winner---heavy couch lock---if left more heady if chopt early---im useing her as my main crop every other syrain im doing is just a bonus--of all the plants iv grown shes the winner--not nocking the other strains--just so easy to grow hardy as fuck and potent--indoor she cums in to her own as well an all round winner---puts people on there arss--keeps the misses in her place--well my ears get a rest puts her in bed early--as i said a winner


New member
Hello fellow UKers,

I followed your threads back at PG but never registered there.. (or anywhere else for that matter.. I like surfing IC though & can now see peoples galleries as well as sharing my struggles, haha)
Have grown a few bits indoors over the last few years, and had a few back garden Hollands Hope in 08 (what didn't mold was tragic smoke though..)

Anyway, point is, circumstances (and you guys, as well as a few elsewhere- some now here by the looks of things, proving it can be worth the effort) have inspired me to take to the Big HPS outside this year, since I can't do anything indoors and hugely resent paying tenner a gram (won't touch vietbong shit anymore. Sprayed or Bogweed. I'd rather go without these days.)

Got a fat propagator (proper hench can handle ~30 cuts) which will be full of seedlings in the next few weeks. Gonna wait until May to germ since inside isn't really an option at the moment and I ain't gonna risk starting anything before I know the risk of frost killing my expensive, unhatched babies is gone. Would have waited until then before posting my hello, but somehow spending my weekend digging holes in sketchy locations inspired me to do so now, since the work is already underway... :)

Now for the interesting bit, lineup is:

6 x Purple Wreck fem (guess where I got the inspiration for that)
5 x Biddy Early fem (Biddy's clearly a winner, apparently fems are slower but wanted to run all fems - less prep, so we'll see..)
Also got 3 x Lemon Skunk freebies (know Skunks can be done outdoors UK, won outdoor cup apparently, again we'll see..)

Planning on grabbing a few more packs, maybe Frisian Dew by DP (though I heard bad things about their fems?) more likely some off FemaleSeeds.nl who seem to come highly recommended by people on another forum.. Prob gonna run like 20 plus the freebies I've got and any others I get (as long as their fem and stand a decent chance, seeds keep afterall..) I've also got 5 x LL AutoAK left which will be grown semi-guerilla, might selectively chuck some pollen about if I get a nice looking stud. Others are all gonna be grown guerilla spread out in several locations, though I'll still check in on them occasionally.

Few Q's:

- Can't remember who out of you lot grew the PW before, what was she like in terms of size/smell/yield? All I remember is some sexy pics.

- I've got 1 plot that's in quite acidic soil, I haven't done PH testing but it supports bracken and has pine needles all over the place. With these holes instead of amending the soil I've literally just taken it out 2 spits deep, sprinkled some lime, and dumped my own mix in. Is that gonna be OK or are the girls gonna hate me for it when they get bigger?

Anyway that's me done. Let's hope for a good summer since it's been a proper winter..

Take it EZ all..


all the best wam--:tiphat:---welcome sneaky--the purple wreck is an awesome plant---grows big fat colas good to top her for multible heads--the smell and taste are unique---the stone is real good to mid october she finished for me shes real oily too sticky to touch----i would of grown her this year but all the seed sellers sold out:comfort:---but i got enough other strains to keep me happy ---will definatly grow her agaiin---ill get my seeds this year and keep them for next---pw and sensi star are both winners in my book--mind u theres a lot more i can think of but they do the trick for me stone wise


Active member
what a nice day!!

what a nice day!!

Hey all :)

Been sooooo busy recently, i've just not had a chance to post much. Looks like everyone is hatching plans and with the Sun out, i'm doing the same!!

I had a little sort out of all my pots and stuff and will be germing Auto seeds soon.

Good luck everyone and nice to see Zed and BGB posting agin...some great info guys.

Peace, TPS :)


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Hi there guys!
So nice to read about all the action going on as soon as the Sun shows up.
How do they even dare to call cannabis users lazy people?
Let´s show those twats how green can Britain be! :)
I´ve just been finishing the patches and next week i will be popping some beans.
Thx again Esbe and Wotamess!
All the best vibes to all UK growers may this be the best one!



Any body would think you had the baby!!!!
Congrats mate & well done the missus , now the pair of you can see back & see your ££££`s dissapear , best wishes to you all .

Hello Sneaky , take a few well thought out precautions & reap the harvest !
I've got 1 plot that's in quite acidic soil, I haven't done PH testing but it supports bracken and has pine needles all over the place. With these holes instead of amending the soil I've literally just taken it out 2 spits deep, sprinkled some lime, and dumped my own mix in. Is that gonna be OK or are the girls gonna hate me for it when they get bigger?

A bit of lime will certainly help , when you place compost/soil in hole drop in a good db handfull of chicken shit pellets & a handfull of fish/blood/bone & mix also think about something to hold water . Acidic soil particuarly peat base can hold a lot of water but when it dries & it will with bracken/pine trees nearby you will need to hold your water in the holes ie; shredded newspaper/water crystals . 1 tip i have tried is a piece of plastic from a rubbish bag say 1ft sq or round , cut a hole in middle big enough to go round plant stem & make 1 cut through it so you can wrap it around plant stem , scrape back some of the soil 1 or 2ins deep or use any debris on the ground & cover the plastic . This will retain any water you pour against stem & prevent evaporation . A little bit of work & preporation will pay with the end result .

Let´s show those twats how green can Britain be!

we do , we try , & sometimes succeed .

Just a thought for those new guerilla gardeners . Biggest problem is finding the ideal site , Google earth is a good starting point but once your`e there how do you know how much sun is gonna get to the plants ?
Stinging nettles are a great area to grow in for disguise of fairly small plants but remember they will grow in very little sun .
MJ will do fairly well & have been grown outdoor with as little as 5hrs of sun a day but to get the best out of your plants you need to locate an area that recieves as much sun as poss particuarly when in flower .
Easiest way to do this is once you have a possible sight visit with a small pocket compass , now we know sun rises east & set west & is usually south midday . You can work this out if you have a wristwatch with hands on it but i prefer a compass .
No matter what time of day you`re in the plot face south & think about sun rising left shoulder , in the face midday & setting right shoulder , look for any surrounding shrubs trees that may cast a shadow & work out how much sunlight it may recieve & remember trees ect are only just beginning to bud & a lot are still bare branch , look at the overall shape & size of trees ect from the tips of all the branches , this will show you how big a shadow may be cast , a 30ft tree will cast a bigger shadow than the tree depending on height of sun .
When you think you may have the ideal plot take a good walk around it in ever increasing circles to find out if there are any footpaths/bridle tracks/roads etc within smelling distance . See if there are any unusual tracks leading off anywhere as these could be people or poss deer .
It`s not always a good idea to visit the plot reguarly as this may leave a trail that people countrywise may spot .
DON`T trample down the vegetation leading into you plot from any paths , step over brambles etc or push them down with a stick as they will soon spring back up , once out of view of paths you can clear a little bit if you need to .
I`m not blowing my own trumpet but i can walk across 100yd of vegetation or nettles & 1hr later you`d never known i`d been there . It takes practice but once mastered will pay benefits . Try not to tread on veg but push it aside with you`re foot/stick , if it`s not damaged it`ll bounce back up .
Good idea is to lay the odd stick across your way in , place it in such a way that someone not knowing will move it out of the way , stretch a bramble across & weave the end into other veg or tie it with very fine wire or a strong thread , or tie green/brown cotton across the path waist height above deer but it will be broken by a person coming through & this will indicate if your plots been discovered .

Most summer winds are s/westerly but this ain`t the whole story as they can swing S & S/E particuarly near the coast .

Just a couple of points i hope may help those in their passsion to reap the green . Good luck to you all .

Stay safe . BGB

ps , talking about reputation i don`t like the way it`s placed coz i can`t find a way to know who sent it !

& your reputation is probably very suspect !!!!!!!


hello all,,going to go for it this year and break the world record for a monster,,last year had 1 in ground 8ft kush,went ok had slight mould but dealt wiv it,but had a 7ft nycd grown in a wide pot that sat outside for the summer,and grew to a delight thick & wide.i took it inside and stuck it under 600hps had to have a carbon filter installed it stunk.my word it was fruity grapefruit taste and a really nice smoke.got 13 oz off 1 plant,,,wooooo weee ppl what a winter,still got cuttings going had some more yeilds indoors and still gonig strong for this summer.cant beat the sun,,,keep you posted,,good to see same faces,,keep up the good work.....some pics last year nycd & kush 1 in ground 1 in pot..keep you posted,,also doing some skywalker bluberry cross,,love the taste

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