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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Well-known member
I have never heard the terms "white genocide"or"the great replacement" .
But what I think we might be talking about is that the media gives the megaphone to the most extreme and polarizing people on the extreme right or left. These points of view aren't prevalent in everyday society


Well-known member
the lobbing of missles into shipping lanes by Iran or Iranian backed forces began while Trump was in office. As for
in 2020 , war risk premium for transiting thru the red sea was .3pct of the hull value.... today it is between 2..5 and 3pct - u do the math... the shipowner is not paying the extra $$$... U and ME are


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
so tell me was gas cheaper under trump?? how about grocery items?? did the russians have a couple hundred thousand troops in the ukraine??? - how about the mideast... was it on fire...??? and don't give me some bullshit how shitty a human trump is.... WE ALL KNOW HE IS... thats not the discussion...
The only time gas was cheaper under Trump was the point in the pandemic where most of the country was staying at home, so supply was higher then demand, classic condition for prices to go down but it wasn't something Trump did to keep prices lower, it would have happened no matter who was President as long as people were required to stay at home for an extended period. Grocery items went up for various reasons but the bulk of it happened due to the inflation caused by Trump playing the tariff games he did while in office and because of the supply line disruptions caused by the pandemic. Then they continued to go up because everyone wass excepting that we were in a period of inflation and lots of companies raised prices not because they had to (which is how it typically works during inflationary periods) but rather just because they could since everyone else was doing it and they could just blame inflation.. Analysis of the increased profits of most of the companies invloved show this to be true. I don't know how many troops russians had in there but most of what was being called russian sympathizers in the Donbas region were actually russian troops. As for the thousands putin wass building up on the border you can convince yourself they were just waiting on the outcome of the election and if Trump got re-elected in 2020 they would have just gone back home but you would be lying to yourself. You don't go to the trouble and expensive of amassing that amount of military force unless you plan on following thru no matter who got elected in the US. The military strength that the US could apply to that situation wss the same no matter who was elected. In fact I bet if Trump had got re-elected those forces would have started moving in soomer rather then waiting to move until a time when it became harder to move them due to weather conditions. Of course we'll never really know for sure since Trump didn't get re-elected The mid east has always been on fire since the Jews started returning to Israel. Sure there were moments where it was less so but it had nothing to do with Trump.


Well-known member
guy in the year 1900 seeing 100k italians immigrating into the US that year:

"who funded this invasion of italians!?!?!? who agreed to this!?"

100 years later this sounds damn near comical that people were worried about this. in 100 years from now i think people (if they haven't already right now) will eventually come to that same conclusion about demonized non white immigrants.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
point by point..
houthi's ' BULLSHIT.. i'm in shipping , there was free passage thru the red sea
ukraine- BULLSHIT once again... they took crimea when obama was pres. and there was fighting in the dombas (did i spell it rite?), obama (and the world) did DICK, but was there 200k troops in the ukraine... i think not
gaza and lebanon (u spelled it wrong) - there will never be peace, but the region was not on fire.
You seem to be forgeting about the period of time when ships were being fired upon and or taken hostage during the Trump administration the led to Trump killing that Iranian general in respose. An action that not only didn't stop the attacks but kept them going even to today. If you call that free passage you got a pretty strange idea of free for someone who claims to be in shipping. Yes they took Crimea during the Obama administration but the fighting in Donbas continue on, the whole flase premiss of Russia going into Ukraine was based on the fighting in that region still going on. Fighting that was mostly Russian forces posing as Ukrainian sympathizers to Russsia. The region of the Mid East wasn't on Fire? So what about Aleppo that was essentially bombed to hell in Syria during the Trump Administration? What about the use of Chemical weapons around that time by the Russians? What about that base that Trump's administration attacked thinking they were hitting terrorists but they actually hit Russian forces? What about Trump taking troops from the Turkish border of Syria leaving the Kurds who were helping us to be attacked by Turkish forces. it wasn't Gaza but it's part of the Mid East and there has always been fire going on somewhere in the Mid East for as long as I can remeember.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
who granted asylum to the 20 000 haitans that got dumped on springfield ? who agreed to that ?
I'm not sure, someone in the Biden Administration but it was based on legitimate varifiable conditions going on in Haiti and they weren't dumped on Springfield they were invited there to fill jobs the local employers couldn't find American citizens to fill and the Haitians coming there was mostly seen as a good thing by their employers and everyone who benefitted by the Haitian presence turning around the collapse of the local economy.


Well-known member
You seem to be forgeting about the period of time when ships were being fired upon and or taken hostage during the Trump administration
i can't keep replying to your bullshit (nothing personal) - during the obama times, ships were being hijacked by pirates . taken to east coast of africa, held for ransom , the ransom was helicopter'd in and dropped, and the ship released... when trump came in our navy, with other's stopped the hijacking's about 99pct- there were not rockets being lobbed from yemen as there are now... want to stop the rockets, hamas, Hezbollah , bomb the oil facilities in iran, the head of the snake... tooo extreme for ya, blockade kharg island .... stop their income... they won't retaliate ... they are small men, with a small penis.... personally, i'd fukin nuke em.... should have fuk'd em up in 1979.... but like with biden , carter didn't have the balls.... tho no one should ever beat down on carter... lousy pres, but a great human... unlike the candidates running now... and yes that includes trump..


Well-known member
during the obama times, ships were being hijacked by pirates . taken to east coast of africa, held for ransom , the ransom was helicopter'd in and dropped, and the ship released... when trump came in our navy, with other's stopped the hijacking's about 99pct- there were not rockets being lobbed from yemen as there are now... want to stop the rockets, hamas, Hezbollah , bomb the oil facilities in iran, the head of the snake... tooo extreme for ya, blockade kharg island .... stop their income... they won't retaliate ... they are small men, with a small penis.... personally, i'd fukin nuke em.... should have fuk'd em up in 1979.... but like with biden , carter didn't have the balls.... tho no one should ever beat down on carter... lousy pres, but a great human... unlike the candidates running now... and yes that includes trump..

somebody should have told this guy that he could have just had the ransom dropped by helicopter

I'm sure him and his crew would have preferred that outcome


piracy basically stopped under the other guy years before trump came to office



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
i can't keep replying to your bullshit (nothing personal) - during the obama times, ships were being hijacked by pirates . taken to east coast of africa, held for ransom , the ransom was helicopter'd in and dropped, and the ship released... when trump came in our navy, with other's stopped the hijacking's about 99pct- there were not rockets being lobbed from yemen as there are now... want to stop the rockets, hamas, Hezbollah , bomb the oil facilities in iran, the head of the snake... tooo extreme for ya, blockade kharg island .... stop their income... they won't retaliate ... they are small men, with a small penis.... personally, i'd fukin nuke em.... should have fuk'd em up in 1979.... but like with biden , carter didn't have the balls.... tho no one should ever beat down on carter... lousy pres, but a great human... unlike the candidates running now... and yes that includes trump..
Well if you can't keep replying to my posts then don't talk about it, just don't reply. As for the shipping issues I was refering to I wasn't talking about the pirate situation. That happened roughly around the same time but was a seperate issue. Like I said what I'm talking about was done by Iranians and happened during the Trump administration, Which as I said, caused Trump to do that strike that took out an Iranian General. Granted the attacks didn't involve rocket launches per se but there are more then one way to attack large ships. The attacks usually involved small Iranian PT like boats one attack in particular involved something that there was some dispute over. Some were saying a torpedo like rocket was used but there was also footage that showed one of the Iranian PT like boats pulling up next to the ship and the crewman attacking something to the hull of the cargo ship that appeared to be an explosive. Either way not long after the ship that was attacked had a large hole in it's hull just above the waterline.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
nobody brings up the point that lots of them leave each year as well. it's a two-way street...:smoke:
Well that's not entirely true. I remember at leasy one report during the shut down period of the pandemic where there was a news report that indicated not only had new crossings at the border had stopped but that a fair number were headed south because there were no jobs available at the time. I only remember hearing it once though and it wasn't widely covered so for the most part your statemeent is true that they do go back sometimes but you don't hear about it in the news much if ever.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
i can't keep replying to your bullshit (nothing personal) - during the obama times, ships were being hijacked by pirates . taken to east coast of africa, held for ransom , the ransom was helicopter'd in and dropped, and the ship released... when trump came in our navy, with other's stopped the hijacking's about 99pct- there were not rockets being lobbed from yemen as there are now... want to stop the rockets, hamas, Hezbollah , bomb the oil facilities in iran, the head of the snake... tooo extreme for ya, blockade kharg island .... stop their income... they won't retaliate ... they are small men, with a small penis.... personally, i'd fukin nuke em.... should have fuk'd em up in 1979.... but like with biden , carter didn't have the balls.... tho no one should ever beat down on carter... lousy pres, but a great human... unlike the candidates running now... and yes that includes trump..
Congrats HempKat for finally beating the pigeon playing chess.