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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Well-known member
No you didn't spell Houthi's right and the lobbing of missles into shipping lanes by Iran or Iranian backed forces began while Trump was in office. As for Ukraine the war actually started there in 2014 and what''s going on in Gaza and Lebonon has it's origins all the way back to when the Jews first reclaimed Israel in the late 1940's early 1950's. The only way the US could have stopped any of that would be to risk starting world war III.
point by point..
houthi's ' BULLSHIT.. i'm in shipping , there was free passage thru the red sea
ukraine- BULLSHIT once again... they took crimea when obama was pres. and there was fighting in the dombas (did i spell it rite?), obama (and the world) did DICK, but was there 200k troops in the ukraine... i think not
gaza and lebanon (u spelled it wrong) - there will never be peace, but the region was not on fire.


Well-known member
don't let them in to begin with. yeah, it's not popular with lots of folks, but it is the simplest way. we have enough military personnel scattered around the world to turn the border with Mexico into a military base from end to end. no walls, just roads constantly patrolled or under constant camera surveillance. go through channels or go home. at the same time though, screening and applying as a refugee needs to be simpler/faster however. certain crimes should disqualify you from even applying though. we have enough native criminals of our own without importing other countries problems.
u have become MAGA


Agreed, $14.88 is an odd price point but since I've never heard of any connection of Nazism to the number 1488
In austria the 8 stands for the 8th letter in the alphabet so 88 is the coward code for heil hitler.
In that contexte 18 is also used which stands for Adolf Hitler.


Well-known member
thats the diff between the rite and the left... on the rite we wanta keep the 'illegals' out with a wall, border agents etc..., the left wants to shoot em
My bad, that was a quote referring to citizens.

I think the left was on board with a border bill. Someone killed it without firing a shot.


Well-known member
In austria the 8 stands for the 8th letter in the alphabet so 88 is the coward code for heil hitler.
In that contexte 18 is also used which stands for Adolf Hitler.
Count the number of words below and look up David Lane.

‘We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children’


Well-known member
Someone killed it without firing a shot.
there ya go again... always talking about shots, shooting people.. come over to the maga side, where's its a big lovefest...


Well-known member
In austria the 8 stands for the 8th letter in the alphabet so 88 is the coward code for heil hitler.
In that contexte 18 is also used which stands for Adolf Hitler.

Count the number of words below and look up David Lane.

‘We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children’

This is it.

It's sad that at this point it took two pages to acknowledge a basic understanding


Well-known member

This guy was a naval intelligence officer by the way


Well-known member
Ok . I'm not trying to be mean but the saying pillow guy is a white supremacist seams like a hell of a leap.
There are loads of seemingly normal people being radicalised by far right propaganda. Take "white genocide" or "the great replacement" for example. These are explicitly neo nazi conspiracies, and yet I know self identified liberals in real life who believe this shit.


Well-known member
Here in the US we elected a black man twice.
He was elected in by overwhelming numbers.
Now we are really reaching to find white supremacy. It fits a narrative