point by point..No you didn't spell Houthi's right and the lobbing of missles into shipping lanes by Iran or Iranian backed forces began while Trump was in office. As for Ukraine the war actually started there in 2014 and what''s going on in Gaza and Lebonon has it's origins all the way back to when the Jews first reclaimed Israel in the late 1940's early 1950's. The only way the US could have stopped any of that would be to risk starting world war III.
houthi's ' BULLSHIT.. i'm in shipping , there was free passage thru the red sea
ukraine- BULLSHIT once again... they took crimea when obama was pres. and there was fighting in the dombas (did i spell it rite?), obama (and the world) did DICK, but was there 200k troops in the ukraine... i think not
gaza and lebanon (u spelled it wrong) - there will never be peace, but the region was not on fire.