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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Well-known member
If that's real then he's really getting desperate to find someone to buy his lumpy pillows. Years ago, even before Trump took office in 2017 I priced his product and back then he was asking for around $80 per pillow
i find the nazi dogwhistle to be more interesting

it means "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. Heil Hitler."


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
could be true.... however please explain the ukraine war, gaza and now Lebanon war. or the Houlis's (did i spell it rite??) lobbing missiles into shipping lanes.. all coming from our friends in iran... (except ukraine)... maybe a diplomat is not what we need...
No you didn't spell Houthi's right and the lobbing of missles into shipping lanes by Iran or Iranian backed forces began while Trump was in office. As for Ukraine the war actually started there in 2014 and what''s going on in Gaza and Lebonon has it's origins all the way back to when the Jews first reclaimed Israel in the late 1940's early 1950's. The only way the US could have stopped any of that would be to risk starting world war III.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
i find the nazi dogwhistle to be more interesting

it means "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. Heil Hitler."
Not quite sure how you get all that from someone desperately trying to sell an inferior product for $14.88?


Well-known member
Not quite sure how you get all that from someone desperately trying to sell an inferior product for $14.88?
it's a known nazi dogwhistle used by the far right. pretty random price to drop it to don't you think? why not 14.99 or 15.88 lol.

far right companies do this often. Black Rifle Coffee and 88 Tactical are two other examples of companies using nazi dogwhistles.
88 Tactical had a topography map in their store with the peak elevation of some mountain at 1488 meanwhile the real height of the peak was 1520.

another example from jack posobiec


Well-known member
I say put more guards on the border and send them back as soon as they cross.
don't let them in to begin with. yeah, it's not popular with lots of folks, but it is the simplest way. we have enough military personnel scattered around the world to turn the border with Mexico into a military base from end to end. no walls, just roads constantly patrolled or under constant camera surveillance. go through channels or go home. at the same time though, screening and applying as a refugee needs to be simpler/faster however. certain crimes should disqualify you from even applying though. we have enough native criminals of our own without importing other countries problems.

moose eater

Well-known member
The Order, referenced in your link, was an off-shoot of Richard Butler's Aryan Nations Church of Jesus Christ in Hayden Lake, Idaho, off of Rimrock Rd., and that off-shoot/'leg' murdered Alan Berg, a Jewish talk show host in Colorado, in his driveway... with a number of MAC-10 .45 acp submachineguns.

The weapons from that assassination were recovered after being found hidden in Idaho, on a rural/remote Forest Service access road near a redneck tavern in the woods. I've been there.

That group and others from Butler's 'church' were also implicated in blowing up a church (and rectory) in Couer D'Alene, Idaho, where the pastor routinely preached love and civil/social equity, etc.

We marched on those cowards on Hitler's birthday in 1989, my wife-to-be and I, and over 1,000 others. Got pics of the State and federal folks surveilling us, but no t-shirt. :)
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moose eater

Well-known member
Cool price. Definitely not a dog whistle.

View attachment 19071411
Aside from his code involved in pricing, take a look at his pillows' reviews. As high-quality as Trump himself.

A pillow that's easily worth $4.99, at most. I just scored a couple decent pillows at the dept. store for all of $8, on sale.

And there's not even a trace of a scent of any lying, manipulating fascists on any of them.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
it's a known nazi dogwhistle used by the far right. pretty random price to drop it to don't you think? why not 14.99 or 15.88 lol.

far right companies do this often. Black Rifle Coffee and 88 Tactical are two other examples of companies using nazi dogwhistles.
88 Tactical had a topography map in their store with the peak elevation of some mountain at 1488 meanwhile the real height of the peak was 1520.

another example from jack posobiec
Agreed, $14.88 is an odd price point but since I've never heard of any connection of Nazism to the number 1488 I didn't see it. Since you seem confident it is I'll take your word for but I would also say that something used 1400 times in the last 88 or some site reporting an incorrect elevation seems kind of a stretch or a false equivilency. I'm not saying it is but I'm just having a tough time seeing why the My Pillow Guy would want to put a Nazi dogwhistle in his product's price. I do know he's been hurting for money though because of how much he spent supporting Trump and trying to prove the big lie about the 2020 election. I have also heard lots of people say how disappointing his product ends up being when they get it. So I can easily see him selling it cheaply to increase his cash flow. As I said though I do agree $14.88 is an odd price and I also agree that $14.99 would seem more logical.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
don't let them in to begin with. yeah, it's not popular with lots of folks, but it is the simplest way. we have enough military personnel scattered around the world to turn the border with Mexico into a military base from end to end. no walls, just roads constantly patrolled or under constant camera surveillance. go through channels or go home. at the same time though, screening and applying as a refugee needs to be simpler/faster however. certain crimes should disqualify you from even applying though. we have enough native criminals of our own without importing other countries problems.
Well if they had just approved the border bill that once had bipartisan support but Trump got the GOP to kill to prevent Biden from having an immigration victory before the election. Then we would have gotten 1500 more border patrol guards and it would have made the rules to qualify for asylem much stricter and it supposedly would have beefed up the court systems relating to asylem so that applicants could get a descision in weeks rather then years. I'm sure there were other provisions but those were the main ones I heard being reported at the time.

Nobody I know is in favor of just freely allowing 1000's of illegals into the country daily and realistically as abundant as the resources in the US are those numbers are unsustainable. Letting people in so freely only to turn around and kick them out years later because they didn't get approved for asylem sounds nice on the surface maybe but it seems kind of cruel in that you're giving people a taste of a much better life for a bit and then kicking them out. Better to stop them from getting in, in the first place. It's a shame the hell they go thru to get there and the ways they get abused and taken advantage of along the way but that's on them for doing things illegally. I mean it sucks to be poor and not able to afford things in life but that doesn't make it okay to rob banks because banks have lots of money in the vaults. In the long run it's better to have a system that makes illegal entry much harder so that they have to go thru the legal process and wait for their approval. People only go thru the hell they go thru to cross the southern border because so many are able to do it successfully and it's been that way for decades. The one thing I've always found kind of strange though for as easy as it is supposed to be and as many who supposedly do it the number of illegals has been fairly constant for a long time usually being somewhere between 10-20 million. I remember hearing estimates of those kinds of numbers going back as far as Reagan. If they've been pouring in at the rates claimed the numbers should be in the hundreds of millions by now.
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Well-known member
a.i bots on social media ,and state funded propaganda.

you are a total tool man. get out more
why is it so hard to accept that there are neo nazis out there? you don't seem to have that problem when discussing ukrainian nazis lol but US nazis are bots or funded by the govt?



Well-known member
More evidence of both why I call you MAGA and of how tenuous your grasp of reality is.
so tell me was gas cheaper under trump?? how about grocery items?? did the russians have a couple hundred thousand troops in the ukraine??? - how about the mideast... was it on fire...??? and don't give me some bullshit how shitty a human trump is.... WE ALL KNOW HE IS... thats not the discussion...