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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Well-known member
Can't we just concede that he real is that stupid, I mean a truely world class moron? It would save a lot of time debating whether he is or isn't.
he was smarter than biden, as evidenced by biden being forced out and all the donors freaking out on the count that he has 1/4 a working brain


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
he was smarter than biden, as evidenced by biden being forced out and all the donors freaking out on the count that he has 1/4 a working brain
Biden wasn't "forced" out, that's why it took so long to get him decide to drop out. In the end Biden had to accept that the numbers weren't working for him based on the polls. Which they weren't. Personally I think he should have held his ground because given eveeerything I think Biden still would have won despite his miserable debate performance. There is just too much at stake with everything described by the 202 Project plans. Now if the idiots at Heritage Fondation were smart nough to keep their plans hidden Trump might hav been able to pull off a win but they didn't keep it hidden. That combined with Trump talking about being a dictator and his desire to rule like Putin or Si which has also beeen on display, plus the way the overturning of Roe v Wade has rallied women against Trump. Trump still would have lost. Sure, it would have been close and things look 10 times more doable with Harris as the candidatte but enough people are against Trump's obvious plansif h wins, people still would have voted for Biden even though he was looking so bad. Th only difference with Harris being the candidate is that now people feel much better about voting democrat then they did with Biden. Ironically now that Biden has decided to step down he's managed to give the kinds of public performance that would have eased people's concerns about the debate performance. Just his convention speech alone showed that he's still very capable and would have put people at ease but now that doesn't matter because he has stepped down and Harris is the candidate.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
haha... go pick the lint out of your belly button.... he wasn't forced out.... haha...you should take your comedy show on the road...
Did anyone else hear that? It sounded like an idiot but it could have just been some gullible fool that believes anything Trump tells them to believe. I can't tell for sure because they both sound so similar.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
i'm old, and my hearing is shot. i don't pick up on those high notes in whining... :D or maybe i've just learned to tune that shit out. :unsure::whistling:
Well if you can figure out how to bottle that tuning out shit so that you can sell it you should make a fortune in November because the way things are shaping up it sure looks like there will be a lot of whining going on after the election.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Laugh all you want as you sit there smug in your opinion about how things actually work but anyone with even the slightest amount of objectivity would recognize that if there was a way to force him out against his will, it would have happened much sooner then it did. Now I'm not saying they didn't try real hard to force him out with a media campaign that focused on his debate performance while ignoring Trump's, by big money donors cutting off donations and by almost every other democrat calling for him to step down. Like it or not though there was no way to force him out that didn't involve him deciding on his own to step down voluntarily.


Well-known member
Now I'm not saying they didn't try real hard to force him
yiou can't actually FORCE someone out of a race. you can, however, show that they aint getting it done and the voters largely want someone else. this is called "politics", and it has always been like that. a candidate that is shown in black and white that they are endangering the nation WOULD drop out, unless he was The Chump. that's why he is running again. he doesn't CARE if he fucks us all up...


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
yiou can't actually FORCE someone out of a race. you can, however, show that they aint getting it done and the voters largely want someone else. this is called "politics", and it has always been like that. a candidate that is shown in black and white that they are endangering the nation WOULD drop out, unless he was The Chump. that's why he is running again. he doesn't CARE if he fucks us all up...
It's not that Trump doesn't care if he fucks us all up, that's his intent. I mean anyone who is buying that crap about him just being a dictator for a day, deserves what they get. I mean if anyone believes Trump will give up absolute power, especially after being given absolute immunity, they're dumber then the average MAGA idiot. He's going to follow thru with that Project 2025 blueprint. Hell they're already working on recruiting the 50,000 Trump loyalists that he would replace the existing civil service people with. Also if anyone is so gullible to believe Trump knows nothing about Project 2025 even though many of his former aides and even his own VP was involved in writting it, well then they're stupid enough to fall for anything. It amazes me that so many oof his supporters are so stupid that they can't recognixe that he just tells people what he thinks they want to hear, just to pacify them but he has no intention of doing most of the things he claims he'll do except for that which benefits him directly.