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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
didn't watch it myself, but am hearing things about Chumps "interview" with Muskrat. i'm starting to think he realizes he is going to lose the election, and is now shooting for "not guilty by reason of insanity" acquitals in his multiple criminal trials. 🤪 :shucks:
If what he said in that interview established a plea for insanity then I would have to say he's established that a long time ago. I also didn't watch the whole thing but I've seen enough replays of various pieces of it that it seemed to me he was just cycling thru all of his greatest hits . The only thing that seemed different was his incredible impression of Sylvester the Cat. I mean I kept expecting him to say "suffering succotash" at any moment. I was also surprised to hear him say that Kamala Harris was a beautiful woman, and that the drawing of her on the cover of time looked to him to be very similar to Melania but I don't know if that proves insanity as much as it does failing eyesight? You know they say the eyes are the first thing to go when you get really old. :biggrin:
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Well-known member
who are you voting for ? mr operation warpspeed or the hindu indian ?
So full of questions this morning...

As we were walking back through the darkness
I heard the Duke, he's our dynamiter, say
he said, "What's your name, sweet little Indian girl?"
She said, "Raven." and she looked away
Right then I didn't trust her, no and I said so, oh no

Now, Eli, he's our fastest gunner
He's kind of mean and young from the South
he said, "Fat Albert, you're getting kind of old and weird now."
"You'd better get your twelve gauge shot gun right out."

Now Eli and the Duke they got down to it
they each wanted the Indian girl for their own
but when they finally got around to asking her
you know she said she'd come to take young Billy home
Eli said he'd kill young Billy
he'd kill the Duke, and probably me too, yeah

The Indian girl said, "Go ahead now do it"
I said "Stop it", and she bit my thumb nearly clean through
and when they finally started to break down the door
I smeared my face up with blood from my thumb
I laid down on the floor and played real good possum

You know I'm crazy but I ain't real dumb
now I'm dying here in Albuquerque
I must be the sorriest sight you ever saw
you know the reason I'm the only man here to tell it
you know that Indian girl, she wasn't an Indian she was the law

Do you answer questions, @shiva82 ?


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
And the predictable lies from GOP and Mike Johnson regarding the announcement of Medicare price caps for 10 more medications.

Some examples:

"Among the most egregious provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act is the mandate from bureaucrats to artificially set prescription drug prices, which is already doing untold damage to the American health care system."

Translation...it's pissing off our big Pharma donors and their record breaking profits.

"Patients are seeing fewer choices..."

(by making previously prohibitively expensive meds available to more people who would never have been able to afford them?!?)

"...higher prices..."

(by lowering costs to the patient?)

"...and fewer cures..."

(you mean the cures and vaccines the government funds big pharma to develop?!?)

"...while the American pharmaceutical industry — which currently leads the world in the development of new medicines — is now in jeopardy of losing its competitive advantage."

(You mean the big pharma and healthcare providers and insurers who continue to post record breaking profits year over year and whose margins far exceed hose of any foreign competitor, who are also profitable? )

"Make no mistake, price fixing has failed in every sector and in every country where it has ever been tried."

Except it's not 'price fixing'. It's price caps. Something that has been successfully applied to medications in dozens of other countries for decades.

'Price fixing', is collusion between competitors to keep prices high and corrupting the free market. Something the big pharmas have been guilty of numerous times with mostly slap on the wrist penalties, if any, due entirely to GOP opposition to any attempt at enforcement while benefitting directly from donations from those same companies.


Well-known member
she IS a "radical Marxist" compared to those witless fucks. not to anyone else though. they HAD to call her something that the average person might not want to vote for since they have no real platforn or agenda except for " let's burn it down! let's go back to the '50s, empower the KKK and put "mouthy women" back in their "places"... :mad:


Well-known member
she IS a "radical Marxist" compared to those witless fucks. not to anyone else though. they HAD to call her something that the average person might not want to vote for since they have no real platforn or agenda except for " let's burn it down! let's go back to the '50s, empower the KKK and put "mouthy women" back in their "places"... :mad:


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor

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