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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Well-known member
I see Trump was supposed to have extra security for an Iranian assassination plot
so this was the 'good' security
whose got the inside story?
They say that the iranians are using the HA's for their dirty work in NA these days our boy doesn't look like a good perspective member IMO.


Active member
your posts in this thread tell me that the bus you rode to school was only about 15 feet long. bye...
Yeah, you probably think Biden just has a stutter....I don't care if you soulless demonrats don't like me, I'm day one MAGA, I've heard it all from people like you.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The irony that someone so stupid as you are, calling people moron left and right. I mean the brain would have to be in a vegetative state for someone to actually believe something so stupid.

Oh well played, the old "I know you are but what am I defense" I bet you're really looking forward to making it into the first grade this year.

If that was indeed claimed by Russia, then I am sure you can provide a link to an official statement proving the so called fact.
I'm not going to spend my time trying to find a link that would have to be over 2.5 years old now, just because you are such a dimwit you are either unaware of or have completely forgotten something that was widely reported on at the time. Even if I did find such a link you would most likely find a way to try to discredit the source. I have no need to prove this to you, it doesn't benefit me in any way to try to prove you wrong. If you want to live in your little fantasyworld bubble go right ahead it only proves to everyone else what a moron you are.

Ukranians have really not proven anything other than being unable to defeat the Russian Army. And your idea that ”America wasn't and still isn't directly involved in that conflict” is a lie, as americans are supplying Ukraine with the full range of intelligence information while NATO officials plan and directly command AFU operations.
They've actually proven quite a lot. They help off the intial assault that was headed towards Kiev and ultimately got them to rurn around long before anyone was supplying them with weapons and at a point Russia had them out numbered roughly 50/1. That's pretty impressive when going up against what everyone believed at the time was onee of the world's most powerful armies.

As for America's involvement supplying weapons is not being directly involved. Especially since at the time America was just dropping the supplies off at the Polish border so that Ukrainian forces could transport them into Ukraine. As for intelligence as well as assistance with plans and command operations, that all came from NATO and since NATO is not onee country but a alliance of many countries. It's inaccurate at best, to say that's proof of America's direct involvement. Besides I made it clear that when I said they weren't directly involved it was in terms of America having no boots on the ground. Even if they did though there would be nothing wrong with it because back in the 90's when we got Ukraine to give Russia back all the nukes left behind in Ukrain when the USSR fell, the US signed a treaty along with Russia and Great Britton known as the Budapest Memorandum aka the Budapest Accords that promised all three super powers would respect the sovereignty and the borders of Ukraine by nit invading and that if any did the other two would come to Ukraine's defense. So when Russia invaded they broke that treaty and the US and Great Britton were obligated to aide Ukraine in it's defense.

Meanwhile russians are continuing their atrition of your proxy AFU, you remain clueless.
The AFU is as the abbreviation says, is the Armed Forces of Ukraine, they are not are proxy but they are our Ally. It's pretty telling that Russia can only have a chance of winning thru a battle of atrition. If they were such a superior force they would achieve it with a straight up combat operation instead of just bombing the crap out of it at a safe distance. The problem with their battle of atrition is that it requires the Ukrainians to run out of defensive supplies to win but the US and several other countries are commited to not letting that happen thru the steady supply of equipment needed so that the Ukrainians can continue to cause Russia embarrassingly huge losses of armed forces in the hundreds of thousands at a rate of about 3 Russian troops for every 1 Ukrainian troop.


Well-known member
Oh well played, the old "I know you are but what am I defense" I bet you're really looking forward to making it into the first grade this year.

I'm not going to spend my time trying to find a link that would have to be over 2.5 years old now, just because you are such a dimwit you are either unaware of or have completely forgotten something that was widely reported on at the time. Even if I did find such a link you would most likely find a way to try to discredit the source. I have no need to prove this to you, it doesn't benefit me in any way to try to prove you wrong. If you want to live in your little fantasyworld bubble go right ahead it only proves to everyone else what a moron you are.

They've actually proven quite a lot. They help off the intial assault that was headed towards Kiev and ultimately got them to rurn around long before anyone was supplying them with weapons and at a point Russia had them out numbered roughly 50/1. That's pretty impressive when going up against what everyone believed at the time was onee of the world's most powerful armies.

As for America's involvement supplying weapons is not being directly involved. Especially since at the time America was just dropping the supplies off at the Polish border so that Ukrainian forces could transport them into Ukraine. As for intelligence as well as assistance with plans and command operations, that all came from NATO and since NATO is not onee country but a alliance of many countries. It's inaccurate at best, to say that's proof of America's direct involvement. Besides I made it clear that when I said they weren't directly involved it was in terms of America having no boots on the ground. Even if they did though there would be nothing wrong with it because back in the 90's when we got Ukraine to give Russia back all the nukes left behind in Ukrain when the USSR fell, the US signed a treaty along with Russia and Great Britton known as the Budapest Memorandum aka the Budapest Accords that promised all three super powers would respect the sovereignty and the borders of Ukraine by nit invading and that if any did the other two would come to Ukraine's defense. So when Russia invaded they broke that treaty and the US and Great Britton were obligated to aide Ukraine in it's defense.

The AFU is as the abbreviation says, is the Armed Forces of Ukraine, they are not are proxy but they are our Ally. It's pretty telling that Russia can only have a chance of winning thru a battle of atrition. If they were such a superior force they would achieve it with a straight up combat operation instead of just bombing the crap out of it at a safe distance. The problem with their battle of atrition is that it requires the Ukrainians to run out of defensive supplies to win but the US and several other countries are commited to not letting that happen thru the steady supply of equipment needed so that the Ukrainians can continue to cause Russia embarrassingly huge losses of armed forces in the hundreds of thousands at a rate of about 3 Russian troops for every 1 Ukrainian troop.
this is all bullshit . you have an interesting demented perspective hempkat . thanks for sharing

So Hai

Well-known member
Oh well played, the old "I know you are but what am I defense" I bet you're really looking forward to making it into the first grade this year.
What is there even to defend against, you’re a worthless opinioned moron and idiot who just gave me the word dimwit to add when describing your character. Explosives brought the buildings down, you dimwitted moron.

I'm not going to spend my time trying to find a link… Even if I did find such a link you would most likely find a way to try to discredit the source. I have no need to prove this to you,
”I can’t find it, and if I did you would only try to discredit Russia”.
It's pretty telling that Russia can only have a chance of winning thru a battle of atrition. If they were such a superior force they would achieve it with a straight up combat operation instead of just bombing the crap out of it at a safe distance. The problem with their battle of atrition is that it requires the Ukrainians to run out of defensive supplies to win but the US and several other countries are commited to not letting that happen thru the steady supply of equipment needed so that the Ukrainians can continue to cause Russia embarrassingly huge losses of armed forces in the hundreds of thousands at a rate of about 3 Russian troops for every 1 Ukrainian troop.
There is just one el risitas moment after the other with you moron,

”3 russian troops for every 1 ukranian troop”


Well-known member
Yeah they got a bunch of nukes, do you have any clue as to why they've not used them?
i dunno.... maybe their thinking is if they use a battlefield nuke, the west would retaliate??? i dunno... would the west ??? good question, one i hope we don't find out...


Well-known member
Lukashenko said it, @HempKat .

While Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko did say in a February 5, 2022 interview with Rossiya-1 host Vladimir Solovyov that a hypothetical Russian war against Ukraine would last "maximum, three or four days," the publicly fanciful Lukashenko did so in the midst of a rant about how, were a wider war to break out, "by the time [the Americans] get around to sending their forces, we will already be standing at the English Channel...they understand that fighting us is a hopeless prospect."


Well-known member
''.they understand that fighting us is a hopeless prospect."

i'd say its a hopeless prospect on both sides...
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Well-known member
Lukashenko said it, @HempKat .

they are in the channel . literally . the u.k is near powerless .

russia has no intention of invading ukraine , only defending its borders and removing any threats to its people.

you just try and antagonise , and plead innocence when you know the truth yet choose to shit stir and encourage war , genocide and democide .

what was your position in the military ?


Well-known member
russia has no intention of invading ukraine , only defending its borders and removing any threats to its people.

you just try and antagonise , and plead innocence when you know the truth yet choose to shit stir and encourage war , genocide and democide .

but why did russia fly into Hostomel and get whooped if they didn't think they'd take the capital, Kyiv?
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Well-known member
what was your position in the military ?
Torpedoman's mate

How long was my military career?

You are so far wrong in so many ways, @shiva82.

What is your job? How do you earn money?

Do you receive public assistance?

Are you of military draft age?

Are you going to register to vote here in the USA?

Did Putin say 3 days?

You did not read the article, but feel free to answer anything above.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
What is there even to defend against, you’re a worthless opinioned moron and idiot who just gave me the word dimwit to add when describing your character. Explosives brought the buildings down, you dimwitted moron.
Ah so now you're going to go with the "I'm rubber you're glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you" defense. How adorably pre-school of you. Aren't you glad I'm giving you all these words to use for your defense, seeing as how you can't come up with anything of your own?

Okay I'll play your game, show me proof that explosives were used, and by proof I don't mean some random guy saying the buildings came down just like other demoed buildings he's seen. While you're at it how about you come up with supporting evidence of what benefit there would be to destroying these buildings. You know, pictures or it didn't happen.